Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: land.c Proyecto: Kinniken/naev
 * @brief Opens the mission computer window.
static void misn_open( unsigned int wid )
   int w, h;
   int y;

   /* Mark as generated. */

   /* Get window dimensions. */
   window_dimWindow( wid, &w, &h );

   /* Set window functions. */
   window_onClose( wid, misn_close );

   /* buttons */
   window_addButtonKey( wid, -20, 20,
         "Take Off", land_buttonTakeoff, SDLK_t );
   window_addButtonKey( wid, -20, 40+LAND_BUTTON_HEIGHT,
         LAND_BUTTON_WIDTH,LAND_BUTTON_HEIGHT, "btnAcceptMission",
         "Accept Mission", misn_accept, SDLK_a );

   /* text */
   y = -60;
   window_addText( wid, w/2 + 10, y,
         w/2 - 30, 40, 0,
         "txtSDate", NULL, &cDConsole,
         "Free Space:");
   window_addText( wid, w/2 + 110, y,
         w/2 - 90, 40, 0,
         "txtDate", NULL, &cBlack, NULL );
   y -= 2 * gl_defFont.h + 50;
   window_addText( wid, w/2 + 10, y,
         w/2 - 30, 20, 0,
         "txtSReward", &gl_smallFont, &cDConsole, "Reward:" );
   window_addText( wid, w/2 + 70, y,
         w/2 - 90, 20, 0,
         "txtReward", &gl_smallFont, &cBlack, NULL );
   y -= 20;
   window_addText( wid, w/2 + 10, y,
         w/2 - 30, h/2-90, 0,
         "txtDesc", &gl_smallFont, &cBlack, NULL );

   /* map */
   map_show( wid, 20, 20,
         w/2 - 30, h/2 - 35, 0.75 );

   misn_genList(wid, 1);
   /* Set default keyboard focuse to the list */
   window_setFocus( wid , "lstMission" );
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: land.c Proyecto: Kinniken/naev
 * @brief Opens the spaceport bar window.
static void bar_open( unsigned int wid )
   int w, h, iw, ih, bw, bh, dh, th;

   /* Mark as generated. */

   /* Set window functions. */
   window_onClose( wid, bar_close );

   /* Get dimensions. */
   bar_getDim( wid, &w, &h, &iw, &ih, &bw, &bh );
   dh = gl_printHeightRaw( &gl_smallFont, w - iw - 60, land_planet->bar_description );

   /* Approach when pressing enter */
   window_setAccept( wid, bar_approach );

   /* Buttons */
   window_addButtonKey( wid, -20, 20,
         bw, bh, "btnCloseBar",
         "Take Off", land_buttonTakeoff, SDLK_t );
   window_addButtonKey( wid, -20 - bw - 20, 20,
         bw, bh, "btnApproach",
         "Approach", bar_approach, SDLK_a );

   /* Bar description. */
   window_addText( wid, iw + 40, -40,
         w - iw - 60, dh, 0,
         "txtDescription", &gl_smallFont, &cBlack,
         land_planet->bar_description );

   /* Add portrait text. */
   th = -40 - dh - 40;
   window_addText( wid, iw + 40, th,
         w - iw - 60, gl_defFont.h, 1,
         "txtPortrait", &gl_defFont, &cDConsole, NULL );

   /* Add mission description text. */
   th -= 20 + PORTRAIT_HEIGHT + 20 + 20;
   window_addText( wid, iw + 60, th,
         w - iw - 100, h + th - (2*bh+60), 0,
         "txtMission", &gl_smallFont, &cBlack, NULL );

   /* Generate the mission list. */
   bar_genList( wid );
   /* Set default keyboard focuse to the list */
   window_setFocus( wid , "iarMissions" );
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * @brief Opens the shipyard window.
void shipyard_open( unsigned int wid )
   int i;
   Ship **ships;
   char **sships;
   glTexture **tships;
   int nships;
   int w, h;
   int iw, ih;
   int bw, bh, padding, off;
   int th;
   int y;
   const char *buf;

   /* Mark as generated. */

   /* Init vars. */
   shipyard_selected = NULL;

   /* Get window dimensions. */
   window_dimWindow( wid, &w, &h );

   /* Calculate image array dimensions. */
   iw = 310 + (w-800);
   ih = h - 60;

   /* Left padding + per-button padding * nbuttons */
   padding = 40 + 20 * 4;

   /* Calculate button dimensions. */
   bw = (w - iw - padding) / 4;

   /* buttons */
   window_addButtonKey( wid, off = -20, 20,
         bw, bh, "btnCloseShipyard",
         "Take Off", land_buttonTakeoff, SDLK_t );
   window_addButtonKey( wid, off -= 20+bw, 20,
         bw, bh, "btnTradeShip",
         "Trade-In", shipyard_trade, SDLK_r );
   window_addButtonKey( wid, off -= 20+bw, 20,
         bw, bh, "btnBuyShip",
         "Buy", shipyard_buy, SDLK_b );
   window_addButtonKey( wid, off -= 20+bw, 20,
         bw, bh, "btnFindShips",
         "Find Ships", shipyard_find, SDLK_f );

   /* target gfx */
   window_addRect( wid, -41, -50,
         SHIP_TARGET_W, SHIP_TARGET_H, "rctTarget", &cBlack, 0 );
   window_addImage( wid, -40, -50,
         SHIP_TARGET_W, SHIP_TARGET_H, "imgTarget", NULL, 1 );

   /* slot types */
   window_addCust( wid, -20, -160, 148, 70, "cstSlots", 0.,
         shipyard_renderSlots, NULL, NULL );

   /* stat text */
   window_addText( wid, -40, -240, 128, 200, 0, "txtStats",
         &gl_smallFont, &cBlack, NULL );

   /* text */
   buf = "Model:\n"
         "Cargo Space:\n"
         "Fuel Use:\n"
   th = gl_printHeightRaw( &gl_smallFont, 100, buf );
   y  = -55;
   window_addText( wid, 40+iw+20, y,
         100, th, 0, "txtSDesc", &gl_smallFont, &cDConsole, buf );
   window_addText( wid, 40+iw+20+100, y,
         w-(40+iw+20+100)-20, th, 0, "txtDDesc", &gl_smallFont, &cBlack, NULL );
   y -= th;
   window_addText( wid, 20+iw+40, y,
         w-(20+iw+40) - 180, 185, 0, "txtDescription",
         &gl_smallFont, NULL, NULL );

   /* set up the ships to buy/sell */
   ships = tech_getShip( land_planet->tech, &nships );
   if (nships <= 0) {
      sships    = malloc(sizeof(char*));
      sships[0] = strdup("None");
      tships    = malloc(sizeof(glTexture*));
      tships[0] = NULL;
      nships    = 1;
   else {
      sships = malloc(sizeof(char*)*nships);
      tships = malloc(sizeof(glTexture*)*nships);
      for (i=0; i<nships; i++) {
         sships[i] = strdup(ships[i]->name);
         tships[i] = ships[i]->gfx_store;
   window_addImageArray( wid, 20, 20,
         iw, ih, "iarShipyard", 64./96.*128., 64.,
         tships, sships, nships, shipyard_update, shipyard_rmouse );

   /* write the shipyard stuff */
   shipyard_update(wid, NULL);
   /* Set default keyboard focuse to the list */
   window_setFocus( wid , "iarShipyard" );