void	ProgressDlg::setCurrentPercent(const float percent)
	if (!stopRequested())
		static	float	lastPercent = 23456.0f;
		if (percent != lastPercent)
			lastPercent = percent;
			char	dsp[20];
			sprintf(dsp, "%.3f%%", percent);
			currentTaskProgress.SetPos(static_cast<int>(percent * 10.0f));

			char	disp[90];
			memset(disp, 0, sizeof(disp));
			currentTaskText.GetWindowText(disp, sizeof(disp));

			char	disp2[90];
#ifdef	_DEBUG
			sprintf(disp2, "%.2f%% - %s (DEBUG)", percent, disp);
			sprintf(disp2, "%.2f%% - %s", percent, disp);

	// Update the timer, if it has changed

	int	thisTime = time(NULL);
	if (thisTime != lastTime() && !paused())
		lastTime() = thisTime;
		int	seconds = lastTime() - runtimeStart();
		int	minutes = seconds / 60; seconds -= minutes * 60;
		int	hours = minutes / 60; minutes -= hours * 60;
		char	dsp[90];
		sprintf(dsp, "%02d:%02d:%02d", hours, minutes, seconds);

Ejemplo n.º 2
void FsRadProgressDlg::setCurrentPercent(const float percent)
	if (!stopRequested())
		static	float	lastPercent = 23456.0f;
		if (percent != lastPercent)
			lastPercent = percent;
			CString str;
			str.Format(L"%.3f%%", percent);
			currentTaskProgress.SetPos(static_cast<int>(percent * 10.0f));

			CString disp;

			CString disp2;
			disp2.Format(L"%.2f%% - %s", percent, (LPCWSTR)disp);

	// Update the timer, if it has changed

	auto	thisTime = time(NULL);
	if (thisTime != lastTime() && !paused())
		lastTime() = thisTime;
		auto seconds = lastTime() - runtimeStart();
		auto minutes = seconds / 60; seconds -= minutes * 60;
		auto hours = minutes / 60; minutes -= hours * 60;
		CString dsp;
		dsp.Format(L"%02d:%02d:%02d", hours, minutes, seconds);

Ejemplo n.º 3
    \brief Records point to list with timestamp.
    \param point Point to be recorded.
    \param time Time to be recorded.
    \return Nothing.

void HbPointRecorder::record(qreal point, const QTime &time)
    // Empty list always accepts first point without tests.
    if ( !isEmpty() ) {
        // No point to record a point, if timestamp is less or equal with previous.
        if ( lastTime().msecsTo(time) == 0 ) {
            DEBUG() << "Ignoring point, because no difference in time stamps.";

        // Don't tolerate points, which are too close to previously recorded point.
        if ( qAbs(lastPoint() - point) < mThreshold ) {
            DEBUG() << "Ignoring point, because it is withing threshold of previous point";

    // In case the list contains two or more points, direction can be
    // determined. Each new point added needs to be checked for direction
    // change.
    if ( length() > 1 ) {
        // Clear list, on direction change. Leave the last recorded point
        // to the list, as it can be considered as first point for new direction.
        if ( dirChanged( point ) ) {
            HbPointTime temp = last();

    // Finally check, if the position has changed. Don't record point, when no position
    // change.
    if ( isEmpty() || point != lastPoint() ) {
        // Add point and time to list.
        append(HbPointTime(point, time));
    } else {
        DEBUG() << "Ignoring point, because it equals previous.";
Ejemplo n.º 4
//set up time
void NetCdfConfigureDialog::on_comboBoxDim3_currentIndexChanged(int id)
    if (_currentVar->num_dims() > 2)
        if (id == -1) id = 0;
        double firstValue=0, lastValue=0;
        unsigned size = 0;

        QTime firstTime(0,0,0), lastTime(0,0,0);
        int firstDaysToAdd = 0, lastDaysToAdd = 0;


        QDate initialDate(1960,1,1);
        QTime initialTime(0,0);

        QDateTime initialDateTime;

        QDateTime firstDateTime = initialDateTime.addDays(firstDaysToAdd);

        QDateTime lastDateTime = initialDateTime.addDays(lastDaysToAdd);


