Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Compare 2 keys.
 * The returned flags bit array has 1s (differ) or 0s (equal) for each key
 * meta info compared, that can be logically ORed using @c #keyswitch_t flags.
 * @link keyswitch_t::KEY_NAME KEY_NAME @endlink,
 * @link keyswitch_t::KEY_VALUE KEY_VALUE @endlink,
 * @link keyswitch_t::KEY_OWNER KEY_OWNER @endlink,
 * @link keyswitch_t::KEY_COMMENT KEY_COMMENT @endlink,
 * @link keyswitch_t::KEY_UID KEY_UID @endlink,
 * @link keyswitch_t::KEY_GID KEY_GID @endlink,
 * @link keyswitch_t::KEY_MODE KEY_MODE @endlink and
 * @par A very simple example would be
 * @code
Key *key1, *key;
uint32_t changes;

// omited key1 and key2 initialization and manipulation


if (changes == 0) printf("key1 and key2 are identicall\n");

if (changes & KEY_VALUE)
	printf("key1 and key2 have different values\n");
if (changes & KEY_UID)
	printf("key1 and key2 have different UID\n");
 * @endcode
 * @par Example of very powerful specific Key lookup in a KeySet:
 * @code
KDB *handle = kdbOpen();
KeySet *ks=ksNew(0);
Key *base = keyNew ("user/sw/MyApp/something", KEY_END);
Key *current;
uint32_t match;
uint32_t interests;

kdbGetByName(handle, ks, "user/sw/MyApp", 0);

// we are interested only in key type and access permissions
interests=(KEY_TYPE | KEY_MODE);

ksRewind(ks);   // put cursor in the beginning
while ((curren=ksNext(ks))) {
	if ((~match & interests) == interests)
		printf("Key %s has same type and permissions of base key",keyName(current));

	// continue walking in the KeySet....

// now we want same name and/or value
interests=(KEY_NAME | KEY_VALUE);

// we don't really need ksRewind(), since previous loop achieved end of KeySet
while ((current=ksNext(ks))) {

	if ((~match & interests) == interests) {
		printf("Key %s has same name, value, and sync status
			of base key",keyName(current));
	// continue walking in the KeySet....

kdbClose (handle);
 * @endcode
 * @return a bit array pointing the differences
 * @param key1 first key
 * @param key2 second key
 * @see #keyswitch_t
 * @ingroup keytest
keyswitch_t keyCompare(const Key *key1, const Key *key2)
	if (!key1 && !key2) return 0;
	if (!key1 || !key2) return KEY_NULL;

	keyswitch_t ret=0;
	ssize_t nsize1 = keyGetNameSize(key1);
	ssize_t nsize2 = keyGetNameSize(key2);
	const char *name1 = keyName(key1);
	const char *name2 = keyName(key2);
	const char *comment1 = keyComment(key1);
	const char *comment2 = keyComment(key2);
	const char *owner1 = keyOwner(key1);
	const char *owner2 = keyOwner(key2);
	const void *value1 = keyValue(key1);
	const void *value2 = keyValue(key2);
	ssize_t size1 = keyGetValueSize(key1);
	ssize_t size2 = keyGetValueSize(key2);

	if (keyGetUID(key1) != keyGetUID(key2))  ret|=KEY_UID;
	if (keyGetGID(key1) != keyGetGID(key2))  ret|=KEY_GID;
	if (keyGetMode(key1)!= keyGetMode(key2)) ret|=KEY_MODE;
	if (nsize1 != nsize2)              ret|=KEY_NAME;
	if (strcmp(name1, name2))          ret|=KEY_NAME;
	if (strcmp(comment1, comment2))    ret|=KEY_COMMENT;
	if (strcmp(owner1, owner2))        ret|=KEY_OWNER;
	if (size1 != size2)                ret|=KEY_VALUE;
	if (memcmp(value1, value2, size1)) ret|=KEY_VALUE;

	return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Generate a C-Style key and stream it.
 * This keyset can be used to include as c-code for
 * applikations using elektra.
 * @param key the key object to work with
 * @param stream the file pointer where to send the stream
 * @retval 1 on success
 * @ingroup stream
int keyGenerate(const Key * key, FILE *stream, option_t options)
	size_t s;
	char * str;

	size_t c;
	char * com;

	size_t n;
	char * nam;

