//------------------------------------------------------------------ void urFont::loadFont(string filename, int fontsize){ // load anti-aliased, non-full character set: loadFont(filename, fontsize, true, false, false); }
void initMenuGraphics(){ clearMenuTextures(); char font1[] = "font/Champagne.ttf"; char font2[] = "font/lighthouse.ttf"; TTF_Font* police = NULL; char bienvenue[34]="Bienvenue dans Imac Tower Defense"; SDL_Surface* bienvenue_surface=loadFont(police,bienvenue,font2,100); MENU_TEXTURES_ID.BIENVENUE = makeTextureFromSurface (bienvenue_surface); SDL_FreeSurface(bienvenue_surface); char choix[18]="Choisir une carte"; SDL_Surface* choix_surface=loadFont(police,choix,font1,100); MENU_TEXTURES_ID.MAP_CHOICE_LEGEND = makeTextureFromSurface (choix_surface); SDL_FreeSurface(choix_surface); char aide[16]="Lire les regles"; SDL_Surface* aide_surface=loadFont(police,aide,font1,100); MENU_TEXTURES_ID.AIDE_LEGEND=makeTextureFromSurface (aide_surface); SDL_FreeSurface(aide_surface); char playLegend[7]="Play !"; SDL_Surface* play_surface=loadFont(police,playLegend,font1,100); MENU_TEXTURES_ID.PLAY_LEGEND = makeTextureFromSurface (play_surface); SDL_FreeSurface(play_surface); char pushEnter[31]="Appuyer sur ENTER pour valider"; SDL_Surface* PushEnter_surface=loadFont(police,pushEnter,font1,100); MENU_TEXTURES_ID.PUSH_ENTER = makeTextureFromSurface (PushEnter_surface); SDL_FreeSurface(PushEnter_surface); MENU_TEXTURES_ID.FLECHES = makeTextureFromFile("images/fleches.png"); MENU_TEXTURES_ID.AIDE_BUTTON = makeTextureFromFile("images/monstrehelp.png"); MENU_TEXTURES_ID.MAP_CHOICE_BUTTON = makeTextureFromFile("images/monstrecarte.png"); MENU_TEXTURES_ID.PLAY_BUTTON = makeTextureFromFile("images/monstreplay.png"); MENU_TEXTURES_ID.RULES = makeTextureFromFile("images/regles.png"); MENU_TEXTURES_ID.RULES_CLOSE = makeTextureFromFile("images/close.png"); MENU_TEXTURES_ID.BULLE = makeTextureFromFile("images/bulle.png"); //Création du menu de choix de carte if(BUTTON_OF_MENU.lstMapName != NULL) freeListComplete(BUTTON_OF_MENU.lstMapName); if(BUTTON_OF_MENU.lstMapButton != NULL) freeListComplete(BUTTON_OF_MENU.lstMapButton); if(BUTTON_OF_MENU.lstMapTextureIndex != NULL) freeListComplete(BUTTON_OF_MENU.lstMapTextureIndex); BUTTON_OF_MENU.lstMapName = createEmptyList(); BUTTON_OF_MENU.lstMapButton = createEmptyList(); BUTTON_OF_MENU.lstMapTextureIndex = createEmptyList(); BUTTON_OF_MENU.indexButtonClicked = -1; BUTTON_OF_MENU.indexFirstButtonDisplayed = 1; readDirectory(BUTTON_OF_MENU.lstMapName); char* ptrMapName; char displayedName[MAX_LENGHT]; int i = 0; float xText=0.; float yTextInit=140.; float yTextCurrent = yTextInit; float zText = 0.0; goToHeadList(BUTTON_OF_MENU.lstMapName); while( (ptrMapName = (char*) nextData(BUTTON_OF_MENU.lstMapName)) != NULL){ strcpy(displayedName, ptrMapName); int j = 0; for(j = 0; displayedName[j] != '.';j++); displayedName[j] = 0; SDL_Surface* text=loadFont(police,displayedName,font1,100); GLuint* texId = (GLuint*) malloc(sizeof(GLuint)); if(texId == NULL){ fprintf(stderr, "Erreur fatale : impossible d'allouer la mémoire nécessaire.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } *texId = makeTextureFromSurface (text); insertBottomCell(BUTTON_OF_MENU.lstMapTextureIndex, texId); //Création du bouton associé yTextCurrent = yTextInit - (70.* (i % NB_MAP_DISPLAYED)); if(i > NB_MAP_DISPLAYED -1) zText = -2.0; Point3D mapPosition = PointXYZ(xText,yTextCurrent, zText); int width = text->w; if( width > 600){ width = 600; } insertBottomCell(BUTTON_OF_MENU.lstMapButton, createButton(MAP_MENU,mapPosition,width,text->h)); SDL_FreeSurface(text); i++; } Point3D aidePosition = PointXYZ(-150.,100.,0.); Button* aideButton = createButton(AIDE_MENU,aidePosition,120,120); free(BUTTON_OF_MENU.regles); BUTTON_OF_MENU.regles = aideButton; Point3D choixPosition = PointXYZ(140.,100.,0.); Button* choixButton = createButton(CHOIX_MENU,choixPosition,120,120); free(BUTTON_OF_MENU.choix_carte); BUTTON_OF_MENU.choix_carte = choixButton; Point3D playPosition = PointXYZ(0.,-100.,0.); Button* playButton = createButton(PLAY_MENU,playPosition,120,120); free(BUTTON_OF_MENU.jouer); BUTTON_OF_MENU.jouer=playButton; Point3D closePosition = PointXYZ(223.,225.,0.); Button* closeButton = createButton(CLOSE_RULES_MENU,closePosition,30,30); free(BUTTON_OF_MENU.close_rules); BUTTON_OF_MENU.close_rules=closeButton; TTF_CloseFont(police); }
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { ui->setupUi(this); preferencesDialog = new PreferencesDialog(); fontDialog = new FontDialog(); //----File---- connect(ui->actionConvert_to_Handwritten, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(renderFirstSheet())); connect(ui->actionLoad_Text_from_File, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(loadTextFromFile())); connect(ui->actionLoad_Font, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(loadFont())); connect(ui->actionFont_Editor, SIGNAL(triggered()), fontDialog, SLOT(exec())); connect(ui->actionSave_Current_Sheet_as, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(saveSheet())); connect(ui->actionSave_All_Sheets, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(saveAllSheets())); connect(ui->actionPrint_Current_Sheet, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(printSheet())); connect(ui->actionPrint_All, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(printAllSheets())); //----Edit---- //connect menu action "Show Toolbar" connect(ui->actionShow_ToolBar, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), ui->toolBar, SLOT(setVisible(bool))); connect(ui->toolBar, SIGNAL(visibilityChanged(bool)), ui->actionShow_ToolBar, SLOT(setChecked(bool))); //preferencesDialog connections