Ejemplo n.º 1
void testFormatting()
    class Tester {
        LFormattedText txt;
        void addLine( const lChar16 * str, int flags, LVFontRef font )
            lString16 s( str );
               s.c_str(),        /* pointer to unicode text string */
               s.length(),         /* number of chars in text, 0 for auto(strlen) */
               0x000000,       /* text color */
               0xFFFFFF,     /* background color */
               font.get(),        /* font to draw string */
               16,    /* interline space, *16 (16=single, 32=double) */
               30,    /* first line margin */
    LVFontRef font1 = fontMan->GetFont(20, 300, false, css_ff_sans_serif, lString8("Arial") );
    LVFontRef font2 = fontMan->GetFont(20, 300, false, css_ff_serif, lString8("Times New Roman") );
    Tester t;
    t.addLine( L"Testing simple paragraph formatting. Just a test. ", LTEXT_ALIGN_WIDTH|LTEXT_FLAG_OWNTEXT, font1 );
    t.addLine( L"Another fragment of text. ", LTEXT_FLAG_OWNTEXT, font1 );
    t.addLine( L"And the last one written with another font", LTEXT_FLAG_OWNTEXT, font2 );
    t.addLine( L"Next paragraph: left-aligned. ", LTEXT_ALIGN_LEFT|LTEXT_FLAG_OWNTEXT, font1 );
    t.addLine( L"One more sentence. Second sentence.", LTEXT_FLAG_OWNTEXT, font1 );
    t.addLine( L"One more sentence. Second sentence.", LTEXT_FLAG_OWNTEXT, font1 );
    t.addLine( L" One more sentence. Second sentence.", LTEXT_FLAG_OWNTEXT, font1 );
    t.addLine( L"Testing simple paragraph formatting. Just a test. ", LTEXT_ALIGN_WIDTH|LTEXT_FLAG_OWNTEXT, font1 );
    t.addLine( L" One more sentence. Second sentence.", LTEXT_FLAG_OWNTEXT, font1 );
    t.addLine( L" Word", LTEXT_FLAG_OWNTEXT, font1 );
    t.addLine( L" Word", LTEXT_FLAG_OWNTEXT, font1 );
    t.addLine( L" Word", LTEXT_FLAG_OWNTEXT, font2 );
    t.addLine( L" Word", LTEXT_FLAG_OWNTEXT, font1 );
    t.addLine( L" Word", LTEXT_FLAG_OWNTEXT, font1 );
    t.addLine( L" Word", LTEXT_FLAG_OWNTEXT, font2 );
    t.addLine( L" Word", LTEXT_FLAG_OWNTEXT, font1 );
    t.addLine( L" One more sentence. Second sentence.", LTEXT_FLAG_OWNTEXT, font1 );
    t.addLine( L" One more sentence. Second sentence.", LTEXT_FLAG_OWNTEXT, font1 );
    int N = 100000;
    int i;
    time_t start1 = time((time_t*)0);
    for ( i=0; i<N; i++ )
        t.txt.FormatNew( 400, 300 );
    time_t end1 = time((time_t*)0);
    time_t start2 = time((time_t*)0);
    for ( i=0; i<N; i++ )
        t.txt.FormatOld( 400, 300 );
    time_t end2 = time((time_t*)0);
    int t1 = (int)(end1-start1);
    int t2 = (int)(end2-start2);
    int delta = (t2-t1) * 100 / t2;
    CRLog::debug("new formatter performance gain is %d%%", delta);
Ejemplo n.º 2
lString8 LVDocFormatCssFileName(int fmt) {
    switch (fmt) {
    case doc_format_fb2: return lString8("fb2.css");
    case doc_format_txt: return lString8("txt.css");
    case doc_format_rtf: return lString8("rtf.css");
    case doc_format_epub: return lString8("epub.css");
    case doc_format_html: return lString8("htm.css");
    case doc_format_txt_bookmark: return lString8("txt.css");
    case doc_format_chm: return lString8("chm.css");
    case doc_format_doc: return lString8("doc.css");
    case doc_format_pdb: return lString8("htm.css");
    default: return lString8("txt.css");
Ejemplo n.º 3
 /// translate string by key, return default value if not found
 virtual lString16 translateString( const char * key, const char * defValue )
     CRLog::trace("Translate(%s)", key);
     lString16 res;
     //static char buf[2048];
     const char * res8 = NULL; //v3_callbacks->GetString( (char *)key );
     if ( res8 && res8[0] ) {
         CRLog::trace("   found(%s)", res8);
         res = Utf8ToUnicode( lString8(res8) );
     } else {
         CRLog::trace("   not found");
         res = Utf8ToUnicode( lString8(defValue) );
     return res;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * Class:     org_coolreader_crengine_Engine
 * Method:    checkFontLanguageCompatibilityInternal
 * Signature: (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Z
JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_org_coolreader_crengine_Engine_checkFontLanguageCompatibilityInternal
		(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jstring fontFace, jstring langCode)
	jboolean res = JNI_TRUE;
	const char* fontFace_ptr = env->GetStringUTFChars(fontFace, 0);
	const char* langCode_ptr = env->GetStringUTFChars(langCode, 0);
	if (fontFace_ptr && langCode_ptr) {
		res = fontMan->checkFontLangCompat(lString8(fontFace_ptr), lString8(langCode_ptr)) ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE;
	if (langCode_ptr)
		env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(langCode, langCode_ptr);
	if (fontFace_ptr)
		env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(fontFace, fontFace_ptr);
	return res;
Ejemplo n.º 5
bool InitCREngine( const char * exename, lString16Collection & fontDirs)
    CRLog::trace("InitCREngine(%s)", exename);