	n = keyGetNameSize (key);
	if (n>1)
		nam = (char*) elektraMalloc (n);
		if (nam == NULL) return -1;
		keyGetName (key, nam, n);
		fprintf(stream,"\tkeyNew (\"%s\"", nam);
		elektraFree (nam);

	s = keyGetValueSize (key);
	if (s>1)
		str = (char*) elektraMalloc (s);
		if (str == NULL) return -1;
		if (keyIsBinary(key)) keyGetBinary(key, str, s);
		else keyGetString (key, str, s);
		fprintf(stream,", KEY_VALUE, \"%s\"", str);
		elektraFree (str);

	c = keyGetCommentSize (key);
	if (c>1)
		com = (char*) elektraMalloc (c);
		if (com == NULL) return -1;
		keyGetComment (key, com, c);
		fprintf(stream,", KEY_COMMENT, \"%s\"", com);
		elektraFree (com);

	if (! (keyGetMode(key) == 0664 || (keyGetMode(key) == 0775)))
		fprintf(stream,", KEY_MODE, 0%3o", keyGetMode(key));

	fprintf(stream,", KEY_END)");

	if (options == 0) return 1; /* dummy to make icc happy */
	return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * Check if the mode for the key has access
 * privileges.
 * In the filesys backend a key represented through
 * a file has the mode 664, but a key represented
 * through a folder 775. keyIsDir() checks if all
 * 3 executeable bits are set.
 * If any executable bit is set it will be recognized
 * as a directory.
 * @note keyIsDir may return true even though you
 *   can't access the directory.
 * To know if you can access the directory, you
 * need to check, if your
 * - user ID is equal the key's
 *   user ID and the mode & 100 is true
 * - group ID is equal the key's
 *   group ID and the mode & 010 is true
 * - mode & 001 is true
 * Accessing does not mean that you can get any value or
 * comments below, see @ref mode for more information.
 * @note currently mountpoints can only where keyIsDir()
 *       is true (0.7.0) but this is likely to change.
 * @param key the key object to work with
 * @return 1 if key is a directory, 0 otherwise
 * @return -1 on NULL pointer
 * @see keySetDir(), keySetMode()
 * @ingroup keytest
int keyIsDir(const Key *key)
	mode_t mode;

	if (!key) return -1;

	mode = keyGetMode(key);

	return ((mode & KDB_DIR_MODE) != 0);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * Set mode so that key will be recognized as directory.
 * @deprecated This API is obsolete.
 * The function will add all executable bits.
 * - Mode 0200 will be translated to 0311
 * - Mode 0400 will be translated to 0711
 * - Mode 0664 will be translated to 0775
 * The macro KDB_DIR_MODE (defined to 0111) will be used for that.
 * The executable bits show that child keys are allowed and listable. There
 * is no way to have child keys which are not listable for anyone, but it is
 * possible to restrict listing the keys to the owner only.
 * - Mode 0000 means that it is a key not read or writable to anyone.
 * - Mode 0111 means that it is a directory not read or writable to anyone.
 *   But it is recognized as directory to anyone.
 * For more about mode see keySetMode().
 * It is not possible to access keys below a not executable key.
 * If a key is not writeable and executable kdbSet() will fail to access the
 * keys below.
 * If a key is not readable and executable kdbGet() will fail to access the
 * keys below.
 * @param key the key to set permissions to be recognized as directory.
 * @retval 0 on success
 * @retval -1 on NULL pointer
 * @see keySetMode()
int keySetDir (Key * key)
	mode_t mode;
	if (!key) return -1;

	mode = keyGetMode (key);
	mode |= KDB_DIR_MODE;
	keySetMode (key, mode);

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void test_key ()
	KeySet * ks;
	Key * cur;
	int counter;

	printf ("Testing Key from xml\n");

	ks = ksNew (0, KS_END);
	exit_if_fail (ksFromXMLfile (ks, srcdir_file ("xmltool/key.xml")) == 0, "ksFromXMLfile(key.xml) failed.");
	counter = 0;
	ksRewind (ks);
	while ((cur = ksNext (ks)))
		/* Prepend key root */
		// snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s", root, keyName(cur));
		// keySetName(cur, buf);

