Ejemplo n.º 1
	void consumeOrbit(float _amount)
		float consume[2];
		consume[0] = m_orbit[0]*_amount;
		consume[1] = m_orbit[1]*_amount;
		m_orbit[0] -= consume[0];
		m_orbit[1] -= consume[1];

		const float toPos[3] =
			m_pos.curr[0] - m_target.curr[0],
			m_pos.curr[1] - m_target.curr[1],
			m_pos.curr[2] - m_target.curr[2],
		const float toPosLen = bx::vec3Length(toPos);
		const float invToPosLen = 1.0f/(toPosLen+FLT_MIN);
		const float toPosNorm[3] =

		float ll[2];
		latLongFromVec(ll[0], ll[1], toPosNorm);
		ll[0] += consume[0];
		ll[1] -= consume[1];
		ll[1] = bx::fclamp(ll[1], 0.02f, 0.98f);

		float tmp[3];
		vecFromLatLong(tmp, ll[0], ll[1]);

		float diff[3];
		diff[0] = (tmp[0]-toPosNorm[0])*toPosLen;
		diff[1] = (tmp[1]-toPosNorm[1])*toPosLen;
		diff[2] = (tmp[2]-toPosNorm[2])*toPosLen;

		m_pos.curr[0] += diff[0];
		m_pos.curr[1] += diff[1];
		m_pos.curr[2] += diff[2];
		m_pos.dest[0] += diff[0];
		m_pos.dest[1] += diff[1];
		m_pos.dest[2] += diff[2];
void splitFacesFromEquilateral(T *_data, unsigned int _width, unsigned int _height, Face<T> **_faces ) {
    // Alloc data.
    const uint32_t faceWidth = (_height + 1)/2;
    const uint32_t faceHeight = faceWidth;

    // Get source parameters.
    const float srcWidthMinusOne  = float(int(_width-1));
    const float srcHeightMinusOne = float(int(_height-1));
    const float invfaceWidthf = 1.0f/float(faceWidth);

    for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
        _faces[i] = new Face<T>();
        _faces[i]->id = i;
        _faces[i]->data = new T[3 * faceWidth * faceHeight];
        _faces[i]->width = faceWidth;
        _faces[i]->height = faceHeight;
        _faces[i]->currentOffset = 0;

        for (uint32_t yy = 0; yy < faceHeight; ++yy) {
            T* dstRowData = &_faces[i]->data[yy * faceWidth * 3];

            for (uint32_t xx = 0; xx < faceWidth; ++xx) {
                T* dstColumnData = &dstRowData[xx * 3];

                // Cubemap (u,v) on current face.
                const float uu = 2.0f*xx*invfaceWidthf-1.0f;
                const float vv = 2.0f*yy*invfaceWidthf-1.0f;

                // Get cubemap vector (x,y,z) from (u,v,faceIdx).
                float vec[3];
                texelCoordToVec(vec, uu, vv, i);

                // Convert cubemap vector (x,y,z) to latlong (u,v).
                float xSrcf;
                float ySrcf;
                latLongFromVec(xSrcf, ySrcf, vec);

                // Convert from [0..1] to [0..(size-1)] range.
                xSrcf *= srcWidthMinusOne;
                ySrcf *= srcHeightMinusOne;

                // Sample from latlong (u,v).
                #ifdef USE_BILINEAR_INTERPOLATION
                    const uint32_t x0 = ftou(xSrcf);
                    const uint32_t y0 = ftou(ySrcf);
                    const uint32_t x1 = M_MIN(x0+1, _width-1);
                    const uint32_t y1 = M_MIN(y0+1, _height-1);

                    const T *src0 = &_data[y0 * _width * 3 + x0 * 3];
                    const T *src1 = &_data[y0 * _width * 3 + x1 * 3];
                    const T *src2 = &_data[y1 * _width * 3 + x0 * 3];
                    const T *src3 = &_data[y1 * _width * 3 + x1 * 3];

                    const float tx = xSrcf - float(int(x0));
                    const float ty = ySrcf - float(int(y0));
                    const float invTx = 1.0f - tx;
                    const float invTy = 1.0f - ty;

                    T p0[3];
                    T p1[3];
                    T p2[3];
                    T p3[3];
                    vec3Mul(p0, src0, invTx*invTy);
                    vec3Mul(p1, src1,    tx*invTy);
                    vec3Mul(p2, src2, invTx*   ty);
                    vec3Mul(p3, src3,    tx*   ty);

                    const T rr = p0[0] + p1[0] + p2[0] + p3[0];
                    const T gg = p0[1] + p1[1] + p2[1] + p3[1];
                    const T bb = p0[2] + p1[2] + p2[2] + p3[2];

                    dstColumnData[0] = rr;
                    dstColumnData[1] = gg;
                    dstColumnData[2] = bb;
                    const uint32_t xSrc = ftou(xSrcf);
                    const uint32_t ySrc = ftou(ySrcf);

                    dstColumnData[0] = _data[ySrc * _width * 3 + xSrc * 3 + 0];
                    dstColumnData[1] = _data[ySrc * _width * 3 + xSrc * 3 + 1];
                    dstColumnData[2] = _data[ySrc * _width * 3 + xSrc * 3 + 2];