Ejemplo n.º 1
limnPolyDataCopy(limnPolyData *pldB, const limnPolyData *pldA) {
  char me[]="limnPolyDataCopy", err[BIFF_STRLEN];

  if (!( pldB && pldA )) {
    sprintf(err, "%s: got NULL pointer", me);
    biffAdd(LIMN, err); return 1;
  if (limnPolyDataAlloc(pldB, limnPolyDataInfoBitFlag(pldA),
                        pldA->xyzwNum, pldA->indxNum, pldA->primNum)) {
    sprintf(err, "%s: couldn't allocate output", me);
    biffAdd(LIMN, err); return 1;
  memcpy(pldB->xyzw, pldA->xyzw, pldA->xyzwNum*sizeof(float)*4);
  if (pldA->rgba) {
    memcpy(pldB->rgba, pldA->rgba, pldA->rgbaNum*sizeof(unsigned char)*4);
  if (pldA->norm) {
    memcpy(pldB->norm, pldA->norm, pldA->normNum*sizeof(float)*3);
  if (pldA->tex2) {
    memcpy(pldB->tex2, pldA->tex2, pldA->tex2Num*sizeof(float)*2);
  memcpy(pldB->indx, pldA->indx, pldA->indxNum*sizeof(unsigned int));
  memcpy(pldB->type, pldA->type, pldA->primNum*sizeof(signed char));
  memcpy(pldB->icnt, pldA->icnt, pldA->primNum*sizeof(unsigned int));
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
limnPolyDataCopyN(limnPolyData *pldB, const limnPolyData *pldA,
                  unsigned int num) {
  char me[]="limnPolyDataCopyN", err[BIFF_STRLEN];
  unsigned int ii, jj, size;

  if (!( pldB && pldA )) {
    sprintf(err, "%s: got NULL pointer", me);
    biffAdd(LIMN, err); return 1;
  if (limnPolyDataAlloc(pldB, limnPolyDataInfoBitFlag(pldA),
                        num*pldA->primNum)) {
    sprintf(err, "%s: couldn't allocate output", me);
    biffAdd(LIMN, err); return 1;
  for (ii=0; ii<num; ii++) {
    /* fprintf(stderr, "!%s: ii = %u/%u\n", me, ii, num); */
    size = pldA->xyzwNum*4;
    char *_beg = (char *)(pldB->xyzw + ii*size);
    char *_end = _beg + size - 1;
    fprintf(stderr, "!%s: memcpy(%p+%u=%p,%u) --> [%p,%p] inside: %d %d\n", me,
            pldB->xyzw, ii*size, pldB->xyzw + ii*size, size,
            _beg, _end, AIR_IN_CL(_xyzwBeg, _beg, _xyzwEnd), 
            AIR_IN_CL(_xyzwBeg, _end, _xyzwEnd));
    memcpy(pldB->xyzw + ii*size, pldA->xyzw, size*sizeof(float));
    for (jj=0; jj<pldA->indxNum; jj++) {
      (pldB->indx + ii*pldA->indxNum)[jj] = pldA->indx[jj] + ii*pldA->xyzwNum;
    size = pldA->primNum;
    memcpy(pldB->type + ii*size, pldA->type, size*sizeof(unsigned char));
    memcpy(pldB->icnt + ii*size, pldA->icnt, size*sizeof(unsigned int));
    if (pldA->rgba) {
      size = pldA->rgbaNum*4;
      memcpy(pldB->rgba + ii*size, pldA->rgba, size*sizeof(unsigned char));
    if (pldA->norm) {
      size = pldA->normNum*3;
      memcpy(pldB->norm + ii*size, pldA->norm, size*sizeof(float));
    if (pldA->tex2) {
      size = pldA->tex2Num*2;
      memcpy(pldB->tex2 + ii*size, pldA->tex2, size*sizeof(float));
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
limnPolyDataSpiralTubeWrap(limnPolyData *pldOut, const limnPolyData *pldIn,
                           unsigned int infoBitFlag, Nrrd *nvertmap,
                           unsigned int tubeFacet, unsigned int endFacet,
                           double radius) {
  char me[]="limnPolyDataSpiralTubeWrap", err[BIFF_STRLEN];
  double *cost, *sint;
  unsigned int tubeVertNum = 0, tubeIndxNum = 0, primIdx, pi, *vertmap;
  unsigned int inVertTotalIdx = 0, outVertTotalIdx = 0, outIndxIdx = 0;
  int color;
  airArray *mop;