		/* Make tests ... */
		// printf ("counter: %d - name: %s - value: %s\n", counter, (char*) keyName(cur), (char*)keyValue(cur));
		switch (counter)
		case 1:
			succeed_if (strcmp (keyName (cur), "user/tests/filesys/.HiddenBinaryKey") == 0, "wrong name");
			succeed_if (strcmp (keyValue (cur), "BinaryValue") == 0, "value not correct");
			succeed_if (strcmp (keyComment (cur), "Binary key with hidden name") == 0, "comment not correct");
			succeed_if (keyIsInactive (cur) == 1, "key is inactive");
			succeed_if (keyIsBinary (cur) == 1, "key is not binary");
			succeed_if (keyGetMode (cur) == 0440, "could not get mode");
		case 2:
			succeed_if (strcmp (keyName (cur), "user/tests/filesys/.HiddenDirectoryKey") == 0, "wrong name");
			succeed_if (strcmp (keyValue (cur), "DirectoryValue") == 0, "value not correct");
			succeed_if (strcmp (keyComment (cur), "Directory key with hidden name") == 0, "comment not correct");
			succeed_if (keyIsInactive (cur) == 1, "key is inactive");
			succeed_if (keyIsString (cur) == 1, "key is not string");
		case 3:
			succeed_if (strcmp (keyName (cur), "user/tests/filesys/.HiddenStringKey") == 0, "wrong name");
			succeed_if (strcmp (keyValue (cur), "StringValue") == 0, "value not correct");
			succeed_if (strcmp (keyComment (cur), "String key with hidden name") == 0, "comment not correct");
			succeed_if (keyIsInactive (cur) == 1, "key is inactive");
			succeed_if (keyIsString (cur) == 1, "key is not string");
			succeed_if (keyGetUID (cur) == 0, "could not get uid value");
			succeed_if (keyGetGID (cur) == 20, "could not get gid value");
		case 4:
			succeed_if (strcmp (keyName (cur), "user/tests/filesys/PerfectBinaryKey") == 0, "wrong name");
			succeed_if (strcmp (keyValue (cur), "BinaryValue") == 0, "value not correct");
			succeed_if (strcmp (keyComment (cur), "Binary key with standard name") == 0, "comment not correct");
			succeed_if (keyIsInactive (cur) == 0, "key is active");
			succeed_if (keyIsBinary (cur) == 1, "key is not binary");
			succeed_if (keyGetGID (cur) == 40, "could not get gid value");
		case 5:
			succeed_if (strcmp (keyName (cur), "user/tests/filesys/PerfectDirectoryKey") == 0, "wrong name");
			succeed_if (strcmp (keyValue (cur), "DirectoryValue") == 0, "value not correct");
			succeed_if (strcmp (keyComment (cur), "Directory key with standard name") == 0, "comment not correct");
			succeed_if (keyIsInactive (cur) == 0, "key is active");
			succeed_if (keyIsString (cur) == 1, "key is not string");
		case 6:
			succeed_if (strcmp (keyName (cur), "user/tests/filesys/PerfectStringKey") == 0, "wrong name");
			succeed_if (strcmp (keyValue (cur), "StringValue") == 0, "value not correct");
			succeed_if (strcmp (keyComment (cur), "String key with\nstandard name") == 0, "comment not correct");
			succeed_if (keyIsInactive (cur) == 0, "key is active");
			succeed_if (keyIsString (cur) == 1, "key is not string");
			succeed_if (keyGetUID (cur) == 20, "could not get uid value");
		case 7:
			succeed_if (strcmp (keyName (cur), "user/tests/filesys/Ug.ly:Bin@a€ry Key") == 0, "wrong name");
			succeed_if (keyValue (cur) == 0, "value not correct");
			succeed_if (strcmp (keyComment (cur), "Binary key with ugly name") == 0, "comment not correct");
			succeed_if (keyIsInactive (cur) == 0, "key is active");
			succeed_if (keyIsBinary (cur) == 1, "key is not binary");
			succeed_if (keyGetMode (cur) == 230, "could not get mode");
			// <key type="binary" basename="Ug.ly:Bin@a€ry Key"><comment>Binary key with ugly name</comment></key>
		case 8:
			succeed_if (strcmp (keyName (cur), "user/tests/filesys/Ug.ly:Dir@ect€ory Key") == 0, "wrong name");
			succeed_if (strcmp (keyValue (cur), "") == 0, "value not correct");
			succeed_if (strcmp (keyComment (cur), "Directory with ugly name") == 0, "comment not correct");
			succeed_if (keyIsInactive (cur) == 0, "key is active");
			succeed_if (keyIsString (cur) == 1, "key is not string");
			// <key type="directory" basename="Ug.ly:Dir@ect€ory Key"><comment>Directory with ugly name</comment></key>
		case 9:
			succeed_if (strcmp (keyName (cur), "user/tests/filesys/Ug.ly:St@ri€n.g Key") == 0, "wrong name");
			succeed_if (strcmp (keyValue (cur), "With a string value") == 0, "value not correct");
			succeed_if (strcmp (keyComment (cur), "string key with ugly name") == 0, "comment not correct");
			succeed_if (keyIsInactive (cur) == 0, "key is active");
			succeed_if (keyIsString (cur) == 1, "key is not string");
			// <key type="string" basename="Ug.ly:St@ri€n.g Key" value="With a string value"><comment>string key with ugly
			// name</comment></key>

