Ejemplo n.º 1
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* Process command line. */
int minSizeT = 0;
int minSizeQ = 0;
int minChainT = 0;
int minChainQ = 0;
double minMatch = LIFTOVER_MINMATCH;
double minBlocks = LIFTOVER_MINBLOCKS;

optionInit(&argc, argv, optionSpecs);
minMatch = optionFloat("minMatch", minMatch);
minBlocks = optionFloat("minBlocks", minBlocks);
fudgeThick = optionExists("fudgeThick");
multiple = optionExists("multiple");
noSerial = optionExists("noSerial");
if ((!multiple) && (optionExists("minSizeT")  || optionExists("minSizeQ") ||
		    optionExists("minChainT") || optionExists("minChainQ") ||
		    optionExists("chainTable") || optionExists("noSerial")))
    errAbort("minSizeT/Q, minChainT/Q, noSerial and chainTable can only be used with -multiple.");
if (optionExists("minSizeT") && optionExists("minChainT"))
    errAbort("minSizeT is currently a deprecated synonym for minChainT. Can't set both.");
minSizeT = optionInt("minSizeT", minChainT); /* note: we're setting minChainT */
minSizeQ = optionInt("minSizeQ", minSizeQ);
minChainT = optionInt("minChainT", minChainT);
minChainQ = optionInt("minChainQ", minChainQ);
if (optionExists("bedPlus"))
    bedPlus = optionInt("bedPlus", bedPlus);
    if (bedPlus < 3 || bedPlus > 15)
        errAbort("-bedPlus=%d is out of range -- BED has between 3 and 15 fields.", bedPlus);
ends = optionInt("ends", ends);
hasBin = optionExists("hasBin");
tabSep = optionExists("tab") || optionExists("tabSep");
if ((hasBin || tabSep) && !bedPlus)
chainTable = optionVal("chainTable", chainTable);
if (optionExists("errorHelp"))
    errAbort("%s", liftOverErrHelp());
if (argc != 5)
liftOver(argv[1], argv[2], minMatch, minBlocks, minSizeT, minSizeQ, 
	 minChainT, minChainQ, multiple, noSerial, chainTable, argv[3], argv[4]);
return 0;
void doMiddle(struct cart *theCart)
/* Set up globals and make web page */
/* struct liftOverChain *chainList = NULL, *chain; */
char *userData;
/* char *dataFile; */
char *dataFormat;
char *organism;
char *db;
float minBlocks, minMatch;
boolean multiple, fudgeThick;
int minSizeQ, minSizeT;
boolean refreshOnly = FALSE;

/* char *err = NULL; */
struct liftOverChain *chainList = NULL, *choice;

cart = theCart;

if (cgiOptionalString(HGLFT_ERRORHELP_VAR))

/* Get data to convert - from userData variable, or if 
 * that is empty from a file. */

if (cartOptionalString(cart, "SubmitFile"))
    userData = cartOptionalString(cart, HGLFT_DATAFILE_VAR);
    userData = cartOptionalString(cart, HGLFT_USERDATA_VAR);
dataFormat = cartCgiUsualString(cart, HGLFT_DATAFORMAT_VAR, DEFAULT_FORMAT);
cartWebStart(cart, NULL, "Lift Genome Annotations");

getDbAndGenome(cart, &db, &organism, oldVars);

chainList = liftOverChainListFiltered();

choice = defaultChoices(chainList, db);
if (choice == NULL)
    errAbort("Sorry, no conversions available from this assembly\n");

minSizeQ = cartCgiUsualInt(cart, HGLFT_MINSIZEQ, choice->minSizeQ);
minSizeT = cartCgiUsualInt(cart, HGLFT_MINSIZET, choice->minSizeT);
minBlocks = cartCgiUsualDouble(cart, HGLFT_MINBLOCKS, choice->minBlocks);
minMatch = cartCgiUsualDouble(cart, HGLFT_MINMATCH, choice->minMatch);
fudgeThick = cartCgiUsualBoolean(cart, HGLFT_FUDGETHICK, (choice->fudgeThick[0]=='Y') ? TRUE : FALSE);
multiple = cartCgiUsualBoolean(cart, HGLFT_MULTIPLE, (choice->multiple[0]=='Y') ? TRUE : FALSE);
refreshOnly = cartCgiUsualInt(cart, HGLFT_REFRESHONLY_VAR, 0);

