extern CAMLprim
value kc_cursor_jump(value caml_cursor, value key)
  CAMLparam2(caml_cursor, key);
  KCCUR* cur = get_cursor(caml_cursor);
  if (! kccurjumpkey(cur, String_val(key), caml_string_length(key))) {
     if (kccurecode(cur) != KCENOREC) {
Ejemplo n.º 2
Datum kc_expand(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) {

    KC_ENTRY                        *search;
    FuncCallContext                 *funcctx;
    int                             call_cntr;
    char                            *kbuf;
    size_t                          ksiz, vsiz;
    const char                      *cvbuf;
    char                            *kv_kbuf = NULL; 
    size_t                          kv_ksiz;
    int                             done;

    /* stuff done only on the first call of the function */
    if (SRF_IS_FIRSTCALL()) {
        MemoryContext   oldcontext;

        /* create a function context for cross-call persistence */
        funcctx = SRF_FIRSTCALL_INIT();

        /* switch to memory context appropriate for multiple function calls */
        oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(funcctx->multi_call_memory_ctx);

        // Make sure that there are enough args.
        if (PG_NARGS() < MIN_ARGS) {
                     errmsg("Must run expand with at least %d args!", MIN_ARGS)));

        /* Make the kcdb here. */
        search = (KC_ENTRY *)palloc(sizeof(KC_ENTRY)); 
        search->db = kcdbnew();
        if (open_db (search->db, text_to_cstring(PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(0)), text_to_cstring(PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(1)))) {

            // Set the key to jump into:
            // Call with -- map_name, result_id, class, doctype, pop, psource
            // Here, map_name describes a db to open.
            // Otherwise, result_id:class:doctype:pop:psource
            (search->jump_key) = (char *) palloc(MAX_JUMP_KEY_LEN * sizeof(char));

            int index_point;
            search->jump_key = text_to_cstring(PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(2));
            int size_left = MAX_JUMP_KEY_LEN;
            for (index_point = START_VARIABLE_INDEX; index_point < END_VARIABLE_INDEX; index_point++) {
                if (PG_NARGS() > index_point) {
                    char *next_idx = text_to_cstring(PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(index_point));
                    if (next_idx != NULL) {
                        size_left = size_left - (2 + strlen(next_idx));
                        strncat (search->jump_key, CF_LABEL_SEP, size_left);
                        strncat (search->jump_key, next_idx, size_left);
#ifdef CF_DUBUG
                     errmsg("Setting jump buffer -- [%s]", search->jump_key)));
            // Create a cursor, and set it to the base point looking for entries.
            search->cur = kcdbcursor(search->db);
            kccurjumpkey(search->cur, search->jump_key, MAX_JUMP_KEY_LEN);
        } else {
            search->db = NULL;

        search->next_map = 0;
        search->msg = NULL;
        // Save the search struct for the subsequent calls.
        funcctx->user_fctx = search;


    /* stuff done on every call of the function */
    funcctx = SRF_PERCALL_SETUP();

    call_cntr = funcctx->call_cntr;
    search = (KC_ENTRY *) funcctx->user_fctx;
    // If no current msg, try to get the next one.
    done = 1;

#ifdef CF_DUBUG
             errmsg("beginning run")));

    if (search->msg) {

#ifdef CF_DUBUG  
                 errmsg("Incrementing next from map %d -- %zu", search->next_map, search->msg->n_map_entry)));

        // Case if we are using the external cursor running over kv map.
        // Ready the next 
        if (search->msg->kv_map_file) {
            if ((kv_kbuf = kccurgetkey(search->kv_cur, &kv_ksiz, 1)) == NULL) {
                done = 1;
                kcdbendtran (search->kv_db, 1);            
                if (!kcdbclose(search->kv_db)) {
                             errmsg("Error Closeing db: \"%s\"", kcecodename(kcdbecode(search->kv_db)))));

                // Also need to free this.
                cloudflare__zone_time_bucket__free_unpacked(search->msg, NULL);
                search->msg = NULL;

            } else {
                done = 0;

