Ejemplo n.º 1
void _benmain(void)
	struct FIFO32 fifo;
	int keybuf[128]={0};
	fifo32_init(&fifo, 128, keybuf);
	struct TSS32 tss_a = {0};

	/* keyboard setting */
	init_kb(&fifo, 256);

	tss_a.ldtr = 0;
	tss_a.iomap = 0x40000000;
	set_segmdesc(gdt + 0, 103, (int) &tss_a, AR_TSS32);

	/* Unfortunate try the switch back to 0*8 (_benmain) with farjmp but not working.
	* And the reason still unknown.
	* So that I use another thread_kb_io() to catch the keyboard interrupt.
	load_tr(0 * 8); // record current working task to tss_a
	task_create((int) &thread_kb_io, memman, "bshell", 1);
	task_create((int) &thread_events, memman, "events", 0);

	/* strange issue encountered if run pci_init at the setup_hw() */
	puts("pci scan bus\n");
	farjmp(0, 4*8);

	puts("\nSystem Halted                                    \n");
Ejemplo n.º 2
task_init(mem_mgr_t* mem_mgr) 
  int i;
  task_t* task;
  segment_descriptor_t* gdt = (segment_descriptor_t*)ADR_GDT;
  g_taskctrl = (task_ctrl_t*)mem_mgr_alloc_4k(mem_mgr, sizeof(task_ctrl_t));
  for (i = 0; i < MAX_TASKS; ++i) {
    g_taskctrl->tasks[i].flags = 0;
    g_taskctrl->tasks[i].sel   = (TASK_GDT0 + i) * 8;
    set_segment_descriptor(gdt + TASK_GDT0 + i, 
        103, (int)&g_taskctrl->tasks[i].tss, AR_TSS32);

  task = task_alloc();
  task->flags = 2;  /* flags about activity */
  g_taskctrl->running = 1;
  g_taskctrl->now = 0;
  g_taskctrl->tasks_map[0] = task;
  g_task_timer = timer_alloc();
  timer_settimer(g_task_timer, 2);

  return task;
Ejemplo n.º 3
struct _task *task_init(struct _memman *memman) {
    int i;
    struct _task *task;
    struct _segmdes *gdt = (struct _segmdes *) ADR_GDT;
    taskctl = (struct _taskctl *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, sizeof (struct _taskctl));
    taskctl->now_lv = 0;
    taskctl->lv_change = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_TASKS; i++) {
        /* Register all task slots on segment descriptor table */
        taskctl->tasks0[i].flags = TASK_UNUSED;
        taskctl->tasks0[i].sel = (TASK_GDT0 + i) * 8; /* Setup selector (GDT segment) number */
        set_segmdesc(gdt + TASK_GDT0 + i, 103, (int) &taskctl->tasks0[i].tss, AR_TSS32);
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_TASKLEVELS; i++) {
        taskctl->level[i].running = 0;
        taskctl->level[i].now = 0;
    /* Allocate new task for task_init caller */
    task = task_alloc();
    task->flags = TASK_RUNNING;
    /* Priority and level */
    task->priority = 2; /* Timeslice = 10ms * pri */
    task->level = 0; /* Highest Level */
    /* Add task to level control */
    /* Recalebrate Running Level */
    /* Activate Current Task */
    task_timer = timer_alloc();
    timer_settime(task_timer, task->priority);
    return task;
Ejemplo n.º 4
struct TASK *task_init(struct MEMMAN *memman)
    int i;
    struct TASK *task;
    taskctl = (struct TASKCTL *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, sizeof(struct TASKCTL));
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_TASKS; i++) {
	taskctl->tasks0[i].flags = 0;
	taskctl->tasks0[i].sel = (TASK_GDT0 + i) * 8;
	set_segmdesc(gdt + TASK_GDT0 + i, 103, (int) &taskctl->tasks0[i].tss, AR_TSS32);
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_TASKLEVELS; i++) {
		taskctl->level[i].running = 0;
		taskctl->level[i].now = 0;
    task = task_alloc();
    task->flags = 2;
    task->priority = 2;
    task->level = 0;
    task_timer = timer_alloc();
    timer_settime(task_timer, task->priority);
    return task;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void _benmain(void)
	int i;
	int c = 0;
	int keybuf[128]={0};
	struct FIFO32 fifo;
	struct TIMER *timer;
	fifo32_init(&fifo, 128, keybuf);
	struct TSS32 tss_a, tss_c;

	/* keyboard setting */
	init_kb(&fifo, 256);


	timer = timer_alloc();
	timer_init(timer, &fifo, 1);
	timer_settime(timer, 50);

	tss_a.ldtr = 0;
	tss_a.iomap = 0x40000000;
	tss_c.ldtr = 0;
	tss_c.iomap = 0x40000000;
	set_segmdesc(gdt + 3, 103, (int) &tss_a, AR_TSS32);


	/* Unfortunate try the switch back to 3*8 (_benmain) with farjmp but not working.
	* And the reason still unknown.
	* So that I use another thread_kb_io() to catch the keyboard interrupt.

	load_tr(3 * 8); // record current working task to tss_a
	task_create((int) &thread_kb_io, memman, "bshell");

	/* strange issue encountered if run pci_init at the setup_hw() */
	puts("pci scan bus\n");
	for (;;) {
		if (fifo32_status(&fifo) == 0) {
			asm_stihlt(); // wake while keyboard input 
			// got a interrupt
		} else { /* scan_code input */
			if (c == 1) { 
				farjmp(0, 4*8);
			} else {
				puts("disabled boot options.\n");
	puts("\nSystem Halted                                    \n");
Ejemplo n.º 6
Task* TaskControll::Initialize(){
	Task* task,*idle;

	for(int i=0; i<MAX_TASKS; i++){
		TaskControll::tasks0[i].flags = 0;
		TaskControll::tasks0[i].sel = (TASK_GDT0 + i)*8;
		Descriptor::set_segmdesc(gdt+TASK_GDT0+i,103,(int) &TaskControll::tasks0[i].tss,AR_TSS32);
	for(int i=0; i<MAX_TASKLEVELS; i++){
	  TaskControll::level[i].running = 0; 
	  TaskControll::level[i].now = 0;

	task = TaskControll::alloc();
	task->flags = 2;		//動作中
	task->priority = 2;		//優先度2
	task->level = 0;        //最高レベルにおく
  task->title = (unsigned char*)Memory::alloc_4k( strlen("Main") +4); 	//タスクに名前を付ける
	TaskControll::task_add(task);  //タスクを追加

	idle = TaskControll::alloc();
	idle->tss.esp = Memory::alloc_4k(64*1024)+64*1024;
	idle->tss.eip = (int)&task_idle;
	idle->tss.es = 1*8;
	idle->tss.cs = 2*8;
	idle->tss.ss = 1*8;
	idle->tss.ds = 1*8;
	idle->tss.fs = 1*8;
	idle->tss.gs = 1*8;
	idle->title = (unsigned char*)Memory::alloc_4k( strlen("Idle") +4); 	//タスクに名前を付ける
	TaskControll::timer = TimerControl::alloc();

	return task;
Ejemplo n.º 7
TASK *task_init(MEMMANAGE *memman)
	int i;
	TASK *task, *idle;

	taskctl = (TASKCTL *) memmanage_alloc_4K(memman, sizeof (TASKCTL));
	for (i = 0; i < MAX_TASKS; i++) 
		taskctl->tasks[i].flags = UNUSED;
		taskctl->tasks[i].selector = (TASK_GDT0 + i) * 8;		//为这个任务分配任务状态段所在的GDT描述符
		set_segmdesc(gdt + TASK_GDT0 + i, 103, (int) &taskctl->tasks[i].tss, AR_TSS32);
	for (i = 0; i < MAX_TASKLEVELS; i++) 
		taskctl->task_level[i].running_number = 0;
		taskctl->task_level[i].task_now = 0;