connect(ui->actionPreferences, SIGNAL(triggered()), preferencesDialog, SLOT(exec())); connect(preferencesDialog, SIGNAL(settingsChanged()), ui->svgView, SLOT(loadSettingsFromFile())); //----Help---- connect(ui->actionAbout_Scribbler, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showAboutBox())); connect(ui->actionLicenses_and_Credits, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showLicensesBox())); //----ToolBar---- //add actions to tool bar and connect them to slots connect(ui->toolBar->addAction(QPixmap("://render.png"), tr("Convert to Handwritten")), SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(renderFirstSheet())); connect(ui->toolBar->addAction(QPixmap("://printer.png"), tr("Print Current Sheet")), SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(printSheet())); connect(ui->toolBar->addAction(QPixmap("://save.png"), tr("Save Current Sheet as Image")), SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(saveSheet())); ui->toolBar->addSeparator(); connect(ui->toolBar->addAction(QPixmap("://right.png"), tr("Next Sheet")), SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(renderNextSheet())); connect(ui->toolBar->addAction(QPixmap("://left.png"), tr("Previous Sheet")), SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(renderPreviousSheet())); connect(fontDialog, SIGNAL(fontReady()), ui->svgView, SLOT(loadFont())); ui->toolBar->actions()[4]->setDisabled(true); ui->toolBar->actions()[5]->setDisabled(true); //initialize some class members sheetPointers.push_back(0); currentSheetNumber = 0; version = "0.4 alpha"; preferencesDialog->loadSettingsFromFile(); /* This is a hack to avoid a bug. When program starts, it needs some time * (at least 1 ms on my configuration, but I set delay to 100 ms just to be sure * that it will work on weaker machines) before it can write settings to file, * otherwise ui->colorButton->palette().background().color() will return * default buttons background color, which will be written to settings * file at once program launches. */ QTime dieTime = QTime::currentTime().addMSecs(100); while (QTime::currentTime() < dieTime) QCoreApplication::processEvents(QEventLoop::AllEvents, 100); preferencesDialog->loadSettingsToFile(); }
int multiplayer(SDL_Window *win, SDL_Renderer *ren){ /* langue musique Done */ SDL_Surface *img_srf; SDL_Texture *img_txtu; SDL_Rect tapisPos; SDL_Rect but, butClick[3]; ServSetting serv; FILE *server_settings = NULL; strcpy(serv.ip, ""); serv.port = 23; server_settings = fopen("server_settings.conf", "r"); if(server_settings != NULL){ while(fread(&serv, sizeof(ServSetting), 1, server_settings) && !feof(server_settings)); printf("serv ip: %s port: %d", serv.ip, serv.port); fclose(server_settings); } else{ perror("Open server_settings.conf"); } int loop = 1; int i, j; int lastclick = -1; int onIP = 1; char ip[32] = {0}; char port[16] = {0}; char _ip[33] = {0}; char _port[17] = {0}; //char filename[45] = {0}; strcpy(ip, serv.ip); sprintf(port, "%d", serv.port); TTF_Font *f; TTF_Font *fBig; SDL_Event event; f = loadFont("minecraft.ttf", 15); fBig = loadFont("minecraft.ttf", 25); img_srf = SDL_LoadBMP("grey_wool.bmp"); img_txtu = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(ren, img_srf); SDL_FreeSurface(img_srf); while(loop){ for(i = 0; i <= 14; i++){ for(j = 0; j <= 9; j++){ tapisPos.x = i*80; tapisPos.y = j*80; tapisPos.w = 80; tapisPos.h = 80; SDL_RenderCopy(ren, img_txtu, NULL, &tapisPos); } } text(ren, fBig, "Roku Kotore", 450, 50, -1, -1, 255, 255, 255, 255); color(ren, 50, 50, 70); but = text(ren, f, "Continuer", 500, 600, -1, -1, 255, 255, 255, 255); //----- butClick[0] = rect(ren, but.x - 100, but.y - 10, but.w + 200, but.h + 20, 1); // bouton text(ren, f, "Continuer", 500, 600, -1, -1, 255, 255, 255, 255); text(ren, f, "IP", 300, 300, -1, -1, 255, 255, 255, 255); text(ren, f, "PORT", 300, 400, -1, -1, 255, 255, 255, 255); color(ren, 10, 10, 10); but = text(ren, f, "#################################", 500, 300, -1, -1, 255, 255, 255, 255); //----- butClick[1] = rect(ren, but.x - 10, but.y - 10, but.w + 20, but.h + 20, 1); // bouton sprintf(_ip, " %s", ip); text(ren, f, _ip, 500, 300, -1, -1, 255, 255, 255, 255); if(onIP){ color(ren, 255, 255, 255); rect(ren, but.x - 10, but.y - 10, but.w + 20, but.h + 20, 0); } color(ren, 10, 10, 10); but = text(ren, f, "#################", 500, 400, -1, -1, 255, 255, 255, 255); //----- butClick[2] = rect(ren, but.x - 10, but.y - 10, but.w + 20, but.h + 20, 1); // bouton sprintf(_port, " %s", port); text(ren, f, _port, 500, 400, -1, -1, 255, 255, 255, 255); if(!onIP){ color(ren, 255, 255, 255); rect(ren, but.x - 10, but.y - 10, but.w + 20, but.h + 20, 0); } switch(lastclick){ case 0: strcpy(serv.ip, ip); sscanf(port, "%d", &serv.port); //printf("IP : %s PORT : %d\n", serv.ip, serv.port); server_settings = fopen("server_settings.conf", "w"); if(server_settings != NULL){ printf("savingIP : %s PORT : %d\n", serv.ip, serv.port); fwrite(&serv, sizeof(ServSetting), 1, server_settings); fclose(server_settings); } else{ perror("Open server_settings.conf (save)"); } loop = 0; break; case 1: onIP = 1; break; case 2: onIP = 0; break; } while(SDL_PollEvent(&event)){ switch(event.type){ case SDL_QUIT: loop = 0; break; case SDL_KEYDOWN: switch(event.key.keysym.sym){ case SDLK_BACKSPACE: if(onIP){ if(strlen(ip) > 0){ ip[strlen(ip)-1] = 0; } } else{ if(strlen(port) > 0){ port[strlen(port)-1] = 0; } } break; case SDLK_RETURN: break; case SDLK_ESCAPE: loop = 0; break; } break; case SDL_TEXTINPUT: if(onIP){ if(strlen(ip) < 32){ strcat(ip, event.text.text); } } else{ if(strlen(port) < 15){ strcat(port, event.text.text); } } break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP: switch(event.button.button){ case SDL_BUTTON_LEFT: for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if(mouseX() >= butClick[i].x && mouseX() <= butClick[i].x + butClick[i].w && mouseY() >= butClick[i].y && mouseY() <= butClick[i].y + butClick[i].h ){ lastclick = i; } } break; } break; } } drawScene(ren); } closeFont(f); closeFont(fBig); SDL_DestroyTexture(img_txtu); }
