Ejemplo n.º 1
QList<QgsMapLayer *> QgsMapLayerStore::addMapLayers( const QList<QgsMapLayer *> &layers, bool takeOwnership )
  QList<QgsMapLayer *> myResultList;
  Q_FOREACH ( QgsMapLayer *myLayer, layers )
    if ( !myLayer || !myLayer->isValid() )
      QgsDebugMsg( "Cannot add invalid layers" );
    //check the layer is not already registered!
    if ( !mMapLayers.contains( myLayer->id() ) )
      mMapLayers[myLayer->id()] = myLayer;
      myResultList << mMapLayers[myLayer->id()];
      if ( takeOwnership )
        myLayer->setParent( this );
      connect( myLayer, &QObject::destroyed, this, &QgsMapLayerStore::onMapLayerDeleted );
      emit layerWasAdded( myLayer );
  if ( !myResultList.isEmpty() )
    emit layersAdded( myResultList );
  return myResultList;
Ejemplo n.º 2
//introduced in 1.8
QList<QgsMapLayer *> QgsMapLayerRegistry::addMapLayers(
  QList<QgsMapLayer *> theMapLayers,
  bool addToLegend,
  bool takeOwnership )
  QList<QgsMapLayer *> myResultList;
  for ( int i = 0; i < theMapLayers.size(); ++i )
    QgsMapLayer * myLayer = theMapLayers.at( i );
    if ( !myLayer || !myLayer->isValid() )
      QgsDebugMsg( "cannot add invalid layers" );
    //check the layer is not already registered!
    if ( !mMapLayers.contains( myLayer->id() ) )
      mMapLayers[myLayer->id()] = myLayer;
      myResultList << mMapLayers[myLayer->id()];
      if ( takeOwnership )
        mOwnedLayers << myLayer;
      emit layerWasAdded( myLayer );
  if ( myResultList.count() > 0 )
    emit layersAdded( myResultList );

    if ( addToLegend )
      emit legendLayersAdded( myResultList );
  return myResultList;
} // QgsMapLayerRegistry::addMapLayers
Ejemplo n.º 3
//introduced in 1.8
QList<QgsMapLayer *> QgsMapLayerRegistry::addMapLayers(
  QList<QgsMapLayer *> theMapLayers,
  bool addToLegend )
  QList<QgsMapLayer *> myResultList;
  for ( int i = 0; i < theMapLayers.size(); ++i )
    QgsMapLayer * myLayer = theMapLayers.at( i );
    if ( !myLayer || !myLayer->isValid() )
      QgsDebugMsg( "cannot add invalid layers" );
    //check the layer is not already registered!
    QMap<QString, QgsMapLayer*>::iterator myIterator =
      mMapLayers.find( myLayer->id() );
    //if myIterator returns mMapLayers.end() then it
    //does not exist in registry and its safe to add it
    if ( myIterator == mMapLayers.end() )
      mMapLayers[myLayer->id()] = myLayer;
      myResultList << mMapLayers[myLayer->id()];
      emit layerWasAdded( myLayer );
  if ( myResultList.count() > 0 )
    emit layersAdded( myResultList );

    if ( addToLegend )
      emit legendLayersAdded( myResultList );
  return myResultList;
} // QgsMapLayerRegistry::addMapLayers
QgsGeometryCheckerSetupTab::QgsGeometryCheckerSetupTab( QgisInterface* iface , QWidget *parent )
    : QWidget( parent ), mIface( iface )

  ui.setupUi( this );
  ui.comboBoxInputLayer->setFilters( QgsMapLayerProxyModel::HasGeometry );
  mRunButton = ui.buttonBox->addButton( tr( "Run" ), QDialogButtonBox::ActionRole );
  mAbortButton = new QPushButton( tr( "Abort" ) );
  mRunButton->setEnabled( false );