	task = task_alloc();				
	task->flags = RUNNING;				//这个任务当前正在运行中
	task->priority = 2;					//任务的优先级默认的都是2,即可以占用CPU0.02秒
	task->level = 0;					//调用这个函数的任务默认设定为最高级0级
	task_add(task);						//自动根据task的level添加到相应等级任务队列中
	level_switch();						//由于有新任务添加进来,所以需要改变当前的lv_now
	load_tr(task->selector);			//改写TR寄存器,让它存储当前这个任务的段偏移值
	task_timer = timer_alloc();			//分配一个用于任务切换的计时器
	timer_set(task_timer, task->priority);			//0.02秒切换一次任务
	idle = task_alloc();
	idle->tss.esp = memmanage_alloc_4K(memman, 64 * 1024) + 64 * 1024;
	idle->tss.eip = (int) &task_idle;
	idle->tss.es = 1 * 8;
	idle->tss.cs = 2 * 8;
	idle->tss.ss = 1 * 8;
	idle->tss.ds = 1 * 8;
	idle->tss.fs = 1 * 8;
	idle->tss.gs = 1 * 8;
	task_run(idle, MAX_TASKLEVELS - 1, 1);

	return task;
Ejemplo n.º 8
	init taskctl and allocate the first task to the thread that calls the init method
	we don't need to assign it a fifo
	because all it doesn't is to switch by calling farjmp()
	and doesn't need to put data to any buffer
struct TASK *task_init(struct MEMMAN *memman) {
	int i;
	struct TASK *task, *idle;
	taskctl = (struct TASKCTL *)memman_alloc_4k(memman, sizeof(struct TASKCTL));
	for(i = 0; i < MAX_TASKS; i++) {
		taskctl->tasks0[i].sel = (TASK_GDT0 + i) * 8;
		taskctl->tasks0[i].flags = 0;
		set_segmdesc(gdt + TASK_GDT0 + i, 103, (int)&taskctl->tasks0[i].tss, AR_TSS32);

	/* initialize all levels */
	for(i = 0; i < MAX_TASKLEVELS; i++) {
		taskctl->level[i].running = 0;
		taskctl->level[i].now = 0;

	/* after initializaing all tasks in taskctl, 
		we need to alloc the first task and assign it to the thread that calls init */
	task = task_alloc();
	task->flags = 2; /* running */
	task->priority = 2; 
	task->level = 0; /* the first task(for mouse/keyboard/timer interruption) should be in highest level */
	task_switchsub(); /* update taskctl->now_lv */
	/* set task register to current task */

	idle = task_alloc();
	idle->tss.esp = memman_alloc_4k(memman, 64 * 1024) + 64 * 1024 - 8;
	idle->tss.eip = (int)&task_idle;
	idle->tss.es = 1 * 8;
	idle->tss.cs = 2 * 8;
	idle->tss.ss = 1 * 8;
	idle->tss.ds = 1 * 8;
	idle->tss.fs = 1 * 8;
	idle->tss.gs = 1 * 8;
		the idle task will always be running at lowest level 
		in case there's no when there's no active task to run and OS doesn't know where to jump
	task_run(idle, MAX_TASKLEVELS - 1, 1);

	task_timer = timer_alloc();
	timer_settime(task_timer, task->priority);
	return task;
Ejemplo n.º 9
void task_init(struct MEMMAN *memman, struct SHEET *sht_back)
    /* init tss_a */
    task_a_esp		= (int) memman_alloc_4k(memman, 4096);
    memset(&tss_a, 0, sizeof(struct TSS32));
    tss_a.ldtr		= 0;
    tss_a.iomap	= 0x40000000;
#if 0
    tss_a.eip		= (int)&task_a_main;
    tss_a.eflags	= 0x00000202;	/**/
    tss_a.esp		= task_a_esp;
    tss_a.es		= 1 * 8;
    tss_a.cs		= 2 * 8;
    tss_a.ss		= 1 * 8;
    tss_a.ds		= 1 * 8;
    tss_a.fs		= 1 * 8;
    tss_a.gs		= 1 * 8;

    /* init tss_b */
    task_b_esp		= (int) memman_alloc_4k(memman, 4096) + 4096 - 8;
    memset(&tss_b, 0, sizeof(struct TSS32));
    tss_b.ldtr 	= 0;
    tss_b.iomap	= 0x40000000;

    tss_b.eip		= (int)&task_b_main;
    tss_b.eflags	= 0x00000202;	/**/
    tss_b.esp		= task_b_esp;
    tss_b.es		= 1 * 8;
    tss_b.cs		= 2 * 8;
    tss_b.ss		= 1 * 8;
    tss_b.ds		= 1 * 8;
    tss_b.fs		= 1 * 8;
    tss_b.gs		= 1 * 8;

    load_tr(3 * 8);

    *((int *) (task_b_esp + 4)) = (int) sht_back;

    mt_timer = timer_alloc();
    timer_settime(mt_timer, 200);
    mt_tr = 3 * 8;

Ejemplo n.º 10
/* 整个多任务系统的初始化初始化 */
struct TASK *task_init(struct MEMMAN *memman)
	int i;
	struct TASK *task, *idle;

	taskctl = (struct TASKCTL *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, sizeof (struct TASKCTL));
	/* 初始化所有的任务的task结构 */
	for (i = 0; i < MAX_TASKS; i++) {
		taskctl->tasks0[i].flags = 0;
		taskctl->tasks0[i].sel = (TASK_GDT0 + i) * 8;	/* 选择子初始化 */
		/* 描述符初始化 */
		set_segmdesc(gdt + TASK_GDT0 + i, 103, (int) &taskctl->tasks0[i].tss, AR_TSS32);
	/* 初始化所有level结构 */
	for (i = 0; i < MAX_TASKLEVELS; i++) {
		taskctl->level[i].running = 0;		/* 没有正在运行的任务 */
		taskctl->level[i].now = 0;

	task = task_alloc();
	task->flags = 2;	/* 活动中标志 */
	task->priority = 2; /* 0.02秒 */
	task->level = 0;	/* 最高LEVEL */
	task_switchsub();	/* LEVEL设置 */
	load_tr(task->sel);	/* 修改tr寄存器 */
	task_timer = timer_alloc();	/* 重头戏!!任务切换的定时器 */
	timer_settime(task_timer, task->priority);

	/* 闲置任务的初始化 */
	idle = task_alloc();
	idle->tss.esp = memman_alloc_4k(memman, 64 * 1024) + 64 * 1024;
	idle->tss.eip = (int) &task_idle;
	idle->tss.es = 1 * 8;
	idle->tss.cs = 2 * 8;
	idle->tss.ss = 1 * 8;
	idle->tss.ds = 1 * 8;
	idle->tss.fs = 1 * 8;
	idle->tss.gs = 1 * 8;
	task_run(idle, MAX_TASKLEVELS - 1, 1);

	return task;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 *	@description	初始化
 *	@param			menman:内存地址
struct TASK *task_init(struct MEMMAN *memman){
	int i;
	struct TASK *task, *idle;

	taskctl = (struct TASKCTL *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, sizeof (struct TASKCTL));

	//TODO 初始化所有任务
	for (i = 0; i < MAX_TASKS; i++) {
		taskctl->tasks0[i].flags = 0;
		taskctl->tasks0[i].sel = (TASK_GDT0 + i) * 8;
		set_segmdesc(gdt + TASK_GDT0 + i, 103, (int) &taskctl->tasks0[i].tss, AR_TSS32);

	//TODO 初始化所有优先级层
	for (i = 0; i < MAX_TASKLEVELS; i++) {
		taskctl->level[i].running = 0;
		taskctl->level[i].now = 0;

	task = task_alloc();
	task->flags = 2;	//
	task->priority = 2; //0.02秒
	task->level = 0;	//最高级别
	task_switchsub();	//切换
	task_timer = timer_alloc();
	timer_settime(task_timer, task->priority);