    // Load font definitions into font manager
    // fonts are in files font1.lbf, font2.lbf, ... font32.lbf
    // use fontconfig

    lString16 fontExt = L".ttf";
    lString16Collection fonts;

    getDirectoryFonts( fontDirs, fontExt, fonts, true );
    // load fonts from file
    CRLog::debug("%d font files found", fonts.length());
    if (!fontMan->GetFontCount()) {
        for (int fi=0; fi<fonts.length(); fi++ ) {
            lString8 fn = UnicodeToLocal(fonts[fi]);
            CRLog::trace("loading font: %s", fn.c_str());
            if ( !fontMan->RegisterFont(fn) )
                CRLog::trace("    failed\n");

    if (!fontMan->GetFontCount()) {
        printf("Fatal Error: Cannot open font file(s) .ttf \nCannot work without font\n" );
        return false;
    printf("%d fonts loaded.\n", fontMan->GetFontCount());
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * Class:     org_coolreader_crengine_Engine
 * Method:    isLink
 * Signature: (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;
JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_org_coolreader_crengine_Engine_isLink
  (JNIEnv * env, jclass obj, jstring pathname)
	//CRLog::trace("isLink : enter");
	if (!pathname)
		return NULL;
	//CRLog::trace("isLink : pathname is not null");
	int res = JNI_FALSE;
	jboolean iscopy;
	const char * s = env->GetStringUTFChars(pathname, &iscopy);
	//CRLog::trace("isLink : read utf from pathname");
	struct stat st;
	lString8 path;
	if ( !lstat( s, &st) ) {
		if ( S_ISLNK(st.st_mode) ) {
			char buf[2048];
			int len = readlink(s, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1);
			if (len != -1) {
				buf[len] = 0;
				path = lString8(buf);
	//CRLog::trace("isLink : releasing utf pathname");
	env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(pathname, s);
	//CRLog::trace("isLink : returning");
	return !path.empty() ? (jstring)env->NewGlobalRef(env->NewStringUTF(path.c_str())) : NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 7
static int registerFont(lua_State *L) {
	const char *fontfile = luaL_checkstring(L, 1);
	if ( !fontMan->RegisterFont(lString8(fontfile)) ) {
		return luaL_error(L, "cannot register font <%s>", fontfile);
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 * Class:     org_coolreader_crengine_Engine
 * Method:    initInternal
 * Signature: ([Ljava/lang/String;)Z
JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_org_coolreader_crengine_Engine_initInternal
  (JNIEnv * penv, jobject obj, jobjectArray fontArray)
	CRJNIEnv env(penv);
	LOGI("initInternal called");
	// set fatal error handler
	crSetFatalErrorHandler( &cr3androidFatalErrorHandler );
	LOGD("Redirecting CDRLog to Android");
	CRLog::setLogger( new JNICDRLogger() );
	CRLog::setLogLevel( CRLog::LL_TRACE );
	CRLog::info("CREngine log redirected");
	CRLog::info("initializing hyphenation manager");
	HyphMan::initDictionaries(lString16()); //don't look for dictionaries
	CRLog::info("creating font manager");
	CRLog::debug("converting fonts array: %d items", (int)env->GetArrayLength(fontArray));
	lString16Collection fonts;
	env.fromJavaStringArray(fontArray, fonts);
	int len = fonts.length();
	CRLog::debug("registering fonts: %d fonts in list", len);
	for ( int i=0; i<len; i++ ) {
		lString8 fontName = UnicodeToUtf8(fonts[i]);
		CRLog::debug("registering font %s", fontName.c_str());
		if ( !fontMan->RegisterFont( fontName ) )
			CRLog::error("cannot load font %s", fontName.c_str());
	CRLog::info("%d fonts registered", (int)fontMan->GetFontCount());
	return fontMan->GetFontCount() ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE;
Ejemplo n.º 9
bool DetectEpubFormat( LVStreamRef stream )

    LVContainerRef m_arc = LVOpenArchieve( stream );
    if ( m_arc.isNull() )
        return false; // not a ZIP archive

    //dumpZip( m_arc );

    // read "mimetype" file contents from root of archive
    lString16 mimeType;
        LVStreamRef mtStream = m_arc->OpenStream(L"mimetype", LVOM_READ );
        if ( !mtStream.isNull() ) {
            int size = mtStream->GetSize();
            if ( size>4 && size<100 ) {
                LVArray<char> buf( size+1, '\0' );
                if ( mtStream->Read( buf.get(), size, NULL )==LVERR_OK ) {
                    for ( int i=0; i<size; i++ )
                        if ( buf[i]<32 || ((unsigned char)buf[i])>127 )
                            buf[i] = 0;
                    buf[size] = 0;
                    if ( buf[0] )
                        mimeType = Utf8ToUnicode( lString8( buf.get() ) );

    if ( mimeType != L"application/epub+zip" )
        return false;
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 10
int WINAPI WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance,
    HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
    LPSTR lpCmdLine,
    int nCmdShow
	wchar_t buf0[MAX_PATH];
	GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, buf0, MAX_PATH-1);
	lString16 str016(buf0);
#ifdef _UNICODE
	lString16 str116(lpCmdLine);
	lString8 str18(lpCmdLine);
	lString16 str116 = LocalToUnicode(str18);
	lString8 str0 = UnicodeToUtf8(str016);
	lString8 str1 = UnicodeToUtf8(str116);
	if ( !str1.empty() && str1[0]=='\"' ) {
		// quoted filename support
		str1.erase(0, 1);
		int pos = str1.pos(lString8("\""));
		if ( pos>=0 )
			str1 = str1.substr(0, pos);
	char * argv[2];
	argv[0] = str0.modify();
	argv[1] = str1.modify();
	int argc = str1.empty() ? 1 : 2;
	return main(argc, argv);
Ejemplo n.º 11
static int setHeaderFont(lua_State *L) {
	CreDocument *doc = (CreDocument*) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "credocument");
	const char *face = luaL_checkstring(L, 2);


