Ejemplo n.º 1
main(int argc, char** argv)
  if ( argc < 2 )
    std::cout << "\nusage:   testdriver [testfile_1] [testfile_2] ..." << std::endl;
    return 1;

  int errors;
  Specification lSpec;
  std::string lModulePath;

  // Instantiate the store and the zorba query processor
  void* store = zorba::StoreManager::getStore();
  if (store == NULL) return 20;

  zorba::Zorba * engine = zorba::Zorba::getInstance(store);
  if (engine == NULL) return 21;

  int i = 1;
  while (i < argc)
//     std::cout << "i: " << i << ", argc: " << argc << std::endl;
    if (strcmp (argv [i], "--rbkt-src") == 0)
      rbkt_src_dir = argv [i + 1];
      i += 2;
    else if (strcmp (argv [i], "--rbkt-bin") == 0)
      rbkt_bin_dir = argv [i + 1];
      i += 2;
    else if (strcmp (argv [i], "--module-path") == 0)
      lModulePath = argv [i + 1];
      i += 2;
    } else break;

  zorba::XQuery_t lQuery;
  TestDiagnosticHandler errHandler;

  DriverContext driverContext(engine);
  driverContext.theRbktSourceDir = rbkt_src_dir;
  driverContext.theRbktBinaryDir = rbkt_bin_dir;
  driverContext.theSpec = &lSpec;

  for (int testcnt = 1; i < argc; ++i, ++testcnt)
    std::string lQueryFile( rbkt_src_dir );
    zorba::fs::append( lQueryFile, "Queries" );
    zorba::fs::append( lQueryFile, argv[i] );

    if ( zorba::fs::get_type( lQueryFile ) != zorba::fs::file )
      std::cout << "\n query file " << lQueryFile
                << " does not exist or is not a file" << std::endl;
      return 2;

    // Check if this is w3c_testsuite test.
    std::string path = lQueryFile;
    bool isW3CXQTStest = path.find( "w3c_testsuite" ) != std::string::npos;
    bool isW3CFTtest = path.find( "w3c_full_text_testsuite" ) != std::string::npos;
    bool isW3Ctest = isW3CFTtest || isW3CXQTStest;
    std::string lQueryWithoutSuffix = 
    std::string(argv[i]).substr( 0, std::string(argv[i]).rfind('.') );
    std::unique_ptr<zorba::TestSchemaURIMapper>        smapper;
    std::unique_ptr<zorba::TestModuleURIMapper>        mmapper;
    std::unique_ptr<zorba::TestCollectionURIMapper>    cmapper;
    std::unique_ptr<zorba::TestSchemeURIMapper>        dmapper;
    std::unique_ptr<zorba::TestURLResolver>            tresolver;

    // Create the static context. If this is a w3c query, install special uri
    // resolvers in the static context.
    zorba::StaticContext_t lContext = engine->createStaticContext();

    if ( isW3Ctest ) 
  #ifndef MY_D_WIN32
      std::string w3cDataDir = "/Queries/w3c_testsuite/TestSources/";
      std::string w3cDataDir = "/Queries/TestSources/";
      std::string uri_map_file = rbkt_src_dir + w3cDataDir + "uri.txt";
      std::string mod_map_file = rbkt_src_dir + w3cDataDir + "module.txt";
      std::string col_map_file = rbkt_src_dir + w3cDataDir + "collection.txt";

      smapper.reset(new zorba::TestSchemaURIMapper(uri_map_file.c_str()));

      mmapper.reset(new zorba::TestModuleURIMapper
        (mod_map_file.c_str(), lQueryWithoutSuffix));

      new zorba::TestCollectionURIMapper(driverContext.theXmlDataMgr,

      addURIMapper(driverContext, lContext, smapper.get() );
      addURIMapper(driverContext, lContext, mmapper.get() );
      addURIMapper(driverContext, lContext, cmapper.get() );