	//TODO 初始化空闲进程
	idle = task_alloc();
	idle->tss.esp = memman_alloc_4k(memman, 64 * 1024) + 64 * 1024;		//X86的栈是向下增长的,所以需要+64*1024
	idle->tss.eip = (int) &task_idle;
	idle->tss.es = 1 * 8;
	idle->tss.cs = 2 * 8;
	idle->tss.ss = 1 * 8;
	idle->tss.ds = 1 * 8;
	idle->tss.fs = 1 * 8;
	idle->tss.gs = 1 * 8;
	task_run(idle, MAX_TASKLEVELS - 1, 1);

	return task;
Ejemplo n.º 12
task_init(mem_mgr_t* mem_mgr) 
  int i;
  task_t* task;
  task_t* idle;
  segment_descriptor_t* gdt = (segment_descriptor_t*)ADR_GDT;
  g_taskctrl = (task_ctrl_t*)mem_mgr_alloc_4k(mem_mgr, sizeof(task_ctrl_t));
  for (i = 0; i < MAX_TASKS; ++i) {
    g_taskctrl->tasks[i].flags = 0;
    g_taskctrl->tasks[i].sel   = (TASK_GDT0 + i) * 8;
    set_segment_descriptor(gdt + TASK_GDT0 + i, 
        103, (int)&g_taskctrl->tasks[i].tss, AR_TSS32);

  for (i = 0; i < MAX_TASKLEVELS; ++i) {
    g_taskctrl->levels[i].running = 0;
    g_taskctrl->levels[i].now     = 0;

  task = task_alloc();
  task->flags    = 2; /* flags about activity */
  task->level    = 0; /* top task level */
  task->priority = 2; /* 0.02 s */
  task_switch_sub();  /* setting level */
  g_task_timer = timer_alloc();
  timer_settimer(g_task_timer, task->priority);

  idle = task_alloc();
  idle->tss.esp = mem_mgr_alloc_4k(mem_mgr, 64 * 1024) + 64 * 1024;
  idle->tss.eip = (int)&task_idle;
  idle->tss.es  = 1 * 8;
  idle->tss.cs  = 2 * 8;
  idle->tss.ss  = 1 * 8;
  idle->tss.ds  = 1 * 8;
  idle->tss.fs  = 1 * 8;
  idle->tss.gs  = 1 * 8;
  task_run(idle, MAX_TASKLEVELS - 1, 1);

  return task;
Ejemplo n.º 13
Archivo: tss.c Proyecto: imbd/OS
static void tss_gdt_desc_init() {
	void * gdt = get_gdt_ptr();
	const virt_t tss_addr = (virt_t) &tss;
	const size_t tss_size_desc = (sizeof(tss_strct)) - 1;

	tss_desc desc = {
		.base_0 = SPLICE(tss_addr, 0, 16),
		.base_1 = SPLICE(tss_addr, 16, 24),
		.base_2 = SPLICE(tss_addr, 24, 32),
		.base_3 = SPLICE(tss_addr, 32, 64),
		.limit_0 = SPLICE(tss_size_desc, 0, 16),
		.limit_1 = SPLICE(tss_size_desc, 16, 20),
		.type = (TSS_DESC_TYPE) | (TSS_DPL << 5) | (TSS_PRESENT << 7),
	*(tss_desc *)(((uint64_t* )gdt) + TSS_TI) = desc;

static void tss_selector_load() {
Ejemplo n.º 14
struct TASK *task_init(struct MEMMAN *memman)
	int i;
	struct TASK *task;
	taskctl = (struct TASKCTL *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, sizeof (struct TASKCTL));
	for (i = 0; i < MAX_TASKS; i++) {
		taskctl->tasks0[i].flags = 0;
		taskctl->tasks0[i].sel = (TASK_GDT0 + i) * 8;
		set_segmdesc(gdt + TASK_GDT0 + i, 103, (int) &taskctl->tasks0[i].tss, AR_TSS32);
	task = task_alloc();
	task->flags = 2; /* 動作中マーク */
	taskctl->running = 1;
	taskctl->now = 0;
	taskctl->tasks[0] = task;
	task_timer = timer_alloc();
	timer_settime(task_timer, 2);
	return task;
Ejemplo n.º 15
TASK *taskctl_init(MEMMANAGE *memman)
	int i;
	TASK *task;
	taskctl = (TASKCTL *) memmanage_alloc_4K(memman, sizeof(TASKCTL));
	for(i = 0;i < MAX_TASKS; i++)
		taskctl->tasks[i].flags = UNUSED;
		taskctl->tasks[i].selector = (TASK_GDT + i) * 8;		//为这个任务分配任务状态段所在的GDT描述符
		set_segmdesc(gdt + TASK_GDT + i, 103, (int) &taskctl->tasks[i].tss, AR_TSS32);
	task = task_alloc();				//为调用这个初始化函数的程序分配一个属于它的任务
	task->flags = RUNNING;				//这个任务当前正在运行中
	taskctl->running_number = 1;		//当前正在运行着的任务只有一个
	taskctl->task_now = 0;				//当前占用着CPU的任务是0号task
	taskctl->running_tasks[0] = task;	//让第一个数组指针指向这个正在运行的task
	load_tr(task->selector);			//改写TR寄存器,让它存储当前这个任务的段偏移值
	task_timer = timer_alloc();			//分配一个用于任务切换的计时器
	timer_set(task_timer, 2);			//0.02秒切换一次任务
	return task;
Ejemplo n.º 16
task_t* task_init(memman_t* memman)
    int i;
    task_t *task, *idle;
    segment_descriptor* gdt = (segment_descriptor*)ADR_GDT;
    taskctl = (taskctl_t*)memman_alloc_4k(memman, sizeof(taskctl_t));
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_TASKS; i++) {
        taskctl->tasks0[i].flags = 0;
        taskctl->tasks0[i].sel = (TASK_GDT0 + i) * 8;
        taskctl->tasks0[i].tss.ldtr = (TASK_GDT0 + MAX_TASKS + i) * 8;
        set_segmdesc(gdt + TASK_GDT0 + i, 103, (int)&taskctl->tasks0[i].tss, AR_TSS32);
        set_segmdesc(gdt + TASK_GDT0 + MAX_TASKS + i, 15, (int)taskctl->tasks0[i].ldt, AR_LDT);
    task = task_alloc();
    task->flags = 2; /* 活动中标志 */
    task->priority = 2; /* 0.02s */
    task->level = 0; /* 最高等级 */
    task_switchsub(); /* 设置等级 */
    task_timer = timer_alloc();
    timer_settime(task_timer, task->priority);

    idle = task_alloc();
    idle->tss.esp = memman_alloc_4k(memman, 64 * 1024) + 64 * 1024;
    idle->tss.eip = (int)&task_idle;
    idle->tss.es = 1 * 8;
    idle->tss.cs = 2 * 8;
    idle->tss.ss = 1 * 8;
    idle->tss.ds = 1 * 8;
    idle->tss.fs = 1 * 8;
    idle->tss.gs = 1 * 8;
    task_run(idle, MAX_TASKLEVELS - 1, 1);

    return task;
Ejemplo n.º 17
void ap_task_init()
	struct thread *t_idle;
	tss_t *tss;
	uint16_t selektor;

	// IDLE-Thread fuer den AP erzeugen...

	t_idle = get_current_thread();
	t_idle->cr3 = kernel_cr3;
	t_idle->esp0 = ((uint32_t) t_idle) + PAGE_SIZE;;
	t_idle->state = THREAD_IDLE;
	t_idle->priority = 0;

	t_idle->counter = t_idle->priority;
	t_idle->need_reschedule = 0;

	// IDLE-Thread in die Thread-Liste aufnehmen...


	// TSS initialiesieren und laden...

	tss = (tss_t *) (t_idle + 1);
	selektor = TSS_SELEKTOR(get_apic_id());
	memset(tss, 0, sizeof(tss_t));
	tss->esp0 = t_idle->esp0;
	set_tss_deskriptor(BSP_TSS_SELEKTOR, tss);
	t_idle->tss = tss;

Ejemplo n.º 18
TASK* task_init(MEMMAN* memman) {
  taskctl = (TASKCTL*)memman_alloc_4k(memman, sizeof(TASKCTL));
  for (int i = 0; i < MAX_TASKS; ++i) {
    taskctl->tasks0[i].flags = 0;
    taskctl->tasks0[i].sel = (TASK_GDT0 + i) * 8;
    taskctl->tasks0[i].tss.ldtr = (TASK_GDT0 + MAX_TASKS + i) * 8;
    set_segmdesc(gdt + TASK_GDT0 + i, 103, (int)&taskctl->tasks0[i].tss, AR_TSS32);
    set_segmdesc(gdt + TASK_GDT0 + MAX_TASKS + i, 15, (int)taskctl->tasks0[i].ldt, AR_LDT);
  for (int i = 0; i < MAX_TASKLEVELS; ++i) {
    taskctl->level[i].running = 0;
    taskctl->level[i].now = 0;

  TASK* task = task_alloc();  // Main task.
  task->flags = RUNNING;
  task->priority = 2;  // 0.02 sec
  task->level = 0;  // Max level.
  task_timer = timer_alloc();
  timer_settime(task_timer, task->priority);