webMain(choice, dataFormat, multiple);

if (!refreshOnly && userData != NULL && userData[0] != '\0')
    struct hash *chainHash = newHash(0);
    char *chainFile;
    struct tempName oldTn, mappedTn, unmappedTn;
    FILE *old, *mapped, *unmapped;
    char *line;
    int lineSize;
    char *fromDb, *toDb;
    int ct = 0, errCt = 0;

    /* read in user data and save to file */
    makeTempName(&oldTn, HGLFT, ".user");
    old = mustOpen(oldTn.forCgi, "w");
    fputs(userData, old);
    fputs("\n", old);           /* in case user doesn't end last line */
    chmod(oldTn.forCgi, 0666);

    /* setup output files -- one for converted lines, the other
     * for lines that could not be mapped */
    makeTempName(&mappedTn, HGLFT, ".bed");
    makeTempName(&unmappedTn, HGLFT, ".err");
    mapped = mustOpen(mappedTn.forCgi, "w");
    chmod(mappedTn.forCgi, 0666);
    unmapped = mustOpen(unmappedTn.forCgi, "w");
    chmod(unmappedTn.forCgi, 0666);

    fromDb = cgiString(HGLFT_FROMDB_VAR);
    toDb = cgiString(HGLFT_TODB_VAR);
    chainFile = liftOverChainFile(fromDb, toDb);
    if (chainFile == NULL)
        errAbort("ERROR: Can't convert from %s to %s: no chain file loaded",
                                fromDb, toDb);
    readLiftOverMap(chainFile, chainHash);
    if (sameString(dataFormat, WIGGLE_FORMAT))
        /* TODO: implement Wiggle */
    else if (sameString(dataFormat, POSITION_FORMAT))
	/* minSizeT here and in liftOverChain.c/h has been renamed minChainT in liftOver.c */
	/* ignore multiple, it must be false when position is used */
	ct = liftOverPositions(oldTn.forCgi, chainHash, 
			minMatch, minBlocks, 0, minSizeQ,
			minSizeT, 0, 
			fudgeThick, mapped, unmapped, FALSE, NULL, &errCt);

    else if (sameString(dataFormat, BED_FORMAT))
	/* minSizeT here and in liftOverChain.c/h has been renamed minChainT in liftOver.c */
        ct = liftOverBed(oldTn.forCgi, chainHash, 
			minMatch, minBlocks, 0, minSizeQ,
			minSizeT, 0,
			fudgeThick, mapped, unmapped, multiple, NULL, &errCt);
        /* programming error */
        errAbort("ERROR: Unsupported data format: %s\n", dataFormat);

    if (ct)
        /* some records succesfully converted */
        printf("Successfully converted %d record", ct);
        printf("%s: ", ct > 1 ? "s" : "");
        printf("<A HREF=%s TARGET=_blank>View Conversions</A>\n", mappedTn.forCgi);
    if (errCt)
        /* some records not converted */
        printf("Conversion failed on %d record", errCt);
        printf("%s. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;", errCt > 1 ? "s" : "");
        printf("<A HREF=%s TARGET=_blank>Display failure file</A>&nbsp; &nbsp;\n",
        printf("<A HREF=\"../cgi-bin/hgLiftOver?%s=1\" TARGET=_blank>Explain failure messages</A>\n", HGLFT_ERRORHELP_VAR);
        puts("<P>Failed input regions:\n");
        struct lineFile *errFile = lineFileOpen(unmappedTn.forCgi, TRUE);
        while (lineFileNext(errFile, &line, &lineSize))
    if (sameString(dataFormat, POSITION_FORMAT) && multiple)
        puts("Note: multiple checkbox ignored since it is not supported for position format.");