      // the w3c testsuite always uses xquery 1.0
      lContext->setXQueryVersion( zorba::xquery_version_1_0 );

      zorba::Item lEnable
        = engine->getItemFactory()->createQName(
            "http://zorba.io/options/features", "", "enable");
      zorba::Item lDisable
        = engine->getItemFactory()->createQName(
            "http://zorba.io/options/features", "", "disable");
      lContext->declareOption(lDisable, "scripting");

    // Form the full pathname for the files that will receive the result or the
    // errors of this query. Then, delete these files if they exist already from
    // previous runs of the query. Finaly, create (if necessary) all the dirs
    // in the pathname of the result and error files.

    std::cout << "test " << lQueryWithoutSuffix << std::endl;

    std::string lResultFile( rbkt_bin_dir );
    zorba::fs::append( lResultFile, "QueryResults" );
    zorba::fs::append( lResultFile, lQueryWithoutSuffix );
    lResultFile += ".xml.res";

    zorba::fs::remove( lResultFile, true );

    // Form the full pathname for the .spec file that may be associated
    // with this query. If the .spec file exists, read its contents to
    // extract args to be passed to the query (e.g., external var bindings),
    // exprected errors, or the pathnames of reference-result files.
    std::string lSpecFile( rbkt_src_dir );
    zorba::fs::append( lSpecFile, "Queries" );
    zorba::fs::append( lSpecFile, lQueryWithoutSuffix );
    lSpecFile += ".spec";

    if ( zorba::fs::get_type( lSpecFile ) )
      bool lParsed = lSpec.parseFile(lSpecFile, rbkt_src_dir, rbkt_bin_dir);
      if (!lParsed) {
        std::cout << "Spec file " << lSpecFile << " is malformed!" << std::endl;
        return 1;

    // If --enable-uritestresolver is specified, enable our document
    // URI resolver for test:// scheme URIs as well as a silly URLResolver
    if (lSpec.getEnableUriTestResolver())
      dmapper.reset(new zorba::TestSchemeURIMapper(rbkt_src_dir));
      addURIMapper(driverContext, lContext, dmapper.get());
      tresolver.reset(new zorba::TestURLResolver());
      addURLResolver(driverContext, lContext, tresolver.get());

    // Bind any options from the .spec file to the static context
    setOptions(driverContext, lContext);

    // Bind any full-text URI resolvers from the .spec file to the
    // static context
    setFullTextURIMappers(driverContext, lContext);

    // If command-line argument --module-path passed, set up module paths.
    setModulePaths(lModulePath, lContext);

    // Get the pathnames of the reference-result files found in the .spec
    // file (if any).
    std::vector<std::string> lRefFiles;
    bool lRefFileExists = false;
    for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator lIter = lSpec.resultsBegin();
         lIter != lSpec.resultsEnd();
      std::string lRefFile(*lIter);
      if ( zorba::fs::get_type( lRefFile ) )
        lRefFileExists = true;
        std::cout << "Warning: missing reference result file " 
                  << lRefFile << std::endl;

    // If no ref-results file was specified in the .spec file, create a default
    // finename for that file. For w3c tests, the ref file is the same for
    // xqueryx and xquery tests, hence, we remove the string xqueryx or xquery
    // from the path
    if (lRefFiles.size () == 0) 
      std::string lRefFileTmpString = lQueryWithoutSuffix;

      if (isW3Ctest) 
        size_t pos = lQueryWithoutSuffix.find("XQueryX");
        if (pos != std::string::npos)
          lRefFileTmpString = lRefFileTmpString.erase(pos, 8);
        pos = lQueryWithoutSuffix.find("XQuery");
        if (pos != std::string::npos)
          lRefFileTmpString = lRefFileTmpString.erase(pos, 7);
      std::string lRefFile( rbkt_src_dir );
      zorba::fs::append( lRefFile, "ExpQueryResults" );
      zorba::fs::append( lRefFile, lRefFileTmpString );
      lRefFile += ".xml.res";
      lRefFiles.push_back( lRefFile );
      if ( zorba::fs::get_type( lRefFiles[0] ) )
        lRefFileExists = true;

