Ejemplo n.º 1
 *      ldap_compare_extW     (WLDAP32.@)
 * Check if an attribute has a certain value (asynchronous operation).
 *  ld          [I] Pointer to an LDAP context.
 *  dn          [I] DN of entry to compare value for.
 *  attr        [I] Attribute to compare value for.
 *  value       [I] string encoded value to compare.
 *  data        [I] berval encoded value to compare.
 *  serverctrls [I] Array of LDAP server controls.
 *  clientctrls [I] Array of LDAP client controls.
 *  message     [O] Message ID of the compare operation.
 *  Success: LDAP_SUCCESS
 *  Failure: An LDAP error code.
 *  Set value to compare strings or data to compare binary values. If
 *  both are non-NULL, data will be used. The serverctrls and clientctrls
 *  parameters are optional and should be set to NULL if not used.
ULONG CDECL ldap_compare_extW( WLDAP32_LDAP *ld, PWCHAR dn, PWCHAR attr, PWCHAR value,
    struct WLDAP32_berval *data, PLDAPControlW *serverctrls, PLDAPControlW *clientctrls,
    ULONG *message )
#ifdef HAVE_LDAP
    char *dnU = NULL, *attrU = NULL, *valueU = NULL;
    LDAPControl **serverctrlsU = NULL, **clientctrlsU = NULL;
    struct berval val = { 0, NULL };


    TRACE( "(%p, %s, %s, %s, %p, %p, %p, %p)\n", ld, debugstr_w(dn),
           debugstr_w(attr), debugstr_w(value), data, serverctrls,
           clientctrls, message );

    if (!ld || !message) return WLDAP32_LDAP_PARAM_ERROR;
    if (!attr) return WLDAP32_LDAP_NO_MEMORY;

    if (dn) {
        dnU = strWtoU( dn );
        if (!dnU) goto exit;

    attrU = strWtoU( attr );
    if (!attrU) goto exit;

    if (!data) {
        if (value) {
            valueU = strWtoU( value );
            if (!valueU) goto exit;

            val.bv_len = strlen( valueU );
            val.bv_val = valueU;
    if (serverctrls) {
        serverctrlsU = controlarrayWtoU( serverctrls );
        if (!serverctrlsU) goto exit;
    if (clientctrls) {
        clientctrlsU = controlarrayWtoU( clientctrls );
        if (!clientctrlsU) goto exit;

    ret = ldap_compare_ext( ld, dn ? dnU : "", attrU, data ? (struct berval *)data : &val,
                            serverctrlsU, clientctrlsU, (int *)message );

    strfreeU( dnU );
    strfreeU( attrU );
    strfreeU( valueU );
    controlarrayfreeU( serverctrlsU );
    controlarrayfreeU( clientctrlsU );

    return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int _ns_ldap_compare_ext(char *service, int flags,
	char *dn, char *attr, struct berval *bvalue,
	LDAPControl ** serverctrls, LDAPControl **clientctrls, int *msgidp)
	LDAP *ld = __s_api_getLDAPconn(flags);

	return (ldap_compare_ext(ld, dn, attr, bvalue,
				    serverctrls, clientctrls, msgidp));
Ejemplo n.º 3
		Operation	*op,
		SlapReply	*rs )
	ldapinfo_t		*li = (ldapinfo_t *)op->o_bd->be_private;

	ldapconn_t		*lc = NULL;
	ber_int_t		msgid;
	ldap_back_send_t	retrying = LDAP_BACK_RETRYING;
	LDAPControl		**ctrls = NULL;
	int			rc = LDAP_SUCCESS;

	if ( !ldap_back_dobind( &lc, op, rs, LDAP_BACK_SENDERR ) ) {
		lc = NULL;
		goto cleanup;

	ctrls = op->o_ctrls;
	rc = ldap_back_controls_add( op, rs, lc, &ctrls );
	if ( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) {
		send_ldap_result( op, rs );
		goto cleanup;

	rs->sr_err = ldap_compare_ext( lc->lc_ld, op->o_req_dn.bv_val,
			ctrls, NULL, &msgid );
	rc = ldap_back_op_result( lc, op, rs, msgid,
		li->li_timeout[ SLAP_OP_COMPARE ],
		( LDAP_BACK_SENDRESULT | retrying ) );
	if ( rc == LDAP_UNAVAILABLE && retrying ) {
		retrying &= ~LDAP_BACK_RETRYING;
		if ( ldap_back_retry( &lc, op, rs, LDAP_BACK_SENDERR ) ) {
			/* if the identity changed, there might be need to re-authz */
			(void)ldap_back_controls_free( op, rs, &ctrls );
			goto retry;

	ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_lock( &li->li_counter_mutex );
	ldap_pvt_mp_add( li->li_ops_completed[ SLAP_OP_COMPARE ], 1 );
	ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_unlock( &li->li_counter_mutex );

	(void)ldap_back_controls_free( op, rs, &ctrls );

	if ( lc != NULL ) {
		ldap_back_release_conn( li, lc );

	return rs->sr_err;
Ejemplo n.º 4
** Compare a value against an entry.
** @param #1 LDAP connection.
** @param #2 String with entry's DN.
** @param #3 String with attribute's name.
** @param #4 String with attribute's value.
** @return Function to process the LDAP result.
static int lualdap_compare (lua_State *L) {
	conn_data *conn = getconnection (L);
	ldap_pchar_t dn = (ldap_pchar_t) luaL_checkstring (L, 2);
	ldap_pchar_t attr = (ldap_pchar_t) luaL_checkstring (L, 3);
	BerValue bvalue;
	ldap_int_t rc, msgid;
	bvalue.bv_val = (char *)luaL_checkstring (L, 4);
	bvalue.bv_len = lua_strlen (L, 4);
	rc = ldap_compare_ext (conn->ld, dn, attr, &bvalue, NULL, NULL, &msgid);
	return create_future (L, rc, 1, msgid, LDAP_RES_COMPARE);
Ejemplo n.º 5
static int lua_apr_ldap_compare(lua_State *L)
  lua_apr_ldap_object *object;
  ldap_pchar_t dn, attr;
  BerValue bvalue;
  ldap_int_t rc, msgid;

  object = check_ldap_connection(L, 1);
  dn = (ldap_pchar_t) luaL_checkstring(L, 2);
  attr = (ldap_pchar_t) luaL_checkstring(L, 3);
  bvalue.bv_val = (char *)luaL_checkstring(L, 4);
  bvalue.bv_len = lua_strlen(L, 4);
  rc = ldap_compare_ext(object->ldap, dn, attr, &bvalue, NULL, NULL, &msgid);
  return create_future(L, rc, 1, msgid, LDAP_RES_COMPARE);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 *      ldap_compareW     (WLDAP32.@)
 * Check if an attribute has a certain value (asynchronous operation).
 *  ld      [I] Pointer to an LDAP context.
 *  dn      [I] DN of entry to compare value for.
 *  attr    [I] Attribute to compare value for.
 *  value   [I] Value to compare.
 *  Success: Message ID of the compare operation.
 *  Failure: An LDAP error code.
ULONG CDECL ldap_compareW( WLDAP32_LDAP *ld, PWCHAR dn, PWCHAR attr, PWCHAR value )
#ifdef HAVE_LDAP
    char *dnU = NULL, *attrU = NULL, *valueU = NULL;
    struct berval val = { 0, NULL };
    int msg;

    ret = ~0UL;

    TRACE( "(%p, %s, %s, %s)\n", ld, debugstr_w(dn), debugstr_w(attr),
           debugstr_w(value) );

    if (!ld || !attr) return ~0UL;

    if (dn) {
        dnU = strWtoU( dn );
        if (!dnU) goto exit;

    attrU = strWtoU( attr );
    if (!attrU) goto exit;

    if (value) {
        valueU = strWtoU( value );
        if (!valueU) goto exit;

        val.bv_len = strlen( valueU );
        val.bv_val = valueU;

    ret = ldap_compare_ext( ld, dn ? dnU : "", attrU, &val, NULL, NULL, &msg );

    if (ret == LDAP_SUCCESS)
        ret = msg;
        ret = ~0UL;

    strfreeU( dnU );
    strfreeU( attrU );
    strfreeU( valueU );