  TASK* idle = task_alloc();
  idle->tss.esp = (int)memman_alloc_4k(memman, 256) + 256;
  idle->tss.eip = (int)&task_idle;
  idle->tss.es = idle->tss.ss = idle->tss.ds = idle->tss.fs = idle->tss.gs = 1 * 8;
  idle->tss.cs = 2 * 8;
  task_run(idle, MAX_TASKLEVELS - 1, 1);

  taskctl->task_fpu = NULL;

  return task;
Ejemplo n.º 19
void HariMain(void)
  int i;
  struct BOOTINFO *binfo = (struct BOOTINFO *)0x0ff0;
  int xsize = (*binfo).scrnx;
  int ysize = (*binfo).scrny;
  char *vram = (*binfo).vram;
  char msg[40], mcursor[256];
  int mx = xsize/2;
  int my = ysize/2;
  int fifobuf[128];
  struct MOUSE_DEC mdec;
  unsigned char s[32];
  unsigned int memtotal, count = 0;
  struct MEMMAN *memman = (struct MEMMAN *)MEMMAN_ADDR;
  int cursor_x, cursor_c;
  struct SHTCTL *shtctl;
  struct SHEET *sht_back, *sht_mouse, *sht_win;
  unsigned char *buf_back, buf_mouse[256], *buf_win;
  struct TIMER *timer1, *timer2, *timer3, *timer_ts;
  struct FIFO32 fifo;

  static char keytable[0x54] = {
    0,   0,   '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '-', '^', 0,   0,
    'Q', 'W', 'E', 'R', 'T', 'Y', 'U', 'I', 'O', 'P', '@', '[', 0,   0,   'A', 'S',
    'D', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'L', ';', ':', 0,   0,   ']', 'Z', 'X', 'C', 'V',
    'B', 'N', 'M', ',', '.', '/', 0,   '*', 0,   ' ', 0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
    0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   '7', '8', '9', '-', '4', '5', '6', '+', '1',
    '2', '3', '0', '.'

  init_gdtidt ();
  init_pic ();
  io_sti ();

  fifo32_init(&fifo, 32, fifobuf);

  io_out8(PIC0_IMR, 0xf8); /* Allow PIT and Keyboard (11111000) */
  io_out8(PIC1_IMR, 0xef); /* Allow Mouse (11101111) */
  init_keyboard (&fifo, 256);
  enable_mouse (&fifo, 512, &mdec);

  timer1 = timer_alloc();
  timer_init(timer1, &fifo, 10);
  timer_settime(timer1, 1000);

  timer2 = timer_alloc();
  timer_init(timer2, &fifo, 3);
  timer_settime(timer2, 300);

  timer3 = timer_alloc();
  timer_init(timer3, &fifo, 1);
  timer_settime(timer3, 50);
  memtotal = memtest(0x00400000, 0xbfffffff);
  memman_init (memman);
  memman_free (memman, 0x00001000, 0x009e000);   /* 0x00001000 - 0x0009efff */
  memman_free (memman, 0x00400000, memtotal - 0x00400000);

  shtctl = shtctl_init (memman, binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny);
  sht_back  = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
  sht_mouse = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
  sht_win   = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
  buf_back = (unsigned char *)memman_alloc_4k (memman, binfo->scrnx * binfo->scrny);
  buf_win  = (unsigned char *)memman_alloc_4k (memman, 160 * 52);
  sheet_setbuf (sht_back,  buf_back, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny, -1);
  sheet_setbuf (sht_mouse, buf_mouse, 16, 16, 99);
  sheet_setbuf (sht_win,   buf_win,   160, 52, -1);
  init_screen (buf_back, xsize, ysize);
  init_mouse_cursor8 (buf_mouse, 99);
  make_window8(buf_win, 160, 52, "counter");
  sprintf (s, "(%d, %d)", mx, my);
  putfonts8_asc (buf_back, binfo->scrnx, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, s);
  sprintf (s, "Memory %dMB, free : %dKB", 
           memtotal / (1024 * 1024), memman_total(memman) / 1024);
  putfonts8_asc(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, 0, 32, COL8_FFFFFF, s);

  make_textbox8 (sht_win, 8, 28, 144, 16, COL8_FFFFFF);
  cursor_x = 8;
  cursor_c = COL8_FFFFFF;
  sheet_slide (sht_back,  0, 0);
  sheet_slide (sht_mouse, mx, my);
  sheet_slide (sht_win,   80, 72);
  sheet_updown (sht_back,  0);
  sheet_updown (sht_win,   1);
  sheet_updown (sht_mouse, 2);

  sheet_refresh (sht_back, 0, 0, binfo->scrnx, 48);

  // Task Settings
  struct TSS32 tas_a, tas_b;

  tas_a.ldtr = 0;
  tas_a.iomap = 0x40000000;
  tas_b.ldtr = 0;
  tas_b.iomap = 0x40000000;

  set_segmdesc (gdt + 3, 103, (int)&tas_a, AR_TSS32);
  set_segmdesc (gdt + 4, 103, (int)&tas_b, AR_TSS32);

  load_tr(3 * 8);
  int tas_b_esp;
  tas_b_esp = memman_alloc_4k (memman, 64 * 1024) + 64 * 1024;
  *((int *) (tas_b_esp + 4)) = (int) sht_back;
  tas_b.eip = (int)&task_b_main;
  tas_b.eflags = 0x00000202;
  tas_b.eax = 0;
  tas_b.ecx = 0;
  tas_b.edx = 0;
  tas_b.ebx = 0;
  tas_b.esp = tas_b_esp;
  tas_b.ebp = 0;
  tas_b.esi = 0;
  tas_b.edi = 0;
  tas_b.es = 1 * 8;
  tas_b.cs = 2 * 8;
  tas_b.ss = 1 * 8;
  tas_b.ds = 1 * 8;
  tas_b.fs = 1 * 8;
  tas_b.gs = 1 * 8;

  // Task Switch for 0.02s
  timer_ts = timer_alloc();
  timer_init(timer_ts, &fifo, 2);
  timer_settime(timer_ts, 2);
  for (;;) {
	count ++;
	if (fifo32_status(&fifo) == 0) {
	} else {
      i = fifo32_get(&fifo);
      if (i == 2) {
        farjmp(0, 4 * 8);
        timer_settime(timer_ts, 2);
      } else if (256 <= i && i <= 511) {  // Keyboard Data
		sprintf (s, "%x", i - 256);
        putfonts8_asc_sht (sht_back, 0, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 2);
        if (i < 256 + 0x54) {
          if (keytable[i - 256] != 0) {
            s[0] = keytable[i-256];
            s[1] = 0;
            putfonts8_asc_sht (sht_win, cursor_x, 28, COL8_000000, COL8_FFFFFF, s, 1);
            cursor_x += 8;
        if (i == 256 + 0x0e && cursor_x > 8) {  // Backspace
          putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, COL8_000000, COL8_FFFFFF, " ", 1);
          cursor_x -= 8;
        boxfill8 (sht_win->buf, sht_win->bxsize, cursor_c, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 7, 43);
        sheet_refresh(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 8, 44);
	  } else if (512 <= i && i <= 767) {  // Mouse Data
        if (mouse_decode(&mdec, i-512) != 0) {
          sprintf (s, "[lcr %d %d]", mdec.x, mdec.y);
          if ((mdec.btn & 0x01) != 0) { s[1] = 'L'; }
          if ((mdec.btn & 0x02) != 0) { s[3] = 'R'; }
          if ((mdec.btn & 0x04) != 0) { s[2] = 'C'; }
          putfonts8_asc_sht (sht_back, 32, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 15);
          mx += mdec.x;
          my += mdec.y;
          if (mx < 0) { mx = 0; } if (mx > binfo->scrnx - 1) { mx = binfo->scrnx - 1; }
          if (my < 0) { my = 0; } if (my > binfo->scrny - 1) { my = binfo->scrny - 1; }

          sprintf(s, "(%d, %d)", mx, my);
          putfonts8_asc_sht (sht_back, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 10);