    // print the query
    std::cout << "=== Query: ===" << std::endl;
    zorba::printFile(std::cout, lQueryFile);
    std::cout << "=== end of Query ===" << std::endl;

    // Stopwatch starts now
    // QQQ this should use util/time.h
#ifndef WIN32
    struct timeval start_time, end_time;
    gettimeofday(&start_time, NULL);
    clock_t   start_time, end_time;
    start_time = clock();

    // create and compile the query
    std::string lQueryString;
    slurp_file(lQueryFile.c_str(), lQueryString, rbkt_src_dir, rbkt_bin_dir);

    lQuery = engine->createQuery(&errHandler);

    bool lJSONiqMode = 
    (lQueryFile.rfind(".jq") == lQueryFile.size() - 3);

    if (lJSONiqMode) lContext->setJSONiqVersion(zorba::jsoniq_version_1_0);
    lQuery->compile(lQueryString.c_str(), lContext, getCompilerHints());

    errors = -1;
    if ( errHandler.errors() )
      errors = analyzeError (lSpec, errHandler);
      if( errors == UNEXPECTED_ERROR )
        return 6;
      std::cout << "testdriver: success" << std::endl;
    // no compilation errors

      clock_t t0, t1;
      std::string binary_path;
      binary_path = rbkt_bin_dir + "/QueryResults/" 
                             + lQueryWithoutSuffix + ".plan";
      t0 = clock();
      std::ofstream fbinary(binary_path.c_str(), std::ios_base::binary);
        printf("save execution plan FAILED\n");
        return 0x0badc0de;
      t1 = clock();
      printf("save execution plan in %f sec\n", (float)(t1-t0)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
    catch(zorba::ZorbaException &err)
      std::cout << err << std::endl;
      return -1;



      clock_t t0, t1;
      std::string binary_path;
      binary_path = rbkt_bin_dir + "/QueryResults/" 
                             + lQueryWithoutSuffix + ".plan";
      lQuery = engine->createQuery (&errHandler);
      t0 = clock();
      std::ifstream   ifbinary(binary_path.c_str(), std::ios_base::binary);
        std::cout << "cannot open plan " << binary_path << std::endl;
        return 15;

      bool load_ret;

      zorba::TestSerializationCallback serl_callback(driverContext.theURIMappers,

      load_ret = lQuery->loadExecutionPlan(ifbinary, &serl_callback);

        std::cout << "cannot load plan " << binary_path << std::endl;
        return 16;
      t1 = clock();
      printf("load execution plan in %f sec\n", (float)(t1-t0)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
    catch(zorba::ZorbaException &err)
      std::cout << err << std::endl;
      return -1;

    // Create dynamic context and set in it the external variables, the current
    // date & time, and the timezone.
    createDynamicContext(driverContext, lContext, lQuery, lSpec.getEnableDtd(),

    Zorba_SerializerOptions lSerOptions;

    if (errHandler.errors()) 
      errors = analyzeError (lSpec, errHandler);
      errors = -1;
        // serialize xml/txt
        std::ofstream lResFileStream(lResultFile.c_str());
        assert (lResFileStream.good());
        // QQQ all this code should be in testdriver_common and used by
        // testdriver_mt as well
        // Initialize default serialization method
        lSerOptions.omit_xml_declaration = ZORBA_OMIT_XML_DECLARATION_YES;

        // Now set any options specified in .spec file
        std::vector<Specification::Option>::const_iterator lIter;
        for (lIter = lSpec.serializerOptionsBegin();
             lIter != lSpec.serializerOptionsEnd();
          catch ( std::exception const &e )
            std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
            return -1;
        lQuery->execute(lResFileStream, &lSerOptions);