  if (!( pldOut && pldIn )) {
    sprintf(err, "%s: got NULL pointer", me);
    return 1;
  if ((1 << limnPrimitiveLineStrip) != limnPolyDataPrimitiveTypes(pldIn)) {
    sprintf(err, "%s: sorry, can only handle %s primitives", me,
            airEnumStr(limnPrimitive, limnPrimitiveLineStrip));
    biffAdd(LIMN, err); return 1;
  for (primIdx=0; primIdx<pldIn->primNum; primIdx++) {
    tubeVertNum += tubeFacet*(2*endFacet
                              + pldIn->icnt[primIdx]) + 1;
    tubeIndxNum += 2*tubeFacet*(2*endFacet
                                + pldIn->icnt[primIdx] + 1)-2;
  if (limnPolyDataAlloc(pldOut,
                        /* sorry have to have normals, even if they weren't
                           asked for, because currently they're used as part
                           of vertex position calc */
                        (infoBitFlag | (1 << limnPolyDataInfoNorm)),
                        tubeVertNum, tubeIndxNum, pldIn->primNum)) {
    sprintf(err, "%s: trouble allocating output", me);
    biffAdd(LIMN, err); return 1;
  if (nvertmap) {
    if (nrrdMaybeAlloc_va(nvertmap, nrrdTypeUInt, 1,
                          AIR_CAST(size_t, tubeVertNum))) {
      sprintf(err, "%s: trouble allocating vert map", me);
      biffMove(LIMN, err, NRRD); return 1;
    vertmap = AIR_CAST(unsigned int *, nvertmap->data);
  } else {
Ejemplo n.º 4
limnPolyDataCube(limnPolyData *pld,
                 unsigned int infoBitFlag,
                 int sharpEdge) {
  char me[]="limnPolyDataCube", err[BIFF_STRLEN];
  unsigned int vertNum, vertIdx, primNum, indxNum, cnum, ci;
  float cn;

  vertNum = sharpEdge ? 6*4 : 8;
  primNum = 1;
  indxNum = 6*4;
  if (limnPolyDataAlloc(pld, infoBitFlag, vertNum, indxNum, primNum)) {
    sprintf(err, "%s: couldn't allocate output", me);
    biffAdd(LIMN, err); return 1;
  vertIdx = 0;
  cnum = sharpEdge ? 3 : 1;
  cn = AIR_CAST(float, sqrt(3.0));
  for (ci=0; ci<cnum; ci++) {
    ELL_4V_SET(pld->xyzw + 4*vertIdx,  -1,  -1,  -1,  1); vertIdx++;
  for (ci=0; ci<cnum; ci++) {
    ELL_4V_SET(pld->xyzw + 4*vertIdx,  -1,   1,  -1,  1); vertIdx++;
  for (ci=0; ci<cnum; ci++) {
    ELL_4V_SET(pld->xyzw + 4*vertIdx,   1,   1,  -1,  1); vertIdx++;
  for (ci=0; ci<cnum; ci++) {
    ELL_4V_SET(pld->xyzw + 4*vertIdx,   1,  -1,  -1,  1); vertIdx++;
  for (ci=0; ci<cnum; ci++) {
    ELL_4V_SET(pld->xyzw + 4*vertIdx,  -1,  -1,   1,  1); vertIdx++;
  for (ci=0; ci<cnum; ci++) {
    ELL_4V_SET(pld->xyzw + 4*vertIdx,  -1,   1,   1,  1); vertIdx++;
  for (ci=0; ci<cnum; ci++) {
    ELL_4V_SET(pld->xyzw + 4*vertIdx,   1,   1,   1,  1); vertIdx++;
  for (ci=0; ci<cnum; ci++) {
    ELL_4V_SET(pld->xyzw + 4*vertIdx,   1,  -1,   1,  1); vertIdx++;