        _currentInitialDateTime = initialDateTime;
Ejemplo n.º 5
std::string FeltFile::information() const
    std::ostringstream cont;
    cont << "File type\t\t" << block1_[0] << "\n";
    cont << "Time a\t\t\t" << lastUpdateTime() << "\n";
    cont << "Time b\t\t\t" << referenceTime() << "\n";
    cont << "M\t\t\t" << block1_[7] << "\n";
    cont << "N\t\t\t" << block1_[8] << "\n";
    cont << "K\t\t\t" << block1_[9] << "\n";
    cont << "L\t\t\t" << block1_[10] << "\n";
    cont << "MX\t\t\t" << block1_[11] << "\n";
    cont << "Last word last block\t" << block1_[12] << "\n";
    cont << "storage type\t\t" << block1_[13] << "\n";
    cont << "Update status\t\t" << block1_[14] << "\n";
    cont << "Arch time a\t\t" << firstTime() << "\n";
    cont << "Arch time b\t\t" << lastTime() << "\n";
    cont << "Termins\t\t\t" << block1_[25] << "\n";
    cont << "Indexes/term\t\t" << block1_[26] << "\n";
    cont << "Producer\t\t" << block1_[27] << "\n";
    cont << "Time unit\t\t" << block1_[28] << "\n";
    cont << "Time resolution\t\t" << block1_[29] << "\n";

    return cont.str();
Ejemplo n.º 6
void NotifyWindow::updateNotifyDisplay() {
	if (!item) return;

	int32 w = st::notifyWidth, h = st::notifyHeight;
	QImage img(w * cIntRetinaFactor(), h * cIntRetinaFactor(), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
	if (cRetina()) img.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor());

		QPainter p(&img);
		p.fillRect(0, 0, w - st::notifyBorderWidth, st::notifyBorderWidth, st::notifyBorder->b);
		p.fillRect(w - st::notifyBorderWidth, 0, st::notifyBorderWidth, h - st::notifyBorderWidth, st::notifyBorder->b);
		p.fillRect(st::notifyBorderWidth, h - st::notifyBorderWidth, w - st::notifyBorderWidth, st::notifyBorderWidth, st::notifyBorder->b);
		p.fillRect(0, st::notifyBorderWidth, st::notifyBorderWidth, h - st::notifyBorderWidth, st::notifyBorder->b);

		if (cNotifyView() <= dbinvShowName) {
			if (history->peer->photo->loaded()) {
				p.drawPixmap(st::notifyPhotoPos.x(), st::notifyPhotoPos.y(), history->peer->photo->pix(st::notifyPhotoSize));
			} else {
				peerPhoto = history->peer->photo;
				peerPhoto->load(true, true);
		} else {
			static QPixmap icon = QPixmap::fromImage(App::wnd()->iconLarge().scaled(st::notifyPhotoSize, st::notifyPhotoSize, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation));
			p.drawPixmap(st::notifyPhotoPos.x(), st::notifyPhotoPos.y(), icon);

		int32 itemWidth = w - st::notifyPhotoPos.x() - st::notifyPhotoSize - st::notifyTextLeft - st::notifyClosePos.x() - st::notifyClose.width;

		QRect rectForName(st::notifyPhotoPos.x() + st::notifyPhotoSize + st::notifyTextLeft, st::notifyTextTop, itemWidth, st::msgNameFont->height);
		if (cNotifyView() <= dbinvShowName) {
			if (history->peer->chat) {
				p.drawPixmap(QPoint(rectForName.left() + st::dlgChatImgLeft, rectForName.top() + st::dlgChatImgTop), App::sprite(), st::dlgChatImg);
				rectForName.setLeft(rectForName.left() + st::dlgChatImgSkip);