void Grafix::loadFont(const ByteArrayPtr &memory, const String &fontname) { MemFile ff(memory); loadFont(ff,fontname); }
void MusicSelection::generateClickableButtons() { MusicSelectionClickableButton button; //Note: Don't destroy generated textures that are created here! They are removed during uninit //Generate number of keys buttons { button.x = (int)(initVariables.musicSelection_gameKeys_button_x * ((float)initVariables.screen_width)); button.y = (int)(initVariables.musicSelection_gameKeys_button_y * ((float)initVariables.screen_height)); button.width = (int)(initVariables.musicSelection_gameKeys_button_width * ((float)initVariables.screen_width)); button.height = (int)(initVariables.musicSelection_gameKeys_button_height * ((float)initVariables.screen_height)); button.backgroundTexture.texture = NULL; button.text = "4 Key"; SDL_Color color = { 255,255,255 }; button.fontTexture = loadFont(Renderer, initVariables.musicSelection_font, 48, button.text, color); clickableButtons.push_back(button); button.x += button.width + ((int)(initVariables.musicSelection_gameKeys_button_separation * ((float)initVariables.screen_width))); button.text = "6 Key"; button.fontTexture = loadFont(Renderer, initVariables.musicSelection_font, 48, button.text, color); clickableButtons.push_back(button); } //Generate difficulty buttons { int availableSpace = (int)(initVariables.musicSelection_albumArt_width_and_height * ((float)initVariables.screen_width)); int totalSeparationSpace = availableSpace - ((int)(((float)initVariables.screen_height) * ((float)enums::TOTAL_DIFFICULTIES) * initVariables.musicSelection_difficulty_button_height)); int separation = totalSeparationSpace / (enums::TOTAL_DIFFICULTIES - 1); button.y = (int)(initVariables.musicSelection_albumArt_y * ((float)initVariables.screen_height)); button.x = (int)(((float)initVariables.screen_width) * initVariables.musicSelection_difficulty_button_x); button.width = (int)(((float)initVariables.screen_width) * initVariables.musicSelection_difficulty_button_width); button.height = (int)(((float)initVariables.screen_height) * initVariables.musicSelection_difficulty_button_height); button.backgroundTexture = loadTexture("round rectangle.png", Renderer); button.text = "EASY"; SDL_Color color = { 0,0,0 }; button.fontTexture = loadFont(Renderer, initVariables.musicSelection_font, 48, button.text, color); clickableButtons.push_back(button); button.y += (separation + button.height); button.text = "NORMAL"; button.fontTexture = loadFont(Renderer, initVariables.musicSelection_font, 48, button.text, color); clickableButtons.push_back(button); button.y += (separation + button.height); button.text = "HARD"; button.fontTexture = loadFont(Renderer, initVariables.musicSelection_font, 48, button.text, color); clickableButtons.push_back(button); button.y += (separation + button.height); button.text = "EXTREME"; button.fontTexture = loadFont(Renderer, initVariables.musicSelection_font, 48, button.text, color); clickableButtons.push_back(button); } //Generate start game button { button.x = (int)(((float)initVariables.screen_width) * initVariables.musicSelection_startGame_button_x); button.y = (int)(((float)initVariables.screen_height) * initVariables.musicSelection_startGame_button_y); button.width = (int)(((float)initVariables.screen_width) * initVariables.musicSelection_startGame_button_width); button.height = (int)(((float)initVariables.screen_height) * initVariables.musicSelection_startGame_button_height); button.backgroundTexture.texture = NULL; button.text = "START"; SDL_Color color = { 255,255,255 }; button.fontTexture = loadFont(Renderer, initVariables.musicSelection_font, 48, button.text, color); clickableButtons.push_back(button); } }
TextRendererTTF::TextRendererTTF(std::string fontFile) { ScreenWidth = 600; ScreenHeight = 600; color[0] = 1; color[1] = 1; color[2] = 1; color[3] = 1; TextVBO = -1; TextVAO = -1; fontSize = 16; fontLoadError = GL_FALSE; shaderError = GL_FALSE; freetypeError = GL_FALSE; glewError = GL_FALSE; if (FT_Init_FreeType(&ft)) { std::cerr << "Could not initialize freetype library." << std::endl; freetypeError = GL_TRUE; } // Turn on GLEW if (glewInit()) { std::cerr << "Unable to initialize GLEW." << std::endl; glewError = GL_TRUE; } std::string vertShade = "#version 330\n" "attribute vec4 coord;\n" "varying vec2 texpos;\n" "uniform mat4 rotMat;\n" "void main(void) {\n" " gl_Position = rotMat * vec4(coord.xy, 0, 1);\n" " texpos = coord.zw;\n" "}\n"; std::string fragShade = "#version 330\n" "varying vec2 texpos;\n" "uniform sampler2D tex;\n" "uniform vec4 color;\n" "void main(void) {\n" " gl_FragColor = vec4(1, 1, 1, texture2D(tex, texpos).a) * color;\n" "}\n"; shader.load(vertShade.c_str(), fragShade.c_str()); if(shader.program == 0) { std::cerr << "Unable to create text shader." << std::endl; shaderError = GL_TRUE; } attribute_coord = glGetAttribLocation(shader.program, "coord"); uniform_tex = glGetUniformLocation(shader.program, "tex"); uniform_color = glGetUniformLocation(shader.program, "color"); rotmat = glGetUniformLocation(shader.program, "rotMat"); if(attribute_coord == -1 || uniform_tex == -1 || uniform_color == -1 || rotmat == -1) { std::cerr << "Unable to link attributes." << std::endl; shaderError = GL_TRUE; } // Create the vertex buffer object glGenBuffers(1, &TextVBO); glGenVertexArrays(1, &TextVAO); if (fontFile.compare("") != 0) loadFont(fontFile); }