  vertIdx = 0;
  if (sharpEdge) {
    ELL_4V_SET(pld->indx + vertIdx,  0,  3,  6,  9); vertIdx += 4;
    ELL_4V_SET(pld->indx + vertIdx,  2, 14, 16,  5); vertIdx += 4;
    ELL_4V_SET(pld->indx + vertIdx,  4, 17, 18,  8); vertIdx += 4;
    ELL_4V_SET(pld->indx + vertIdx,  7, 19, 21, 10); vertIdx += 4;
    ELL_4V_SET(pld->indx + vertIdx,  1, 11, 23, 13); vertIdx += 4;
    ELL_4V_SET(pld->indx + vertIdx, 12, 22, 20, 15); vertIdx += 4;
  } else {
    ELL_4V_SET(pld->indx + vertIdx,  0,  1,  2,  3); vertIdx += 4;
    ELL_4V_SET(pld->indx + vertIdx,  0,  4,  5,  1); vertIdx += 4;
    ELL_4V_SET(pld->indx + vertIdx,  1,  5,  6,  2); vertIdx += 4;
    ELL_4V_SET(pld->indx + vertIdx,  2,  6,  7,  3); vertIdx += 4;
    ELL_4V_SET(pld->indx + vertIdx,  0,  3,  7,  4); vertIdx += 4;
    ELL_4V_SET(pld->indx + vertIdx,  4,  7,  6,  5); vertIdx += 4;

  if ((1 << limnPolyDataInfoNorm) & infoBitFlag) {
    if (sharpEdge) {
      ELL_3V_SET(pld->norm +  3*0,  0,  0, -1);
      ELL_3V_SET(pld->norm +  3*3,  0,  0, -1);
      ELL_3V_SET(pld->norm +  3*6,  0,  0, -1);
      ELL_3V_SET(pld->norm +  3*9,  0,  0, -1);
      ELL_3V_SET(pld->norm +  3*2, -1,  0,  0);
      ELL_3V_SET(pld->norm +  3*5, -1,  0,  0);
      ELL_3V_SET(pld->norm + 3*14, -1,  0,  0);
      ELL_3V_SET(pld->norm + 3*16, -1,  0,  0);
      ELL_3V_SET(pld->norm +  3*4,  0,  1,  0);
      ELL_3V_SET(pld->norm +  3*8,  0,  1,  0);
      ELL_3V_SET(pld->norm + 3*17,  0,  1,  0);
      ELL_3V_SET(pld->norm + 3*18,  0,  1,  0);
      ELL_3V_SET(pld->norm +  3*7,  1,  0,  0);
      ELL_3V_SET(pld->norm + 3*10,  1,  0,  0);
      ELL_3V_SET(pld->norm + 3*19,  1,  0,  0);
      ELL_3V_SET(pld->norm + 3*21,  1,  0,  0);
      ELL_3V_SET(pld->norm +  3*1,  0, -1,  0);
      ELL_3V_SET(pld->norm + 3*11,  0, -1,  0);
      ELL_3V_SET(pld->norm + 3*13,  0, -1,  0);
      ELL_3V_SET(pld->norm + 3*23,  0, -1,  0);
      ELL_3V_SET(pld->norm + 3*12,  0,  0,  1);
      ELL_3V_SET(pld->norm + 3*15,  0,  0,  1);
      ELL_3V_SET(pld->norm + 3*20,  0,  0,  1);
      ELL_3V_SET(pld->norm + 3*22,  0,  0,  1);
    } else {
      ELL_3V_SET(pld->norm + 3*0, -cn, -cn, -cn);
      ELL_3V_SET(pld->norm + 3*1, -cn,  cn, -cn);
      ELL_3V_SET(pld->norm + 3*2,  cn,  cn, -cn);
      ELL_3V_SET(pld->norm + 3*3,  cn, -cn, -cn);
      ELL_3V_SET(pld->norm + 3*4, -cn, -cn,  cn);
      ELL_3V_SET(pld->norm + 3*5, -cn,  cn,  cn);
      ELL_3V_SET(pld->norm + 3*6,  cn,  cn,  cn);
      ELL_3V_SET(pld->norm + 3*7,  cn, -cn,  cn);

  pld->type[0] = limnPrimitiveQuads;
  pld->icnt[0] = indxNum;
  if ((1 << limnPolyDataInfoRGBA) & infoBitFlag) {
    for (vertIdx=0; vertIdx<pld->rgbaNum; vertIdx++) {
      ELL_4V_SET(pld->rgba + 4*vertIdx, 255, 255, 255, 255);

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 5
limnPolyDataCylinder(limnPolyData *pld,
                     unsigned int infoBitFlag,
                     unsigned int thetaRes, int sharpEdge) {
  char me[]="limnPolyDataCylinder", err[BIFF_STRLEN];
  unsigned int vertNum, primNum, primIdx, indxNum, thetaIdx, vertIdx, blah;
  double theta, cth, sth, sq2;