		QDateTime now(QDateTime::currentDateTime()), lastTime(item->date);
		QDate nowDate(now.date()), lastDate(lastTime.date());
		QString dt = lastTime.toString(qsl("hh:mm"));
		int32 dtWidth = st::dlgHistFont->m.width(dt);
		rectForName.setWidth(rectForName.width() - dtWidth - st::dlgDateSkip);
		p.drawText(rectForName.left() + rectForName.width() + st::dlgDateSkip, rectForName.top() + st::dlgHistFont->ascent, dt);

		if (cNotifyView() <= dbinvShowPreview) {
			const HistoryItem *textCachedFor = 0;
			Text itemTextCache(itemWidth);
			bool active = false;
			item->drawInDialog(p, QRect(st::notifyPhotoPos.x() + st::notifyPhotoSize + st::notifyTextLeft, st::notifyItemTop + st::msgNameFont->height, itemWidth, 2 * st::dlgFont->height), active, textCachedFor, itemTextCache);
		} else {
			static QString notifyText = st::dlgHistFont->m.elidedText(lang(lng_notification_preview), Qt::ElideRight, itemWidth);
			p.drawText(st::notifyPhotoPos.x() + st::notifyPhotoSize + st::notifyTextLeft, st::notifyItemTop + st::msgNameFont->height + st::dlgHistFont->ascent, notifyText);

		if (cNotifyView() <= dbinvShowName) {
			history->nameText.drawElided(p, rectForName.left(), rectForName.top(), rectForName.width());
		} else {
			static QString notifyTitle = st::msgNameFont->m.elidedText(lang(lng_notification_title), Qt::ElideRight, rectForName.width());
			p.drawText(rectForName.left(), rectForName.top() + st::msgNameFont->ascent, notifyTitle);

	pm = QPixmap::fromImage(img);
Ejemplo n.º 7
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  ros::init(argc, argv, "msf_eval");

  enum argIndices{
    bagfile = 1,
    EVAL_topic = 2,
    GT_topic = 3,
    singleRunOnly = 4

  //calibration of sensor to vicon
  Eigen::Matrix4d T_BaBg_mat;

  //this is the Vicon one - SLAM sensor V0
  T_BaBg_mat << 0.999706627053000, -0.022330158354000, 0.005123243528000, -0.060614697387000, 0.022650462142000, 0.997389634278000, -0.068267398302000, 0.035557942651000, -0.003589706237000, 0.068397960288000, 0.997617159323000, -0.042589657349000, 0, 0, 0, 1.000000000000000;

  ros::Duration dt(0.0039);
  const double timeSyncThreshold = 0.005;
  const double timeDiscretization = 10.0; //discretization step for different starting points into the dataset
  const double trajectoryTimeDiscretization = 0.049; //discretization of evaluation points (vision framerate for fair comparison)
  const double startTimeOffset = 10.0;

  if (argc < 4)
    MSF_ERROR_STREAM("usage: ./"<<argv[0]<<" bagfile EVAL_topic GT_topic [singleRunOnly]");
    return -1;
  bool singleRun = false;
  if (argc == 5)
    singleRun = atoi(argv[singleRunOnly]);

    MSF_WARN_STREAM("Doing only a single run.");
    MSF_WARN_STREAM("Will process the dataset from different starting points.");

  typedef geometry_msgs::TransformStamped GT_TYPE;
  typedef geometry_msgs::PoseWithCovarianceStamped EVAL_TYPE;

  // output file
  std::stringstream matlab_fname;

  std::string path = ros::package::getPath("msf_eval");
  matlab_fname << path << "/Matlab/matlab_data" << ros::Time::now().sec << ".m";

  std::ofstream outfile(matlab_fname.str().c_str());

  std::stringstream poses_EVAL;
  std::stringstream poses_GT;


  outfile << "data=[" << std::endl;

  ros::Duration startOffset(startTimeOffset);

  sm::kinematics::Transformation T_BaBg(T_BaBg_mat); //body aslam to body Ground Truth

  // open for reading
  rosbag::Bag bag(argv[bagfile], rosbag::bagmode::Read);

  // views on topics
  rosbag::View view_EVAL(bag, rosbag::TopicQuery(argv[EVAL_topic]));
  rosbag::View view_GT(bag, rosbag::TopicQuery(argv[GT_topic]));

  //check topics
  if (view_EVAL.size() == 0)
    MSF_ERROR_STREAM("The bag you provided does not contain messages for topic "<<argv[EVAL_topic]);
    return -1;
  if (view_GT.size() == 0)
    MSF_ERROR_STREAM("The bag you provided does not contain messages for topic "<<argv[GT_topic]);
    return -1;