	ksDel (ks);
Ejemplo n.º 6
void test_mode()
	Key *key;

	key = keyNew ("user/mode", KEY_MODE, 0100, KEY_END);
	succeed_if (!strcmp(keyValue (keyGetMeta(key, "mode")), "100"), "meta value for mode was not set correctly");
	succeed_if (keyGetMode(key) == 0100, "mode was not set correctly");

	succeed_if (keySetMode(key, 0101) == 0, "could not set mode");
	succeed_if (!strcmp(keyValue (keyGetMeta(key, "mode")), "101"), "meta value for mode was not set correctly");
	succeed_if (keyGetMode(key) == 0101, "mode was not set correctly");

	succeed_if (keySetMode(key, 0) == 0, "could not set mode");
	succeed_if (!strcmp(keyValue (keyGetMeta(key, "mode")), "0"), "meta value for mode was not set correctly");
	succeed_if (keyGetMode(key) == 0, "mode was not set correctly");

	succeed_if (keySetMeta (key, "mode", "102") == sizeof("102"), "could not set meta");
	succeed_if (!strcmp(keyValue (keyGetMeta(key, "mode")), "102"), "meta value for mode was not set correctly");
	succeed_if (keyGetMode(key) == 0102, "mode was not set correctly");

	succeed_if (keySetMeta (key, "mode", "0103") == sizeof("0103"), "could not set meta");
	succeed_if (!strcmp(keyValue (keyGetMeta(key, "mode")), "0103"), "meta value for mode was not set correctly");
	succeed_if (keyGetMode(key) == 0103, "mode was not set correctly with leading octal 0");

	succeed_if (keySetMeta (key, "mode", "x") == sizeof("x"), "could not set meta");
	succeed_if (!strcmp(keyValue (keyGetMeta(key, "mode")), "x"), "meta value for mode was not set correctly");
	succeed_if (keyGetMode(key) == KDB_FILE_MODE, "mode was not set correctly");

	succeed_if (keySetMeta (key, "mode", "x1") == sizeof("x1"), "could not set meta");
	succeed_if (!strcmp(keyValue (keyGetMeta(key, "mode")), "x1"), "meta value for mode was not set correctly");
	succeed_if (keyGetMode(key) == KDB_FILE_MODE, "mode was not set correctly");

	succeed_if (keySetMeta (key, "mode", "2000000") == sizeof("2000000"), "could not set large mode");
	succeed_if (!strcmp(keyValue (keyGetMeta(key, "mode")), "2000000"), "meta value for large mode was not set correctly");
	succeed_if (keyGetMode(key) == 02000000, "large mode was not set correctly");

	succeed_if (keySetMeta (key, "mode", "1x") == sizeof("1x"), "could not set meta");
	succeed_if (!strcmp(keyValue (keyGetMeta(key, "mode")), "1x"), "meta value for mode was not set correctly");
	succeed_if (keyGetMode(key) == KDB_FILE_MODE, "mode was not set correctly");

	succeed_if (keySetMeta (key, "mode", "50x") == sizeof("50x"), "could not set meta");
	succeed_if (!strcmp(keyValue (keyGetMeta(key, "mode")), "50x"), "meta value for mode was not set correctly");
	succeed_if (keyGetMode(key) == KDB_FILE_MODE, "mode was not set correctly");

	keyDel (key);

	key = keyNew ("user/mode", KEY_END);
	succeed_if (keyValue (keyGetMeta(key, "mode")) == 0, "got value, but mode was not set up to now");
	succeed_if (keyGetMode(key) == KDB_FILE_MODE, "KDB_FILE_MODE not default on new key");