    return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 * ldap_compare_ext - perform an ldap extended compare operation.  The dn
 * of the entry to compare to and the attribute and value to compare (in
 * attr and value) are supplied.  The msgid of the response is returned.
 * Example:
 *	msgid = ldap_compare( ld, "c=us@cn=bob", "userPassword", "secret" )
	LDAP *ld,
	LDAP_CONST char *dn,
	LDAP_CONST char *attr,
	LDAP_CONST char *value )
	int msgid;
	struct berval bvalue;

	assert( value != NULL );

	bvalue.bv_val = (char *) value;
	bvalue.bv_len = (value == NULL) ? 0 : strlen( value );

	return ldap_compare_ext( ld, dn, attr, &bvalue, NULL, NULL, &msgid ) == LDAP_SUCCESS
		? msgid : -1;
Ejemplo n.º 8
	LDAP *ld,
	LDAP_CONST char *dn,
	LDAP_CONST char *attr,
	struct berval *bvalue,
	LDAPControl **sctrl,
	LDAPControl **cctrl )
	int		rc;
	int		msgid;
	LDAPMessage	*res;

	rc = ldap_compare_ext( ld, dn, attr, bvalue, sctrl, cctrl, &msgid );

	if (  rc != LDAP_SUCCESS )
		return( rc );

	if ( ldap_result( ld, msgid, LDAP_MSG_ALL, (struct timeval *) NULL, &res ) == -1 || !res )
		return( ld->ld_errno );

	return( ldap_result2error( ld, res, 1 ) );
Ejemplo n.º 9
int ldap_compare_ext_s(LDAP *ld, char *dn, char *attr, struct berval *bvalue,
					   LDAPControl ** serverctrls, LDAPControl **clientctrls)
	int		msgid, retcode = LDAP_SUCCESS;
	LDAPMessage	*res;

	if ( (retcode = ldap_compare_ext( ld, dn, attr, bvalue, serverctrls, clientctrls, &msgid )) != LDAP_SUCCESS )
		return( retcode );

	if ( ldap_result( ld, msgid, 1, (struct timeval *) NULL, &res ) == -1 )
		return( ld->ld_errno );

	retcode = ldap_parse_result( ld, res,  &ld->ld_errno, &ld->ld_matched, &ld->ld_error,
								 &ld->ld_referrals, &ld->ld_ret_ctrls, 1);
	if (retcode == LDAP_SUCCESS)
		retcode = ld->ld_errno;
	return (retcode);
Ejemplo n.º 10
static int docompare(
	LDAP *ld,
	char *dn,
	char *attr,
	struct berval *bvalue,
	int quiet,
	LDAPControl **sctrls,
	LDAPControl **cctrls )
	int		rc, msgid, code;
	LDAPMessage	*res;
	char		*matcheddn;
	char		*text;
	char		**refs;
	LDAPControl **ctrls = NULL;

	if ( dont ) {
		return LDAP_SUCCESS;

	rc = ldap_compare_ext( ld, dn, attr, bvalue,
		sctrls, cctrls, &msgid );
	if ( rc == -1 ) {
		return( rc );

	for ( ; ; ) {
		struct timeval	tv;

		tv.tv_sec = 0;
		tv.tv_usec = 100000;

		if ( tool_check_abandon( ld, msgid ) ) {

		rc = ldap_result( ld, LDAP_RES_ANY, LDAP_MSG_ALL, &tv, &res );
		if ( rc < 0 ) {
			tool_perror( "ldap_result", rc, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
			return rc;

		if ( rc != 0 ) {

	rc = ldap_parse_result( ld, res, &code, &matcheddn, &text, &refs, &ctrls, 1 );

	if( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) {
		fprintf( stderr, "%s: ldap_parse_result: %s (%d)\n",
			prog, ldap_err2string( rc ), rc );
		return rc;

	if ( !quiet && ( verbose || ( code != LDAP_SUCCESS && code != LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE && code != LDAP_COMPARE_FALSE )||
		(matcheddn && *matcheddn) || (text && *text) || (refs && *refs) ) )
		printf( _("Compare Result: %s (%d)\n"),
			ldap_err2string( code ), code );

		if( text && *text ) {
			printf( _("Additional info: %s\n"), text );

		if( matcheddn && *matcheddn ) {
			printf( _("Matched DN: %s\n"), matcheddn );

		if( refs ) {
			int i;
			for( i=0; refs[i]; i++ ) {
				printf(_("Referral: %s\n"), refs[i] );