  connect( mRunButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( runChecks() ) );
  connect( ui.comboBoxInputLayer, SIGNAL( currentIndexChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( validateInput() ) );
  connect( QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance(), SIGNAL( layersAdded( QList<QgsMapLayer*> ) ), this, SLOT( updateLayers() ) );
  connect( QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance(), SIGNAL( layersWillBeRemoved( QStringList ) ), this, SLOT( updateLayers() ) );
  connect( ui.radioButtonOutputNew, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), ui.lineEditOutput, SLOT( setEnabled( bool ) ) );
  connect( ui.radioButtonOutputNew, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), ui.pushButtonOutputBrowse, SLOT( setEnabled( bool ) ) );
  connect( ui.buttonGroupOutput, SIGNAL( buttonClicked( int ) ), this, SLOT( validateInput() ) );
  connect( ui.pushButtonOutputBrowse, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( selectOutputFile() ) );
  connect( ui.lineEditOutput, SIGNAL( textChanged( QString ) ), this, SLOT( validateInput() ) );
  connect( ui.checkBoxSliverPolygons, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), ui.widgetSliverThreshold, SLOT( setEnabled( bool ) ) );
  connect( ui.checkBoxSliverArea, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), ui.doubleSpinBoxSliverArea, SLOT( setEnabled( bool ) ) );


  Q_FOREACH ( const QgsGeometryCheckFactory* factory, QgsGeometryCheckFactoryRegistry::getCheckFactories() )
    factory->restorePrevious( ui );
Ejemplo n.º 5
QgsMapLayerModel::QgsMapLayerModel( QObject *parent )
    : QAbstractItemModel( parent )
    , mLayersChecked( QMap<QString, Qt::CheckState>() )
    , mItemCheckable( false )
  connect( QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance(), SIGNAL( layersAdded( QList<QgsMapLayer*> ) ), this, SLOT( addLayers( QList<QgsMapLayer*> ) ) );
  connect( QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance(), SIGNAL( layersWillBeRemoved( QStringList ) ), this, SLOT( removeLayers( QStringList ) ) );
  addLayers( QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance()->mapLayers().values() );
Ejemplo n.º 6
 foreach ( QgsMapLayer* l, layers )
     if ( l->id() == mLayerId )
         mLayer = l;
         disconnect( QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance(), SIGNAL( layersAdded( QList<QgsMapLayer*> ) ), this, SLOT( registryLayersAdded( QList<QgsMapLayer*> ) ) );
         emit layerLoaded();
Ejemplo n.º 7
 Q_FOREACH ( QgsMapLayer* l, layers )
   if ( l->id() == mLayerId )
     disconnect( QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance(), SIGNAL( layersAdded( QList<QgsMapLayer*> ) ), this, SLOT( registryLayersAdded( QList<QgsMapLayer*> ) ) );
     emit layerLoaded();
Ejemplo n.º 8
QgsLayerTreeRegistryBridge::QgsLayerTreeRegistryBridge( QgsLayerTreeGroup *root, QObject *parent )
    : QObject( parent )
    , mRoot( root )
    , mEnabled( true )
    , mInsertionPointGroup( root )
    , mInsertionPointIndex( 0 )
  connect( QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance(), SIGNAL( layersAdded( QList<QgsMapLayer*> ) ), this, SLOT( layersAdded( QList<QgsMapLayer*> ) ) );
  connect( QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance(), SIGNAL( layersWillBeRemoved( QStringList ) ), this, SLOT( layersWillBeRemoved( QStringList ) ) );

  connect( mRoot, SIGNAL( willRemoveChildren( QgsLayerTreeNode*, int, int ) ), this, SLOT( groupWillRemoveChildren( QgsLayerTreeNode*, int, int ) ) );
  connect( mRoot, SIGNAL( removedChildren( QgsLayerTreeNode*, int, int ) ), this, SLOT( groupRemovedChildren() ) );
Ejemplo n.º 9
QgsSnappingDialog::QgsSnappingDialog( QWidget* parent, QgsMapCanvas* canvas )
    : QDialog( parent )
    , mMapCanvas( canvas )
    , mDock( 0 )
  setupUi( this );