  /* sanity bounds */
  thetaRes = AIR_MAX(3, thetaRes);

  vertNum = sharpEdge ? 4*thetaRes : 2*thetaRes;
  primNum = 3;
  indxNum = 2*thetaRes + 2*(thetaRes+1);  /* 2 fans + 1 strip */
  if (limnPolyDataAlloc(pld, infoBitFlag, vertNum, indxNum, primNum)) {
    sprintf(err, "%s: couldn't allocate output", me); 
    biffAdd(LIMN, err); return 1;
  vertIdx = 0;
  for (blah=0; blah < (sharpEdge ? 2u : 1u); blah++) {
    for (thetaIdx=0; thetaIdx<thetaRes; thetaIdx++) {
      theta = AIR_AFFINE(0, thetaIdx, thetaRes, 0, 2*AIR_PI);
      ELL_4V_SET_TT(pld->xyzw + 4*vertIdx, float,
                    cos(theta), sin(theta), 1, 1);
      fprintf(stderr, "!%s: vert[%u] = %g %g %g\n", me, vertIdx,
              (pld->xyzw + 4*vertIdx)[0],
              (pld->xyzw + 4*vertIdx)[1],
              (pld->xyzw + 4*vertIdx)[2]);
  for (blah=0; blah < (sharpEdge ? 2u : 1u); blah++) {
    for (thetaIdx=0; thetaIdx<thetaRes; thetaIdx++) {
      theta = AIR_AFFINE(0, thetaIdx, thetaRes, 0, 2*AIR_PI);
      ELL_4V_SET_TT(pld->xyzw + 4*vertIdx, float,
                    cos(theta), sin(theta), -1, 1);
      fprintf(stderr, "!%s: vert[%u] = %g %g %g\n", me, vertIdx,
              (pld->xyzw + 4*vertIdx)[0],
              (pld->xyzw + 4*vertIdx)[1],
              (pld->xyzw + 4*vertIdx)[2]);

  primIdx = 0;
  vertIdx = 0;
  /* fan on top */
  for (thetaIdx=0; thetaIdx<thetaRes; thetaIdx++) {
    pld->indx[vertIdx++] = thetaIdx;
  pld->type[primIdx] = limnPrimitiveTriangleFan;
  pld->icnt[primIdx] = thetaRes;

  /* single strip around */
  for (thetaIdx=0; thetaIdx<thetaRes; thetaIdx++) {
    pld->indx[vertIdx++] = (sharpEdge ? 1 : 0)*thetaRes + thetaIdx;
    pld->indx[vertIdx++] = (sharpEdge ? 2 : 1)*thetaRes + thetaIdx;
  pld->indx[vertIdx++] = (sharpEdge ? 1 : 0)*thetaRes;
  pld->indx[vertIdx++] = (sharpEdge ? 2 : 1)*thetaRes;
  pld->type[primIdx] = limnPrimitiveTriangleStrip;
  pld->icnt[primIdx] = 2*(thetaRes+1);

  /* fan on bottom */
  for (thetaIdx=0; thetaIdx<thetaRes; thetaIdx++) {
    pld->indx[vertIdx++] = (sharpEdge ? 3 : 1)*thetaRes + thetaIdx;
  pld->type[primIdx] = limnPrimitiveTriangleFan;
  pld->icnt[primIdx] = thetaRes;

  if ((1 << limnPolyDataInfoNorm) & infoBitFlag) {
    sq2 = sqrt(2.0);
    if (sharpEdge) {
      for (thetaIdx=0; thetaIdx<thetaRes; thetaIdx++) {
        theta = AIR_AFFINE(0, thetaIdx, thetaRes, 0, 2*AIR_PI);
        cth = cos(theta);
        sth = sin(theta);
        ELL_3V_SET_TT(pld->norm + 3*(thetaIdx + 0*thetaRes),
                      float, 0, 0, 1);
        ELL_3V_SET_TT(pld->norm + 3*(thetaIdx + 1*thetaRes),
                      float, cth, sth, 0);
        ELL_3V_SET_TT(pld->norm + 3*(thetaIdx + 2*thetaRes),
                      float, cth, sth, 0);
        ELL_3V_SET_TT(pld->norm + 3*(thetaIdx + 3*thetaRes),
                      float, 0, 0, -1);
    } else {
      for (thetaIdx=0; thetaIdx<thetaRes; thetaIdx++) {