Ejemplo n.º 1
// return NFC-normalized UTF8-encoded version of s
static char *normalize(char *s)
    static size_t buflen = 0;
    static void *buf = NULL; // persistent buffer (avoid repeated malloc/free)
    // options equivalent to utf8proc_NFC:
    ssize_t result;
    size_t newlen;
    result = utf8proc_decompose((uint8_t*) s, 0, NULL, 0, options);
    if (result < 0) goto error;
    newlen = result * sizeof(int32_t) + 1;
    if (newlen > buflen) {
        buflen = newlen * 2;
        buf = realloc(buf, buflen);
        if (!buf) lerror(MemoryError, "error allocating UTF8 buffer");
    result = utf8proc_decompose((uint8_t*)s,0, (int32_t*)buf,result, options);
    if (result < 0) goto error;
    result = utf8proc_reencode((int32_t*)buf,result, options);
    if (result < 0) goto error;
    return (char*) buf;
    lerrorf(symbol("error"), "error normalizing identifier %s: %s", s,
Ejemplo n.º 2
// return NFC-normalized UTF8-encoded version of s, with
// additional custom normalizations defined by jl_charmap above.
static char *normalize(fl_context_t *fl_ctx, char *s)
    // options equivalent to utf8proc_NFC:
    ssize_t result;
    size_t newlen;
    result = utf8proc_decompose_custom((uint8_t*) s, 0, NULL, 0, (utf8proc_option_t)options,
                                       jl_charmap_map, NULL);
    if (result < 0) goto error;
    newlen = result * sizeof(int32_t) + 1;
    if (newlen > fl_ctx->jlbuflen) {
        fl_ctx->jlbuflen = newlen * 2;
        fl_ctx->jlbuf = realloc(fl_ctx->jlbuf, fl_ctx->jlbuflen);
        if (!fl_ctx->jlbuf) lerror(fl_ctx, fl_ctx->OutOfMemoryError, "error allocating UTF8 buffer");
    result = utf8proc_decompose_custom((uint8_t*)s,0, (int32_t*)fl_ctx->jlbuf,result, (utf8proc_option_t)options,
                                       jl_charmap_map, NULL);
    if (result < 0) goto error;
    result = utf8proc_reencode((int32_t*)fl_ctx->jlbuf,result, (utf8proc_option_t)options);
    if (result < 0) goto error;
    return (char*) fl_ctx->jlbuf;
    lerrorf(fl_ctx, symbol(fl_ctx, "error"), "error normalizing identifier %s: %s", s,
Ejemplo n.º 3
static int read_numtok(char *tok, value_t *pval, int base)
    int result;
    errno = 0;
    result = isnumtok_base(tok, pval, base);
    if (errno == ERANGE)
        lerrorf(ParseError, "read: overflow in numeric constant %s", tok);
    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 4
static value_t fl_path_cwd(value_t *args, uint32_t nargs)
    uv_err_t err;
    if (nargs > 1)
        argcount("path.cwd", nargs, 1);
    if (nargs == 0) {
        char buf[1024];
        err = uv_cwd(buf, sizeof(buf));
        if (err.code != UV_OK)
          lerrorf(IOError, "path.cwd: could not get cwd: %s", uv_strerror(err));
        return string_from_cstr(buf);
    char *ptr = tostring(args[0], "path.cwd");
    err = uv_chdir(ptr);
    if (err.code != UV_OK)
        lerrorf(IOError, "path.cwd: could not cd to %s: %s", ptr, uv_strerror(err));
    return FL_T;
Ejemplo n.º 5
static value_t fl_path_cwd(value_t *args, uint32_t nargs)
    if (nargs > 1)
        argcount("path.cwd", nargs, 1);
    if (nargs == 0) {
        char buf[1024];
        get_cwd(buf, sizeof(buf));
        return string_from_cstr(buf);
    char *ptr = tostring(args[0], "path.cwd");
    if (set_cwd(ptr))
        lerrorf(IOError, "path.cwd: could not cd to %s", ptr);
    return FL_T;
Ejemplo n.º 6
// label is the backreference we'd like to fix up with this read
static value_t do_read_sexpr(value_t label)
    value_t v, sym, oldtokval, *head;
    value_t *pv;
    u_int32_t t;
    char c;

    t = peek();
    switch (t) {
    case TOK_CLOSE:
        lerror(ParseError, "read: unexpected ')'");
    case TOK_CLOSEB:
        lerror(ParseError, "read: unexpected ']'");
    case TOK_DOT:
        lerror(ParseError, "read: unexpected '.'");
    case TOK_SYM:
    case TOK_NUM:
        return tokval;
    case TOK_COMMA:
        head = &COMMA; goto listwith;
    case TOK_COMMAAT:
        head = &COMMAAT; goto listwith;
    case TOK_COMMADOT:
        head = &COMMADOT; goto listwith;
    case TOK_BQ:
        head = &BACKQUOTE; goto listwith;
    case TOK_QUOTE:
        head = &QUOTE;
        v = cons_reserve(2);
        car_(v) = *head;
        cdr_(v) = tagptr(((cons_t*)ptr(v))+1, TAG_CONS);