void Macro::draw(QGraphicsScene* scene, QColor background, QColor font) { //size 241, 281 //QBrush Ybrush(Qt::blue); //scene->setBackgroundBrush(Ybrush); QFont titleFont("Times", 10, QFont::Bold); QGraphicsTextItem * titleItem = new QGraphicsTextItem; titleItem->setPos(70,10); titleItem->setDefaultTextColor(font); titleItem->setFont(titleFont); titleItem->setPlainText("Macro Recorder"); scene->addItem(titleItem); QFont actFont("Times", 9, QFont::Bold); QGraphicsTextItem * actItem = new QGraphicsTextItem; actItem->setPos(30,40); actItem->setDefaultTextColor(font); actItem->setFont(actFont); if (activationKeyRec == false) { QChar key = static_cast<char>(activationKey); QString sKey = key; actItem->setPlainText("Activation Key: (" + sKey + ")"); } else { actItem->setPlainText("Activation Key: RECORDING"); } scene->addItem(actItem); QBrush onB(font); QPen onP(font); scene->addRect(160,150,40,40, onP, onB); scene->addRect(160,200,40,40, onP, onB); QFont onFont("Times", 11, QFont::Bold); QGraphicsTextItem * onItem = new QGraphicsTextItem; onItem->setPos(166,158); if (on) { onItem->setDefaultTextColor(Qt::yellow); } else { onItem->setDefaultTextColor(Qt::black); } onItem->setFont(onFont); onItem->setPlainText("On"); scene->addItem(onItem); QFont offFont("Times", 11, QFont::Bold); QGraphicsTextItem * offItem = new QGraphicsTextItem; offItem->setPos(166,208); if (on) { offItem->setDefaultTextColor(Qt::black); } else { offItem->setDefaultTextColor(Qt::yellow); } offItem->setFont(offFont); offItem->setPlainText("Off"); scene->addItem(offItem); if (recording) { QBrush recB(Qt::red); QPen recP(Qt::red); scene->addRect(60,80,30,30, recP, recB); } else { QBrush recB(font); QPen recP(font); scene->addRect(60,80,30,30, recP, recB); } QBrush loadB(font); QPen loadP(font); scene->addRect(140,80,30,30, loadP, loadB); QFont loadFont("Times", 7, QFont::Bold); QGraphicsTextItem * loadItem = new QGraphicsTextItem; loadItem->setPos(140,85); loadItem->setDefaultTextColor(Qt::black); loadItem->setFont(loadFont); loadItem->setPlainText("Load"); scene->addItem(loadItem); QFont recFont("Times", 8, QFont::Bold); QGraphicsTextItem * recItem = new QGraphicsTextItem; recItem->setPos(61,83); recItem->setDefaultTextColor(Qt::black); recItem->setFont(recFont); recItem->setPlainText("Rec"); scene->addItem(recItem); }
bool StyledTTFont::loadFont(const Common::String &fontName, int32 point, uint style) { _style = style; return loadFont(fontName, point); }
void ofxBaseGui::setUseTTF(bool bUseTTF){ if(bUseTTF && !fontLoaded){ loadFont(OF_TTF_MONO,10,true,true); } useTTF = bUseTTF; }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void ofxFreeType2::loadFont(string filepath, int size) { loadFont(filepath, size, true, false,false); }
void ofTrueTypeFont::reloadTextures(){ loadFont(filename, fontSize, bAntiAliased, bFullCharacterSet, bMakeContours, simplifyAmt, dpi); }
//-------------------------------------------------------- ADMVideoSubtitle::ADMVideoSubtitle(AVDMGenericVideoStream *in,CONFcouple *couples) { uint32_t frame; // char c; _uncompressed=NULL; _font=NULL; _in=in; memcpy(&_info,_in->getInfo(),sizeof(_info)); frame=3*_in->getInfo()->width*_in->getInfo()->height; _subs=NULL; _fd=NULL; _line=0; _oldframe=0; _oldline=0; _font = new ADMfont(); if(couples) { int32_t b; SUBCONF *_param; _conf=NEW( SUBCONF); _param=_conf; // keep macro happy GET(_fontsize); GET(_subname); GET(_fontname); GET(_charset); GET(_baseLine); GET(_Y_percent); GET(_U_percent); GET(_V_percent); GET(_selfAdjustable); GET(_delay); GET(_useBackgroundColor); GET(_bg_Y_percent); GET(_bg_U_percent); GET(_bg_V_percent); // GET(_blend); couples->getCouple("_blend",&b); _param->_blend=(BlendMode)b; if(_conf->_baseLine>_info.height-_conf->_fontsize*SRT_MAX_LINE) { printf("Base exceeded : base :%lu height :%lu bottom:%lu\n", _conf->_baseLine,_info.height,_info.height-_conf->_fontsize*SRT_MAX_LINE); _conf->_baseLine=_conf->_fontsize*SRT_MAX_LINE; } char *ft,*sub; ft=(char *)ADM_alloc(500); sub=(char *)ADM_alloc(500); strcpy(ft,(char *)_conf->_subname); _conf->_subname=(ADM_filename *)ft; strcpy(sub,(char *)_conf->_fontname); _conf->_fontname=(ADM_filename *)sub; sub=(char *)ADM_alloc(500); strcpy(sub,_conf->_charset); _conf->_charset=sub; loadSubtitle(); loadFont(); } else { _conf=NEW( SUBCONF); _conf->_fontname=(ADM_filename *)ADM_alloc(500); _conf->_subname=(ADM_filename *)ADM_alloc(500); _conf->_charset=(char *)ADM_alloc(500); _conf->_fontname[0]=0; _conf->_subname[0]=0; _conf->_charset[0]=0; _conf->_baseLine=_info.height-24*SRT_MAX_LINE; _conf->_Y_percent=255; _conf->_U_percent=0; _conf->_V_percent=0; _conf->_fontsize=24; _conf->_selfAdjustable=0; _conf->_delay=0; _conf->_useBackgroundColor=0; _conf->_bg_Y_percent=0; _conf->_bg_U_percent=0; _conf->_bg_V_percent=0; _conf->_blend=BLEND_SOLID; prefs->get(FILTERS_SUBTITLE_FONTSIZE,&(_conf->_fontsize)); prefs->get(FILTERS_SUBTITLE_YPERCENT,&(_conf->_Y_percent)); prefs->get(FILTERS_SUBTITLE_UPERCENT,&(_conf->_U_percent)); prefs->get(FILTERS_SUBTITLE_VPERCENT,&(_conf->_V_percent)); prefs->get(FILTERS_SUBTITLE_SELFADJUSTABLE,&(_conf->_selfAdjustable)); prefs->get(FILTERS_SUBTITLE_USEBACKGROUNDCOLOR,&(_conf->_useBackgroundColor)); // _conf->_fontname, ... are used as memory for a dialog // later. we can't used the length of the current string { char *tmp; prefs->get(FILTERS_SUBTITLE_FONTNAME,&tmp); strcpy((char *)_conf->_fontname,tmp); ADM_dealloc(tmp); prefs->get(FILTERS_SUBTITLE_CHARSET,&tmp); strcpy(_conf->_charset,tmp); ADM_dealloc(tmp); } } _info.encoding=1; _bitmap=0xffffffff; #define BITMAP_SIZE _info.width*_conf->_fontsize*SRT_MAX_LINE _bitmapBuffer=new uint8_t[_info.width*_info.height]; _maskBuffer=new uint8_t[_info.width*_info.height]; _bgBitmapBuffer=new uint8_t[(_info.width*_info.height)>>1]; _bgMaskBuffer=new uint8_t[_info.width*_info.height]; _dirty=new uint8_t[_info.height]; ADM_assert(_bitmapBuffer); ADM_assert(_maskBuffer); ADM_assert(_bgBitmapBuffer); ADM_assert(_bgMaskBuffer); ADM_assert(_dirty); }