        } else {
            if (search->next_map >= search->msg->n_map_entry) {
                // Done with this msg -- move on to the next one.
                cloudflare__zone_time_bucket__free_unpacked(search->msg, NULL);
                search->msg = NULL;
            } else {
                done = 0;

    if (search->db && !search->msg) {
#ifdef CF_DUBUG  
                 errmsg("Getting new buf -- %s", search->jump_key)));

        if ((kbuf = kccurget(search->cur, &ksiz, &cvbuf, &vsiz, 1)) != NULL) {
            // Pull up the PB and expand it.
            search->msg = cloudflare__zone_time_bucket__unpack(NULL, vsiz, (const uint8_t *)cvbuf);
            if (search->msg == NULL) {   // Something failed
                         errmsg("error unpacking incoming message")));
                done = 1;
            } else {
                // Does the buffer match the searched for string?
                // @TODO -- bound this?
                if (strstr(search->msg->db_key, search->jump_key)) {
                    done = 0;
                    search->next_map = 0;

                    // And load the kvkc if needed.
                    if (search->msg->kv_map_file) {
#ifdef CF_DUBUG  
                                 errmsg("Switching to kvs %s", search->msg->kv_map_file)));

                        search->kv_db = kcdbnew();
                        if (!kcdbopen(search->kv_db, search->msg->kv_map_file, KCOWRITER)) {
#ifdef CF_NO_DB_IS_ERR
                                     errmsg("Error opening db: \"%s\", \"%s\". Make sure that the map_name is valid.", 
                                            search->msg->kv_map_file, kcecodename(kcdbecode(search->kv_db)))));
#ifdef CF_DUBUG
                                     errmsg("Error opening db: \"%s\", \"%s\". Make sure that the map_name is valid.", 
                                            search->msg->kv_map_file, kcecodename(kcdbecode(search->kv_db)))));
                            done = 1;
                        } else {
                            kcdbbegintran (search->kv_db, 0);
                            search->kv_cur = kcdbcursor(search->kv_db);

                            if ((kv_kbuf = kccurgetkey(search->kv_cur, &kv_ksiz, 1)) == NULL) {
                                done = 1;
                                kcdbendtran (search->kv_db, 1);
                                if (!kcdbclose(search->kv_db)) {
                                             errmsg("Error Closeing db: \"%s\"", kcecodename(kcdbecode(search->kv_db)))));
                            } else {
                                done = 0;
                } else {
                    done = 1;
        } else {
#ifdef CF_DUBUG
                     errmsg("no msg to find")));
            done = 1;

#ifdef CF_DUBUG
             errmsg("Done? %d -- next buf -- %d", done, search->next_map)));   

    // Take the next itteration over the cursor. If the next is NULL or else not matching the resultid passed in
    // End. Otherwise, parse the value, populating the next row of the returning tuple.
    if (!done) {
        KC_ROW                          *out;
        Datum                           result;

        size_t size = sizeof(KC_ROW);
        out = (KC_ROW *)palloc(size);
        memset(out, '0', size);
        SET_VARSIZE(out, size);

        out->classification = (char *)palloc(MAX_KC_ROW_ENTRY * sizeof(char));
        out->doctype = (char *)palloc(MAX_KC_ROW_ENTRY * sizeof(char));
        out->pop = (char *)palloc(MAX_KC_ROW_ENTRY * sizeof(char));
        out->psource = (char *)palloc(MAX_KC_ROW_ENTRY * sizeof(char));
        out->key = (char *)palloc(MAX_KC_ROW_ENTRY * sizeof(char));

        strncpy(out->classification, search->msg->classification, MAX_KC_ROW_ENTRY);
        strncpy(out->doctype, search->msg->doctype, MAX_KC_ROW_ENTRY);
        strncpy(out->pop, search->msg->pop, MAX_KC_ROW_ENTRY);
        strncpy(out->psource, search->msg->psource, MAX_KC_ROW_ENTRY);

        if (search->msg->kv_map_file) {

#ifdef CF_DUBUG
                     errmsg("getting val from -- [%s]", search->msg->kv_map_file)));

            snprintf(out->key, MAX_KC_ROW_ENTRY, "%s", kv_kbuf);
            out->value = kcdbincrint (search->kv_db, kv_kbuf, kv_ksiz, 0);

            if (out->value == INT64_MIN) {
                         errmsg("ERROR Getting val from key -- [%s], %s", kv_kbuf, kcecodename(kcdbecode(search->kv_db)))));

        } else {

#ifdef CF_DUBUG
                     errmsg("Loading %s %ld", search->msg->map_entry[search->next_map]->key, 

            snprintf(out->key, MAX_KC_ROW_ENTRY, "%s", search->msg->map_entry[search->next_map]->key);        
            out->value = search->msg->map_entry[search->next_map]->value;

        result = PointerGetDatum(out);

        /* clean up (this is not really necessary) */

        // Remember that we are going to the next step.