	succeed_if (keySetMeta (key, "mode", "") == sizeof(""), "could not set large mode");
	succeed_if (!strcmp(keyValue (keyGetMeta(key, "mode")), ""), "meta value for large mode was not set correctly");
	succeed_if (keyGetMode(key) == KDB_FILE_MODE, "empty mode should also yield default");

	keyDel (key);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 * Output every information of a single key depending on options.
 * The format is not very strict and only intend to be read
 * by human eyes for debugging purposes. Don't rely on the
 * format in your applications.
 * @param k the key object to work with
 * @param stream the file pointer where to send the stream
 * @param options see text above
 * @see ksOutput()
 * @retval 1 on success
 * @retval -1 on allocation errors
 * @ingroup stream
int keyOutput (const Key * k, FILE *stream, option_t options)
	time_t t;
	size_t s;
	char * tmc;
	char * str;

	size_t c;
	char * com;

	size_t n;
	char * nam;

	n = keyGetNameSize (k);
	if (n>1)
		nam = (char*) elektraMalloc (n);
		if (nam == NULL) return -1;
		keyGetName (k, nam, n);

		fprintf(stream,"Name[%d]: %s : ", (int)n, nam);

		elektraFree (nam);

	s = keyGetValueSize (k);
	if (options & KEY_VALUE && s>1)
		str = (char*) elektraMalloc (s);
		if (str == NULL) return -1;
		if (keyIsBinary(k))
			char * bin;
			bin = (char*) elektraMalloc (s*3+1);
			keyGetBinary(k, str, s);
			kdbbEncode (str, s, bin);
			elektraFree (bin);
			keyGetBinary (k, str, s);
			fprintf(stream,"Binary[%d]: %s : ", (int)s, str);
		} else {
			keyGetString (k, str, s);
			fprintf(stream,"String[%d]: %s : ", (int)s, str);

		elektraFree (str);

	c = keyGetCommentSize (k);
	if (options & KEY_COMMENT && c>1)
		com = (char*) elektraMalloc (c);
		if (com == NULL) return -1;
		keyGetComment (k, com, c);

		fprintf(stream,"Comment[%d]: %s : ", (int)c, com);

		elektraFree (com);

	if (options & KDB_O_SHOWMETA) fprintf(stream," : ");
	if (options & KEY_UID) fprintf(stream,"UID: %d : ", (int)keyGetUID (k));
	if (options & KEY_GID) fprintf(stream,"GID: %d : ", (int)keyGetGID (k));
	if (options & KEY_MODE) fprintf(stream,"Mode: %o : ", (int)keyGetMode (k));

	if (options & KEY_ATIME)
		tmc = ctime (& t);
		tmc[24] = '\0';
		fprintf(stream,"ATime: %s : ", tmc);

	if (options & KEY_MTIME)
		tmc = ctime (& t);
		tmc[24] = '\0';
		fprintf(stream,"MTime: %s : ", tmc);

	if (options & KEY_CTIME)
		tmc = ctime (& t);
		tmc[24] = '\0';
		fprintf(stream,"CTime: %s : ", tmc);

	if (options & KDB_O_SHOWFLAGS)
		if (!(options & KDB_O_SHOWMETA)) fprintf(stream, " ");
		fprintf (stream,"Flags: ");
		if (keyIsBinary(k)) fprintf(stream,"b");
		if (keyIsString(k)) fprintf(stream,"s");
		if (keyIsInactive(k)) fprintf(stream,"i");
		if (keyNeedSync(k)) fprintf(stream,"s");

	return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 * Same as keyToStream() but tries to strip @p parentSize bytes from
 * @p key name if it matches @p parent .
 * Taking the example from keyToStream(), if @p parent is
 * @c "system/sw/xorg", the generated string is of the form:
 * @verbatim
	<key basename="Monitor/Monitor0/Name"
		type="string" uid="root" gid="root" mode="0600">