	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 12
static int setFontFace(lua_State *L) {
	CreDocument *doc = (CreDocument*) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "credocument");
	const char *face = luaL_checkstring(L, 2);


	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 13
QString FilePropsDialog::getDocText( const char * path, const char * delim )
    ldomDocument * doc = _docview->getDocument();
    lString16 res;
    for ( int i=0; i<100; i++ ) {
        lString8 p = lString8(path) + "[" + lString8::itoa(i+1) + "]";
        lString16 p16 = Utf8ToUnicode(p);
        ldomXPointer ptr = doc->createXPointer( p16 );
        if ( ptr.isNull() )
        lString16 s = ptr.getText( L' ' );
        if ( s.empty() )
        if ( !res.empty() && delim!=NULL )
            res << Utf8ToUnicode( lString8( delim ) );
        res << s;
    return cr2qt(res);
Ejemplo n.º 14
lString16 getDocAuthors( ldomDocument * doc, const char * path, const char * delim )
    lString16 res;
    for ( int i=0; i<100; i++ ) {
        lString8 p = lString8(path) + "[" + lString8::itoa(i+1) + "]";
        //CRLog::trace("checking doc path %s", p.c_str() );
        lString16 firstName = getDocText( doc, (p + "/first-name").c_str(), " " );
        lString16 lastName = getDocText( doc, (p + "/last-name").c_str(), " " );
        lString16 middleName = getDocText( doc, (p + "/middle-name").c_str(), " " );
        lString16 nickName = getDocText( doc, (p + "/nickname").c_str(), " " );
        lString16 homePage = getDocText( doc, (p + "/homepage").c_str(), " " );
        lString16 email = getDocText( doc, (p + "/email").c_str(), " " );
        lString16 s = firstName;
        if ( !middleName.empty() )
            s << L" " << middleName;
        if ( !lastName.empty() ) {
            if ( !s.empty() )
                s << L" ";
            s << lastName;
        if ( !nickName.empty() ) {
            if ( !s.empty() )
                s << L" ";
            s << nickName;
        if ( !homePage.empty() ) {
            if ( !s.empty() )
                s << L" ";
            s << homePage;
        if ( !email.empty() ) {
            if ( !s.empty() )
                s << L" ";
            s << email;
        if ( s.empty() )
        if ( !res.empty() && delim!=NULL )
            res << Utf8ToUnicode( lString8( delim ) );
        res << s;
    return res;
Ejemplo n.º 15
lString16 getDocText( ldomDocument * doc, const char * path, const char * delim )
    lString16 res;
    for ( int i=0; i<100; i++ ) {
        lString8 p = lString8(path) + "[" + lString8::itoa(i+1) + "]";
        //CRLog::trace("checking doc path %s", p.c_str() );
        lString16 p16 = Utf8ToUnicode(p);
        ldomXPointer ptr = doc->createXPointer( p16 );
        if ( ptr.isNull() )
        lString16 s = ptr.getText( L' ' );
        if ( s.empty() )
        if ( !res.empty() && delim!=NULL )
            res << Utf8ToUnicode( lString8( delim ) );
        res << s;
    return res;
Ejemplo n.º 16
QString FilePropsDialog::getDocAuthors( const char * path, const char * delim )
    lString16 res;
    for ( int i=0; i<100; i++ ) {
        lString8 p = lString8(path) + "[" + lString8::itoa(i+1) + "]";

        lString16 firstName = qt2cr(getDocText( (p + "/first-name").c_str(), " " ));
        lString16 lastName = qt2cr(getDocText( (p + "/last-name").c_str(), " " ));
        lString16 middleName = qt2cr(getDocText( (p + "/middle-name").c_str(), " " ));
        lString16 nickName = qt2cr(getDocText( (p + "/nickname").c_str(), " " ));
        lString16 homePage = qt2cr(getDocText( (p + "/homepage").c_str(), " " ));
        lString16 email = qt2cr(getDocText( (p + "/email").c_str(), " " ));
        lString16 s = firstName;
        if ( !middleName.empty() )
            s << L" " << middleName;
        if ( !lastName.empty() ) {
            if ( !s.empty() )
                s << L" ";
            s << lastName;
        if ( !nickName.empty() ) {
            if ( !s.empty() )
                s << L" ";
            s << nickName;
        if ( !homePage.empty() ) {
            if ( !s.empty() )
                s << L" ";
            s << homePage;
        if ( !email.empty() ) {
            if ( !s.empty() )
                s << L" ";
            s << email;
        if ( s.empty() )
        if ( !res.empty() && delim!=NULL )
            res << Utf8ToUnicode( lString8( delim ) );
        res << s;
    return cr2qt(res);
Ejemplo n.º 17
    virtual void draw()
        CRRectSkinRef skin = _wm->getSkin()->getWindowSkin( L"#dialog" )->getClientSkin();
        LVDrawBuf * buf = _wm->getScreen()->getCanvas().get();
        skin->draw( *buf, _rect );
        lvRect borders = skin->getBorderWidths();
        lString16 prompt;
        switch (_selectedIndex) {
        case 0:
            prompt = lString16(_("Select next/prev paragraph"));
        case 1:
            prompt = lString16(_("Select one more paragraph"));
        case 2:
            prompt = lString16(_("Deselect paragraph"));
        case 3:
            prompt = lString16(_("Select one more phrase"));
        case 4:
            prompt = lString16(_("Deselect phrase"));

