Ejemplo n.º 1
/** Calculate the local fluid stress.
 * The calculation is implemented explicitly for the special case of D3Q19.
 * @param index The local lattice site (Input).
 * @param pi local fluid pressure
inline void lb_calc_local_pi(index_t index, double *pi) {

  double rho;
  double j[3];
  if (!(lattice_switch & LATTICE_LB)) {
      runtimeErrorMsg() <<"Error in lb_calc_local_pi in " << __FILE__ << __LINE__ << ": CPU LB not switched on.";
    j[0] = j[1] = j[2] = 0;
  lb_calc_local_fields(index, &rho, j, pi);
Ejemplo n.º 2
/** Calculate the local fluid stress.
 * The calculation is implemented explicitly for the special case of D3Q19.
 * @param index The local lattice site (Input).
 * @param pi local fluid pressure
inline void lb_calc_local_pi(index_t index, double *pi) {

  double rho;
  double j[3];
  if (!(lattice_switch & LATTICE_LB)) {
        "{ Error in lb_calc_local_pi in %s %d: CPU LB not switched on. } ", __FILE__, __LINE__);
    j[0] = j[1] = j[2] = 0;
  lb_calc_local_fields(index, &rho, j, pi);
Ejemplo n.º 3
/** Calculate temperature of the LB fluid.
 * \param result Fluid temperature
void lb_calc_fluid_temp(double *result) {
  int x, y, z, index;
  double rho, j[3];
  double temp = 0.0;

  for (x=1; x<=lblattice.grid[0]; x++) {
    for (y=1; y<=lblattice.grid[1]; y++) {
      for (z=1; z<=lblattice.grid[2]; z++) {
	index = get_linear_index(x,y,z,lblattice.halo_grid);
	lb_calc_local_fields(index, &rho, j, NULL);

	temp += scalar(j,j);

  temp *= 1./(3.*lbpar.rho*lblattice.grid_volume*lbpar.tau*lbpar.tau*lblattice.agrid);

  MPI_Reduce(&temp, result, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
Ejemplo n.º 4
/** Calculate a velocity profile for the LB fluid. */	
void lb_calc_velprof(double *result, int *params) {

  int index, dir[3], grid[3];
  int newroot=0, subrank, involved=0;
  double rho, j[3], *velprof;
  MPI_Comm slice_comm = NULL;
  MPI_Status status;

  if (this_node != 0) params = malloc(4*sizeof(int));

  MPI_Bcast(params, 4, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

  int vcomp = params[0];
  int pdir  = params[1];
  int x1    = params[2];
  int x2    = params[3];

  dir[pdir] = 0;
  dir[(pdir+1)%3] = x1;
  dir[(pdir+2)%3] = x2;

  //fprintf(stderr,"%d: (%d,%d,%d)\n",this_node,dir[0],dir[1],dir[2]);

  newroot = map_lattice_to_node(&lblattice, dir, grid);
  map_node_array(this_node, node_pos);

  //fprintf(stderr,"%d: newroot=%d (%d,%d,%d)\n",this_node,newroot,grid[0],grid[1],grid[2]);

  if (    (grid[(pdir+1)%3] == node_pos[(pdir+1)%3])
       && (grid[(pdir+2)%3] == node_pos[(pdir+2)%3]) ) {
    involved = 1;

  MPI_Comm_split(MPI_COMM_WORLD, involved, this_node, &slice_comm);
  MPI_Comm_rank(slice_comm, &subrank);

  if (this_node == newroot) 
    result = realloc(result,box_l[pdir]/lblattice.agrid*sizeof(double));

  //fprintf(stderr,"%d (%d,%d): result=%p vcomp=%d pdir=%d x1=%d x2=%d involved=%d\n",this_node,subrank,newroot,result,vcomp,pdir,x1,x2,involved);

  if (involved) {

    velprof = malloc(lblattice.grid[pdir]*sizeof(double));

    //dir[(pdir+1)%3] += 1;
    //dir[(pdir+2)%3] += 1;
    for (dir[pdir]=1;dir[pdir]<=lblattice.grid[pdir];dir[pdir]++) {
      index = get_linear_index(dir[0],dir[1],dir[2],lblattice.halo_grid);
      lb_calc_local_fields(index, &rho, j, NULL);
      //fprintf(stderr,"%p %d %.12e %.12e %d\n",lbfluid[0],index,rho,j[0],vcomp);

      if (rho < ROUND_ERROR_PREC) {
	velprof[dir[pdir]-1] = 0.0;
      } else {
	//velprof[dir[pdir]-1] = local_j / (SQR(lbpar.agrid)*lbpar.tau);
	velprof[dir[pdir]-1] = j[vcomp]/rho * lblattice.agrid/lbpar.tau;
	//fprintf(stderr,"%f %f %f\n",velprof[dir[pdir]-1],local_j,local_rho);

      //if (dir[pdir]==lblattice.grid[pdir]) {
      //	int i;
      //	fprintf(stderr,"(%d,%d,%d)\n",dir[0],dir[1],dir[2]);
      //	fprintf(stderr,"%d\n",lbfluid[index].boundary);
      //	for (i=0;i<lbmodel.n_veloc;i++) fprintf(stderr,"local_n[%p][%d]=%.12e\n",lbfluid[index].n,i,lbfluid[index].n[i]+lbmodel.coeff[i][0]*lbpar.rho);
      //	fprintf(stderr,"local_rho=%e\n",local_rho);
      //	fprintf(stderr,"local_j=%e\n",local_j);

    MPI_Gather(velprof, lblattice.grid[pdir], MPI_DOUBLE, result, lblattice.grid[pdir], MPI_DOUBLE, newroot, slice_comm);




  if (newroot != 0) {
    if (this_node == newroot) {
      MPI_Send(result, lblattice.grid[pdir]*node_grid[pdir], MPI_DOUBLE, 0, REQ_VELPROF, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    if (this_node == 0) {
      //fprintf(stderr,"%d: I'm just here!\n",this_node);
      MPI_Recv(result, lblattice.grid[pdir]*node_grid[pdir], MPI_DOUBLE, newroot, REQ_VELPROF, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
      //fprintf(stderr,"%d: And now I'm here!\n",this_node);

  if (this_node !=0) free(params);
