Ejemplo n.º 1
Java_org_simgrid_msg_Host_getByName(JNIEnv * env, jclass cls,
                                         jstring jname) {
  msg_host_t host;                /* native host                                          */
  jobject jhost;                /* global reference to the java host instance returned  */

  /* get the C string from the java string */
  const char *name = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, jname, 0);
  if (name == NULL) {
  	jxbt_throw_null(env,bprintf("No host can have a null name"));
  	return NULL;
  /* get the host by name       (the hosts are created during the grid resolution) */
  host = MSG_get_host_by_name(name);

  if (!host) {                  /* invalid name */
    jxbt_throw_host_not_found(env, name);
    (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, jname, name);
    return NULL;
  (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, jname, name);

  if (!MSG_host_get_data(host)) {       /* native host not associated yet with java host */

    /* Instantiate a new java host */
    jhost = jhost_new_instance(env);

    if (!jhost) {
      jxbt_throw_jni(env, "java host instantiation failed");
      return NULL;

    /* get a global reference to the newly created host */
    jhost = jhost_ref(env, jhost);

    if (!jhost) {
      jxbt_throw_jni(env, "new global ref allocation failed");
      return NULL;
    /* Sets the java host name */
    (*env)->SetObjectField(env, jhost, jhost_field_Host_name, jname);
    /* bind the java host and the native host */
    jhost_bind(jhost, host, env);

    /* the native host data field is set with the global reference to the
     * java host returned by this function
    MSG_host_set_data(host, (void *) jhost);

  /* return the global reference to the java host instance */
  return (jobject) MSG_host_get_data(host);
Ejemplo n.º 2
Java_org_simgrid_msg_Process_create(JNIEnv * env,
                                    jobject jprocess_arg,
                                    jobject jhostname)

  jobject jprocess;             /* the global reference to the java process instance    */
  jstring jname;                /* the name of the java process instance                */
  const char *name;             /* the C name of the process                            */
  const char *hostname;
  msg_process_t process;          /* the native process to create                         */
  msg_host_t host;                /* Where that process lives */

  hostname = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, jhostname, 0);

  /* get the name of the java process */
  jname = jprocess_get_name(jprocess_arg, env);
  if (!jname) {
            xbt_strdup("Internal error: Process name cannot be NULL"));

  /* bind/retrieve the msg host */
  host = MSG_host_by_name(hostname);

  if (!(host)) {    /* not bound */
    jxbt_throw_host_not_found(env, hostname);

  /* create a global java process instance */
  jprocess = jprocess_new_global_ref(jprocess_arg, env);
  if (!jprocess) {
    jxbt_throw_jni(env, "Can't get a global ref to the java process");

  /* build the C name of the process */
  name = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, jname, 0);
  name = xbt_strdup(name);

  /* Retrieve the kill time from the process */
  jdouble jkill = (*env)->GetDoubleField(env, jprocess, jprocess_field_Process_killTime);
  /* Actually build the MSG process */
  process = MSG_process_create_with_environment(name,
						(xbt_main_func_t) jprocess,
						/*data*/ jprocess,
						/*argc, argv, properties*/
  MSG_process_set_kill_time(process, (double)jkill);
  /* bind the java process instance to the native process */
  jprocess_bind(jprocess, process, env);

  /* release our reference to the process name (variable name becomes invalid) */
  //FIXME : This line should be uncommented but with mac it doesn't work. BIG WARNING
  //(*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, jname, name);
  (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, jhostname, hostname);

  /* sets the PID and the PPID of the process */
  (*env)->SetIntField(env, jprocess, jprocess_field_Process_pid,(jint) MSG_process_get_PID(process));
  (*env)->SetIntField(env, jprocess, jprocess_field_Process_ppid, (jint) MSG_process_get_PPID(process));
  /* sets the Host of the process */
  jobject jhost = Java_org_simgrid_msg_Host_getByName(env,NULL,jhostname);

  (*env)->SetObjectField(env, jprocess, jprocess_field_Process_host, jhost);