Ejemplo n.º 1
void asset_reload_all() {

  debug("Reloading All Assets...");

  list* asset_names = list_new();

  for(int i = 0; i < asset_dict->size; i++) {
    struct bucket* b = asset_dict->buckets[i];
    while(b != NULL) {
      char* new_name = malloc(strlen(b->key)+1);
      strcpy(new_name, b->key);
      list_push_back(asset_names, new_name);
      b = b->next;

  for(int i = 0; i < asset_names->num_items; i++) {
    file_unload(P(list_get(asset_names, i)));

  for(int i = 0; i < asset_names->num_items; i++) {
    ** Assets can reload their child assets before we do
    ** So it is important we check before loading again
    if (!file_isloaded(P(list_get(asset_names, i)))) {
      file_load(P(list_get(asset_names, i)));

  list_delete_with(asset_names, free);

Ejemplo n.º 2
void asset_reload_type_id(type_id type) {

  debug("Reloading Assets of type '%s'...", type_id_name(type));

  fpath ext;

  /* Find the file extension for given type */
  for(int i=0; i < num_asset_handlers; i++) {
    asset_handler handler = asset_handlers[i];
    if (handler.type == type) {
      strcpy(ext.ptr, handler.extension);

  list* asset_names = list_new();

  for(int i = 0; i < asset_dict->size; i++) {
    struct bucket* b = asset_dict->buckets[i];
    while(b != NULL) {
      fpath bucket_ext;
      SDL_PathFileExtension(bucket_ext.ptr, b->key);

      if (strcmp(bucket_ext.ptr, ext.ptr) == 0) {
        char* new_name = malloc(strlen(b->key)+1);
        strcpy(new_name, b->key);
        list_push_back(asset_names, new_name);

      b = b->next;

  for(int i = 0; i < asset_names->num_items; i++) {
    file_unload(P(list_get(asset_names, i)));

  for(int i = 0; i < asset_names->num_items; i++) {
    ** Assets can reload their child assets before we do
    ** So it is important we check before loading again
    if (!file_isloaded(P(list_get(asset_names, i)))) {
      file_load(P(list_get(asset_names, i)));

  list_delete_with(asset_names, free);

Ejemplo n.º 3
void ui_finish() {

  for(int i = 0; i < num_ui_events; i++) {

  for(int i = 0; i < ui_elem_names->num_items; i++) {
    char* name = list_get(ui_elem_names, i);
    int* type_id = dict_get(ui_elem_types, name);
    debug("Deleting UI Element %s (%s)", name, type_id_name(*type_id));
  list_delete_with(ui_elem_names, free);
  dict_map(ui_elem_types, free);