          sheet_slide (sht_mouse, mx, my);
          if ((mdec.btn & 0x01) != 0) {
            sheet_slide (sht_win, mx - 80, my - 8);
      } else if (i == 10) {
        putfonts8_asc_sht (sht_back, 0, 64, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, "10[sec]", 7);
      } else if (i == 3) {
        putfonts8_asc_sht (sht_back, 0, 80, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, "3[sec]", 6);
        count = 0;
      } else if (i <= 1) {
        if (i != 0) {
          timer_init(timer3, &fifo, 0);
          cursor_c = COL8_000000;
        } else {
          timer_init(timer3, &fifo, 1);
          cursor_c = COL8_FFFFFF;
        timer_settime(timer3, 50);
        boxfill8 (sht_win->buf, sht_win->bxsize, cursor_c, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 7, 43);
        sheet_refresh(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 8, 44);
Ejemplo n.º 20
void HariMain(void)
  struct BOOTINFO *binfo = (struct BOOTINFO *) ADR_BOOTINFO;
  g_binfo = binfo;
	struct FIFO32 fifo;
  char s[40];
	int fifobuf[128]; 
	struct TIMER *timer, *timer2, *timer3;
  int mx, my, i;
	int cursor_x, cursor_c;
  unsigned int memtotal;
  struct MOUSE_DEC mdec;
  struct MEMMAN *memman = (struct MEMMAN *) MEMMAN_ADDR;
  struct SHTCTL *shtctl;
  struct SHEET *sht_back, *sht_mouse, *sht_win;
  unsigned char *buf_back, buf_mouse[256], *buf_win;
	static char keytable[0x54] = {
		0, 0, '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '-', '^', 0, 0,
		'Q', 'W', 'E', 'R', 'T', 'Y', 'U', 'I', 'O', 'P', '@', '[', 0, 0, 'A', 'S',
		'D', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'L', ';', ':', 0, 0, ']', 'Z', 'X', 'C', 'V',
		'B', 'N', 'M', ',', '.', '/', 0, '*', 0, ' ', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
		0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '7', '8', '9', '-', '4', '5', '6', '+', '1',
		'2', '3', '0', '.'
	struct TSS32 tss_a, tss_b;
	int task_b_esp;
  io_sti(); /* GDT,IDT,PIC*/
  fifo32_init(&fifo, 128, fifobuf);
	// timer
	timer = timer_alloc();
	timer_init(timer, &fifo, 10);
	timer_settime(timer, 1000);
	timer2 = timer_alloc();
	timer_init(timer2, &fifo, 3);
	timer_settime(timer2, 300);
	timer3 = timer_alloc();
	timer_init(timer3, &fifo, 1);
	timer_settime(timer3, 50);	
  io_out8(PIC0_IMR, 0xf8); // 11111001,PIC1和IRQ1,
  io_out8(PIC1_IMR, 0xef); // 11101111, IRQ12
  init_keyboard(&fifo, 256);
  enable_mouse(&fifo, 512, &mdec);

  memtotal = memtest(0x00400000, 0xbfffffff);
  memman_free(memman, 0x00001000, 0x0009e000);
  memman_free(memman, 0x00400000, memtotal - 0x00400000);

  shtctl = shtctl_init(memman, binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny);
  sht_back = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
  sht_mouse = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
  sht_win = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
  buf_back = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, binfo->scrnx * binfo->scrny);
  buf_win = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, 160 * 52);

  sheet_setbuf(sht_back, buf_back, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny, -1);
  sheet_setbuf(sht_mouse, buf_mouse, 16, 16, 99);
  sheet_setbuf(sht_win, buf_win, 160, 52, -1); /*没有透明色*/
  init_screen8(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny);

  init_mouse_cursor8(buf_mouse, 99);
  make_window8(buf_win, 160, 52, "counter");
	make_textbox8(sht_win, 8, 28, 144, 16, COL8_FFFFFF);
	cursor_x = 8;
	cursor_c = COL8_FFFFFF;
  sheet_slide(sht_back, 0, 0);
  mx = (binfo->scrnx - 16) / 2;
  my = (binfo->scrny - 28 - 16) / 2;
  sheet_slide(sht_mouse, mx, my);
  sheet_slide(sht_win, 80, 72);
  sheet_updown(sht_back, 0);
  sheet_updown(sht_win, 1);
  sheet_updown(sht_mouse, 2);

  sprintf(s, "(0x%x, 0x%x)", mx, my);
  putfonts8_asc(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, s);
  sprintf(s, "memory 0x%xMB, free : 0x%xKB", memtotal / (1024 * 1024), memman_total(memman) / 1024);
  putfonts8_asc(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, 0, 32, COL8_FFFFFF, s);
  sheet_refresh(sht_back, 0, 0, binfo->scrnx, 48);

	tss_a.ldtr = 0;
	tss_a.iomap = 0x40000000;
	tss_b.ldtr = 0;
	tss_b.iomap = 0x40000000;
	set_segmdesc(gdt + 3, 103, (int) &tss_a, AR_TSS32);
	set_segmdesc(gdt + 4, 103, (int) &tss_b, AR_TSS32);
	load_tr(3 * 8);
	task_b_esp = memman_alloc_4k(memman, 64 * 1024) + 64 * 1024 - 8;
	*((int *) (task_b_esp + 4)) = (int) sht_back;
	tss_b.eip = (int)&task_b_main - ADR_BOTPAK;
	tss_b.eflags = 0x00000202; /* IF = 1*/
	tss_b.eax = 0;
	tss_b.ecx = 0;
	tss_b.edx = 0;
	tss_b.ebx = 0;
	tss_b.esp = task_b_esp;
	tss_b.ebp = 0;
	tss_b.esi = 0;
	tss_b.edi = 0;
	tss_b.es = 1 * 8;
	tss_b.cs = 2 * 8;
	tss_b.ss = 1 * 8;
	tss_b.ds = 1 * 8;
	tss_b.fs = 1 * 8;
	tss_b.gs = 1 * 8;


  for(;;) {
     if(0 == fifo32_status(&fifo)) {
		i = fifo32_get(&fifo);
	 	if (256 <= i && i <= 511) {
     		sprintf(s, "0x%x", i - 256);
			putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 8);
			if (i < 256 + 0x54) {
				if (0 != keytable[i - 256] && cursor_x < 144) {
					s[0] = keytable[i - 256];
					s[1] = 0;	
					putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, COL8_000000, COL8_C6C6C6, s, 1);
					cursor_x += 8;
			if (i == 256 + 0x0e && cursor_x > 8) { // Backspace
				putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, COL8_000000, COL8_FFFFFF, " ", 1);
				cursor_x -= 8;	
			boxfill8(sht_win->buf, sht_win->bxsize, cursor_c, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 7, 43);
			sheet_refresh(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 8, 44);
       	} // if key status 
		else if (512 <= i && i <= 767) {
	 		if (0 != mouse_decode(&mdec, i - 512)) {
	   			sprintf(s, "[lcr 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x]", mdec.buf[0], mdec.buf[1], mdec.buf[2]);
	   			if (0 != (mdec.btn & 0x01)) {
	     			s[1] = 'L';
	   			if (0 != (mdec.btn & 0x02)) {
	     			s[3] = 'R';
	   			if (0 != (mdec.btn & 0x04)) {
	     			s[2] = 'C';
				putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 64, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 24);
	   			mx += mdec.x;
	   			my += mdec.y;
	   			if (mx < 0) {
	     			mx = 0;
	   			if (my < 0) {
	     			my = 0;
	   			if (mx > binfo->scrnx - 1) {
	     			mx = binfo->scrnx - 1;
	   			if (my > binfo->scrny - 1) {
	     			my = binfo->scrny - 1;
	   			sprintf(s, "(0x%x, 0x%x)", mx, my);
				putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 16);
       	   		sheet_slide(sht_mouse, mx, my); /* 显示鼠标 */
				if ((mdec.btn & 0x01) != 0) {
					sheet_slide(sht_win, mx - 80, my - 8);	
	 		} // if mouse decode
	  	} // if 512 767 
		else if (10 == i) {
			putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 64, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, "10[sec]", 7);
		} else if (3 == i) {
			putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 80, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, "3[sec]", 6);
		} else if (i <= 1) {
			if (0 != i) {
				timer_init(timer3, &fifo, 0); // set to 0
				cursor_c = COL8_000000;
			} else {
				timer_init(timer3, &fifo, 1);
				cursor_c = COL8_FFFFFF;
			boxfill8(sht_win->buf, sht_win->bxsize, cursor_c, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 7, 43);
			timer_settime(timer3, 50);
			sheet_refresh(sht_back, 8, 96, 16, 112);
	} // else 0 == getstatus fifo 
  } // for

