Ejemplo n.º 1
/** same as l_random, but for integer */
inline int i_random(int maxint)
  /* delivers an integer between 0 and maxint-1 */
  int temp;
  temp =  (int)( ( (double) maxint * l_random() )* AM );
  return temp;
Ejemplo n.º 2
inline double d_random(void)
  /* delivers a uniform double between 0 and 1 */
  double temp;
  iy = l_random();
  if ((temp = AM * iy) > RNMX) 
    temp = RNMX;
  return temp;
Ejemplo n.º 3
TEST(base_random, get_range) {
	bk::random l_random(2);
	bk::uint l_test_count = 20;
		//bk::uint l_max = 0;
		//bk::uint l_test_count = 2000000;
		//for(bk::uint i = 0; i < l_test_count; ++i) {
		//	bk::uint l_v = l_random.get();
		//	l_max = bk::max(l_max, l_v);
		//EXPECT_EQ(bk::random::max, l_max);
		const bk::uint l_max0 = 10;
		bk::uint l_min1 = 10, l_max1 = 0;
		for(bk::uint i = 0; i < l_test_count; ++i) {
			bk::uint l_v = l_random.get(l_max0);
			l_min1 = bk::min(l_min1, l_v);
			l_max1 = bk::max(l_max1, l_v);
		EXPECT_EQ(0U, l_min1);
		EXPECT_EQ(l_max0, l_max1);
		const bk::sint l_min0 = -5, l_max0 = 5;
		bk::sint l_min1 = 5, l_max1 = -5;
		for(bk::uint i = 0; i < l_test_count; ++i) {
			bk::sint l_v = l_random.get(l_min0, l_max0);
			l_min1 = bk::min(l_min1, l_v);
			l_max1 = bk::max(l_max1, l_v);
		EXPECT_EQ(l_min0, l_min1);
		EXPECT_EQ(l_max0, l_max1);
		bk::real l_rmin = -100, l_rmax = 100;
		bk::real l_r0 = l_random.get(l_rmax);
		EXPECT_LE(l_r0, l_rmax);
		bk::real l_rmin = -100, l_rmax = 100;
		bk::real l_r1 = l_random.get(l_rmin, l_rmax);
		EXPECT_GE(l_r1, l_rmin);
		EXPECT_LE(l_r1, l_rmax);
Ejemplo n.º 4
// base/random
TEST(base_random, set_seed) {
	bk::random l_random(12345);
	bk::uint l_test_count = 20;
	bk::uint_array l_res0, l_res1;
	for(bk::uint i = 0; i < l_test_count; ++i) {
	l_random.seed = 12345;
	for(bk::uint i = 0; i < l_test_count; ++i) {
	for(bk::uint i = 0; i < l_test_count; ++i) {
		EXPECT_EQ(l_res0[i], l_res1[i]);
Ejemplo n.º 5
/* test the random number generator */
void main(int argc, char **argv)
  long seed = 7;
  long lo   = 2;
  long hi   = 15;
  long count = 50;
  int i;
  long temp;
  s_l_random( seed, lo, hi);

  printf("\n %d random numbs between %d and %d\n",count,lo,hi);

  for(i=0; i<count; i++){
	  temp = l_random();
	  printf(" %8d ",temp);

Ejemplo n.º 6
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  int buffer_count;    /* length of message to bounce  */
  int buff_size_bytes; /* length of message to bounce in bytes  */
  int iterations;      /* Number of iterations to time */
  long *buffer;         /* buffer to bounce between processes */
  long *incoming;       /* buffer to bounce between processes */
  double *timings,*tp;  /* arrays of times for each iteration */
  double wt_overhead(); /* MPI_Wtime correction factor in Seconds */
  double t0, twtime;    /* initial time and timer call time */
  int my_ID;            /* process id (or in MPI-speak, the rank) */
  int numP;             /* number of processes */
  MPI_Status stat;    /* MPI status parameter */
  int iters, i;
  int cpy_count;

#ifdef DEBUG
  long *result, *res; /* Hold original buffer for testing */
  long diff;          /* holds sum of differences for error testing */
  double check_sum;   /* check sum of random-filled buffer */

** Initialize the MPI environment
  MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &my_ID);
  MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &numP);
  if(numP != 2){
    if(my_ID == 0){
       printf(" Ping Pong only runs with 2 process\n");
       printf(" Wrong number of processes (%d) ... abort \n",numP);
    MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1);

#ifdef DEBUG
  printf("\nMPI Ping Pong Test \n");
  printf("\n after MPI_Init and MPI_Comm_rank\n");
** pass input parameters on to slave
  if(my_ID == 0){
      if (argc == 3){
         buffer_count = atoi(*++argv);
         iterations   = atoi(*++argv);
        printf("Usage: %s <message_size in longs> <iterations> \n",*argv);
        printf(" program will proceed with default values\n");
        buffer_count =  50;
        iterations   =  20;