        car_(cdr_(v)) = cdr_(cdr_(v)) = NIL;
        if (label != UNBOUND)
            ptrhash_put(&readstate->backrefs, (void*)label, (void*)v);
        v = do_read_sexpr(UNBOUND);
        car_(cdr_(Stack[SP-1])) = v;
        return POP();
        // femtoLisp doesn't need symbol-function, so #' does nothing
        return do_read_sexpr(label);
    case TOK_OPEN:
        read_list(&Stack[SP-1], label);
        return POP();
    case TOK_SHARPSYM:
        sym = tokval;
        if (sym == tsym || sym == Tsym)
            return FL_T;
        else if (sym == fsym || sym == Fsym)
            return FL_F;
        // constructor notation
        c = nextchar();
        if (c != '(') {
            lerrorf(ParseError, "read: expected argument list for %s",
        read_list(&Stack[SP-1], UNBOUND);
        if (sym == vu8sym) {
            sym = arraysym;
            Stack[SP-1] = fl_cons(uint8sym, Stack[SP-1]);
        else if (sym == fnsym) {
            sym = FUNCTION;
        v = symbol_value(sym);
        if (v == UNBOUND)
            fl_raise(fl_list2(UnboundError, sym));
        return fl_apply(v, POP());
    case TOK_OPENB:
        return read_vector(label, TOK_CLOSEB);
        return read_vector(label, TOK_CLOSE);
    case TOK_SHARPDOT:
        // eval-when-read
        // evaluated expressions can refer to existing backreferences, but they
        // cannot see pending labels. in other words:
        // (... #2=#.#0# ... )    OK
        // (... #2=#.(#2#) ... )  DO NOT WANT
        sym = do_read_sexpr(UNBOUND);
        if (issymbol(sym)) {
            v = symbol_value(sym);
            if (v == UNBOUND)
                fl_raise(fl_list2(UnboundError, sym));
            return v;
        return fl_toplevel_eval(sym);
    case TOK_LABEL:
        // create backreference label
        if (ptrhash_has(&readstate->backrefs, (void*)tokval))
            lerrorf(ParseError, "read: label %ld redefined", numval(tokval));
        oldtokval = tokval;
        v = do_read_sexpr(tokval);
        ptrhash_put(&readstate->backrefs, (void*)oldtokval, (void*)v);
        return v;
    case TOK_BACKREF:
        // look up backreference
        v = (value_t)ptrhash_get(&readstate->backrefs, (void*)tokval);
        if (v == (value_t)HT_NOTFOUND)
            lerrorf(ParseError, "read: undefined label %ld", numval(tokval));
        return v;
    case TOK_GENSYM:
        pv = (value_t*)ptrhash_bp(&readstate->gensyms, (void*)tokval);
        if (*pv == (value_t)HT_NOTFOUND)
            *pv = fl_gensym(NULL, 0);
        return *pv;
        return read_string();
    return FL_UNSPECIFIED;
Ejemplo n.º 7
static u_int32_t peek(void)
    char c, *end;
    fixnum_t x;
    int ch, base;

    if (toktype != TOK_NONE)
        return toktype;
    c = nextchar();
    if (ios_eof(F)) return TOK_NONE;
    if (c == '(') {
        toktype = TOK_OPEN;
    else if (c == ')') {
        toktype = TOK_CLOSE;
    else if (c == '[') {
        toktype = TOK_OPENB;
    else if (c == ']') {
        toktype = TOK_CLOSEB;
    else if (c == '\'') {
        toktype = TOK_QUOTE;
    else if (c == '`') {
        toktype = TOK_BQ;
    else if (c == '"') {
        toktype = TOK_DOUBLEQUOTE;
    else if (c == '#') {
        ch = ios_getc(F); c = (char)ch;
        if (ch == IOS_EOF)
            lerror(ParseError, "read: invalid read macro");
        if (c == '.') {
            toktype = TOK_SHARPDOT;
        else if (c == '\'') {
            toktype = TOK_SHARPQUOTE;
        else if (c == '\\') {
            uint32_t cval;
            if (ios_getutf8(F, &cval) == IOS_EOF)
                lerror(ParseError, "read: end of input in character constant");
            if (cval == (uint32_t)'u' || cval == (uint32_t)'U' ||
                cval == (uint32_t)'x') {
                read_token('u', 0);
                if (buf[1] != '\0') {  // not a solitary 'u','U','x'
                    if (!read_numtok(&buf[1], &tokval, 16))
                               "read: invalid hex character constant");
                    cval = numval(tokval);
            else if (cval >= 'a' && cval <= 'z') {
                read_token((char)cval, 0);
                tokval = symbol(buf);
                if (buf[1] == '\0')       /* one character */;
                else if (tokval == nulsym)        cval = 0x00;