        lvRect keyRect = _rect;
        int promptWidth = skin->measureText(prompt).x;
        keyRect.right = keyRect.left + promptWidth + borders.left + borders.right;
        if ( !keyRect.isEmpty() ) {
            skin->draw( *_wm->getScreen()->getCanvas(), keyRect );
            skin->drawText( *_wm->getScreen()->getCanvas(), keyRect, prompt );
        CRToolBarSkinRef tbSkin = _wm->getSkin()->getToolBarSkin( L"#cite-toolbar" );
        if (!tbSkin.isNull()) {
            keyRect.left += (borders.right + _wm->getScreen()->getWidth() * 2/3/*promptWidth*/);
            keyRect.right = _rect.right;
            CRButtonListRef buttons = tbSkin->getButtons();
            if (!(buttons.isNull() || _itemsCount != buttons->length()))
                tbSkin->drawToolBar(*_wm->getScreen()->getCanvas(), keyRect, true, _selectedIndex);
                lString16 prompt(_("Select text"));
		buf->FillRect( _rect, 0xAAAAAA );
		lvRect keyRect = _rect;
		LVFontRef font = fontMan->GetFont( 20, 600, false, css_ff_sans_serif, lString8("Arial")); //skin->getFont();
//        int margin = 4;
		keyRect.right = _rect.right;
		if ( !keyRect.isEmpty() ) {
			skin->draw( *_wm->getScreen()->getCanvas(), keyRect );
			skin->drawText( *_wm->getScreen()->getCanvas(), keyRect, prompt );
Ejemplo n.º 18
lString16 CRFileHistRecord::getLastTimeString( bool longFormat )

    time_t t = getLastTime();
    tm * bt = localtime(&t);
    char str[20];
    if ( !longFormat )
        sprintf(str, "%02d.%02d.%04d", bt->tm_mday, 1+bt->tm_mon, 1900+bt->tm_year );
        sprintf(str, "%02d.%02d.%04d %02d:%02d", bt->tm_mday, 1+bt->tm_mon, 1900+bt->tm_year, bt->tm_hour, bt->tm_min);
    return Utf8ToUnicode( lString8( str ) );
Ejemplo n.º 19
/// returns current time representation string
static lString16 getDateTimeString( time_t t )
    tm * bt = localtime(&t);
    char str[32];
#ifdef _LINUX
    snprintf(str, 32,
        "%04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d", bt->tm_year+1900, bt->tm_mon+1, bt->tm_mday, bt->tm_hour, bt->tm_min);
    str[31] = 0;
    return Utf8ToUnicode( lString8( str ) );
Ejemplo n.º 20
static int setStyleSheet(lua_State *L) {
	CreDocument *doc = (CreDocument*) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "credocument");
	const char* style_sheet = luaL_checkstring(L, 2);
	lString8 css;

	if (LVLoadStylesheetFile(lString16(style_sheet), css)){
	} else {

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 21
	_docview = new LVDocView(16); //16bpp

    LVRefVec<LVImageSource> icons = getBatteryIcons( 0x000000 );
    _docview->setBatteryIcons( icons );

    LVArray<int> sizes( cr_font_sizes, sizeof(cr_font_sizes)/sizeof(int) );
    _docview->setShowCover( true );
    _docview->setFontSizes( sizes, true );
	_docview->setBatteryFont( fontMan->GetFont( 16, 600, false, css_ff_sans_serif, lString8("Droid Sans") ));
	_docview->createDefaultDocument(lString16("Welcome to CoolReader"), lString16("Please select file to open"));
Ejemplo n.º 22
int luaopen_cre(lua_State *L) {
	luaL_newmetatable(L, "credocument");
	lua_pushstring(L, "__index");
	lua_pushvalue(L, -2);
	lua_settable(L, -3);
	luaL_register(L, NULL, credocument_meth);
	lua_pop(L, 1);
	luaL_register(L, "cre", cre_func);

	/* initialize font manager for CREngine */


	return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 23
static int drawCoverPage(lua_State *L) {
	CreDocument *doc = (CreDocument*) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "credocument");
	BlitBuffer *bb = (BlitBuffer*) lua_topointer(L, 2);

	int w = bb->w,
		h = bb->h;
	/* Set DrawBuf to 8bpp */
	LVGrayDrawBuf drawBuf(w, h, 8, bb->data);

	LVImageSourceRef cover = doc->text_view->getCoverPageImage();
	if (!cover.isNull())
		printf("cover size:%d,%d\n", cover->GetWidth(), cover->GetHeight());
		printf("cover page is null.\n");
	LVDrawBookCover(drawBuf, cover, lString8("Droid Sans Fallback"),
			lString16("test"), lString16("test"), lString16("test"), 0);

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 24
static css_decl_code parse_property_name( const char * & res )
    const char * str = res;
    for (int i=1; css_decl_name[i]; i++)
        if (substr_compare( css_decl_name[i], str ))
            // found!
            if ( substr_compare( ":", str )) {
                CRLog::trace("property name: %s", lString8(res, str-res).c_str() );
                res = str;
                return (css_decl_code)i;
    return cssd_unknown;
Ejemplo n.º 25
void V3DocViewWin::showAboutDialog()
	CRFileHistRecord * hist = _docview->getCurrentFileHistRecord();
    lString16 title = L"Cool Reader ";
    title << Utf8ToUnicode(lString8(PACKAGE_VERSION));

    lString8 txt;
    txt << "<table><col width=\"30%\"/><col width=\"70%\"/>\n";
    CRPropRef props = _docview->getDocProps();