#ifdef DEBUG
      printf("\n MPI ping/pong with %d longs",buffer_count);
      printf(" and %d iterations \n",iterations);
      buff_size_bytes = buffer_count * sizeof(long);

    MPI_Send (&buffer_count, 1, MPI_INT, 1, MTag_1, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    MPI_Send (&iterations,   1, MPI_INT, 1, MTag_2, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
  else if (my_ID==1){
    MPI_Recv (&buffer_count, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MTag_1, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &stat);
    MPI_Recv (&iterations,   1, MPI_INT, 0, MTag_2, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &stat);
#ifdef DEBUG
      printf("\n ID %d ping/pong with %d longs",my_ID,buffer_count);
      printf(" and %d iterations \n",iterations);

  if (my_ID == 0){
  ** Time the timer and allocate memory used by node 0 only .

      twtime = wt_overhead(iterations);
//      twtime = 0.0;
#ifdef DEBUG
      printf("\n clock correction factor is time is %f\n",twtime);
      if ( (incoming= (long *)malloc(buffer_count* sizeof(long))) == False){
         printf(" Could not allocate buffer of %d longs\n",buffer_count);
         exit (1);
      if((tp=timings=(double *)malloc((unsigned)(iterations*sizeof(double))))==False){
         printf(" Could not allocate space for times array \n");
         exit (1);
 #ifdef DEBUG
      printf("\nDEBUG is on - communications will be tested\n");
      if ( (result = (long *)malloc(buff_size_bytes)) == False){
         printf("Could not allocate result buff of %d longs\n",buffer_count);
         exit (1);

** Allocate memory used on both nodes
  if ( (buffer = (long *)malloc(buffer_count * sizeof(long))) == False){
      printf(" Could not allocate buffer of %d longs\n",buffer_count);
      exit (1);

** Fill buffer up with junk.
  if(my_ID == 0){
     s_l_random( SEED, low_value, hi_value );
     for (i=0; i<buffer_count; i++) buffer[i] = l_random();
#ifdef DEBUG
     check_sum = 0.0;
     for (i=0; i<buffer_count; i++) {
       result[i] = buffer[i];
       check_sum += (double)buffer[i];
     printf("\n %d ping-pong data checksum %f\n",my_ID,check_sum);

** Synchronize everyone and collect timeing data.
#ifdef DEBUG
  printf("\n ID %d do the barrier and start ping-poinging\n",my_ID);
  if (my_ID == 0){
    for( iters = iterations ; iters-- ; ) {
       t0 = MPI_Wtime();

MPI_Send (buffer,   buffer_count, MPI_LONG, 1, MTag_3, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Recv (incoming, buffer_count, MPI_LONG, 1, MTag_4, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &stat);

       *tp = MPI_Wtime();
       *tp++ -= ( t0 + twtime);

#ifdef DEBUG
  for (diff=0, i=0; i<buffer_count; i++) diff+= abs(result[i]-incoming[i]);
  if(diff > 0) printf("\n error in MPI snd/rcv: diff = %ld\n",diff);

    } /* end ID 0 loop */
  else {
    for( iters = iterations ; iters-- ; ) {

MPI_Recv (buffer, buffer_count, MPI_LONG, 0, MTag_3, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &stat);
MPI_Send (buffer, buffer_count, MPI_LONG, 0, MTag_4, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

    }/* end ID 1 loop */

** Produce and output statistics
  if(my_ID == 0){
    printf("Round trip ping-pong times \n");
    printf("\n %d iterations ",iterations);
    printf(" of %d byte messages\n\n",buff_size_bytes);
    time_stats (timings, iterations, buff_size_bytes);
** this is not working right now.  Until I debug this code, I will
** comment it out.
** Do a memcpy of the same size message to provide a point of
** comparison for the communiation data.  This will be particularly
** relevant when we are running on a shared memory system.
//  MPI_Barrier (MPI_COMM_WORLD);
//  if(my_ID == 0){
//    s_l_random( SEED, low_value, hi_value );
//    tp = timings;
//    cpy_count = buffer_count * sizeof(long);
//    for (i=0; i<buffer_count; i++) {
//       incoming[i] = 0L;
//       buffer[i] = l_random();
//    }
//    for( iters = iterations ; iters-- ; ) { 
//       t0 = MPI_Wtime();
//       incoming = (long *) memcpy(incoming, buffer,   cpy_count);
//       buffer   = (long *) memcpy(buffer,   incoming, cpy_count);
//       *tp = MPI_Wtime();
//       *tp++ -= ( t0 + twtime);
//#ifdef DEBUG
//  for (diff=0, i=0; i<buffer_count; i++) diff+= abs(result[i]-incoming[i]);
//  if(diff > 0) printf("\n error in memcpy : diff = %ld\n",diff);
//    }
//    printf("\n\nRound trip memcpy times \n");
//    time_stats (timings, iterations, buff_size_bytes);
//  }
** Wait for end and then shut down MPI

}  /* end of main */