      // Stopwatch ends here
#ifndef WIN32
      gettimeofday(&end_time, NULL);
      end_time = clock();
      if (! lRefFileExists )
        if (lSpec.getComparisonMethod() == "Ignore")
          std::cout << "Since the comparison method is set to 'Ignore' the test is considered successful." << std::endl;
          return 0;
        if(lSpec.errorsSize() == 0)
          std::cout << "No reference result and no expected errors." << std::endl;
          return 3;
      if (errHandler.errors())
        errors = analyzeError (lSpec, errHandler);
      else if ( lSpec.errorsSize() > 0 ) 
        if ( ! lRefFileExists ) 
          std::cout << "Expected error(s)";
          for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator lIter = lSpec.errorsBegin();
               lIter != lSpec.errorsEnd(); ++lIter)
            std::cout << " " << *lIter;
          zorba::fs::info fs_info;
          if ( zorba::fs::get_type( lResultFile, &fs_info ) && !fs_info.size )
            std::cout << " but got empty result" << std::endl;
            std::cout << " but got result:" << std::endl;
            zorba::printFile(std::cout, lResultFile);
            std::cout << "=== end of result ===" << std::endl;
          return 7;

    if( errors == UNEXPECTED_ERROR)
      return 6;
    else if( errors == -1 ) 
      std::cout << "=== Result: ===" << std::endl;
      zorba::printFile(std::cout, lResultFile);
      std::cout << "=== end of result ===" << std::endl;
      size_t i = 1;
      bool lResultMatches = false;
      for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator lIter = lRefFiles.begin();
           lIter != lRefFiles.end(); ++lIter) 
        int lLine, lCol; // where do the files differ
        std::string lRefLine, lResultLine;
        bool lRes = zorba::fileEquals(lIter->c_str(),
                                      lLine, lCol,
                                      lRefLine, lResultLine);
        if (lRes) 
          std::cout << "testdriver: success (non-canonical result # " << i 
                    << " matches)" << std::endl;
          lResultMatches = true;

        std::cout << "testdriver: non-canonical result for reference result # " 
                  << i << " doesn't match." << std::endl;

        // Don't attempt canonical comparison for test cases using --indent;
        // can lead to false positives.
        if (lSerOptions.indent == ZORBA_INDENT_YES) {
          std::cout << "testdriver: skipping canonicalization "
            "when testing with indent==yes" << std::endl;
        // Also skip canonicalization for tests using method==xhtml or html
        // (so we can test for correct serialization of empty elements)
        else if (lSerOptions.ser_method == ZORBA_SERIALIZATION_METHOD_XHTML ||
                 lSerOptions.ser_method == ZORBA_SERIALIZATION_METHOD_HTML) {
          std::cout << "testdriver: skipping canonicalization "
            "when testing with method=[x]html" << std::endl;
        // Also skip canonicalization for tests using method==json
        else if (lSerOptions.ser_method == ZORBA_SERIALIZATION_METHOD_JSON) {
          std::cout << "testdriver: skipping canonicalization "
            "when testing with method=json" << std::endl;
          int lCanonicalRes = zorba::canonicalizeAndCompare(lSpec.getComparisonMethod(),
          if (lCanonicalRes == 0) 
            std::cout << "testdriver: success (canonical result # " << i  
                      << " matches)" << std::endl;
            lResultMatches = true;
          std::cout << "testdriver: canonical result for reference result # " << i 
                    << " doesn't match." << std::endl;
      } // for 

      if (!lResultMatches) {
        std::cout << "testdriver: none of the reference results matched" << std::endl;
        return 8;

    // Check timing
    // QQQ only do this if .spec file says to
#ifndef WIN32
    long mstime = ( (end_time.tv_sec - start_time.tv_sec) * 1000000
      + (end_time.tv_usec - start_time.tv_usec) );
    long mstime = (long)(((double)(end_time - start_time)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC * 1000000);
    std::cout << "testdriver: test runtime was " << mstime << "us" << std::endl;


  } // for (int testcnt = 1; i < argc; ++i, ++testcnt)
  std::cout << "testdriver: success" << std::endl;
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
main(int argc, char** argv)
  if (argc != 2)
    std::cout << "\nusage:   testdriver [testfile]" << std::endl;
    return 1;

  zorba::Zorba* engine = zorba::Zorba::getInstance(zorba::StoreManager::getStore());

  zorba::XmlDataManager_t xmlDataMgr = engine->getXmlDataManager();