                else if (tokval == alarmsym)      cval = 0x07;
                else if (tokval == backspacesym)  cval = 0x08;
                else if (tokval == tabsym)        cval = 0x09;
                else if (tokval == linefeedsym)   cval = 0x0A;
                else if (tokval == newlinesym)    cval = 0x0A;
                else if (tokval == vtabsym)       cval = 0x0B;
                else if (tokval == pagesym)       cval = 0x0C;
                else if (tokval == returnsym)     cval = 0x0D;
                else if (tokval == escsym)        cval = 0x1B;
                else if (tokval == spacesym)      cval = 0x20;
                else if (tokval == deletesym)     cval = 0x7F;
                    lerrorf(ParseError, "read: unknown character #\\%s", buf);
            toktype = TOK_NUM;
            tokval = mk_wchar(cval);
        else if (c == '(') {
            toktype = TOK_SHARPOPEN;
        else if (c == '<') {
            lerror(ParseError, "read: unreadable object");
        else if (isdigit(c)) {
            read_token(c, 1);
            c = (char)ios_getc(F);
            if (c == '#')
                toktype = TOK_BACKREF;
            else if (c == '=')
                toktype = TOK_LABEL;
                lerror(ParseError, "read: invalid label");
            errno = 0;
            x = strtol(buf, &end, 10);
            if (*end != '\0' || errno)
                lerror(ParseError, "read: invalid label");
            tokval = fixnum(x);
        else if (c == '!') {
            // #! single line comment for shbang script support
            do {
                ch = ios_getc(F);
            } while (ch != IOS_EOF && (char)ch != '\n');
            return peek();
        else if (c == '|') {
            // multiline comment
            int commentlevel=1;
            while (1) {
                ch = ios_getc(F);
                if (ch == IOS_EOF)
                    lerror(ParseError, "read: eof within comment");
                if ((char)ch == '|') {
                    ch = ios_getc(F);
                    if ((char)ch == '#') {
                        if (commentlevel == 0)
                    goto hashpipe_gotc;
                else if ((char)ch == '#') {
                    ch = ios_getc(F);
                    if ((char)ch == '|')
                        goto hashpipe_gotc;
            // this was whitespace, so keep peeking
            return peek();
        else if (c == ';') {
            // datum comment
            (void)do_read_sexpr(UNBOUND); // skip
            return peek();
        else if (c == ':') {
            // gensym
            ch = ios_getc(F);
            if ((char)ch == 'g')
                ch = ios_getc(F);
            read_token((char)ch, 0);
            errno = 0;
            x = strtol(buf, &end, 10);
            if (*end != '\0' || buf[0] == '\0' || errno)
                lerror(ParseError, "read: invalid gensym label");
            toktype = TOK_GENSYM;
            tokval = fixnum(x);
        else if (symchar(c)) {
            read_token(ch, 0);

            if (((c == 'b' && (base= 2)) ||
                 (c == 'o' && (base= 8)) ||
                 (c == 'd' && (base=10)) ||
                 (c == 'x' && (base=16))) &&
                (isdigit_base(buf[1],base) ||
                 buf[1]=='-')) {
                if (!read_numtok(&buf[1], &tokval, base))
                    lerrorf(ParseError, "read: invalid base %d constant", base);
                return (toktype=TOK_NUM);

            toktype = TOK_SHARPSYM;
            tokval = symbol(buf);
        else {
            lerror(ParseError, "read: unknown read macro");
    else if (c == ',') {
        toktype = TOK_COMMA;
        ch = ios_getc(F);
        if (ch == IOS_EOF)
            return toktype;
        if ((char)ch == '@')
            toktype = TOK_COMMAAT;
        else if ((char)ch == '.')
            toktype = TOK_COMMADOT;
            ios_ungetc((char)ch, F);
    else {
        if (!read_token(c, 0)) {
            if (buf[0]=='.' && buf[1]=='\0') {
                return (toktype=TOK_DOT);
            else {
                if (read_numtok(buf, &tokval, 0))
                    return (toktype=TOK_NUM);
        toktype = TOK_SYM;
        tokval = symbol(buf);
    return toktype;
Ejemplo n.º 8
void __attribute__((noreturn)) yyerror(const char *s)