		<value>Samsung TFT panel</value>
		<comment>My monitor</comment>
 * It usefull to produce more human readable XML output of a key when
 * it is being represented in a context that defines the parent key name.
 * For example:
 * @verbatim
	<keyset parent="user/sw">
		<key basename="kdbedit"..../>
		<key basename="phototools"..../>
		<key basename="myapp"..../>
 * In the bove example, each @p @<key@> entry was generated by a call to 
 * keyToStreamBasename() having @c "user/sw" as @p parent .
 * This method is used when ksToStream() is called with
 * KDBOption::KDB_O_HIER option.
 * @param key the key object to work with
 * @param stream the FILE where to send the stream
 * @param parentSize the maximum size of @p parent that will be used.
 *        If 0, the entire @p parent will be used.
 * @param parent the string (or part of it, defined by @p parentSize ) that
 *        will be used to strip from the key name.
 * @param options Some #option_t ORed:
 * - @p option_t::KDB_O_NUMBERS \n
 *   Do not convert UID and GID into user and group names
 * - @p option_t::KDB_O_CONDENSED \n
 *   Less human readable, more condensed output
 * - @p option_t::KDB_O_FULLNAME \n
 *   The @p user keys are exported with their full names (including
 *   user domains)
 * @return number of bytes written to output
ssize_t keyToStreamBasename(const Key *key, FILE *stream, const char *parent,
		const size_t parentSize, option_t options) {
	ssize_t written=0;
	char buffer[KDB_MAX_PATH_LENGTH];

	/* Write key name */
	if (parent) {
		/* some logic to see if we should print only the relative basename */
		int found;
		size_t skip=parentSize ? parentSize : elektraStrLen(parent)-1;

		if (found == 0) {
			while (*(key->key+skip) == KDB_PATH_SEPARATOR) ++skip;

			if (*(key->key+skip) != 0) /* we don't want a null basename */
				written+=fprintf(stream,"<key basename=\"%s\"",

	if (written == 0) { /* no "<key basename=..." was written so far */
		if (options & KDB_O_FULLNAME) {
			written+=fprintf(stream,"<key name=\"%s\"", buffer);
		} else written+=fprintf(stream,"<key name=\"%s\"", key->key);

	/* Key type
	TODO: xml schema does not output type
	if (options & KDB_O_NUMBERS) {
		written+=fprintf(stream," type=\"%d\"", key->type);
	} else {

		if (key->type & KEY_TYPE_DIR) written+=fprintf(stream, " isdir=\"yes\"");
		if (key->type & KEY_TYPE_REMOVE) written+=fprintf(stream, " isremove=\"yes\"");
		if (key->type & KEY_TYPE_BINARY) written+=fprintf(stream, " isbinary=\"yes\"");

	if (keyGetUID (key) != (uid_t)-1) written+=fprintf(stream," uid=\"%d\"", (int)keyGetUID (key));
	if (keyGetGID (key) != (gid_t)-1) written+=fprintf(stream," gid=\"%d\"", (int)keyGetGID (key));

	if (keyGetMode(key) != KDB_FILE_MODE)
		written+=fprintf(stream," mode=\"0%o\"",

	if (!key->data.v && !keyComment(key)) { /* no data AND no comment */
		if (!(options & KDB_O_CONDENSED))
		return written; /* end of <key/> */
	} else {
		if (key->data.v) {
			if ((key->dataSize <= 16) && keyIsString (key) && /*TODO: is this for string?*/
					!strchr(key->data.c,'\n')) {

				/* we'll use a "value" attribute instead of a <value> node,
				   for readability, so the cut size will be 16, which is
				   the maximum size of an IPv4 address */

				if (options & KDB_O_CONDENSED) written+=fprintf(stream," ");
				else written+=fprintf(stream,"\n\t");
				if (keyComment(key)) written+=fprintf(stream,">\n");
				else {
					if (!(options & KDB_O_CONDENSED))
					return written;
			} else { /* value is bigger than 16 bytes: deserves own <value> */
				if (!(options & KDB_O_CONDENSED)) written+=fprintf(stream,"\n\n     ");
				if (keyIsString(key)) { /*TODO: is this for string?*/
					/* must chop ending \\0 */
				} else {
					/* TODO Binary values 
					char *encoded=elektraMalloc(3*key->dataSize);
					size_t encodedSize;

					elektraFree (encoded);
				/* fflush(stream); */
		} else { /* we have no data */
			if (keyComment(key)) {
				if (!(options & KDB_O_CONDENSED))
			} else {
				if (!(options & KDB_O_CONDENSED))
				return written;

	if (!(options & KDB_O_CONDENSED)) {
		if (keyComment(key)) written+=fprintf(stream,"     ");

	if (keyComment(key)) {
		written+=fprintf(stream,"<comment><![CDATA[%s]]></comment>", keyComment(key));
		if (!(options & KDB_O_CONDENSED))


	if (!(options & KDB_O_CONDENSED))

	return written;