    lString8 statusInfo;
	addPropLine( statusInfo, _("Current page"), lString16::itoa(_docview->getCurPage()+1) );
	addPropLine( statusInfo, _("Total pages"), lString16::itoa(_docview->getPageCount()) );
    addPropLine( statusInfo, _("Battery state"), _docview->getBatteryState()==-1 ? lString16(_("charging...")) : lString16::itoa(_docview->getBatteryState()) + L"%" );
	addPropLine( statusInfo, _("Current Time"), _docview->getTimeString() );
	// TODO:
	if ( hist ) {
		CRBookmark * lastpos = hist->getLastPos();
		if ( lastpos ) {
			addPropLine( statusInfo, _("Current chapter"), lastpos->getTitleText() );
    addInfoSection( txt, statusInfo, _("Status") );

    lString8 fileInfo;
    addPropLine( fileInfo, _("Archive name"), props->getStringDef(DOC_PROP_ARC_NAME) );
    addPropLine( fileInfo, _("Archive path"), props->getStringDef(DOC_PROP_ARC_PATH) );
    addPropLine( fileInfo, _("Archive size"), props->getStringDef(DOC_PROP_ARC_SIZE) );
    addPropLine( fileInfo, _("File name"), props->getStringDef(DOC_PROP_FILE_NAME) );
    addPropLine( fileInfo, _("File path"), props->getStringDef(DOC_PROP_FILE_PATH) );
    addPropLine( fileInfo, _("File size"), props->getStringDef(DOC_PROP_FILE_SIZE) );
    addPropLine( fileInfo, _("File format"), props->getStringDef(DOC_PROP_FILE_FORMAT) );
    addInfoSection( txt, fileInfo, _("File info") );

    lString8 bookInfo;
    addPropLine( bookInfo, _("Title"), props->getStringDef(DOC_PROP_TITLE) );
    addPropLine( bookInfo, _("Author(s)"), props->getStringDef(DOC_PROP_AUTHORS) );
    addPropLine( bookInfo, _("Series name"), props->getStringDef(DOC_PROP_SERIES_NAME) );
    addPropLine( bookInfo, _("Series number"), props->getStringDef(DOC_PROP_SERIES_NUMBER) );
    addPropLine( bookInfo, _("Date"), getDocText( getDocView()->getDocument(), "/FictionBook/description/title-info/date", ", " ) );
    addPropLine( bookInfo, _("Genres"), getDocText( getDocView()->getDocument(), "/FictionBook/description/title-info/genre", ", " ) );
    addPropLine( bookInfo, _("Translator"), getDocText( getDocView()->getDocument(), "/FictionBook/description/title-info/translator", ", " ) );
    addInfoSection( txt, bookInfo, _("Book info") );

    lString8 docInfo;
    addPropLine( docInfo, _("Document author"), getDocAuthors( getDocView()->getDocument(), "/FictionBook/description/document-info/author", " " ) );
    addPropLine( docInfo, _("Document date"), getDocText( getDocView()->getDocument(), "/FictionBook/description/document-info/date", " " ) );
    addPropLine( docInfo, _("Document source URL"), getDocText( getDocView()->getDocument(), "/FictionBook/description/document-info/src-url", " " ) );
    addPropLine( docInfo, _("OCR by"), getDocText( getDocView()->getDocument(), "/FictionBook/description/document-info/src-ocr", " " ) );
    addPropLine( docInfo, _("Document version"), getDocText( getDocView()->getDocument(), "/FictionBook/description/document-info/version", " " ) );
    addPropLine( docInfo, _("Change history"), getDocText( getDocView()->getDocument(), "/FictionBook/description/document-info/history", " " ) );
    addInfoSection( txt, docInfo, _("Document info") );

    lString8 pubInfo;
    addPropLine( pubInfo, _("Publication name"), getDocText( getDocView()->getDocument(), "/FictionBook/description/publish-info/book-name", " " ) );
    addPropLine( pubInfo, _("Publisher"), getDocText( getDocView()->getDocument(), "/FictionBook/description/publish-info/publisher", " " ) );
    addPropLine( pubInfo, _("Publisher city"), getDocText( getDocView()->getDocument(), "/FictionBook/description/publish-info/city", " " ) );
    addPropLine( pubInfo, _("Publication year"), getDocText( getDocView()->getDocument(), "/FictionBook/description/publish-info/year", " " ) );
    addPropLine( pubInfo, _("ISBN"), getDocText( getDocView()->getDocument(), "/FictionBook/description/publish-info/isbn", " " ) );
    addInfoSection( txt, pubInfo, _("Publication info") );

    addPropLine( txt, _("Custom info"), getDocText( getDocView()->getDocument(), "/FictionBook/description/custom-info", " " ) );

    txt << "</table>\n";

    txt = CRViewDialog::makeFb2Xml(txt);
    CRViewDialog * dlg = new CRViewDialog( _wm, title, txt, lvRect(), true, true );
    //int fs = _props->getIntDef( PROP_FILE_PROPS_FONT_SIZE, 26 );
    _wm->activateWindow( dlg );
Ejemplo n.º 26
static bool GetBookProperties(const char *name,  BookProperties * pBookProps)
    CRLog::trace("GetBookProperties( %s )", name);

    // check archieve
    lString16 arcPathName;
    lString16 arcItemPathName;
    bool isArchiveFile = LVSplitArcName( lString16(name), arcPathName, arcItemPathName );

