IntRect RenderInline::linesBoundingBox() const
    IntRect result;
    // See <rdar://problem/5289721>, for an unknown reason the linked list here is sometimes inconsistent, first is non-zero and last is zero.  We have been
    // unable to reproduce this at all (and consequently unable to figure ot why this is happening).  The assert will hopefully catch the problem in debug
    // builds and help us someday figure out why.  We also put in a redundant check of lastLineBox() to avoid the crash for now.
    ASSERT(!firstLineBox() == !lastLineBox());  // Either both are null or both exist.
    if (firstLineBox() && lastLineBox()) {
        // Return the width of the minimal left side and the maximal right side.
        int leftSide = 0;
        int rightSide = 0;
        for (InlineRunBox* curr = firstLineBox(); curr; curr = curr->nextLineBox()) {
            if (curr == firstLineBox() || curr->xPos() < leftSide)
                leftSide = curr->xPos();
            if (curr == firstLineBox() || curr->xPos() + curr->width() > rightSide)
                rightSide = curr->xPos() + curr->width();
        result.setWidth(rightSide - leftSide);
        result.setHeight(lastLineBox()->yPos() + lastLineBox()->height() - firstLineBox()->yPos());

    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool RenderLineBoxList::hitTest(RenderBoxModelObject* renderer, const HitTestRequest& request, HitTestResult& result, int x, int y, int tx, int ty, HitTestAction hitTestAction) const
    if (hitTestAction != HitTestForeground)
        return false;

    ASSERT(renderer->isRenderBlock() || (renderer->isRenderInline() && renderer->hasLayer())); // The only way an inline could hit test like this is if it has a layer.

    // If we have no lines then we have no work to do.
    if (!firstLineBox())
        return false;

    // We can check the first box and last box and avoid hit testing if we don't
    // contain the point.  This is a quick short-circuit that we can take to avoid walking any lines.
    // FIXME: This check is flawed in the following extremely obscure way:
    // if some line in the middle has a huge overflow, it might actually extend below the last line.
    if ((y >= ty + lastLineBox()->root()->bottomVisibleOverflow()) || (y < ty + firstLineBox()->root()->topVisibleOverflow()))
        return false;

    // See if our root lines contain the point.  If so, then we hit test
    // them further.  Note that boxes can easily overlap, so we can't make any assumptions
    // based off positions of our first line box or our last line box.
    for (InlineFlowBox* curr = lastLineBox(); curr; curr = curr->prevLineBox()) {
        if (y >= ty + curr->root()->topVisibleOverflow() && y < ty + curr->root()->bottomVisibleOverflow()) {
            bool inside = curr->nodeAtPoint(request, result, x, y, tx, ty);
            if (inside) {
                renderer->updateHitTestResult(result, IntPoint(x - tx, y - ty));
                return true;
    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int RenderInline::height() const
    // See <rdar://problem/5289721>, for an unknown reason the linked list here is sometimes inconsistent, first is non-zero and last is zero.  We have been
    // unable to reproduce this at all (and consequently unable to figure ot why this is happening).  The assert will hopefully catch the problem in debug
    // builds and help us someday figure out why.  We also put in a redundant check of lastLineBox() to avoid the crash for now.
    ASSERT(!firstLineBox() == !lastLineBox());  // Either both are null or both exist.
    if (firstLineBox() && lastLineBox())
        return lastLineBox()->yPos() + lastLineBox()->height() - firstLineBox()->yPos();
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
bool LineBoxList::anyLineIntersectsRect(LayoutBoxModelObject* renderer, const LayoutRect& rect, const LayoutPoint& offset) const
    // We can check the first box and last box and avoid painting/hit testing if we don't
    // intersect.  This is a quick short-circuit that we can take to avoid walking any lines.
    // FIXME: This check is flawed in the following extremely obscure way:
    // if some line in the middle has a huge overflow, it might actually extend below the last line.
    RootInlineBox& firstRootBox = firstLineBox()->root();
    RootInlineBox& lastRootBox = lastLineBox()->root();
    LayoutUnit firstLineTop = firstLineBox()->logicalTopVisualOverflow(firstRootBox.lineTop());
    LayoutUnit lastLineBottom = lastLineBox()->logicalBottomVisualOverflow(lastRootBox.lineBottom());

    return rangeIntersectsRect(renderer, firstLineTop, lastLineBottom, rect, offset);
Ejemplo n.º 5
bool LineBoxList::hitTest(LayoutBoxModelObject* renderer, HitTestResult& result, const HitTestLocation& locationInContainer, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset, HitTestAction hitTestAction) const
    if (hitTestAction != HitTestForeground)
        return false;

    ASSERT(renderer->isLayoutBlock() || (renderer->isLayoutInline() && renderer->hasLayer())); // The only way an inline could hit test like this is if it has a layer.