  //litter console with number of messages
  MSF_INFO_STREAM("Reading from "<<argv[bagfile]);
  MSF_INFO_STREAM("Topic "<<argv[EVAL_topic]<<", size: "<<view_EVAL.size());
  MSF_INFO_STREAM("Topic "<<argv[GT_topic]<<", size: "<<view_GT.size());

  //get times of first messages
  GT_TYPE::ConstPtr GT_begin = view_GT.begin()->instantiate<GT_TYPE>();
  EVAL_TYPE::ConstPtr POSE_begin = view_EVAL.begin()->instantiate<EVAL_TYPE>();

  MSF_INFO_STREAM("First GT data at "<<GT_begin->header.stamp);
  MSF_INFO_STREAM("First EVAL data at "<<POSE_begin->header.stamp);

  while (true) // start eval from different starting points

    rosbag::View::const_iterator it_EVAL = view_EVAL.begin();
    rosbag::View::const_iterator it_GT = view_GT.begin();

    // read ground truth
    ros::Time start;

    // Find start time alignment: set the GT iterater to point to a time larger than the aslam time
    while (true)
      GT_TYPE::ConstPtr trafo = it_GT->instantiate<GT_TYPE>();
      ros::Time time_GT;
      time_GT = trafo->header.stamp + dt;

      EVAL_TYPE::ConstPtr pose = it_EVAL->instantiate<EVAL_TYPE>();

      ros::Time time_EKF;
      time_EKF = pose->header.stamp;

      if (time_EKF >= time_GT)
        if (it_GT == view_GT.end())
          MSF_ERROR_STREAM("Time synchronization failed");
          return false;
        start = time_GT;
        MSF_INFO_STREAM("Time synced! GT start: "<<start <<" EVAL start: "<<time_EKF);

    // world frame alignment
    sm::kinematics::Transformation T_WaBa;
    sm::kinematics::Transformation T_WgBg;
    sm::kinematics::Transformation T_WgBg_last;
    sm::kinematics::Transformation T_WaWg;

    // now find the GT/EKF pairings
    int ctr = 0; //how many meas did we add this run?
    double ds = 0.0; // distance travelled
    ros::Time lastTime(0.0);

    MSF_INFO_STREAM("Processing measurements... Current start point: "<<startOffset<<"s into the bag.");

    for (; it_GT != view_GT.end(); ++it_GT)
      GT_TYPE::ConstPtr trafo = it_GT->instantiate<GT_TYPE>();

      // find closest timestamp
      ros::Time time_GT = trafo->header.stamp + dt;

      EVAL_TYPE::ConstPtr pose = it_EVAL->instantiate<EVAL_TYPE>();

      ros::Time time_EKF = pose->header.stamp;

      bool terminate = false;
      //get the measurement close to this GT value
      while (time_GT > time_EKF)
        if (it_EVAL == view_EVAL.end())
          terminate = true;
          MSF_INFO_STREAM("done. All EKF meas processed!");
        pose = it_EVAL->instantiate<EVAL_TYPE>();
        time_EKF = pose->header.stamp;
      if (terminate){

      // add comparison value
      if (time_GT - start >= startOffset)

        T_WaBa = sm::kinematics::Transformation(
            Eigen::Vector4d(-pose->pose.pose.orientation.x, -pose->pose.pose.orientation.y,
                            -pose->pose.pose.orientation.z, pose->pose.pose.orientation.w),
                            Eigen::Vector3d(pose->pose.pose.position.x, pose->pose.pose.position.y, pose->pose.pose.position.z));

        T_WgBg = sm::kinematics::Transformation(
            Eigen::Vector4d(-trafo->transform.rotation.x, -trafo->transform.rotation.y, -trafo->transform.rotation.z,
                            Eigen::Vector3d(trafo->transform.translation.x, trafo->transform.translation.y,

