Ejemplo n.º 1
void ECMAscriptTest::initTestCase()
    basedir = QString::fromUtf8( qgetenv( "ECMATEST_BASEDIR" ) );

    if ( basedir.isEmpty() )
        qFatal( "ECMATEST_BASEDIR not set" );

    if ( !basedir.endsWith( QLatin1Char( '/' ) ) )
        basedir += QLatin1Char( '/' );

    QVERIFY( loadInclude( "sta.js" ) );
    QVERIFY( loadInclude( "ed.js" ) );

    testrunner = includes[ "sta.js" ] + includes[ "ed.js" ] + '\n';

    const QString brokenFn = QString::fromAscii( qgetenv( "ECMATEST_BROKEN" ) );
    if ( !brokenFn.isEmpty() ) {
        QFile brokenF( brokenFn );
        if ( !brokenF.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) ) {
            const QString errmsg = QString::fromAscii( "cannot open " ) + brokenFn;
            QWARN( errmsg.toAscii() );
        } else {
            expectedBroken = QString::fromAscii( brokenF.readAll() ).split( QLatin1Char( '\n' ) )
                                               .filter( QRegExp( "^[^#].*" ) );

    m_passed = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool ResourceManifest::loadInclude(IPropertyTree &include, const char *dir)
    const char *filename = include.queryProp("@filename");
    StringBuffer includePath;
    makeAbsolutePath(filename, dir, includePath);

    VStringBuffer xpath("Include[@originalFilename='%s']", includePath.str());
    if (manifest->hasProp(xpath.str()))
        return false;

    include.setProp("@originalFilename", includePath.str());
    StringBuffer includeDir;
    splitDirTail(includePath, includeDir);

    Owned<IPropertyTree> manifestInclude = createPTreeFromXMLFile(includePath.str());
    Owned<IPropertyTreeIterator> it = manifestInclude->getElements("*");
        IPropertyTree &item = it->query();
        if (streq(item.queryName(), "Resource"))
            updateResourcePaths(item, includeDir.str());
        else if (streq(item.queryName(), "Include"))
            if (!loadInclude(item, includeDir.str()))
        manifest->addPropTree(item.queryName(), LINK(&item));
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void ResourceManifest::expand()
	manifest->setProp("@manifestDir", dir.str());
	Owned<IPropertyTreeIterator> resources = manifest->getElements("Resource[@filename]");
        updateResourcePaths(resources->query(), dir.str());
    Owned<IPropertyTreeIterator> includes = manifest->getElements("Include[@filename]");
        loadInclude(includes->query(), dir.str());
        IPropertyTree &res = resources->query();
        const char *name = res.queryProp("@originalFilename");
        if (containsFileWildcard(name))
            StringBuffer wildpath;
            const char *tail = splitDirTail(name, wildpath);
            expandDirectory(res, wildpath, tail, res.getPropBool("@recursive"));
Ejemplo n.º 4
void ECMAscriptTest::runAllTests()
    static const QByteArray include = "$INCLUDE(\"";

    QFETCH(QString, filename);
    QByteArray expectedError;

    QFile input( filename );

    foreach ( const QByteArray &skip, skips.keys() ) {
        if ( skip == QTest::currentDataTag() )
            QSKIP( skips[ skip ], SkipSingle );

    QVERIFY( input.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) );

    const QByteArray testdata = input.readAll();

    QVERIFY( ! testdata.isEmpty() );

    RefPtr<KJS::Interpreter> interp = new KJS::Interpreter(global);


    QByteArray testscript;

    // test is expected to fail
    if ( testdata.indexOf( "@negative" ) >= 0 ) {
        expectedError = getTextProperty( "@negative", testdata );
        if ( expectedError.isEmpty() )
            expectedError = ".";

    int from = 0;
    while ( ( from = testdata.indexOf( include, from ) ) >= 0 ) {
        int endq = testdata.indexOf( "\"", from + include.length() );
        QVERIFY( endq >= 0 );

        const QByteArray includeFile = testdata.mid( from + include.length(), endq - from - include.length() );

        if ( ! includes.contains( includeFile ) )
            QVERIFY( loadInclude( includeFile ) );

        testscript += includes[ includeFile ];
        from = endq;

    testscript += testrunner;

    testscript += testdata;

    const QFileInfo info( input );

    const QString scriptutf = QString::fromUtf8( testscript.constData() );

    KJS::Completion completion = interp->evaluate(info.fileName().toAscii().constData(), 0, scriptutf);

    const bool knownBroken = expectedBroken.contains( QString::fromAscii( QTest::currentDataTag() ) );

    if ( expectedError.isEmpty() ) {
        ECMATEST_VERIFY( completion.complType() != KJS::Throw );
    } else {
        if ( knownBroken && completion.complType() != KJS::Throw ) {
            QEXPECT_FAIL(QTest::currentDataTag(), "It is known that KJS doesn't pass this test", Abort);

        QCOMPARE( completion.complType(), KJS::Throw );
        QVERIFY( completion.value() != NULL );

        const QString eMsg = exceptionToString( interp->execState(), completion.value() );

        if ( expectedError == "^((?!NotEarlyError).)*$" ) {
            ECMATEST_VERIFY( eMsg.indexOf( "NotEarlyError" ) == -1 );
        } else if ( expectedError == "." ) {
            // means "every exception passes
        } else {
            ECMATEST_VERIFY( eMsg.indexOf( expectedError ) >= 0 );