Ejemplo n.º 21
void HariMain(void)
	MOUSE_DECODE mouse_dec;
	LAYER_MANAGE *layer_manage;
	LAYER *layer_bg, *layer_mouse, *layer_window;
	TIMER *timer1, *timer2, *timer3;
	FIFO fifo_mutual;									//缓冲区管理,所有中断公用的
	TSS tss_a, tss_b;									//用于切换的两个任务
	int fifobuf[128];									//缓冲区
	int cursor_x = 8, cursor_color = COL8_FFFFFF;		//分别代表输入字符后的那个闪烁光标的横坐标和颜色
	int mCursorX, mCursorY;				//鼠标光标显示位置的横纵坐标
	int task_b_esp;
	unsigned int memory_total, i;
	char buf_cursor[mCursorWidth * mCursorHeight];
	unsigned char *buf_bg, *buf_window;			//屏幕的大背景会在init_screen的时候画出来,这里只需要一个指向它的指针即可
	unsigned char strings[40];
	mCursorX = binfo->scrnx / 2;			
	mCursorY = (binfo->scrny - 28)/ 2;		//减去下方任务栏的高度
	i = memtest(0x00400000, 0xbfffffff) / (1024 * 1024);		//i的单位是MB
	memory_total = i * 1024 * 1024;
	memmanage_free_4K(memmanage, 0x00001000, 0x0009e000);
	memmanage_free_4K(memmanage, 0x00400000, memory_total - 0x00400000);
	init_fifo(&fifo_mutual, 128, fifobuf);		//初始化mouseFIFO缓冲区
	init_GDTandIDT();				//初始化GDT和IDT表
	init_pic();						//初始化PIC主从板数据,除了IRQ2禁止了全部中断
	io_sti();						//开始接收中断
	init_keyboard(&fifo_mutual, 256);						//初始化键盘控制器电路
	enable_mouse(&fifo_mutual, 512, &mouse_dec);				//激活鼠标
	io_out8(PIC0_IMR, 0xf8);				//PIC0开发IRQ(11111000),开放IRQ0、IRQ1和IRQ2,定时器、键盘中断和从PIC板
	io_out8(PIC1_IMR, 0xef); 				//PIC1开放IRQ(11101111), 开放鼠标中断
	init_palette();					//初始化调色板
	layer_manage = layer_man_init(memmanage, binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny);
	layer_bg = layer_alloc(layer_manage);			//为背景分配图层
	layer_mouse = layer_alloc(layer_manage);		//为鼠标分配图层
	layer_window = layer_alloc(layer_manage);		//为窗口分配图层
	buf_bg = (unsigned char *)memmanage_alloc_4K(memmanage, binfo->scrnx * binfo->scrny);		//为背景图形的内容分配内存
	buf_window = (unsigned char *)memmanage_alloc_4K(memmanage, 160 * 52);						//为窗口图形的内容分配内存
	layer_set(layer_bg, buf_bg, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny, -1);			
	layer_set(layer_mouse, buf_cursor, 16, 16 ,99);
	layer_set(layer_window, buf_window, 160, 52, -1);
	init_screen(buf_bg, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny);				//这个时候的init_screen不再是直接画出背景,而是在mBg内存地址中填写好背景内容
	layer_slide(layer_bg, 0, 0);					//把背景图层从(0,0)坐标开始画
	init_mouse_cursor(buf_cursor, 99);								//初始化鼠标光标
	layer_slide(layer_mouse, mCursorX, mCursorY);	//现在显示图形不需要再用displayShape函数了,直接用这个图层管理的绘图函数就行
	create_window(buf_window, 160, 52, "window");					//制作窗口
	layer_slide(layer_window, 80, 72);								//在指定位置显示出窗口
	create_textbox(layer_window, 8, 28, 144, 16, COL8_FFFFFF);		//在这个窗口中创建一个输入框
	layer_switch(layer_bg, 0);						//把背景图层调为最底层,高度为0
	layer_switch(layer_window, 1);					//窗口图层调节为第二层,高度为1
	layer_switch(layer_mouse, 2);					//鼠标图层调为最高层,高度为2
	timer1 = timer_alloc();
	timer_init(timer1, &fifo_mutual, 10);
	timer_set(timer1, 1000);
	timer2 = timer_alloc();
	timer_init(timer2, &fifo_mutual, 3);
	timer_set(timer2, 300);
	timer3 = timer_alloc();
	timer_init(timer3, &fifo_mutual, 1);
	timer_set(timer3, 50);
	sprintf(strings, "Memory has %dMB", i);
	displayStrings_CS(buf_bg, binfo->scrnx, 0, 48, COL8_FFFFFF,strings);
	layer_refresh(layer_bg, 0, 48, binfo->scrnx, 80);
	sprintf(strings, "free memory:%dKB",memmanage_total(memmanage) / 1024);
	displayStrings_CS(buf_bg, binfo->scrnx, 120, 48, COL8_FFFFFF,strings);			//用字体显示当前内存容量
	layer_refresh(layer_bg, 120, 48, binfo->scrnx, 80);
	tss_a.ldtr = 0;
	tss_a.iomap = 0x40000000;
	tss_b.ldtr = 0;
	tss_b.iomap = 0x40000000;
	set_segmdesc(gdt + 3, 103, (int) &tss_a, AR_TSS32);			//任务a在第三个段中运行,段限是103字节
	set_segmdesc(gdt + 4, 103, (int) &tss_b, AR_TSS32);
	load_tr(3 * 8);				//代表当前在运行第三个段中的程序
	task_b_esp = memmanage_alloc_4K(memmanage, 64 * 1024) + 64 * 1024;
	tss_b.eip = (int) &task_b_main;
	tss_b.eflags = 0x00000202; /* IF = 1; */
	tss_b.eax = 0;
	tss_b.ecx = 0;
	tss_b.edx = 0;
	tss_b.ebx = 0;
	tss_b.esp = task_b_esp;
	tss_b.ebp = 0;
	tss_b.esi = 0;
	tss_b.edi = 0;
	tss_b.es = 1 * 8;
	tss_b.cs = 2 * 8;
	tss_b.ss = 1 * 8;
	tss_b.ds = 1 * 8;
	tss_b.fs = 1 * 8;
	tss_b.gs = 1 * 8;
		if(0 == fifo_status(&fifo_mutual))		//当前没有中断产生
			io_stihlt();			//当CPU执行hlt指令之后只有外部中断等之情况才会再次唤醒CPU继续工作
			i = fifo_get(&fifo_mutual);
			if((keyboard_offset <= i) && (i <= keyboard_offset + 255))			//键盘数据
				sprintf(strings, "%2X", i - keyboard_offset);
				displayStrings_atLayer(layer_bg, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, strings);					//由于向背景图层中添加了新东西,需要重绘各个图层
				if(i < keyboard_offset + 0x54)				//判断按下的字符是否可打印
					if(0 != key_table[i - keyboard_offset] && cursor_x < 144)			//0对应的字符无法打印出来
						strings[0] = key_table[i - keyboard_offset];
						strings[1] = 0;
						displayStrings_atLayer(layer_window, cursor_x, 28, COL8_000000, COL8_FFFFFF, strings);
						cursor_x += 8;			//光标的位置随着每一个字符的输入向后移动一个字符宽度的位置即8像素
					if((keyboard_offset + 0x0e == i) && cursor_x > 8)				//按下了退格键的情况,退格键的号码是0x0e
						cursor_x -= 8;
						displayStrings_atLayer(layer_window, cursor_x, 28, COL8_000000, COL8_FFFFFF, "  ");
					drawRectangle(layer_window->buffer, layer_window->length, cursor_color, cursor_x, 28, 2, 15);
					layer_refresh(layer_window, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 8, 44);
			else if((mouse_offset <= i) && (i <= mouse_offset + 255))		//鼠标数据
				if(0 != mouse_decode(&mouse_dec, i - mouse_offset))		//只有返回值为1的时候才说明成功接收完成一次鼠标的中断
					sprintf(strings,"[lcr %3d,%3d]",mouse_dec.x, mouse_dec.y);
					if(0 != (mouse_dec.btn & 0x01))		//按下了左键
						strings[1] = 'L';
						//layer_slide(layer_window, mCursorX - 80, mCursorY -8);		//这行代码是移动窗口的
					if(0 != (mouse_dec.btn & 0x02))		//按下了右键
						strings[3] = 'R';
					if(0 != (mouse_dec.btn & 0x04))		//按下了中键
						strings[2] = 'C';
					displayStrings_atLayer(layer_bg, 0, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, strings);	
					mCursorX += mouse_dec.x;
					mCursorY += mouse_dec.y;
					if(mCursorX < 0)
						mCursorX = 0;
					if(mCursorY < 0)
						mCursorY = 0;
					if(mCursorX > binfo->scrnx - 1)
						mCursorX = binfo->scrnx - 1;
					if(mCursorY > binfo->scrny - 1)
						mCursorY = binfo->scrny - 1;
					sprintf(strings, "(%3d,%3d)", mCursorX, mCursorY);
					displayStrings_atLayer(layer_bg, 40, 32, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, strings);
					layer_slide(layer_mouse, mCursorX, mCursorY);
			else if(10 == i)						//10秒定时器
				displayStrings_atLayer(layer_bg, 0, 64, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, "10[sec]");
				taskswitch4();		//执行任务切换
			else if(3 == i)							//3秒定时器
				displayStrings_atLayer(layer_bg, 0, 80, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, "3[sec]");
			else if(1 == i || 0 == i)				//光标闪烁定时器
				if(0 != i)				//这个timer的数据为1的时候显示光标
					timer_init(timer3, &fifo_mutual, 0);
					cursor_color = COL8_000000;
				else					//这个timer的数据为0的时候不显示光标
					timer_init(timer3, &fifo_mutual, 1);
					cursor_color = COL8_FFFFFF;
				timer_set(timer3, 50);
				drawRectangle(layer_window->buffer, layer_window->length, cursor_color, cursor_x, 28, 2, 15);
				layer_refresh(layer_window, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 8, 44);
Ejemplo n.º 22
struct TASK *task_init(struct MEMMAN *memman)
	int i,j;
	struct TASK *task, *idle;

