Ejemplo n.º 1
void lc3_step_one(lc3machine* state)
	// If the machine is not halted
	// Fetch an instruction
	// And call lc3_execute 
    if (state->mem[state->pc] != LC3_TRAP_FULL_HALT) {
        u16 instruction = lc3_fetch(state);
        lc3_execute(state, instruction);
Ejemplo n.º 2
/** lc3_step_one
 * Get the next instrution and execute it if not halted
 * @param state LC3 simulator
void lc3_step_one(lc3machine* state)
    // check if machine is running
    if (state->halted)
    // get the next instruciton
	unsigned short instruction = lc3_fetch(state);
    // run it
    lc3_execute(state, instruction);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void lc3_step_one(lc3machine* state)
		state->halted = 0; 
		unsigned short instr = lc3_fetch(state); 	// get instruction returned from fetch
		lc3_execute(state, instr);  			// execute that instruction
Ejemplo n.º 4
/** lc3_step
  * Executes one instruction
void lc3_step(lc3_state& state)
    // If we are halted then don't step.
    if (state.halted) return;
    // Tick all plugins
    // Fetch Instruction
    unsigned short data = state.mem[state.pc];
    // Test for blackbox (If the line was a JSR statement and it had a blackbox).
    bool blackbox_finish = lc3_blackbox_test(state);
    // Increment PC
    // Form Instruction
    lc3_instr instr = lc3_decode(state, data);
    // Execute Instruction
    const lc3_state_change change = lc3_execute(state, instr);
    // Test for blackbox (If the first line of subroutine had a blackbox).
    if (instr.data.opcode == JSR_INSTR || (instr.data.opcode == TRAP_INSTR && state.true_traps))
        blackbox_finish = blackbox_finish || lc3_blackbox_test(state);
    // Increment executions

    if (state.max_stack_size != 0)
        // If the change is INTERRUPT END
        if (change.changes == LC3_INTERRUPT_END)
            // After you've scrubbed all of the floors in hyrule (remove all instructions that have been added except the LC3_INTERRUPT change.
            lc3_state_change* hmm = &state.undo_stack.back();
            while (hmm->changes != LC3_INTERRUPT_BEGIN)
                hmm = &state.undo_stack.back();
            // Please sire have mercy (Change LC3_INTERRUPT_BEGIN to LC3_INTERRUPT to signal a completed interrupt)
            lc3_state_change& lib = state.undo_stack.back();
            lib.changes = LC3_INTERRUPT;
            // Push Old into state
        // Never pop if you are in privileged mode.

        if (state.privilege && state.max_stack_size < state.undo_stack.size())

    // Tock all plugins

    if (blackbox_finish)

    // If we hit an error or a halt instruction return. no need to do any breakpoint tests.
    if (state.halted) return;
    // Breakpoint test
    lc3_break_test(state, &change);

    if (!state.interrupt_enabled) return;

    // Chime in on all observers.
    std::list<interrupt_test_func>::iterator i;
    for (i = state.interrupt_test.begin(); i != state.interrupt_test.end(); ++i)
        interrupt_test_func func = *i;

    // Interrupt?
    if (!lc3_interrupt(state)) return;

    lc3_state_change interrupt;
    interrupt.changes = LC3_INTERRUPT_BEGIN;
    interrupt.warnings = state.warnings;
    interrupt.executions = state.executions;
    if (state.max_stack_size != 0)

    // Another breakpoint test
    lc3_break_test(state, &interrupt);
Ejemplo n.º 5
    instr = lc3_decode(state, 0xF100);
    BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(instr.trap.opcode, TRAP_INSTR);
    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(instr.trap.unused, 1);
    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(instr.trap.vector, 0);

BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(MalformedInstructionTest, LC3BasicTest)
    const std::vector<unsigned short> malformed_instructions = {0, 1, 0x1008, 0x4001, 0x4200, 0x5008, 0x8001, 0x903E, 0xC001, 0xC200, 0xF100};

    for (const auto& data : malformed_instructions)
        BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("data = x" << std::hex << data);
        lc3_instr instr = lc3_decode(state, data);
        lc3_state_change change = lc3_execute(state, instr);
        BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(state.warnings, 1);
        BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(state.pc, 0x2FFF);
        BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(change.pc, 0x3000);
        lc3_init(state, false, false);

BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(MalformedInstructionDisassemble, LC3BasicTest)
    const std::vector<unsigned short> malformed_instructions = {0, 1, 0x1008, 0x4001, 0x4200, 0x5008, 0x8001, 0x903E, 0xC001, 0xC200, 0xF100};
    const std::vector<std::string> answers = {"NOP *", "NOP *", "ADD R0, R0, R0 *", "JSRR R0 *", "JSRR R0 *", "AND R0, R0, R0 *", "RTI *", "NOT R0, R0 *", "JMP R0 *", "JMP R0 *", "TRAP x00 *"};