        // initial alignment
        if (ctr == 0)
          T_WaWg = (T_WaBa) * T_BaBg * T_WgBg.inverse();
          T_WgBg_last = T_WgBg;

        sm::kinematics::Transformation dT = T_WaBa * (T_WaWg * T_WgBg * T_BaBg.inverse()).inverse();
        sm::kinematics::Transformation T_WaBa_gt = (T_WaWg * T_WgBg * T_BaBg.inverse());

        T_WaBa_gt = sm::kinematics::Transformation(T_WaBa_gt.q().normalized(), T_WaBa_gt.t());
        dT = sm::kinematics::Transformation(dT.q().normalized(), dT.t());

        // update integral
        if (trafo)
          ds += (T_WgBg.t() - T_WgBg_last.t()).norm();
          // store last GT transformation
          T_WgBg_last = T_WgBg;
          // too noisy
          if ((T_WgBg * T_WgBg_last.inverse()).t().norm() > .1)
            ds += (T_WgBg.t() - T_WgBg_last.t()).norm();
            // store last GT transformation
            T_WgBg_last = T_WgBg;
        Eigen::Vector3d dalpha;
        if (dT.q().head<3>().norm() > 1e-12)
          dalpha = (asin(dT.q().head<3>().norm()) * 2 * dT.q().head<3>().normalized());
          dalpha = 2 * dT.q().head<3>();
        // g-vector alignment
        Eigen::Vector3d e_z_Wg(0, 0, 1);
        Eigen::Vector3d e_z_Wa = dT.C() * e_z_Wg;
        double dalpha_e_z = acos(std::min(1.0, e_z_Wg.dot(e_z_Wa)));

        if (fabs((time_GT - time_EKF).toSec()) < timeSyncThreshold
            && (time_EKF - lastTime).toSec() > trajectoryTimeDiscretization)
          if (startOffset.toSec() == startTimeOffset)
            poses_EVAL << T_WaBa.t().transpose() << ";" << std::endl;
            poses_GT << T_WgBg.t().transpose() << ";" << std::endl;
          Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 6> cov = getCovariance(pose);
          outfile << (time_GT - start).toSec() << " "
              << ds << " " << (T_WaBa.t() - T_WaBa_gt.t()).norm() << " " //translation
              << 2 * acos(std::min(1.0, fabs(dT.q()[3]))) << " " << dalpha_e_z << " " //orientation
              <<cov(0, 0)<<" "<<cov(1, 1)<<" "<<cov(2, 2)<<" " //position covariances
              <<cov(3, 3)<<" "<<cov(4, 4)<<" "<<cov(5, 5)<<";" //orientation covariances
              << std::endl;

          lastTime = time_EKF; // remember

        // count comparisons


    MSF_INFO_STREAM("Added "<<ctr<<" measurement edges.");

    //where in the bag should the next eval start
    startOffset += ros::Duration(timeDiscretization);

    if (ctr == 0 || singleRun) //any new measurements this run?

  // cleanup

  outfile << "];";
  outfile << "poses = [" << poses_EVAL.str() << "];" << std::endl;
  outfile << "poses_GT = [" << poses_GT.str() << "];" << std::endl;

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 8
void SessionsBox::gotAuthorizations(const MTPaccount_Authorizations &result) {
	_shortPollRequest = 0;

	auto availCurrent = st::boxWideWidth - st::sessionPadding.left() - st::sessionTerminateSkip;
	auto availOther = availCurrent - st::sessionTerminate.iconPosition.x();// -st::sessionTerminate.width - st::sessionTerminateSkip;

	if (result.type() != mtpc_account_authorizations) {
	auto &v = result.c_account_authorizations().vauthorizations.c_vector().v;

	const CountriesByISO2 &countries(countriesByISO2());

	for_const (auto &auth, v) {
		if (auth.type() != mtpc_authorization) {
		auto &d = auth.c_authorization();
		Data data;
		data.hash = d.vhash.v;