	taskctl = (struct TASKCTL *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, sizeof (struct TASKCTL));
	for (i = 0; i < MAX_TASKS; i++) {
		taskctl->tasks0[i].pid = -1;
		taskctl->tasks0[i].forked = 0;
		taskctl->tasks0[i].flags = 0; //标志未使用
		taskctl->tasks0[i].sel = (TASK_GDT0 + i) * 8; //设置TSS的seletor, 当进行任务切换的时候,是跳转到这个段上的。
		taskctl->tasks0[i].tss.ldtr = (TASK_GDT0 + MAX_TASKS + i) * 8; //任务号
		set_segmdesc(gdt + TASK_GDT0 + i, 103, (int) &taskctl->tasks0[i].tss, AR_TSS32);  //TSS段 
		set_segmdesc(gdt + TASK_GDT0 + MAX_TASKS + i, 15, (int) taskctl->tasks0[i].ldt, AR_LDT); //LDT段
		for(j=0; j<NR_FILES; j++){
			taskctl->tasks0[i].filp[j] = 0;
		/* TODO: 初始化进程的键盘输入缓冲,这里的内存可能没有被释放*/
		int bufCount = 100;
		int *fifobuf = (int *)memman_alloc(memman,sizeof(int)*bufCount);
		taskctl->tasks0[i].ch_buf.task = &taskctl->tasks0[i];
		fifo32_init(&taskctl->tasks0[i].ch_buf, bufCount, fifobuf, 0);
	for (i = 0; i < MAX_TASKLEVELS; i++) {
		taskctl->level[i].running = 0;
		taskctl->level[i].now = 0;

	task = task_alloc();
	task->flags = 2;	/* 活动中标志 */
	task->priority = 2; /* 0.02秒 */
	task->level = 0;	/* 最高LEVEL */
	task_switchsub();	/* LEVEL设置 */
	task_timer = timer_alloc();
	timer_settime(task_timer, task->priority);

	idle = task_alloc();
	idle->tss.esp = memman_alloc_4k(memman, 64 * 1024) + 64 * 1024;
	idle->tss.eip = (int) &task_idle;
	idle->tss.es = 1 * 8;
	idle->tss.cs = 2 * 8;
	idle->tss.ss = 1 * 8;
	idle->tss.ds = 1 * 8;
	idle->tss.fs = 1 * 8;
	idle->tss.gs = 1 * 8;
	task_run(idle, MAX_TASKLEVELS - 1, 1);
	for (i = 0; i < MAX_TASKS; i++) {
		taskctl->tasks0[0].parent_pid = idle->pid;

	return task;
Ejemplo n.º 23
Archivo: emu.c Proyecto: aunali1/exopc
int emu_0f(unsigned char *lina)
    unsigned char *orig_lina = lina;

    switch (lina[1]) {
    case 0x00:		/* lldt, ltr */
	switch (REG_OPCODE(lina[2])) {
	case 2:		/* 0F 00 /2 LLDT r/m16 Load segment selector r/m16 into LDTR */
	    u_int addr, is_addr, reg, selector;

	    if (!opa.pe) {
		set_guest_exc(EXC_UD, 0);
		goto exc;
	    if (opa.cpl != 0) {
		set_guest_exc(EXC_GP, 0);
		goto exc;
	    lina += 2;	/* move up to RM byte */
	    decode_rm16(&addr, &is_addr, &reg, &lina);
	    if (emu_get(is_addr, addr, &selector, 2))
		goto exc;
	    if (load_ldtr(selector))
		goto exc;

	case 3: 	 /* 0F 00 /3 LTR r/m16 Load r/m16 into TR */
	    u_int addr, is_addr, reg;
	    Bit32u dtr;
	    if (!opa.pe) {
		set_guest_exc(EXC_UD, 0);
		goto exc;
	    if (opa.cpl != 0) {
		set_guest_exc(EXC_GP, 0);
		goto exc;
	    lina += 2;  /* move up to RM byte */
	    decode_rm16(&addr, &is_addr, &reg, &lina);
	    if (emu_get(is_addr, addr, &dtr, 2))
		goto exc;
	    if (load_tr(dtr))
		goto exc;

    case 0x01:		/* invlpg, lgdt, lidt, lmsw */
	int reg_op = REG_OPCODE(lina[2]);
	switch (reg_op) {
	case 2:				/* lgdt */
	case 3:				/* lidt */
	    u_int addr, is_addr, reg, limit, base;
	    lina += 2;                       /* move up to RM byte */
	    decode_rm(&addr, &is_addr, &reg, &lina);
	    /* addr now points to the m16&32; lina is at next instr */
	    if (get_memory(opa.seg, addr, &limit, 2) != 0 ||
		get_memory(opa.seg, addr+2, &base, opa.opb==4 ? 4 : 3) != 0)
		goto exc;
	    /* by definition of lgdt/lidt, base is a linear address already. */
	    if (reg_op == 2) {
		set_gdt(base, limit);
	    } else {
		set_idt(base, limit);
	    debug_mem("loaded %cdt from 0x%08x\n", reg_op==2 ? 'g' : 'i', base);
	case 6:		/* 0F 01 /6  LMSW r/m16  Loads r/m16 in msw of CR0 */
	    u_int addr, is_addr, reg, val;
	    if (opa.pe && opa.cpl!=0) {
		set_guest_exc(13, 0);
		goto exc;
	    lina += 2;         /* move up to RM byte */
	    decode_rm16(&addr, &is_addr, &reg, &lina);
	    if (emu_get(is_addr, addr, &val, 2))
		goto exc;
	    if (vmstate.cr[0] & 1 && !(val & 1))
		val |= 1;  /* can't clear PE with lmsw */
	    mov_to_cr(0, val, 0x0000000f); /* only PE, MP, EM, and TS can be affected */
	case 7:		/* invlpg */
	    Bit32u ptr;
	    lina += 2;         /* move up to memory operand */
	    if (opa.opb==4) {
		ptr = *(Bit32u*)lina;
	    } else {
		ptr = *(Bit16u*)lina;
	    lina += opa.opb;
	    if (vmstate.cr[0]&PG_MASK) {
		/* Modify a pte with itself.  This should have the desired side
		   effect of flushing that TLB entry. */
		sys_self_mod_pte_range(0, 0, /* add no flag bits */
				       0, /* remove no flag bits */
				       ptr, 1);


    case 0x06:		/* clts  0F 06 */
	if (opa.cpl!=0) {
	    set_guest_exc(13, 0);
	    goto exc;
	} else {	
	    vmstate.cr[0] &= ~TS_MASK;
	    lina += 2;

    case 0x08:		/* invd  0F 08 */
    case 0x09:		/* wbinvd  0F 09 */
	if (opa.cpl!=0) {
	    set_guest_exc(13, 0);
	    goto exc;
	} else {
	    /* will not implement */
	    lina += 2;

    case 0x0b:		/* UD2 */
	set_guest_exc(6, 0);
	goto exc;