struct FontData * awtJNI_GetFontData(JNIEnv * env, jobject font, char **errmsg) { /* We are going to create at most 4 outstanding local refs in this * function. */ if ((*env)->EnsureLocalCapacity(env, 4) < 0) { return NULL; } if (!JNU_IsNull(env, font) && awtJNI_IsMultiFont(env, font)) { JNU_CHECK_EXCEPTION_RETURN(env, NULL); struct FontData *fdata = NULL; int32_t i, size; char *fontsetname = NULL; char *nativename = NULL; Boolean doFree = FALSE; jobjectArray componentFonts = NULL; jobject peer = NULL; jobject fontDescriptor = NULL; jstring fontDescriptorName = NULL; jstring charsetName = NULL; fdata = (struct FontData *) JNU_GetLongFieldAsPtr(env,font, fontIDs.pData); if (fdata != NULL && fdata->flist != NULL) { return fdata; } size = (*env)->GetIntField(env, font, fontIDs.size); fdata = (struct FontData *) malloc(sizeof(struct FontData)); peer = (*env)->CallObjectMethod(env, font, fontIDs.getPeer); componentFonts = (*env)->GetObjectField(env, peer, platformFontIDs.componentFonts); /* We no longer need peer */ (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, peer); fdata->charset_num = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, componentFonts); fdata->flist = (awtFontList *) malloc(sizeof(awtFontList) * fdata->charset_num); fdata->xfont = NULL; for (i = 0; i < fdata->charset_num; i++) { /* * set xlfd name */ fontDescriptor = (*env)->GetObjectArrayElement(env, componentFonts, i); fontDescriptorName = (*env)->GetObjectField(env, fontDescriptor, fontDescriptorIDs.nativeName); if (!JNU_IsNull(env, fontDescriptorName)) { nativename = (char *) JNU_GetStringPlatformChars(env, fontDescriptorName, NULL); if (nativename == NULL) { nativename = ""; doFree = FALSE; } else { doFree = TRUE; } } else { nativename = ""; doFree = FALSE; } fdata->flist[i].xlfd = malloc(strlen(nativename) + strlen(defaultXLFD)); jio_snprintf(fdata->flist[i].xlfd, strlen(nativename) + 10, nativename, size * 10); if (nativename != NULL && doFree) JNU_ReleaseStringPlatformChars(env, fontDescriptorName, (const char *) nativename); /* * set charset_name */ charsetName = (*env)->GetObjectField(env, fontDescriptor, fontDescriptorIDs.charsetName); fdata->flist[i].charset_name = (char *) JNU_GetStringPlatformChars(env, charsetName, NULL); if (fdata->flist[i].charset_name == NULL) { (*env)->ExceptionClear(env); JNU_ThrowOutOfMemoryError(env, "Could not create charset name"); return NULL; } /* We are done with the objects. */ (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, fontDescriptor); (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, fontDescriptorName); (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, charsetName); /* * set load & XFontStruct */ fdata->flist[i].load = 0; /* * This appears to be a bogus check. The actual intent appears * to be to find out whether this is the "base" font in a set, * rather than iso8859_1 explicitly. Note that iso8859_15 will * and must also pass this test. */ if (fdata->xfont == NULL && strstr(fdata->flist[i].charset_name, "8859_1")) { fdata->flist[i].xfont = loadFont(awt_display, fdata->flist[i].xlfd, size * 10); if (fdata->flist[i].xfont != NULL) { fdata->flist[i].load = 1; fdata->xfont = fdata->flist[i].xfont; fdata->flist[i].index_length = 1; } else { /* Free any already allocated storage and fonts */ int j = i; for (j = 0; j <= i; j++) { free((void *)fdata->flist[j].xlfd); JNU_ReleaseStringPlatformChars(env, NULL, fdata->flist[j].charset_name); if (fdata->flist[j].load) { XFreeFont(awt_display, fdata->flist[j].xfont); } } free((void *)fdata->flist); free((void *)fdata); if (errmsg != NULL) { *errmsg = "java/lang" "NullPointerException"; } (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, componentFonts); return NULL; } } } (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, componentFonts); /* * XFontSet will create if the peer of TextField/TextArea * are used. */ fdata->xfs = NULL; JNU_SetLongFieldFromPtr(env,font,fontIDs.pData,fdata); Disposer_AddRecord(env, font, pDataDisposeMethod, ptr_to_jlong(fdata)); return fdata; } else { JNU_CHECK_EXCEPTION_RETURN(env, NULL); Display *display = NULL; struct FontData *fdata = NULL; char fontSpec[1024]; int32_t height; int32_t oheight; int32_t above = 0; /* tries above height */ int32_t below = 0; /* tries below height */ char *foundry = NULL; char *name = NULL; char *encoding = NULL; char *style = NULL; XFontStruct *xfont = NULL; jstring family = NULL; if (JNU_IsNull(env, font)) { if (errmsg != NULL) { *errmsg = "java/lang" "NullPointerException"; } return (struct FontData *) NULL; } display = XDISPLAY; fdata = (struct FontData *) JNU_GetLongFieldAsPtr(env,font,fontIDs.pData); if (fdata != NULL && fdata->xfont != NULL) { return fdata; } family = (*env)->CallObjectMethod(env, font, fontIDs.getFamily); if (!awtJNI_FontName(env, family, &foundry, &name, &encoding)) { if (errmsg != NULL) { *errmsg = "java/lang" "NullPointerException"; } (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, family); return (struct FontData *) NULL; } style = Style((*env)->GetIntField(env, font, fontIDs.style)); oheight = height = (*env)->GetIntField(env, font, fontIDs.size); while (1) { jio_snprintf(fontSpec, sizeof(fontSpec), "-%s-%s-%s-*-*-%d-*-*-*-*-*-%s", foundry, name, style, height, encoding); /*fprintf(stderr,"LoadFont: %s\n", fontSpec); */ xfont = XLoadQueryFont(display, fontSpec); /* XXX: sometimes XLoadQueryFont returns a bogus font structure */ /* with negative ascent. */ if (xfont == (Font) NULL || xfont->ascent < 0) { if (xfont != NULL) { XFreeFont(display, xfont); } if (foundry != anyfoundry) { /* Use ptr comparison here, not strcmp */ /* Try any other foundry before messing with the sizes */ foundry = anyfoundry; continue; } /* We couldn't find the font. We'll try to find an */ /* alternate by searching for heights above and below our */ /* preferred height. We try for 4 heights above and below. */ /* If we still can't find a font we repeat the algorithm */ /* using misc-fixed as the font. If we then fail, then we */ /* give up and signal an error. */ if (above == below) { above++; height = oheight + above; } else { below++; if (below > 4) { if (name != defaultfontname || style != anystyle) { name = defaultfontname; foundry = defaultfoundry; height = oheight; style = anystyle; encoding = isolatin1; above = below = 0; continue; } else { if (errmsg != NULL) { *errmsg = "java/io/" "FileNotFoundException"; } (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, family); return (struct FontData *) NULL; } } height = oheight - below; } continue; } else { fdata = ZALLOC(FontData); if (fdata == NULL) { if (errmsg != NULL) { *errmsg = "java/lang" "OutOfMemoryError"; } } else { fdata->xfont = xfont; JNU_SetLongFieldFromPtr(env,font,fontIDs.pData,fdata); Disposer_AddRecord(env, font, pDataDisposeMethod, ptr_to_jlong(fdata)); } (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, family); return fdata; } } /* not reached */ } }
static void initWithFont(int fontSize) { loadFont(false); refreshScreen(); }
bool Graphics::loadFonts(const char *font, const char *boldFont) { return (!FT_Init_FreeType(&_fontLibrary) && loadFont(font, _fontFace) && loadFont(boldFont, _fontFaceB)); }
VolumeListingDialog::VolumeListingDialog(QWidget* parent) : QWidget(parent) , reader_(0) { setWindowFlags(Qt::Dialog); setWindowModality(Qt::WindowModal); setWindowTitle(tr("Volume Selection")); // table configuration table_ = new QTableWidget(); table_->setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView::SelectRows); table_->setSortingEnabled(true); table_->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding); // top label QVBoxLayout* mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout(); titleLabel_ = new QLabel(tr("The selected file contains multiple volumes. Please select the volumes to load:")); QFont labelFont = titleLabel_->font(); labelFont.setPointSize(titleLabel_->font().pointSize()+1); labelFont.setBold(true); titleLabel_->setFont(labelFont); mainLayout->addWidget(titleLabel_); // filter bar QHBoxLayout* searchLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); filterLabel_ = new QLabel(tr("Filter: ")); searchLayout->addWidget(filterLabel_); filterTextBox_ = new QLineEdit(); searchLayout->addWidget(filterTextBox_); comboBoxFilterAttribute_ = new QComboBox(); comboBoxFilterAttribute_->setMinimumWidth(100); searchLayout->addWidget(comboBoxFilterAttribute_); mainLayout->addLayout(searchLayout); // table mainLayout->addWidget(table_); // buttons QHBoxLayout* buttonLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); buttonLayout->addStretch(); cancelButton_ = new QPushButton(tr("Cancel")); cancelButton_->setFixedWidth(100); buttonLayout->addWidget(cancelButton_); selectAllButton_ = new QPushButton(tr("Select All")); selectAllButton_->setFixedWidth(100); buttonLayout->addWidget(selectAllButton_); loadButton_ = new QPushButton(tr("Load")); loadButton_->setFixedWidth(100); QFont loadFont(loadButton_->font()); loadFont.setBold(true); loadButton_->setFont(loadFont); buttonLayout->addWidget(loadButton_); mainLayout->addLayout(buttonLayout); setLayout(mainLayout); connect(table_, SIGNAL(itemSelectionChanged()), this, SLOT(updateGuiState())); connect(table_, SIGNAL(cellDoubleClicked(int, int)), this, SLOT(cellDoubleClicked())); connect(filterTextBox_, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(updateTableRows())); connect(filterTextBox_, SIGNAL(editingFinished()), this, SLOT(updateTableRows())); connect(comboBoxFilterAttribute_, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateTableRows())); connect(loadButton_, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(loadClicked())); connect(selectAllButton_, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(selectAllClicked())); connect(cancelButton_, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(cancelClicked())); resize(600, 300); updateGuiState(); }
int main(int argc, char* args[]) { Player player1; Player player2; struct Ball ball; struct Vector vel; // Players vars int moveP1, moveP2; player1.score = player2.score = 0; // Keyboard const Uint8* keyState; char buffer[65]; int r = 10; // Color SDL_Color textColor = { 255, 255, 255, 255 }; // Init players positions moveP1 = moveP2 = SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2 - PLAYER_HEIGHT / 2; // Init ball ball.w = ball.h = 10; ball.x = SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 - ball.w / 2; ball.y = SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2 - ball.w / 2; ball.speed = 4; // Init ball velocity vel.x = 1; vel.y = 1; if (initSDL()); { loadFont(); scorePlayer1 = loadTextTexture(_itoa(player1.score, buffer, r), textColor); scorePlayer2 = loadTextTexture(_itoa(player2.score, buffer, r), textColor); // Main loop while (!quit) { // Event loop while (SDL_PollEvent(&e) != 0) { // User presses the close button if (e.type == SDL_QUIT) quit = true; } keyState = SDL_GetKeyboardState(NULL); if (keyState[SDL_SCANCODE_A]) { if ((moveP1 + PLAYER_HEIGHT) < SCREEN_HEIGHT) { moveP1 += PLAYER_SPEED; //printf("Player1: %d\n", moveP1 + PLAYER_HEIGHT); } } if (keyState[SDL_SCANCODE_S]) { if (moveP1 > 10) { moveP1 -= PLAYER_SPEED; //printf("Player1: %d\n", moveP1); } } if (keyState[SDL_SCANCODE_J]) { if ((moveP2 + PLAYER_HEIGHT) < SCREEN_HEIGHT) { moveP2 += PLAYER_SPEED; //printf("Player2: %d\n", moveP2 + PLAYER_HEIGHT); } } if (keyState[SDL_SCANCODE_K]) { if (moveP2 > 10) { moveP2 -= PLAYER_SPEED; //printf("Player2: %d\n", moveP2); } } // Bounce of player1 if ( (ball.x <= (20 + PLAYER_WIDTH)) && ((ball.y >= moveP1) && (ball.y <= moveP1 + PLAYER_HEIGHT)) ) { vel.x *= -1; } // Bounce of player2 else if ( (ball.x + 10 >= (SCREEN_WIDTH - PLAYER_WIDTH - 20)) && ((ball.y >= moveP2) && (ball.y <= moveP2 + PLAYER_HEIGHT)) ) { vel.x *= -1; } // Bounce from top and bottom edges if ( (ball.y + 10 >= SCREEN_HEIGHT) || (ball.y <= 0) ) { vel.y *= -1; } // Player 1 won if (ball.x + ball.w >= SCREEN_WIDTH) { player1.score += 1; scorePlayer1 = loadTextTexture(_itoa(player1.score, buffer, r), textColor); resetBall(&ball, "Player 1 won!