  QSettings myQsettings;
  bool myDockFlag = myQsettings.value( "/qgis/dockSnapping", false ).toBool();
  if ( myDockFlag )
    mDock = new QgsSnappingDock( tr( "Snapping and Digitizing Options" ), QgisApp::instance() );
    mDock->setAllowedAreas( Qt::BottomDockWidgetArea | Qt::TopDockWidgetArea );
    mDock->setWidget( this );
    connect( this, SIGNAL( destroyed() ), mDock, SLOT( close() ) );
    QgisApp::instance()->addDockWidget( Qt::BottomDockWidgetArea, mDock );
    mButtonBox->setVisible( false );
    connect( mButtonBox, SIGNAL( accepted() ), this, SLOT( apply() ) );
    connect( mButtonBox->button( QDialogButtonBox::Apply ), SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( apply() ) );
  connect( QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance(), SIGNAL( layersAdded( QList<QgsMapLayer * > ) ), this, SLOT( addLayers( QList<QgsMapLayer * > ) ) );
  connect( QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance(), SIGNAL( layersWillBeRemoved( QStringList ) ), this, SLOT( layersWillBeRemoved( QStringList ) ) );
  connect( cbxEnableTopologicalEditingCheckBox, SIGNAL( stateChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( on_cbxEnableTopologicalEditingCheckBox_stateChanged( int ) ) );
  connect( cbxEnableIntersectionSnappingCheckBox, SIGNAL( stateChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( on_cbxEnableIntersectionSnappingCheckBox_stateChanged( int ) ) );


  QMap< QString, QgsMapLayer *> mapLayers = QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance()->mapLayers();
  QMap< QString, QgsMapLayer *>::iterator it;
  for ( it = mapLayers.begin(); it != mapLayers.end() ; ++it )
    addLayer( it.value() );

  mLayerTreeWidget->setHeaderLabels( QStringList() << "" );
  mLayerTreeWidget->resizeColumnToContents( 0 );
  mLayerTreeWidget->setColumnWidth( 1, 200 );  //hardcoded for now
  mLayerTreeWidget->setColumnWidth( 2, 200 );  //hardcoded for now
  mLayerTreeWidget->resizeColumnToContents( 3 );
  mLayerTreeWidget->resizeColumnToContents( 4 );
  mLayerTreeWidget->setSortingEnabled( true );

  connect( QgsProject::instance(), SIGNAL( snapSettingsChanged() ), this, SLOT( reload() ) );
Ejemplo n.º 10
void QgsLayerTreeLayer::attachToLayer()
    // layer is not necessarily already loaded
    QgsMapLayer* l = QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance()->mapLayer( mLayerId );
    if ( l )
        mLayer = l;
        mLayerName = l->name();
        if ( mLayerName.isEmpty() )
            mLayerName = "(?)";
        // wait for the layer to be eventually loaded
        connect( QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance(), SIGNAL( layersAdded( QList<QgsMapLayer*> ) ), this, SLOT( registryLayersAdded( QList<QgsMapLayer*> ) ) );
Ejemplo n.º 11
QgsBullsEyeWidget::QgsBullsEyeWidget( QgsMapCanvas *canvas, QgsLayerTreeView* layerTreeView )
    : QgsBottomBar( canvas ), mLayerTreeView( layerTreeView )
  setLayout( new QHBoxLayout );
  layout()->setSpacing( 10 );

  QWidget* base = new QWidget();
  ui.setupUi( base );
  layout()->addWidget( base );