		QString appName, appVer = qs(d.vapp_version), systemVer = qs(d.vsystem_version), deviceModel = qs(d.vdevice_model);
		if (d.vapi_id.v == 2040 || d.vapi_id.v == 17349) {
			appName = (d.vapi_id.v == 2040) ? qstr("Telegram Desktop") : qstr("Telegram Desktop (GitHub)");
		//	if (systemVer == qstr("windows")) {
		//		deviceModel = qsl("Windows");
		//	} else if (systemVer == qstr("os x")) {
		//		deviceModel = qsl("OS X");
		//	} else if (systemVer == qstr("linux")) {
		//		deviceModel = qsl("Linux");
		//	}
			if (appVer == QString::number(appVer.toInt())) {
				int32 ver = appVer.toInt();
				appVer = QString("%1.%2").arg(ver / 1000000).arg((ver % 1000000) / 1000) + ((ver % 1000) ? ('.' + QString::number(ver % 1000)) : QString());
			} else {
				appVer = QString();
		} else {
			appName = qs(d.vapp_name);// +qsl(" for ") + qs(d.vplatform);
			if (appVer.indexOf('(') >= 0) appVer = appVer.mid(appVer.indexOf('('));
		data.name = appName;
		if (!appVer.isEmpty()) data.name += ' ' + appVer;
		data.nameWidth = st::sessionNameFont->width(data.name);

		QString country = qs(d.vcountry), platform = qs(d.vplatform);
		//CountriesByISO2::const_iterator j = countries.constFind(country);
		//if (j != countries.cend()) country = QString::fromUtf8(j.value()->name);

		MTPint active = d.vdate_active.v ? d.vdate_active : d.vdate_created;
		data.activeTime = active.v;

		data.info = qs(d.vdevice_model) + qstr(", ") + (platform.isEmpty() ? QString() : platform + ' ') + qs(d.vsystem_version);
		data.ip = qs(d.vip) + (country.isEmpty() ? QString() : QString::fromUtf8(" \xe2\x80\x93 ") + country);
		if (!data.hash || (d.vflags.v & 1)) {
			data.active = lang(lng_sessions_header);
			data.activeWidth = st::sessionWhenFont->width(lang(lng_sessions_header));
			int32 availForName = availCurrent - st::sessionPadding.right() - data.activeWidth;
			if (data.nameWidth > availForName) {
				data.name = st::sessionNameFont->elided(data.name, availForName);
				data.nameWidth = st::sessionNameFont->width(data.name);
			data.infoWidth = st::sessionInfoFont->width(data.info);
			if (data.infoWidth > availCurrent) {
				data.info = st::sessionInfoFont->elided(data.info, availCurrent);
				data.infoWidth = st::sessionInfoFont->width(data.info);
			data.ipWidth = st::sessionInfoFont->width(data.ip);
			if (data.ipWidth > availCurrent) {
				data.ip = st::sessionInfoFont->elided(data.ip, availCurrent);
				data.ipWidth = st::sessionInfoFont->width(data.ip);
			_current = data;
		} else {
			QDateTime now(QDateTime::currentDateTime()), lastTime(date(active));
			QDate nowDate(now.date()), lastDate(lastTime.date());
			QString dt;
			if (lastDate == nowDate) {
				data.active = lastTime.toString(cTimeFormat());
			} else if (lastDate.year() == nowDate.year() && lastDate.weekNumber() == nowDate.weekNumber()) {
				data.active = langDayOfWeek(lastDate);
			} else {
				data.active = lastDate.toString(qsl("d.MM.yy"));
			data.activeWidth = st::sessionWhenFont->width(data.active);
			int32 availForName = availOther - st::sessionPadding.right() - data.activeWidth;
			if (data.nameWidth > availForName) {
				data.name = st::sessionNameFont->elided(data.name, availForName);
				data.nameWidth = st::sessionNameFont->width(data.name);
			data.infoWidth = st::sessionInfoFont->width(data.info);
			if (data.infoWidth > availOther) {
				data.info = st::sessionInfoFont->elided(data.info, availOther);
				data.infoWidth = st::sessionInfoFont->width(data.info);
			data.ipWidth = st::sessionInfoFont->width(data.ip);
			if (data.ipWidth > availOther) {
				data.ip = st::sessionInfoFont->elided(data.ip, availOther);
				data.ipWidth = st::sessionInfoFont->width(data.ip);

			for (int32 i = _list.size(); i > 1;) {
				if (_list.at(i).activeTime > _list.at(i - 1).activeTime) {
					qSwap(_list[i], _list[i - 1]);