  Specification lSpec;

   * Sanitize paths
  std::string srcDir = zorba::fs::normalize_path(zorba::UPDATE_SRC_DIR);
  std::string binDir = zorba::fs::normalize_path(zorba::UPDATE_BINARY_DIR);
  std::string argString = zorba::fs::normalize_path(std::string(argv[1]));

  std::string lSpecNoSuffix = argString.substr(0, argString.size()-5);

  std::string lSpecFile( srcDir );
  zorba::fs::append( lSpecFile, "Queries" );
  zorba::fs::append(lSpecFile, argString);
  std::string lSpecPath( zorba::fs::dir_name( lSpecFile ) );

  if ( zorba::fs::get_type( lSpecFile ) != zorba::fs::file )
    std::cout << "\n spec file " << lSpecFile
              << " does not exist or is not a file" << std::endl;
    return 2;

  std::cout << "test " << lSpecNoSuffix << std::endl;
  std::string lResultFile( binDir );
  zorba::fs::append( lResultFile, "QueryResults" );
  zorba::fs::append( lResultFile, lSpecNoSuffix );
  lResultFile += ".res";

  std::string lRefFile( srcDir );
  zorba::fs::append( lRefFile, "ExpectedTestResults" );
  zorba::fs::append( lRefFile, lSpecNoSuffix );
  lRefFile += ".xml.res";
  std::string lRefPath( zorba::fs::dir_name( lRefFile ) );

  // read the xargs and errors if the spec file exists

  Zorba_SerializerOptions lSerOptions;
  lSerOptions.omit_xml_declaration = ZORBA_OMIT_XML_DECLARATION_YES;

  std::unique_ptr<zorba::TestSchemaURIMapper> smapper;

  ulong numQueries = (ulong)lSpec.theStates.size();

  // For each query in the spec file
  for(ulong curQuery = 0; curQuery < numQueries; ++curQuery)
    State* lState = lSpec.theStates[curQuery];

    zorba::XQuery_t lQuery;

    // Open the query file
    std::string qname_str;
    if(lSpecPath.find("XQueryX") == std::string::npos)
      qname_str = lState->theName + ".xq";
      qname_str = lState->theName + ".xqx";

    std::cout << "query name = " << qname_str << std::endl;

    std::string lQueryFile(lSpecPath);
    zorba::fs::append( lQueryFile, qname_str );

    std::cout << std::endl << "Query (Run " << curQuery+1 << "):" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Query file " << lQueryFile << ": " << std::endl;
    zorba::printFile(std::cout, lQueryFile);
    std::cout << std::endl;
    std::ifstream lQueryStream(lQueryFile.c_str());

    // Create static context and set it up. 
    // Create and compile the query object.
      zorba::StaticContext_t lContext = engine->createStaticContext();
      std::string path = lQueryFile;

      if (path.find("w3c_update_testsuite") != std::string::npos) 

        std::string uri_map_file = zorba::fs::normalize_path(srcDir + "/Queries/w3c_update_testsuite/TestSources/uri.txt");
        smapper.reset(new zorba::TestSchemaURIMapper( uri_map_file.c_str() ));
        lContext->registerURIMapper( smapper.get() );

        zorba::Item lEnable = engine->getItemFactory()->
        createQName("http://zorba.io/options/features", "", "enable");

        zorba::Item lDisable = engine->getItemFactory()->
        createQName("http://zorba.io/options/features", "", "disable");

        lContext->declareOption(lDisable, "scripting");
#if 1
        if (path.find("Val") != std::string::npos)
#if 1
        zorba::String lProlog = zorba::String(std::string("import schema 'http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace';\n"));
        lContext->loadProlog(lProlog, getCompilerHints());
      lQuery = engine->createQuery();
      lQuery->setFileName (lQueryFile.c_str());
      lQuery->compile(lQueryStream, lContext, getCompilerHints());