    // open stream
    LVStreamRef stream = LVOpenFileStream( (isArchiveFile ? arcPathName : Utf8ToUnicode(lString8(name))).c_str() , LVOM_READ);
    if (!stream) {
        CRLog::error("cannot open file %s", name);
        return false;

    if ( DetectEpubFormat( stream ) ) {
        CRLog::trace("GetBookProperties() : epub format detected");
    	return GetEPUBBookProperties( name, stream, pBookProps );

    time_t t = (time_t)time(0);

    if ( isArchiveFile ) {
        int arcsize = (int)stream->GetSize();
        LVContainerRef container = LVOpenArchieve(stream);
        if ( container.isNull() ) {
            CRLog::error( "Cannot read archive contents from %s", LCSTR(arcPathName) );
            return false;
        stream = container->OpenStream(arcItemPathName.c_str(), LVOM_READ);
        if ( stream.isNull() ) {
            CRLog::error( "Cannot open archive file item stream %s", LCSTR(lString16(name)) );
            return false;
    struct stat fs;
    if ( !stat( name, &fs ) ) {
        t = fs.st_mtime;

    // read document
    ldomDocument doc(stream, 0);
    ldomDocument doc;
    ldomDocumentWriter writer(&doc, true);
    doc.setNodeTypes( fb2_elem_table );
    doc.setAttributeTypes( fb2_attr_table );
    doc.setNameSpaceTypes( fb2_ns_table );
    LVXMLParser parser( stream, &writer );
    CRLog::trace( "checking format..." );
    if ( !parser.CheckFormat() ) {
        return false;
    CRLog::trace( "parsing..." );
    if ( !parser.Parse() ) {
        return false;
    CRLog::trace( "parsed" );
    #if 0
        char ofname[512];
        sprintf(ofname, "%s.xml", name);
        CRLog::trace("    writing to file %s", ofname);
        LVStreamRef out = LVOpenFileStream(ofname, LVOM_WRITE);
        doc.saveToStream(out, "utf16");
    lString16 authors = extractDocAuthors( &doc, lString16("|"), false );
    lString16 title = extractDocTitle( &doc );
    lString16 language = extractDocLanguage( &doc ).lowercase();
    lString16 series = extractDocSeries( &doc, &pBookProps->seriesNumber );
    if ( !series.empty() )
        authors << "    " << series;
    pBookProps->title = title;
    pBookProps->author = authors;
    pBookProps->series = series;
    pBookProps->filesize = (long)stream->GetSize();
    pBookProps->filename = lString16(name);
    pBookProps->filedate = getDateTimeString( t );
    pBookProps->language = language;
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 27
int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance,
                     HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
                     LPSTR     lpCmdLine,
                     int       nCmdShow)

    CRLog::setFileLogger( "crengine.log", true );
    CRLog::setLogLevel( CRLog::LL_TRACE );

#if 0

    lString8 exe_dir;
    char exe_fn[MAX_PATH+1];
    GetModuleFileNameA( NULL, exe_fn, MAX_PATH );
    lChar16 exe_fn16[MAX_PATH+1];
    GetModuleFileNameW( NULL, exe_fn16, MAX_PATH );
	lString16 exedir = LVExtractPath(lString16(exe_fn16));	
	lString8 exedir8 = UnicodeToUtf8( exedir );
	CRLog::debug("exedir=%s", exedir8.c_str());

	CRMoFileTranslator * translator = new CRMoFileTranslator();
	translator->openMoFile(exedir + L"/po/ru.mo");
	CRI18NTranslator::setTranslator( translator );

	lChar16 sysdir[MAX_PATH+1];
	GetWindowsDirectoryW(sysdir, MAX_PATH);
	lString16 fontdir( sysdir );
	fontdir << L"\\Fonts\\";
	lString8 fontdir8( UnicodeToUtf8(fontdir) );
	lString8 fd = UnicodeToLocal(exedir);
	lString16Collection fontDirs;
	//fontDirs.add( fontdir );
    fontDirs.add( exedir + L"fonts" );
	InitCREngine( exe_fn, fontDirs );
    const char * fontnames[] = {
#if 1
#if 0
#if 0
    for ( int fi = 0; fontnames[fi]; fi++ ) {
        fontMan->RegisterFont( fontdir8 + fontnames[fi] );
    //LVCHECKPOINT("WinMain start");

    if (!fontMan->GetFontCount())
        char str[1000];
        sprintf(str, "Cannot open font file(s) fonts/*.ttf \nCannot work without font\nPlace some TTF files to font\\ directory" );
        sprintf(str, "Cannot open font file(s) font#.lbf \nCannot work without font\nUse FontConv utility to generate .lbf fonts from TTF" );
        MessageBoxA( NULL, str, "CR Engine :: Fb2Test -- fatal error!", MB_OK);
        return 1;

    lString8 cmdline(lpCmdLine);
    if ( cmdline.empty() )
        return 2; // need filename

    hInst = hInstance;


		CRWin32WindowManager winman(500, 700);

		const char * keymap_locations [] = {
		loadKeymaps( winman, keymap_locations );

        ldomDocCache::init( exedir + L"cache", 0x100000 * 96 ); /*96Mb*/

        winman.loadSkin( LVExtractPath(LocalToUnicode(lString8(exe_fn))) + L"skin" );
        V3DocViewWin * main_win = new V3DocViewWin( &winman, LVExtractPath(LocalToUnicode(lString8(exe_fn))) );
        main_win->getDocView()->setFontSize( 20 );
		main_win->loadCSS( exedir + L"fb2.css" );
		main_win->loadSettings( exedir + L"cr3.ini" );
		main_win->setHelpFile( exedir + L"cr3-manual-ru.fb2" );
		HyphMan::initDictionaries( exedir + L"hyph\\" );
		main_win->loadDefaultCover( exedir + L"cr3_def_cover.png" );
		lString8 exedir8 = UnicodeToUtf8( exedir );
		const char * dirs[] = {

		loadKeymaps( winman, dirs );

        main_win->loadHistory( exedir + L"cr3hist.bmk" );

        winman.activateWindow( main_win );
        if ( !main_win->loadDocument( LocalToUnicode( cmdline )) ) {
            char str[100];
            sprintf(str, "Cannot open document file %s", cmdline.c_str());
            MessageBoxA( NULL, str, "CR Engine :: Fb2Test -- fatal error!", MB_OK);
            return 1;
        } else {