  QPushButton* closeButton = new QPushButton();
  closeButton->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Preferred );
  closeButton->setIcon( QIcon( ":/images/themes/default/mIconClose.png" ) );
  closeButton->setToolTip( tr( "Close" ) );
  connect( closeButton, SIGNAL( clicked( bool ) ), this, SIGNAL( close() ) );
  layout()->addWidget( closeButton );
  layout()->setAlignment( closeButton, Qt::AlignTop );

  ui.comboBoxLabels->addItem( tr( "Disabled" ), static_cast<int>( QgsBullsEyeLayer::NO_LABELS ) );
  ui.comboBoxLabels->addItem( tr( "Axes" ), static_cast<int>( QgsBullsEyeLayer::LABEL_AXES ) );
  ui.comboBoxLabels->addItem( tr( "Rings" ), static_cast<int>( QgsBullsEyeLayer::LABEL_RINGS ) );
  ui.comboBoxLabels->addItem( tr( "Axes and rings" ), static_cast<int>( QgsBullsEyeLayer::LABEL_AXES_RINGS ) );

  connect( ui.toolButtonAddLayer, SIGNAL( clicked( bool ) ), this, SLOT( createLayer() ) );
  connect( ui.inputCenter, SIGNAL( coordinateChanged() ), this, SLOT( updateLayer() ) );
  connect( ui.toolButtonPickCenter, SIGNAL( clicked( bool ) ), this, SIGNAL( requestPickCenter() ) );
  connect( ui.spinBoxRings, SIGNAL( valueChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( updateLayer() ) );

  connect( ui.spinBoxRingInterval, SIGNAL( valueChanged( double ) ), this, SLOT( updateLayer() ) );
  connect( ui.spinBoxAxesInterval, SIGNAL( valueChanged( double ) ), this, SLOT( updateLayer() ) );

  connect( ui.toolButtonColor, SIGNAL( colorChanged( QColor ) ), this, SLOT( updateColor( QColor ) ) );
  connect( ui.spinBoxFontSize, SIGNAL( valueChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( updateFontSize( int ) ) );
  connect( ui.comboBoxLabels, SIGNAL( currentIndexChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( updateLabeling( int ) ) );
  connect( ui.spinBoxLineWidth, SIGNAL( valueChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( updateLineWidth( int ) ) );

  connect( QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance(), SIGNAL( layersAdded( QList<QgsMapLayer*> ) ), this, SLOT( repopulateLayers() ) );
  connect( QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance(), SIGNAL( layersRemoved( QStringList ) ), this, SLOT( repopulateLayers() ) );
  connect( mCanvas, SIGNAL( currentLayerChanged( QgsMapLayer* ) ), this, SLOT( updateSelectedLayer( QgsMapLayer* ) ) );

  connect( ui.comboBoxLayer, SIGNAL( currentIndexChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( currentLayerChanged( int ) ) );
QgsGeometrySnapperDialog::QgsGeometrySnapperDialog( QgisInterface* iface ):
    mIface( iface )
  ui.setupUi( this );
  mRunButton = ui.buttonBox->addButton( tr( "Run" ), QDialogButtonBox::ActionRole );
  ui.buttonBox->button( QDialogButtonBox::Abort )->hide();
  mRunButton->setEnabled( false );
  setFixedSize( sizeHint() );
  setWindowModality( Qt::ApplicationModal );

  connect( mRunButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( run() ) );
  connect( ui.comboBoxInputLayer, SIGNAL( currentIndexChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( validateInput() ) );
  connect( ui.comboBoxReferenceLayer, SIGNAL( currentIndexChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( validateInput() ) );
  connect( QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance(), SIGNAL( layersAdded( QList<QgsMapLayer*> ) ), this, SLOT( updateLayers() ) );
  connect( QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance(), SIGNAL( layersWillBeRemoved( QStringList ) ), this, SLOT( updateLayers() ) );
  connect( ui.radioButtonOutputNew, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), ui.lineEditOutput, SLOT( setEnabled( bool ) ) );
  connect( ui.radioButtonOutputNew, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), ui.pushButtonOutputBrowse, SLOT( setEnabled( bool ) ) );
  connect( ui.buttonGroupOutput, SIGNAL( buttonClicked( int ) ), this, SLOT( validateInput() ) );
  connect( ui.pushButtonOutputBrowse, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( selectOutputFile() ) );
  connect( ui.lineEditOutput, SIGNAL( textChanged( QString ) ), this, SLOT( validateInput() ) );