      int save_retval;
      if((save_retval = save_load_plan(engine, lQuery, smapper.get(), lResultFile)))
        return save_retval;
    catch (zorba::ZorbaException &e) 
      if (isErrorExpected(e, lState)) 
        std::cout << "Expected compiler error:\n" << e << std::endl;
        std::cout << "updtestdriver: success" << std::endl;
        return 0;
        std::cout << "Unexpected compiler error:\n" << e << std::endl;
        return 3;

      zorba::DynamicContext* lDynCtx = lQuery->getDynamicContext();
      if (lState->hasDate) 
        std::string lDateTime = lState->theDate; 
        if (lDateTime.find("T") == std::string::npos) {
          lDateTime += "T00:00:00";
      std::vector<Variable*>::const_iterator lVarIter = lState->varsBegin();
      std::vector<Variable*>::const_iterator lVarEnd = lState->varsEnd();
      for(; lVarIter != lVarEnd; ++lVarIter) 
        Variable* lVar = *lVarIter;  
    catch (zorba::ZorbaException &e) 
      if (isErrorExpected(e, lState)) 
        std::cout << "Expected execution error:\n" << e << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Unexpected execution error:\n" << e << std::endl;
        return 6;
      zorba::fs::remove( lResultFile, true );

      std::ofstream lResFileStream(lResultFile.c_str());
      lQuery->execute(lResFileStream, &lSerOptions);
      if (lState->hasCompare) 
        bool lRes = false;
        bool anyMatch = false;
        ulong numRefs = (ulong)lState->theCompares.size();
        for (ulong i = 0; i < numRefs && !lRes; i++) 
          std::string lRefFileTmpString = lRefPath;
          // the ref file is the same for xqueryx and xquery tests
          // hence, we remove the string xqueryx or xquery from the path
          size_t lPosOfW3C = lRefPath.find("w3c_update_testsuite");
          if (lPosOfW3C != std::string::npos) 
            if (lRefPath.find("XQueryX", lPosOfW3C) != std::string::npos)
              lRefFileTmpString = lRefFileTmpString.erase(lPosOfW3C + 21, 8);
              lRefFileTmpString = lRefFileTmpString.erase(lPosOfW3C + 21, 7);
          std::string lRefFile( lRefFileTmpString );
          zorba::fs::append( lRefFile, lState->theCompares[i] );
          std::cout << std::endl << "Ref " << lRefFile << std::endl;
          int lLine, lCol;
          std::string lRefLine, lResultLine;
          lRes = zorba::fileEquals(lRefFile.c_str(),
                                   lLine, lCol, lRefLine, lResultLine);
          // if the simple comparison doesn't work, we do the full-fledged
          // xml canonical comparison
          if (lRes) 
            std::cout << std::endl;
            std::cout << "updtestdriver: success (non-canonical result matches)"
                      << std::endl;
            anyMatch = true;
            std::cout << std::endl;
            std::cout << "Actual and Reference results are not identical"
                      << std::endl << std::endl
                      << "Actual Result " << lResultFile << ": "
                      << std::endl << std::endl;
            zorba::printFile(std::cout, lResultFile);
            std::cout << std::endl << "Reference Result " << lRefFile << ": "
                      << std::endl << std::endl;
            zorba::printFile(std::cout, lRefFile);
            std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
            int lCanonicalRes =
            if (lCanonicalRes == 0) 
              anyMatch = true;
        } // multiple compare possible
        if (!anyMatch) 
          return 4;
      else if (lState->hasErrors && curQuery == numQueries-1) 
        std::cout << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Query must throw an error!" << std::endl;
        return 5; 
        std::cout << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Query returns result but no expected result defined!"
                  << std::endl;
        zorba::printFile(std::cout, lResultFile);
    catch (zorba::ZorbaException &e) 
      if (isErrorExpected(e, lState))
        std::cout << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Expected execution error:\n" << e << std::endl;
        std::cout << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Unexpected execution error:\n" << e << std::endl;
        return 6;
  } // for each query described in the spec file
  std::cout << std::endl;
  std::cout << "updtestdriver: success" << std::endl;
  return 0;