    // If we have no lines then we have no work to do.
    if (!firstLineBox())
        return false;

    LayoutPoint point = locationInContainer.point();
    LayoutRect rect(firstLineBox()->isHorizontal() ?
                    IntRect(point.x(), point.y() - locationInContainer.topPadding(), 1, locationInContainer.topPadding() + locationInContainer.bottomPadding() + 1) :
                    IntRect(point.x() - locationInContainer.leftPadding(), point.y(), locationInContainer.rightPadding() + locationInContainer.leftPadding() + 1, 1));

    if (!anyLineIntersectsRect(renderer, rect, accumulatedOffset))
        return false;

    // See if our root lines contain the point.  If so, then we hit test
    // them further.  Note that boxes can easily overlap, so we can't make any assumptions
    // based off positions of our first line box or our last line box.
    for (InlineFlowBox* curr = lastLineBox(); curr; curr = curr->prevLineBox()) {
        RootInlineBox& root = curr->root();
        if (rangeIntersectsRect(renderer, curr->logicalTopVisualOverflow(root.lineTop()), curr->logicalBottomVisualOverflow(root.lineBottom()), rect, accumulatedOffset)) {
            bool inside = curr->nodeAtPoint(result, locationInContainer, accumulatedOffset, root.lineTop(), root.lineBottom());
            if (inside) {
                renderer->updateHitTestResult(result, locationInContainer.point() - toLayoutSize(accumulatedOffset));
                return true;

    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 6
void RenderLineBoxList::paint(RenderBoxModelObject* renderer, RenderObject::PaintInfo& paintInfo, int tx, int ty) const
    // Only paint during the foreground/selection phases.(只有画前景和选择才会跑到这里)
    if (paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseForeground && paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseSelection && paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseOutline 
        && paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseSelfOutline && paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseChildOutlines && paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseTextClip
        && paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseMask)

    ASSERT(renderer->isRenderBlock() || (renderer->isRenderInline() && renderer->hasLayer())); // The only way an inline could paint like this is if it has a layer.

    // If we have no lines then we have no work to do.
    if (!firstLineBox())

    // We can check the first box and last box and avoid painting if we don't
    // intersect.  This is a quick short-circuit that we can take to avoid walking any lines.
    // FIXME: This check is flawed in the following extremely obscure way:
    // if some line in the middle has a huge overflow, it might actually extend below the last line.
    int yPos = firstLineBox()->topVisibleOverflow() - renderer->maximalOutlineSize(paintInfo.phase);
    int h = renderer->maximalOutlineSize(paintInfo.phase) + lastLineBox()->bottomVisibleOverflow() - yPos; // 要画的inline块(从第一行到最后一行的)整个高度
    yPos += ty;	// 起始高度
    if (yPos >= paintInfo.rect.bottom() || yPos + h <= paintInfo.rect.y())

    RenderObject::PaintInfo info(paintInfo);
    ListHashSet<RenderInline*> outlineObjects;
    info.outlineObjects = &outlineObjects;

    // See if our root lines intersect with the dirty rect.  If so, then we paint
    // them.  Note that boxes can easily overlap, so we can't make any assumptions
    // based off positions of our first line box or our last line box.
    RenderView* v = renderer->view();
    bool usePrintRect = !v->printRect().isEmpty();
    for (InlineFlowBox* curr = firstLineBox(); curr; curr = curr->nextLineBox()) { // 开始对每行进行绘制
        if (usePrintRect) {
            // FIXME: This is a feeble effort to avoid splitting a line across two pages.
            // It is utterly inadequate, and this should not be done at paint time at all.
            // The whole way objects break across pages needs to be redone.
            // Try to avoid splitting a line vertically, but only if it's less than the height
            // of the entire page.
            if (curr->bottomVisibleOverflow() - curr->topVisibleOverflow() <= v->printRect().height()) {
                if (ty + curr->bottomVisibleOverflow() > v->printRect().bottom()) {
                    if (ty + curr->topVisibleOverflow() < v->truncatedAt())
                        v->setBestTruncatedAt(ty + curr->root()->topVisibleOverflow(), renderer);
                    // If we were able to truncate, don't paint.
                    if (ty + curr->topVisibleOverflow() >= v->truncatedAt())

        int top = min(curr->topVisibleOverflow(), curr->root()->selectionTop()) - renderer->maximalOutlineSize(info.phase); // 高点
        int bottom = curr->bottomVisibleOverflow() + renderer->maximalOutlineSize(info.phase); // 底点
        h = bottom - top;	// 高度
        yPos = ty + top;	// 开始绘制点
        if (yPos < info.rect.bottom() && yPos + h > info.rect.y()) 
            curr->paint(info, tx, ty); // 开始绘制该行

    if (info.phase == PaintPhaseOutline || info.phase == PaintPhaseSelfOutline || info.phase == PaintPhaseChildOutlines) {
        ListHashSet<RenderInline*>::iterator end = info.outlineObjects->end();
        for (ListHashSet<RenderInline*>::iterator it = info.outlineObjects->begin(); it != end; ++it) {
            RenderInline* flow = *it;
            flow->paintOutline(info.context, tx, ty);