	/* if we were told to be quiet, use the return value. */
	if ( !quiet ) {
		if ( code == LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE ) {
		} else if ( code == LDAP_COMPARE_FALSE ) {
		} else {

	if ( ctrls ) {
		tool_print_ctrls( ld, ctrls );
		ldap_controls_free( ctrls );

	ber_memfree( text );
	ber_memfree( matcheddn );
	ber_memvfree( (void **) refs );

	return( code );
Ejemplo n.º 11
meta_back_compare( Operation *op, SlapReply *rs )
	metainfo_t	*mi = ( metainfo_t * )op->o_bd->be_private;
	metatarget_t	*mt;
	metaconn_t	*mc;
	int		rc = 0;
	int		candidate = -1;
	struct berval	mdn = BER_BVNULL;
	dncookie	dc;
	struct berval	mapped_attr = op->orc_ava->aa_desc->ad_cname;
	struct berval	mapped_value = op->orc_ava->aa_value;
	int		msgid;
	ldap_back_send_t	retrying = LDAP_BACK_RETRYING;
	LDAPControl	**ctrls = NULL;

	mc = meta_back_getconn( op, rs, &candidate, LDAP_BACK_SENDERR );
	if ( !mc || !meta_back_dobind( op, rs, mc, LDAP_BACK_SENDERR ) ) {
		return rs->sr_err;

	assert( mc->mc_conns[ candidate ].msc_ld != NULL );

	 * Rewrite the modify dn, if needed
	mt = mi->mi_targets[ candidate ];
	dc.target = mt;
	dc.conn = op->o_conn;
	dc.rs = rs;
	dc.ctx = "compareDN";

	switch ( ldap_back_dn_massage( &dc, &op->o_req_dn, &mdn ) ) {
		rc = 1;
		goto cleanup;


	 * if attr is objectClass, try to remap the value
	if ( op->orc_ava->aa_desc == slap_schema.si_ad_objectClass ) {
		ldap_back_map( &mt->mt_rwmap.rwm_oc,
				&mapped_value, BACKLDAP_MAP );

		if ( BER_BVISNULL( &mapped_value ) || BER_BVISEMPTY( &mapped_value ) ) {
			goto cleanup;

	 * else try to remap the attribute
	} else {
		ldap_back_map( &mt->mt_rwmap.rwm_at,
			&mapped_attr, BACKLDAP_MAP );
		if ( BER_BVISNULL( &mapped_attr ) || BER_BVISEMPTY( &mapped_attr ) ) {
			goto cleanup;

		if ( op->orc_ava->aa_desc->ad_type->sat_syntax == slap_schema.si_syn_distinguishedName )
			dc.ctx = "compareAttrDN";

			switch ( ldap_back_dn_massage( &dc, &op->orc_ava->aa_value, &mapped_value ) )
				rc = 1;
				goto cleanup;


	ctrls = op->o_ctrls;
	rc = meta_back_controls_add( op, rs, mc, candidate, &ctrls );
	if ( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) {
		send_ldap_result( op, rs );
		goto cleanup;

	rs->sr_err = ldap_compare_ext( mc->mc_conns[ candidate ].msc_ld, mdn.bv_val,
			mapped_attr.bv_val, &mapped_value,
			ctrls, NULL, &msgid );

	rs->sr_err = meta_back_op_result( mc, op, rs, candidate, msgid,
		mt->mt_timeout[ SLAP_OP_COMPARE ], ( LDAP_BACK_SENDRESULT | retrying ) );
	if ( rs->sr_err == LDAP_UNAVAILABLE && retrying ) {
		retrying &= ~LDAP_BACK_RETRYING;
		if ( meta_back_retry( op, rs, &mc, candidate, LDAP_BACK_SENDERR ) ) {
			/* if the identity changed, there might be need to re-authz */
			(void)mi->mi_ldap_extra->controls_free( op, rs, &ctrls );
			goto retry;

	(void)mi->mi_ldap_extra->controls_free( op, rs, &ctrls );

	if ( mdn.bv_val != op->o_req_dn.bv_val ) {
		free( mdn.bv_val );

	if ( op->orc_ava->aa_value.bv_val != mapped_value.bv_val ) {
		free( mapped_value.bv_val );

	if ( mc ) {
		meta_back_release_conn( mi, mc );

	return rs->sr_err;