Ejemplo n.º 1
struct node
    int data;
    node* left;
    node* right;

static void left_side(node *root){
    if(root == NULL){
    cout << root->data << " ";
Ejemplo n.º 2
static void top_view(node * root)
    if(root == NULL){
    cout << root->data << " ";
int is_identical(struct node_dll *head, struct node *root){
	int n,n1, n2;
	if (root == NULL || head == NULL)
		return -1;
	n = check_node(head, root->data);
	if (n == 0)
		return 0;
	n1=left_side(root->left, head);
	n2=right_side(root->right, head);
	if (n1 == 1 && n2 == 1)
		return 1;
		return 0;

int left_side(node *curr, node_dll *head)
	int n,n1, n2;
	if (curr == NULL)
		return -1;
		n = check_node(head, curr->data);
		if (n == 0)
			return 0;
		n1 = left_side(curr->left, head);
		n2 = right_side(curr->right, head);
		if (n1 == 1 && n2 == 1)
			return 1;
			return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 5
IntPoint to_the_right_middle_of(window_t window, const IntSize& size){
  const auto x = left_side(window) + get_width(window) + 5;
  const auto y = top(window) + get_height(window) / 2 - size.h / 2;
  return {x, y};
Ejemplo n.º 6
IntPoint below(window_t window){
  return {left_side(window),
    bottom(window) + ui::small_item_spacing};
Ejemplo n.º 7
void unit_preview_pane::draw_contents()
	if(index_ < 0 || index_ >= int(size())) {

	const details det = get_details();

	const bool right_align = left_side();

	surface screen = video().getSurface();

	SDL_Rect const &loc = location();
	const SDL_Rect area = create_rect(loc.x + unit_preview_border
			, loc.y + unit_preview_border
			, loc.w - unit_preview_border * 2
			, loc.h - unit_preview_border * 2);

	const clip_rect_setter clipper(screen, &area);

	surface unit_image = det.image;
	if (!left_)
		unit_image = image::reverse_image(unit_image);

	SDL_Rect image_rect = create_rect(area.x, area.y, 0, 0);

	if(unit_image != NULL) {
		SDL_Rect rect = create_rect(
					? area.x
					: area.x + area.w - unit_image->w
				, area.y
				, unit_image->w
				, unit_image->h);

		image_rect = rect;

	// Place the 'unit profile' button
	const SDL_Rect button_loc = create_rect(
				? area.x
				: area.x + area.w - details_button_.location().w
			, image_rect.y + image_rect.h
			, details_button_.location().w
			, details_button_.location().h);

	SDL_Rect description_rect = create_rect(image_rect.x
			, image_rect.y + image_rect.h + details_button_.location().h
			, 0
			, 0);

	if(det.name.empty() == false) {
		std::stringstream desc;
		desc << font::BOLD_TEXT << det.name;
		const std::string description = desc.str();
		description_rect = font::text_area(description, font::SIZE_NORMAL);
		description_rect = font::draw_text(&video(), area,
							font::SIZE_NORMAL, font::NORMAL_COLOR,
							desc.str(), right_align ?  image_rect.x :
							image_rect.x + image_rect.w - description_rect.w,
							image_rect.y + image_rect.h + details_button_.location().h);

	std::stringstream text;
	text << font::unit_type << det.type_name << "\n"
		<< font::race
		<< (right_align && !weapons_ ? det.race+"  " : "  "+det.race) << "\n"
		<< _("level") << " " << det.level << "\n"
		<< det.alignment << "\n"
		<< det.traits << "\n";

	for(std::vector<t_string>::const_iterator a = det.abilities.begin(); a != det.abilities.end(); ++a) {
		if(a != det.abilities.begin()) {
			text << ", ";
		text << (*a);
	text << "\n";

	// Use same coloring as in generate_report.cpp:
	text << det.hp_color << _("HP: ")
		<< det.hitpoints << "/" << det.max_hitpoints << "\n";

	text << det.xp_color << _("XP: ")
		<< det.experience << "/" << det.max_experience << "\n";

	if(weapons_) {
		text << _("Moves: ")
			<< det.movement_left << "/" << det.total_movement << "\n";

		for(std::vector<attack_type>::const_iterator at_it = det.attacks.begin();
		    at_it != det.attacks.end(); ++at_it) {
			// specials_context seems not needed here

			// see generate_report() in generate_report.cpp
			text << font::weapon
				<< at_it->damage()
				<< font::weapon_numbers_sep
				<< at_it->num_attacks()
				<< " " << at_it->name() << "\n";
			text << font::weapon_details
				<< "  " << string_table["range_" + at_it->range()]
				<< font::weapon_details_sep
				<< string_table["type_" + at_it->type()] << "\n";

			std::string accuracy_parry = at_it->accuracy_parry_description();
			if(accuracy_parry.empty() == false) {
				text << font::weapon_details << "  " << accuracy_parry << "\n";

			std::string special = at_it->weapon_specials(true);
			if (!special.empty()) {
				text << font::weapon_details << "  " << special << "\n";

	// we don't remove empty lines, so all fields stay at the same place
	const std::vector<std::string> lines = utils::split(text.str(), '\n',
		utils::STRIP_SPACES & !utils::REMOVE_EMPTY);

	int ypos = area.y;

	if(weapons_) {
		ypos += image_rect.h + description_rect.h + details_button_.location().h;

	for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator line = lines.begin(); line != lines.end(); ++line) {
		int xpos = area.x;
		if(right_align && !weapons_) {
			const SDL_Rect& line_area = font::text_area(*line,font::SIZE_SMALL);
			// right align, but if too long, don't hide line's beginning
			if (line_area.w < area.w)
				xpos = area.x + area.w - line_area.w;

		SDL_Rect cur_area = font::draw_text(&video(),location(),font::SIZE_SMALL,font::NORMAL_COLOR,*line,xpos,ypos);
		ypos += cur_area.h;