Ejemplo n.º 1
/** Load collision table data */
int FWScript::o2_loadCt() {
	const char *param = getNextString();

	debugC(5, kCineDebugScript, "Line: %d: loadCt(\"%s\")", _line, param);
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool CineEngine::loadTempSaveOS(Common::SeekableReadStream &in) {
    char musicName[13];
    char bgNames[8][13];

    // First check the temporary Operation Stealth savegame format header.
    ChunkHeader hdr;
    loadChunkHeader(in, hdr);
    if (hdr.id != TEMP_OS_FORMAT_ID) {
        warning("loadTempSaveOS: File has incorrect identifier. Not loading savegame");
        return false;
    } else if (hdr.version > CURRENT_OS_SAVE_VER) {
        warning("loadTempSaveOS: Detected newer format version. Not loading savegame");
        return false;
    } else if ((int)hdr.version < (int)CURRENT_OS_SAVE_VER) {
        warning("loadTempSaveOS: Detected older format version. Trying to load nonetheless. Things may break");
    } else { // hdr.id == TEMP_OS_FORMAT_ID && hdr.version == CURRENT_OS_SAVE_VER
        debug(3, "loadTempSaveOS: Found correct header (Both the identifier and version number match).");

    // There shouldn't be any data in the header's chunk currently so it's an error if there is.
    if (hdr.size > 0) {
        warning("loadTempSaveOS: Format header's chunk seems to contain data so format is incorrect. Not loading savegame");
        return false;

    // Ok, so we've got a correct header for a temporary Operation Stealth savegame.
    // Let's start loading the plain savegame data then.
    currentDisk = in.readUint16BE();
    in.read(currentPartName, 13);
    in.read(currentPrcName, 13);
    in.read(currentRelName, 13);
    in.read(currentMsgName, 13);

    // Load the 8 background names.
    for (uint i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
        in.read(bgNames[i], 13);

    in.read(currentCtName, 13);

    // Moved the loading of current procedure, relation,
    // backgrounds and Ct here because if they were at the
    // end of this function then the global scripts loading
    // made an array out of bounds access. In the original
    // game's disassembly these aren't here but at the end.
    // The difference is probably in how we handle loading
    // the global scripts and some other things (i.e. the
    // loading routines aren't exactly the same and subtle
    // semantic differences result in having to do things
    // in a different order).
        // Not sure if this is needed with Operation Stealth...

        if (strlen(currentPrcName)) {

        if (strlen(currentRelName)) {

        // Load first background (Uses loadBg)
        if (strlen(bgNames[0])) {

        // Add backgrounds 1-7 (Uses addBackground)
        for (int i = 1; i < 8; i++) {
            if (strlen(bgNames[i])) {
                addBackground(bgNames[i], i);

        if (strlen(currentCtName)) {

    renderer->restorePalette(in, hdr.version);
    g_cine->_globalVars.load(in, NUM_MAX_VAR);
    char tempCommandBuffer[kMaxCommandBufferSize];
    in.read(tempCommandBuffer, kMaxCommandBufferSize);
    g_cine->_commandBuffer = tempCommandBuffer;

    // TODO: Use the loaded string (Current music name (String, 13 bytes)).
    in.read(musicName, 13);

    // TODO: Use the loaded value (Is music loaded? (Uint16BE, Boolean)).

    // TODO: Use the loaded value (Is music playing? (Uint16BE, Boolean)).

    renderer->_cmdY      = in.readUint16BE();
    in.readUint16BE(); // Some unknown variable that seems to always be zero
    allowPlayerInput     = in.readUint16BE();
    playerCommand        = in.readUint16BE();
    commandVar1          = in.readUint16BE();
    isDrawCommandEnabled = in.readUint16BE();
    var5                 = in.readUint16BE();
    var4                 = in.readUint16BE();
    var3                 = in.readUint16BE();
    var2                 = in.readUint16BE();
    commandVar2          = in.readUint16BE();
    renderer->_messageBg = in.readUint16BE();

    // TODO: Use the loaded value (adBgVar1 (Uint16BE)).

    currentAdditionalBgIdx = in.readSint16BE();
    currentAdditionalBgIdx2 = in.readSint16BE();

    // TODO: Check whether the scroll value really gets used correctly after this.
    // Note that the backgrounds are loaded only later than this value is set.

    // TODO: Use the loaded value (adBgVar0 (Uint16BE). Maybe this means bgVar0?).

    disableSystemMenu = in.readUint16BE();

    // TODO: adBgVar1 = 1 here

    // Load the animDataTable entries
    in.readUint16BE(); // Entry count (255 in the PC version of Operation Stealth).
    in.readUint16BE(); // Entry size (36 in the PC version of Operation Stealth).
    loadResourcesFromSave(in, ANIMSIZE_30_PTRS_INTACT);


    // Left this here instead of moving it earlier in this function with
    // the other current value loadings (e.g. loading of current procedure,
    // current backgrounds etc). Mostly emulating the way we've handled
    // Future Wars savegames and hoping that things work out.
    if (strlen(currentMsgName)) {

    // TODO: Add current music loading and playing here
    // TODO: Palette handling?

    if (in.pos() == in.size()) {
        debug(3, "loadTempSaveOS: Loaded the whole savefile.");
    } else {
        warning("loadTempSaveOS: Loaded the savefile but didn't exhaust it completely. Something was left over");

    return !(in.eos() || in.err());