        SRF_RETURN_NEXT(funcctx, result);
    } else {    /* do when there is no more left */
        if (search->db) {
            if (!kcdbclose(search->db)) {
                         errmsg("Error Closeing db: \"%s\"", kcecodename(kcdbecode(search->db)))));
            if (search->msg != NULL) {
                cloudflare__zone_time_bucket__free_unpacked(search->msg, NULL);

#ifdef CF_DUBUG
                 errmsg("Done with run")));

        // Don't delete db, this leads to segfaults.
Ejemplo n.º 3
/* perform order command */
static int32_t procorder(const char* path, int64_t rnum, int32_t rnd, int32_t etc,
                         int32_t tran, int32_t oflags) {
    KCDB* db;
    KCCUR* cur, *paracur;
    int32_t err;
    char kbuf[RECBUFSIZ], *vbuf, wbuf[RECBUFSIZ], *corepath, *copypath, *snappath;
    size_t ksiz, vsiz, psiz;
    int32_t wsiz;
    int64_t i, cnt;
    double stime, etime;
    VISARG visarg;
    oprintf("<In-order Test>\n  path=%s  rnum=%ld  rnd=%d  etc=%d  tran=%d  oflags=%d\n\n",
            path, (long)rnum, rnd, etc, tran, oflags);
    err = FALSE;
    db = kcdbnew();
    oprintf("opening the database:\n");
    stime = kctime();
    if (!kcdbopen(db, path, KCOWRITER | KCOCREATE | KCOTRUNCATE | oflags)) {
        dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbopen");
        err = TRUE;
    etime = kctime();
    dbmetaprint(db, FALSE);
    oprintf("time: %.3f\n", etime - stime);
    oprintf("setting records:\n");
    stime = kctime();
    for (i = 1; !err && i <= rnum; i++) {
        if (tran && !kcdbbegintran(db, FALSE)) {
            dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbbegintran");
            err = TRUE;
        ksiz = sprintf(kbuf, "%08ld", (long)(rnd ? myrand(rnum) + 1 : i));
        if (!kcdbset(db, kbuf, ksiz, kbuf, ksiz)) {
            dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbset");
            err = TRUE;
        if (tran && !kcdbendtran(db, TRUE)) {
            dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbendtran");
            err = TRUE;
        if (rnum > 250 && i % (rnum / 250) == 0) {
            if (i == rnum || i % (rnum / 10) == 0) oprintf(" (%08ld)\n", (long)i);
    etime = kctime();
    dbmetaprint(db, FALSE);
    oprintf("time: %.3f\n", etime - stime);
    if (etc) {
        oprintf("adding records:\n");
        stime = kctime();
        for (i = 1; !err && i <= rnum; i++) {
            if (tran && !kcdbbegintran(db, FALSE)) {
                dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbbegintran");
                err = TRUE;
            ksiz = sprintf(kbuf, "%08ld", (long)(rnd ? myrand(rnum) + 1 : i));
            if (!kcdbadd(db, kbuf, ksiz, kbuf, ksiz) && kcdbecode(db) != KCEDUPREC) {
                dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbadd");
                err = TRUE;
            if (tran && !kcdbendtran(db, TRUE)) {
                dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbendtran");
                err = TRUE;
            if (rnum > 250 && i % (rnum / 250) == 0) {
                if (i == rnum || i % (rnum / 10) == 0) oprintf(" (%08ld)\n", (long)i);
        etime = kctime();
        dbmetaprint(db, FALSE);
        oprintf("time: %.3f\n", etime - stime);
    if (etc) {
        oprintf("appending records:\n");
        stime = kctime();
        for (i = 1; !err && i <= rnum; i++) {
            if (tran && !kcdbbegintran(db, FALSE)) {
                dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbbegintran");
                err = TRUE;
            ksiz = sprintf(kbuf, "%08ld", (long)(rnd ? myrand(rnum) + 1 : i));
            if (!kcdbappend(db, kbuf, ksiz, kbuf, ksiz)) {
                dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbadd");
                err = TRUE;
            if (tran && !kcdbendtran(db, TRUE)) {
                dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbendtran");
                err = TRUE;
            if (rnum > 250 && i % (rnum / 250) == 0) {
                if (i == rnum || i % (rnum / 10) == 0) oprintf(" (%08ld)\n", (long)i);
        etime = kctime();
        dbmetaprint(db, FALSE);
        oprintf("time: %.3f\n", etime - stime);
    oprintf("getting records:\n");
    stime = kctime();
    for (i = 1; !err && i <= rnum; i++) {