\n"); } // Player 2 won if (ball.x + ball.w <= 0) { player2.score += 1; scorePlayer2 = loadTextTexture(_itoa(player2.score, buffer, r), textColor); resetBall(&ball, "Player 2 won!\n"); } ball.x += (int)vel.x * ball.speed; ball.y += (int)vel.y * ball.speed; // Clear screen SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00); SDL_RenderClear(renderer); // Draw objects drawPlayers(moveP1, moveP2); drawBall(ball); // Draw text renderTextTexture(scorePlayer1, SCREEN_WIDTH / 4 - scorePlayer1.w / 2, 20); renderTextTexture(scorePlayer2, SCREEN_WIDTH * 3 / 4 - scorePlayer2.w / 2, 20); // Update screen SDL_RenderPresent(renderer); } closeSDL(); } return 0; }
MusicSelectionPanel MusicSelection::generateMusicSelectionPanel(int index) { SDL_Color color = { 0,0,0 }; MusicSelectionPanel msp = { loadFont(Renderer,initVariables.musicSelection_font,48,beatMaps[index].songName, color), index, 0, 0, (int)(initVariables.musicSelection_panel_width * ((float)initVariables.screen_height)) }; return msp; }
bool MMSLabelWidget::prepareText(int *width, int *height, bool recalc) { // check if we have to (re)load the font this->surface->lock(); loadFont(); if (!this->font) { this->surface->unlock(); return false; } // font available, use it for this surface this->surface->setFont(this->font); this->surface->unlock(); if (!this->translated) { // text changed and have to be translated if ((this->rootwindow)&&(this->rootwindow->windowmanager)&&(getTranslate())) { // translate text string source; getText(source); this->rootwindow->windowmanager->getTranslator()->translate(source, this->translated_text); } else { // text can not or should not translated getText(this->translated_text); } // reset swap flag this->swap_left_right = false; // language specific conversions MMSLanguage targetlang = this->rootwindow->windowmanager->getTranslator()->getTargetLang(); if ((targetlang == MMSLANG_IL) || (targetlang == MMSLANG_AR)) { if (convBidiString(this->translated_text, this->translated_text), (targetlang == MMSLANG_AR) ? true : false) { // bidirectional conversion successful, swap alignment horizontal this->swap_left_right = true; } } // mark as translated this->translated = true; } // get width and height of the string to be drawn int realWidth, realHeight; this->font->getStringWidth(this->translated_text, -1, &realWidth); this->font->getHeight(&realHeight); if (!this->minmax_set) { if (width) *width = realWidth; if (height) *height = realHeight; } else { if (recalc) { // calculate dynamic label size // get maximum width and height of the label int maxWidth = getMaxWidthPix(); if (maxWidth <= 0) maxWidth = getInnerGeometry().w; int maxHeight = getMaxHeightPix(); if (maxHeight <= 0) maxHeight = getInnerGeometry().h; // get minimum width and height of the label int minWidth = getMinWidthPix(); int minHeight = getMinHeightPix(); if (width) { if (realWidth < minWidth) *width = minWidth; else if (realWidth > maxWidth) *width = maxWidth; else *width = realWidth; if (*width <= 0) *width = 1; } if (height) { if (realHeight < minHeight) *height = minHeight; else if (realHeight > maxHeight) *height = maxHeight; else *height = realHeight; if (*height <= 0) *height = 1; } } else { if (width) *width = realWidth; if (height) *height = realHeight; } } return true; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int index; /* index of last key we pushed in the bitmap font */ SDL_Window *window; SDL_Event event; /* last event received */ SDL_Keymod mod; /* key modifiers of last key we pushed */ SDL_Scancode scancode; /* scancode of last key we pushed */ if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0) { printf("Error initializing SDL: %s", SDL_GetError()); } /* create window */ window = SDL_CreateWindow("iPhone keyboard test", 0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, 0); /* create renderer */ renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(window, -1, 0); /* load up our font */ loadFont(); /* draw the background, we'll just paint over it */ SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, bg_color.r, bg_color.g, bg_color.b, bg_color.a); SDL_RenderFillRect(renderer, NULL); SDL_RenderPresent(renderer); int done = 0; /* loop till we get SDL_Quit */ while (SDL_WaitEvent(&event)) { switch (event.type) { case SDL_QUIT: done = 1; break; case SDL_KEYDOWN: index = keyToIndex(event.key.keysym); scancode = event.key.keysym.scancode; mod = event.key.keysym.mod; if (scancode == SDL_SCANCODE_DELETE) { /* if user hit delete, delete the last character */ backspace(); lastCharWasColon = 0; } else if (lastCharWasColon && scancode == SDL_SCANCODE_0 && (mod & KMOD_SHIFT)) { /* if our last key was a colon and this one is a close paren, the make a hoppy face */ backspace(); drawIndex(32); /* index for happy face */ numChars++; drawCursor(); lastCharWasColon = 0; } else if (index != -1) { /* if we aren't doing a happy face, then just draw the normal character */ drawIndex(index); numChars++; drawCursor(); lastCharWasColon = (event.key.keysym.scancode == SDL_SCANCODE_SEMICOLON && (event.key.keysym.mod & KMOD_SHIFT)); } /* check if the key was a colon */ /* draw our updates to the screen */ SDL_RenderPresent(renderer); break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP: /* mouse up toggles onscreen keyboard visibility */ if (SDL_IsTextInputActive()) { SDL_StopTextInput(); } else { SDL_StartTextInput(); } break; } } cleanup(); return 0; }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Halo Font functions // FtglHaloFont::outputText() -- FtglHaloFont output routines //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void FtglHaloFont::outputText(const double x, const double y, const char* txt, const int n, const bool vf, const bool rf) { GLfloat ocolor[4]; glGetFloatv(GL_CURRENT_COLOR, ocolor); // Make sure we have characters to print if (n <= 0) return; // Make sure we have a loaded font if (isNotLoaded()) { loadFont(); if (isNotLoaded()) throw new ExpInvalidFont(); } // Prepare the output text char cbuf[MSG_BUF_LEN]; int nn = xferChars(cbuf,MSG_BUF_LEN,txt,n); if (nn <= 0) return; if (haloColor != 0) Graphic::lcColor3(haloColor->red(), haloColor->green(), haloColor->blue()); // default to black if we have no color specified else glColor3f(0,0,0); // now render the outline font over it! if (!rf) { if (outline != 0) { glPushMatrix(); glTranslated(x, y, -0.01f); // get our current linewidth GLfloat lw = 0; glGetFloatv(GL_LINE_WIDTH, &lw); glLineWidth(linewidth); glScalef(GLfloat(getFontWidth()), GLfloat(getFontHeight()), 1.0f); if (vf) { // Vertical text GLdouble dy = getLineSpacing(); if (getFontHeight() != 0.0) dy = getLineSpacing() / getFontHeight(); char cc[2]; cc[1] = '\0'; for (int i = 0; i < nn; i++) { cc[0] = cbuf[i]; outline->Render(cc); glTranslated(0.0, -dy, 0.0); } } else { // Normal text outline->Render(cbuf); } glLineWidth(lw); glPopMatrix(); } else { if (isMessageEnabled(MSG_ERROR)) { std::cerr << "FtglHaloFont::outputText() - no outline font available" << std::endl; } } } glColor4fv(ocolor); // output the text FTGLPolygonFont* ftgl1 = (FTGLPolygonFont*)FTGL(); if (ftgl1 != 0) { glPushMatrix(); glTranslated(x, y, 0.0); glScalef(GLfloat(getFontWidth()), GLfloat(getFontHeight()), 1.0f); if (vf) { // Vertical text GLdouble dy = getLineSpacing(); if (getFontHeight() != 0.0) dy = getLineSpacing() / getFontHeight(); char cc[2]; cc[1] = '\0'; for (int i = 0; i < nn; i++) { cc[0] = cbuf[i]; ftgl1->Render(cc); glTranslated(0.0, -dy, 0.0); } } else { // Normal text ftgl1->Render(cbuf); } glPopMatrix(); } else { if (isMessageEnabled(MSG_ERROR)) { std::cerr << "FtglPolygonFont::outputText() - no Polygon font available" << std::endl; } } }
int XMessageBox::show() { if (mDisplay == NULL) return -1; int retVal = 0; retVal = loadFont(); if (retVal < 0) return retVal; // set the maximum window dimensions mScreenWidth = DisplayWidth(mDisplay, DefaultScreen(mDisplay)); mScreenHeight = DisplayHeight(mDisplay, DefaultScreen(mDisplay)); mMaxWindowWidth = min(mScreenWidth, MessageBox_MaxWinWidth); mMaxWindowHeight = min(mScreenHeight, MessageBox_MaxWinHeight); // split the message into a vector of lines splitMessage(); // set the dialog dimensions setDimensions(); mWin = XCreateSimpleWindow( mDisplay, DefaultRootWindow(mDisplay), (mScreenWidth - mMBWidth) / 2, (mScreenHeight - mMBHeight) / 2, mMBWidth, mMBHeight, 1, BlackPixel(mDisplay, DefaultScreen(mDisplay)), WhitePixel(mDisplay, DefaultScreen(mDisplay))); mGC = XCreateGC(mDisplay, mWin, 0, 0); XSetFont(mDisplay, mGC, mFS->fid); // set input mask XSelectInput(mDisplay, mWin, ExposureMask | PointerMotionMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask); // set wm protocols in case they hit X Atom wm_delete_window = XInternAtom(mDisplay, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", False); Atom wm_protocols = XInternAtom(mDisplay, "WM_PROTOCOLS", False); XSetWMProtocols (mDisplay, mWin, &wm_delete_window, 1); // set pop up dialog hint XSetTransientForHint(mDisplay, mWin, mWin); // set title XTextProperty wtitle; wtitle.value = (unsigned char *)mTitle; wtitle.encoding = XA_STRING; wtitle.format = 8; wtitle.nitems = strlen(mTitle); XSetWMName(mDisplay, mWin, &wtitle); // show window XMapRaised(mDisplay, mWin); // move it in case some bozo window manager repositioned it XMoveWindow(mDisplay, mWin, (mScreenWidth - mMBWidth) / 2, (mScreenHeight - mMBHeight) / 2); // raise it to top XRaiseWindow(mDisplay, mWin); XMessageBoxButton* clickedButton = NULL; XEvent event; Vector<XMessageBoxButton>::iterator iter; bool done = false; while (!done) { XNextEvent(mDisplay, &event); switch (event.type) { case Expose: repaint(); break; case MotionNotify: for (iter = mButtons.begin(); iter != mButtons.end(); ++iter) iter->setMouseCoordinates(event.xmotion.x, event.xmotion.y); break; case ButtonPress: for (iter = mButtons.begin(); iter != mButtons.end(); ++iter) { if (iter->pointInRect(event.xbutton.x, event.xbutton.y)) { iter->setMouseDown(true); iter->setMouseCoordinates(event.xbutton.x, event.xbutton.y); break; } } break; case ButtonRelease: for (iter = mButtons.begin(); iter != mButtons.end(); ++iter) { if (iter->pointInRect(event.xbutton.x, event.xbutton.y) && iter->isMouseDown()) { // we got a winner! clickedButton = iter; done = true; break; } } if (clickedButton == NULL) { // user released outside a button. clear the button states for (iter = mButtons.begin(); iter != mButtons.end(); ++iter) iter->setMouseDown(false); } break; case ClientMessage: if (event.xclient.message_type == wm_protocols && event.xclient.data.l[0] == static_cast<long>(wm_delete_window)) done = true; break; } repaint(); } XUnmapWindow(mDisplay, mWin); XDestroyWindow(mDisplay, mWin); XFreeGC(mDisplay, mGC); XFreeFont(mDisplay, mFS); if (clickedButton != NULL) return clickedButton->getClickVal(); else return -1; }
void Grafix::loadFont(const String &filename, const String &fontname) { File ff; ff.open(filename,File::READ); loadFont(ff,fontname); }