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 28
int InitDoc(char *fileName)

    static const lChar16 * css_file_name = L"fb2.css"; // fb2

#ifdef __i386__
#if 0
    CRLog::setFileLogger("/root/abook/.cr3/cr3.log", true);

    CRLog::trace("creating window manager...");
    CRJinkeWindowManager * wm = new CRJinkeWindowManager(600,800);
    CRLog::trace("loading skin...");
    if ( !wm->loadSkin(  lString16( L"/root/abook/crengine/skin" ) ) )
        if ( !wm->loadSkin(  lString16( L"/home/crengine/skin" ) ) )
            wm->loadSkin( lString16( L"/root/crengine/skin" ) );
    CRLog::trace("drawing progressbar 0%%...");
    //wm->getScreen()->invalidateRect( lvRect(0, 0, 600, 800) );
    //wm->showProgress(lString16("cr3_wait_icon.png"), 10);
            const lChar16 * imgname =
                ( wm->getScreenOrientation()&1 ) ? L"cr3_logo_screen_landscape.png" : L"cr3_logo_screen.png";
            LVImageSourceRef img = wm->getSkin()->getImage(imgname);
            if ( !img.isNull() ) {
                wm->getScreen()->getCanvas()->Draw(img, 0, 0, wm->getScreen()->getWidth(), wm->getScreen()->getHeight(),  false );

    lString16 bookmarkDir("/root/abook/bookmarks/");
        lString8 fn(fileName);
        if ( fn.startsWith(lString8("/home")) ) {
            strcpy( history_file_name, "/home/.cr3hist" );
            bookmarkDir = lString16("/home/bookmarks/");
        CRLog::info( "History file name: %s", history_file_name );

    char manual_file[512] = "";
        const char * lang = getLang();
        if ( lang && lang[0] ) {
            // set translator
            CRLog::info("Current language is %s, looking for translation file", lang);
            lString16 mofilename = L"/root/crengine/i18n/" + lString16(lang) + L".mo";
            lString16 mofilename2 = L"/root/abook/crengine/i18n/" + lString16(lang) + L".mo";
            CRMoFileTranslator * t = new CRMoFileTranslator();
            if ( t->openMoFile( mofilename2 ) || t->openMoFile( mofilename ) ) {
                CRLog::info("translation file %s.mo found", lang);
                CRI18NTranslator::setTranslator( t );
            } else {
                CRLog::info("translation file %s.mo not found", lang);
                delete t;
            sprintf( manual_file, "/root/abook/crengine/manual/cr3-manual-%s.fb2", lang );
            if ( !LVFileExists( lString16(manual_file).c_str() ) )
                sprintf( manual_file, "/root/crengine/manual/cr3-manual-%s.fb2", lang );

    const lChar16 * ini_fname = L"cr3.ini";
    if ( strstr(fileName, ".txt")!=NULL || strstr(fileName, ".tcr")!=NULL) {
        ini_fname = L"cr3-txt.ini";
        css_file_name = L"txt.css";
    } else if ( strstr(fileName, ".rtf")!=NULL ) {
        ini_fname = L"cr3-rtf.ini";
        css_file_name = L"rtf.css";
    } else if ( strstr(fileName, ".htm")!=NULL ) {
        ini_fname = L"cr3-htm.ini";
        css_file_name = L"htm.css";
    } else if ( strstr(fileName, ".epub")!=NULL ) {
        ini_fname = L"cr3-epub.ini";
        css_file_name = L"epub.css";
    } else {
        ini_fname = L"cr3-fb2.ini";
        css_file_name = L"fb2.css";

    lString16Collection fontDirs;
    fontDirs.add( lString16(L"/root/abook/fonts/") );
    fontDirs.add( lString16(L"/home/fonts/") );
    //fontDirs.add( lString16(L"/root/crengine/fonts") ); // will be added
    if ( !InitCREngine( "/root/crengine/", fontDirs ) )
        return 0;

        __pid_t pid;
        if( strstr(fileName, ".exe.txt") || strstr(fileName, ".exe.fb2")) {
            pid = fork();
            if(!pid) {
                execve(fileName, NULL, NULL);
            } else {
                waitpid(pid, NULL, 0);
                //return 0;
        //main_win = new V3DocViewWin( wm, lString16(CRSKIN) );

        const char * keymap_locations [] = {
        loadKeymaps( *wm, keymap_locations );
        if ( LVDirectoryExists( L"/root/abook/crengine/hyph" ) )
            HyphMan::initDictionaries( lString16("/root/abook/crengine/hyph/") );
            HyphMan::initDictionaries( lString16("/root/crengine/hyph/") );

        if ( !ldomDocCache::init( lString16(L"/root/abook/crengine/.cache"), 0x100000 * 64 ) ) {
            if ( !ldomDocCache::init( lString16(L"/home/crengine/.cache"), 0x100000 * 64 ) ) {
                CRLog::error("Cannot initialize swap directory");