        if (tran && !kcdbbegintran(db, FALSE)) {
            dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbbegintran");
            err = TRUE;
        ksiz = sprintf(kbuf, "%08ld", (long)(rnd ? myrand(rnum) + 1 : i));
        vbuf = kcdbget(db, kbuf, ksiz, &vsiz);
        if (vbuf) {
            if (vsiz < ksiz || memcmp(vbuf, kbuf, ksiz)) {
                dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbget");
                err = TRUE;
        } else if (!rnd || kcdbecode(db) != KCENOREC) {
            dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbget");
            err = TRUE;
        if (tran && !kcdbendtran(db, TRUE)) {
            dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbendtran");
            err = TRUE;
        if (rnum > 250 && i % (rnum / 250) == 0) {
            if (i == rnum || i % (rnum / 10) == 0) oprintf(" (%08ld)\n", (long)i);
    etime = kctime();
    dbmetaprint(db, FALSE);
    oprintf("time: %.3f\n", etime - stime);
    if (etc) {
        oprintf("getting records with a buffer:\n");
        stime = kctime();
        for (i = 1; !err && i <= rnum; i++) {
            if (tran && !kcdbbegintran(db, FALSE)) {
                dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbbegintran");
                err = TRUE;
            ksiz = sprintf(kbuf, "%08ld", (long)(rnd ? myrand(rnum) + 1 : i));
            wsiz = kcdbgetbuf(db, kbuf, ksiz, wbuf, sizeof(wbuf));
            if (wsiz >= 0) {
                if (wsiz < (int32_t)ksiz || memcmp(wbuf, kbuf, ksiz)) {
                    dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbgetbuf");
                    err = TRUE;
            } else if (!rnd || kcdbecode(db) != KCENOREC) {
                dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbgetbuf");
                err = TRUE;
            if (tran && !kcdbendtran(db, TRUE)) {
                dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbendtran");
                err = TRUE;
            if (rnum > 250 && i % (rnum / 250) == 0) {
                if (i == rnum || i % (rnum / 10) == 0) oprintf(" (%08ld)\n", (long)i);
        etime = kctime();
        dbmetaprint(db, FALSE);
        oprintf("time: %.3f\n", etime - stime);
    if (etc) {
        oprintf("traversing the database by the inner iterator:\n");
        stime = kctime();
        cnt = kcdbcount(db);
        visarg.rnum = rnum;
        visarg.rnd = rnd;
        visarg.cnt = 0;
        memset(visarg.rbuf, '+', sizeof(visarg.rbuf));
        if (tran && !kcdbbegintran(db, FALSE)) {
            dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbbegintran");
            err = TRUE;
        if (!kcdbiterate(db, visitfull, &visarg, TRUE)) {
            dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbiterate");
            err = TRUE;
        if (rnd) oprintf(" (end)\n");
        if (tran && !kcdbendtran(db, TRUE)) {
            dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbendtran");
            err = TRUE;
        if (visarg.cnt != cnt) {
            dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbiterate");
            err = TRUE;
        etime = kctime();
        dbmetaprint(db, FALSE);
        oprintf("time: %.3f\n", etime - stime);
    if (etc) {
        oprintf("traversing the database by the outer cursor:\n");
        stime = kctime();
        cnt = kcdbcount(db);
        visarg.rnum = rnum;
        visarg.rnd = rnd;
        visarg.cnt = 0;
        if (tran && !kcdbbegintran(db, FALSE)) {
            dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbbegintran");
            err = TRUE;
        cur = kcdbcursor(db);
        if (!kccurjump(cur) && kccurecode(cur) != KCENOREC) {
            dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kccurjump");
            err = TRUE;
        paracur = kcdbcursor(db);
        while (!err && kccuraccept(cur, &visitfull, &visarg, TRUE, !rnd)) {
            if (rnd) {
                ksiz = sprintf(kbuf, "%08ld", (long)myrand(rnum));
                switch (myrand(3)) {
                case 0: {
                    if (!kcdbremove(db, kbuf, ksiz) && kcdbecode(db) != KCENOREC) {
                        dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbremove");
                        err = TRUE;
                case 1: {
