Ejemplo n.º 1
void KQtTester::testImageEffects()
    QString report = QString("execute %1 times:\n").arg(g_nTimes);

    report += QString("none:\t%1\tms\n").arg(none());
    m_pPainter->translate(g_img.width() + 10, 0);
    report += QString("gray:\t%1\tms\n").arg(gray());
    m_pPainter->translate(g_img.width() + 10, 0);
    report += QString("watermark:\t%1\tms\n").arg(watermark());
    m_pPainter->translate(g_img.width() + 10, 0);
    report += QString("bilevel:\t%1\tms\n").arg(bilevel());

    m_pPainter->translate(0, g_img.height() + 10);
    report += QString("lightBlue:\t%1\tms\n").arg(lightBlue());
    m_pPainter->translate(g_img.width() + 10, 0);
    report += QString("darkBlue:\t%1\tms\n").arg(darkBlue());

    m_pPainter->translate(0, (g_img.height() + 10) * 2);
    report += QString("colorKey:\t%1\tms\n").arg(colorKey());
    m_pPainter->translate(g_img.width() + 10, 0);
    report += QString("brightness:\t%1\tms\n").arg(brightness());
    m_pPainter->translate(g_img.width() + 10, 0);
    report += QString("contrast:\t%1\tms\n").arg(contrast());
    m_pPainter->translate(g_img.width() + 10, 0);
    report += QString("brown:\t%1\tms\n").arg(brown());

Ejemplo n.º 2
void CustomWindow::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event)
  if(m_Cache != NULL) delete m_Cache;
  m_Cache = new QPixmap(size());
  QPainter painter(m_Cache);
  QColor darkBlue ( 50,  50,  50);
  QColor lightBlue(150, 150, 150);
  /********** Window's background **********/
  QPolygon background;
  background << QPoint(           0,            16)
             << QPoint(          16,             0)
             << QPoint(width() -  1,             0)
             << QPoint(width() -  1, height() - 33)
             << QPoint(width() - 17, height() - 17)
             << QPoint(         272, height() - 17)
             << QPoint(         256, height() -  1)
             << QPoint(          16, height() -  1)
             << QPoint(          16,           272)
             << QPoint(           0,           256);
  painter.setPen  (QPen  (darkBlue));
  /********** Window's frame **********/
  QPolygon frame;
  frame << QPoint(           4,            20)
        << QPoint(          20,             4)
        << QPoint(width() -  4,             4)
        << QPoint(width() -  4, height() - 37)
        << QPoint(width() - 20, height() - 21)
        << QPoint(         268, height() - 21)
        << QPoint(         252, height() -  5)
        << QPoint(          20, height() -  5)
        << QPoint(          20,           268)
        << QPoint(           4,           252);
  painter.setPen  (QPen(lightBlue));
  painter.setBrush(Qt::NoBrush    );
  m_SizeGrip.move  (width() - 32, height() - 49);
  m_SizeGrip.resize(          32,            32);
void RoughPlaneParticle1::OnDisplay ()

    ColorRGB black(0, 0, 0);
    ColorRGB gray(128, 128, 128);
    ColorRGB blue(0, 0, 128);
    ColorRGB lightBlue(0, 0, 255);
    int x0, w0, x1, w1, i;
    Vector2d position;

    const double xScale = 1.25;
    const double wScale = 0.75;
    const int wOffset = 96;

    // Draw viscous friction path of motion.
    const int numVFPositions = (int)mVFPositions.size();
    position = mVFPositions[0];
    x0 = (int)(xScale*position.X() + 0.5);
    w0 = (int)(wScale*position.Y() + 0.5) + wOffset;
    x1 = x0;
    w1 = w0;
    for (i = 1; i < numVFPositions; ++i)
        position = mVFPositions[i];
        x1 = (int)(xScale*position.X() + 0.5);
        w1 = (int)(wScale*position.Y() + 0.5) + wOffset;
        DrawLine(x0, w0, x1, w1, lightBlue);
        x0 = x1;
        w0 = w1;

    // Draw the mass.
    SetThickPixel(x1, w1, 2, blue);

    // Draw static friction path of motion.
    const int numSFPositions = (int)mSFPositions.size();
    position = mSFPositions[0];
    x0 = (int)(xScale*position.X() + 0.5);
    w0 = (int)(wScale*position.Y() + 0.5) + wOffset;
    x1 = x0;
    w1 = w0;
    for (i = 1; i < numSFPositions; ++i)
        position = mSFPositions[i];
        x1 = (int)(xScale*position.X() + 0.5);
        w1 = (int)(wScale*position.Y() + 0.5) + wOffset;
        DrawLine(x0, w0, x1, w1, gray);
        x0 = x1;
        w0 = w1;

    // Draw the mass.
    SetThickPixel(x1, w1, 2, black);

	void NavMesh::Render()
		Color lightBlue(0.1f, 0.2f, 0.8f, 0.3f);

		for(int i = 0; i < (int)mFaces.size(); i++)
			GLHelper::FillTri(*mFaces[i]->VertexA, *mFaces[i]->VertexB, *mFaces[i]->VertexC, lightBlue);

		for(int i = 0; i < (int)mEdges.size(); i++)
			GLHelper::DrawLine(*mEdges[i]->VertexA, *mEdges[i]->VertexB, mEdges[i]->Outside ? Color::Blue : Color::Green, 1.0f);

		for(int i = 0; i < (int)mVertices.size(); i++)
			GLHelper::DrawPoint(*mVertices[i], Color::White, 5.0f);
Ejemplo n.º 5
    // ************************************************
    void getColourFromList(int idx,OpenMesh::Vec3uc& outColour)
        OpenMesh::Vec3uc purple(92,75,81);
        OpenMesh::Vec3uc lightBlue(140,190,178);
        OpenMesh::Vec3uc lightYellow(242,235,191);
        OpenMesh::Vec3uc lightOrange(243,181,98);
        OpenMesh::Vec3uc lightPink(240,96,96);
        OpenMesh::Vec3uc otherBlue(95,172,190);

        outColour = otherBlue;
        if (idx == 1 ) outColour = purple;
        if (idx == 2 ) outColour = lightBlue;
        if (idx == 3 ) outColour = lightYellow;
        if (idx == 4 ) outColour = lightOrange;
        if (idx == 5 ) outColour = lightPink;
        if (idx == 6 ) outColour = otherBlue;