        CRLog::trace("creating main window...");
        main_win = new CRJinkeDocView( wm, lString16(L"/root/crengine") );
        CRLog::trace("setting colors...");
        main_win->getDocView()->setFontSize( 20 );
        if ( manual_file[0] )
            main_win->setHelpFile( lString16( manual_file ) );
        if ( !main_win->loadDefaultCover( lString16( L"/root/abook/crengine/cr3_def_cover.png" ) ) )
            if ( !main_win->loadDefaultCover( lString16( L"/home/crengine/cr3_def_cover.png" ) ) )
                main_win->loadDefaultCover( lString16( L"/root/crengine/cr3_def_cover.png" ) );
        if ( !main_win->loadCSS(  lString16( L"/root/abook/crengine/" ) + lString16(css_file_name) ) )
            if ( !main_win->loadCSS(  lString16( L"/home/crengine/" ) + lString16(css_file_name) ) )
                main_win->loadCSS( lString16( L"/root/crengine/" ) + lString16(css_file_name) );
        main_win->setBookmarkDir( bookmarkDir );
        CRLog::trace("choosing init file...");
        static const lChar16 * dirs[] = {
        int i;
        CRLog::debug("Loading settings...");
        lString16 ini;
        for ( i=0; dirs[i]; i++ ) {
            ini = lString16(dirs[i]) + ini_fname;
            if ( main_win->loadSettings( ini ) ) {
        CRLog::debug("settings at %s", UnicodeToUtf8(ini).c_str() );
    if ( !main_win->loadHistory( lString16(history_file_name) ) ) {
        CRLog::error("Cannot read history file %s", history_file_name);

        LVDocView * _docview = main_win->getDocView();
        _docview->setBatteryState( checkPowerState() );
        //_docview->setBatteryState( ::getBatteryState() );
        wm->activateWindow( main_win );
        if ( !main_win->loadDocument( lString16(fileName) ) ) {
            printf("Cannot open book file %s\n", fileName);
            delete wm;
            return 0;
        } else {
            postLeds( true );

    //_docview->setVisiblePageCount( 1 );

    //tocDebugDump( _docview->getToc() );

    return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 29
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int res = 0;
        Device::instance(); // initialize device
#ifndef i386
        QProcess::execute("eips -c");
        pTouch = new TouchScreen();
        lString16 exedir = LVExtractPath(LocalToUnicode(lString8(argv[0])));
        lString16 datadir = exedir + "data/";
        lString16 exefontpath = exedir + "fonts";

        lString16Collection fontDirs;
#ifndef i386
        CRPropRef props = LVCreatePropsContainer();
            LVStreamRef cfg = LVOpenFileStream(UnicodeToUtf8(datadir + "cr3.ini").data(), LVOM_READ);
            if(!cfg.isNull()) props->loadFromStream(cfg.get());

        lString16 lang = props->getStringDef(PROP_WINDOW_LANG, "");

        if(!InitCREngine(argv[0], fontDirs)) {
            printf("Cannot init CREngine - exiting\n");
            return 2;
#ifndef i386
        PrintString(1, 1, "crengine version: " + QString(CR_ENGINE_VERSION));
        PrintString(1, 2, QString("build date: %1 %2").arg(__DATE__).arg(__TIME__));
        if (!Device::isTouch()) {
            QString message = "Please wait while application is loading...";
            int xpos = ((Device::getWidth()/12-1)-message.length())/2;
            int ypos = (Device::getHeight()/20-2)/2;
            PrintString(xpos, ypos, message);
        // to catch crashes and remove current cache file on crash (SIGSEGV etc.)
        // set row count depending on device model (used in lists)
        int rc = props->getIntDef(PROP_WINDOW_ROW_COUNT, 0);
        if(!rc) {
#ifndef i386
            switch(Device::getModel()) {
            case Device::KDX:
                rc = 20;
            case Device::KT:
            case Device::KPW:
                rc = 8;
                rc = 10;
            props->setInt(PROP_WINDOW_ROW_COUNT, rc);
            props->setInt(PROP_WINDOW_ROW_COUNT, 10);
            LVStreamRef cfg = LVOpenFileStream(UnicodeToUtf8(datadir + "cr3.ini").data(), LVOM_WRITE);

        MyApplication a(argc, argv);
        pMyApp = &a;
        // set app stylesheet
#ifndef i386
        QString style = Device::isTouch() ? "stylesheet_pw.qss" : "stylesheet_k3.qss";
        QFile qss(QDir::toNativeSeparators(cr2qt(datadir)) + style);
        // set up full update interval for the graphics driver
        Device::setFullScreenUpdateEvery(props->getIntDef(PROP_DISPLAY_FULL_UPDATE_INTERVAL, 1));
        QFile qss(QDir::toNativeSeparators(cr2qt(datadir)) + "stylesheet_k3.qss");
        if(qss.error() == QFile::NoError) {

        QMap<QString, QString> langToCode;
        langToCode["Russian"]   = "ru";
        langToCode["French"]    = "fr";
        langToCode["Hungarian"] = "hu";
        langToCode["Italian"]   = "it";
        langToCode["German"]    = "de";
        langToCode["Ukrainian"] = "uk";

        QString translations = cr2qt(datadir) + "i18n";
        QTranslator myappTranslator, qtr;
        if (!lang.empty() && lang.compare("English")) {
            QString lng = cr2qt(lang);
            if (myappTranslator.load(lng, translations)) {
                // default translator for Qt standard dialogs
                if (qtr.load("qt_" + langToCode[lng], translations)) {
                } else {
                    qDebug() << "Failed to load Qt translation for " << lng;
                // load after default to allow overriding translations
            } else {
                qDebug() << "Can`t load translation file " << lng << " from dir " << translations;

        (void) signal(SIGUSR1, sigCatcher);

        MainWindow mainWin;
        res = a.exec();
    return res;
Ejemplo n.º 30
const lString8 CRI18NTranslator::translate8( const char * src )
	return lString8( translate( src ) );