                    if (!kccurjumpkey(paracur, kbuf, ksiz) && kccurecode(paracur) != KCENOREC) {
                        dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kccurjump");
                        err = TRUE;
                default: {
                    if (!kccurstep(cur) && kccurecode(cur) != KCENOREC) {
                        dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kccurstep");
                        err = TRUE;
        oprintf(" (end)\n");
        if (tran && !kcdbendtran(db, TRUE)) {
            dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbendtran");
            err = TRUE;
        if (!rnd && visarg.cnt != cnt) {
            dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kccuraccept");
            err = TRUE;
        etime = kctime();
        dbmetaprint(db, FALSE);
        oprintf("time: %.3f\n", etime - stime);
    if (etc) {
        oprintf("synchronizing the database:\n");
        stime = kctime();
        if (!kcdbsync(db, FALSE, NULL, NULL)) {
            dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbsync");
            err = TRUE;
        if (!kcdboccupy(db, FALSE, NULL, NULL)) {
            dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdboccupy");
            err = TRUE;
        etime = kctime();
        dbmetaprint(db, FALSE);
        oprintf("time: %.3f\n", etime - stime);
    if (etc) {
        corepath = kcdbpath(db);
        psiz = strlen(corepath);
        if (strstr(corepath, ".kch") || strstr(corepath, ".kct")) {
            copypath = kcmalloc(psiz + 256);
            sprintf(copypath, "%s.tmp", corepath);
            snappath = kcmalloc(psiz + 256);
            sprintf(snappath, "%s.kcss", corepath);
        } else {
            copypath = kcmalloc(256);
            sprintf(copypath, "kclangctest.tmp");
            snappath = kcmalloc(256);
            sprintf(snappath, "kclangctest.kcss");
        oprintf("copying the database file:\n");
        stime = kctime();
        if (!kcdbcopy(db, copypath)) {
            dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbcopy");
            err = TRUE;
        etime = kctime();
        dbmetaprint(db, FALSE);
        oprintf("time: %.3f\n", etime - stime);
        oprintf("dumping records into snapshot:\n");
        stime = kctime();
        if (!kcdbdumpsnap(db, snappath)) {
            dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbdumpsnap");
            err = TRUE;
        etime = kctime();
        dbmetaprint(db, FALSE);
        oprintf("time: %.3f\n", etime - stime);
        oprintf("loading records into snapshot:\n");
        stime = kctime();
        cnt = kcdbcount(db);
        if (rnd && myrand(2) == 0 && !kcdbclear(db)) {
            dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbclear");
            err = TRUE;
        if (!kcdbloadsnap(db, snappath) || kcdbcount(db) != cnt) {
            dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbloadsnap");
            err = TRUE;
        etime = kctime();
        dbmetaprint(db, FALSE);
        oprintf("time: %.3f\n", etime - stime);
    oprintf("removing records:\n");
    stime = kctime();
    for (i = 1; !err && i <= rnum; i++) {
        if (tran && !kcdbbegintran(db, FALSE)) {
            dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbbegintran");
            err = TRUE;
        ksiz = sprintf(kbuf, "%08ld", (long)(rnd ? myrand(rnum) + 1 : i));
        if (!kcdbremove(db, kbuf, ksiz) &&
                ((!rnd && !etc) || kcdbecode(db) != KCENOREC)) {
            dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbremove");
            err = TRUE;
        if (tran && !kcdbendtran(db, TRUE)) {
            dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbendtran");
            err = TRUE;
        if (rnum > 250 && i % (rnum / 250) == 0) {
            if (i == rnum || i % (rnum / 10) == 0) oprintf(" (%08ld)\n", (long)i);
    etime = kctime();
    dbmetaprint(db, TRUE);
    oprintf("time: %.3f\n", etime - stime);
    oprintf("closing the database:\n");
    stime = kctime();
    if (!kcdbclose(db)) {
        dberrprint(db, __LINE__, "kcdbclose");
        err = TRUE;
    etime = kctime();
    oprintf("time: %.3f\n", etime - stime);
    oprintf("%s\n\n", err ? "error" : "ok");
    return err ? 1 : 0;