    case 0x20:		/* MOV r <- CRx */
	int cr = REG_OPCODE(lina[2]);
	int reg = RM(lina[2]);
	set_reg(reg, vmstate.cr[cr], 4);
	lina += 3;

    case 0x21:		/* MOV r <- DRx */
	int dr = REG_OPCODE(lina[2]);
	int reg = RM(lina[2]);
	set_reg(reg, vmstate.dr[dr], 4);
	lina += 3;

    case 0x22:		/* MOV CRx <- r */
	int cr = REG_OPCODE(lina[2]);
	if (opa.pe && opa.cpl!=0) {
	    set_guest_exc(13, 0);
	    goto exc;
	mov_to_cr(cr, get_reg(RM(lina[2]), 4), 0xffffffff);
	lina += 3;

    case 0x23:		/* MOV DRx <- r */
	int dr = REG_OPCODE(lina[2]);

	debug("mov dr%d <- r%d\n", dr, RM(lina[2]));

	if (opa.pe && opa.cpl!=0) {
	    set_guest_exc(13, 0);
	    goto exc;
	vmstate.dr[dr] = get_reg(RM(lina[2]), 4);
	lina += 3;

    case 0x30:		/* wrmsr */
	int ctr = 0;

	if (REG(ecx) == P6MSR_CTRSEL0)
	    ctr = 0;
	else if (REG(ecx) == P6MSR_CTRSEL1)
	    ctr = 1;
	    unknown(lina);    /* only performance counters are implemented */

	sys_pctr(ctr==0 ? PCIOCS0 : PCIOCS1, 0, &REG(eax));
	lina += 2;

    case 0x32:		/* rdmsr */
	struct pctrst p;
	int ctr = 0;

	if (REG(ecx) == P6MSR_CTR0)
	    ctr = 0;
	else if (REG(ecx) == P6MSR_CTR1)
	    ctr = 1;
	    unknown(lina);    /* only performance counters are implemented */

	sys_pctr(PCIOCRD, 0, &p);
	REG(eax) = p.pctr_hwc[ctr];
	REG(edx) = p.pctr_hwc[ctr] >> 32;
	lina += 2;

#if 0
    case 0x33:		/* rdpmc */
	struct pctrst p;

	/* or cpl!=0 and cr4 ... */
	if (REG(ecx)>1) {
	    set_guest_exc(EXC_GP, 0);
	    goto exc;

	sys_pctr(PCIOCRD, 0, &p);
	REG(eax) = p.pctr_hwc[REG(ecx)];
	REG(edx) = p.pctr_hwc[REG(ecx)] >> 32;

	lina += 2;

    case 0xa2:		/* cpuid */
	/* cpuid may trap on a Cyrix.  I don't care. */

    case 0xb2:		/* lss */
    case 0xb4:		/* lfs */
    case 0xb5:		/* lgs */
	int seg;

	if (lina[1]==0xb2) {
	    seg = REGNO_SS;
	} else if (lina[1]==0xb4) {
	    seg = REGNO_FS;
	} else
	    seg = REGNO_GS;
	if (load_far_pointer(&lina, seg))
	    goto exc;

    case 0x31:		/* rdtsc ... should be enabled in xok */
    case 0xc8:		/* bswap  should not trap */

    REG(eip) += lina-orig_lina;
    return 0;

    return -1;
Ejemplo n.º 24
void task_init()
	struct thread *t_kernel;
	struct thread *t_idle;
	uint32_t *stack;
	tss_t *tss;

	// Kernel-Thread initialiesieren...

	t_kernel = &kernel_stack;
	t_kernel->cr3 = kernel_cr3;
	t_kernel->esp0 = ((uint32_t) t_kernel) + PAGE_SIZE;;
	t_kernel->state = THREAD_READY;
	t_kernel->priority = MAX_PRIORITY;

	t_kernel->counter = t_kernel->priority;
	t_kernel->need_reschedule = 0;

	// Kernel-Thread in die Thread-Liste
	// aufnehmen und die Run-Queue
	// initialiesieren...

	t_kernel->next = t_kernel;
	t_kernel->prev = t_kernel;
	first_thread = t_kernel;
	last_thread = t_kernel;

	t_kernel->q_next = NULL;
	queue_first = NULL;
	queue_last = NULL;

	// IDLE-Thread fuer den BSP erzeugen...

	t_idle = &idle_stack;
	t_idle->cr3 = kernel_cr3;
	t_idle->esp0 = ((uint32_t) t_idle) + PAGE_SIZE;
	t_idle->esp = t_idle->esp0 - (6 * sizeof(uint32_t));
	t_idle->state = THREAD_IDLE;
	t_idle->priority = 0;

	t_idle->counter = t_idle->priority;
	t_idle->need_reschedule = 0;

	stack = (uint32_t *) t_idle->esp;
	stack[0] = 0;			/* ebx */
	stack[1] = 0;			/* edi */
	stack[2] = 0;			/* esi */
	stack[3] = 0;			/* ebp */
	stack[4] = EF_IF;		/* eflags */
	stack[5] = (uint32_t) idle;	/* eip */

	// IDLE-Thread in die Thread- und IDLE-
	// Liste aufnehmen...


	t_idle->q_next = NULL;
	idle_first = t_idle;

	// TSS initialiesieren und laden...

	tss = &bsp_tss;
	memset(tss, 0, sizeof(tss_t));
	tss->esp0 = t_kernel->esp0;
	set_tss_deskriptor(BSP_TSS_SELEKTOR, tss);
	t_kernel->tss = tss;

Ejemplo n.º 25
void HariMain(void)
    struct BOOTINFO *binfo = (struct BOOTINFO *) ADR_BOOTINFO;
    struct FIFO32 fifo;
    char s[40];
    int fifobuf[128];
    struct TIMER *timer, *timer2, *timer3;
    int mx, my, i, cursor_x, cursor_c, task_b_esp;
    unsigned int memtotal;
    struct MOUSE_DEC mdec;
    struct MEMMAN *memman = (struct MEMMAN *) MEMMAN_ADDR;
    struct SHTCTL *shtctl;
    struct SHEET *sht_back, *sht_mouse, *sht_win;
    unsigned char *buf_back, buf_mouse[256], *buf_win;
    static char keytable[0x54] = {
	0,   0,   '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '-', '^', 0,   0,
	'Q', 'W', 'E', 'R', 'T', 'Y', 'U', 'I', 'O', 'P', '@', '[', 0,   0,   'A', 'S',
	'D', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'L', ';', ':', 0,   0,   ']', 'Z', 'X', 'C', 'V',
	'B', 'N', 'M', ',', '.', '/', 0,   '*', 0,   ' ', 0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
	0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   '7', '8', '9', '-', '4', '5', '6', '+', '1',
	'2', '3', '0', '.'
    struct TSS32 tss_a, tss_b;

    fifo32_init(&fifo, 128, fifobuf);
    init_keyboard(&fifo, 256);
    enable_mouse(&fifo, 512, &mdec);
    io_out8(PIC0_IMR, 0xf8);
    io_out8(PIC1_IMR, 0xef);
    timer = timer_alloc();
	timer_init(timer, &fifo, 10);
    timer_settime(timer, 1000);
	timer2 = timer_alloc();
	timer_init(timer2, &fifo, 3);
	timer_settime(timer2, 300);
	timer3 = timer_alloc();
	timer_init(timer3, &fifo, 1);
	timer_settime(timer3, 50);
    memtotal = memtest(0x00400000, 0xbfffffff);
    memman_free(memman, 0x00001000, 0x0009e000);
    memman_free(memman, 0x00400000, memtotal - 0x00400000);

    shtctl = shtctl_init(memman, binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny);
    sht_back  = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
    sht_mouse = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
    sht_win   = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
    buf_back  = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, binfo->scrnx * binfo->scrny);
    buf_win   = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, 160 * 52);
    sheet_setbuf(sht_back, buf_back, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny, -1);
    sheet_setbuf(sht_mouse, buf_mouse, 16, 16, 99);
    sheet_setbuf(sht_win, buf_win, 160, 52, -1);
    init_screen8(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny);
    init_mouse_cursor8(buf_mouse, 99);
    make_window8(buf_win, 160, 52, "window");
    make_textbox8(sht_win, 8, 28, 144, 16, COL8_FFFFFF);
    cursor_x = 8;
    cursor_c = COL8_FFFFFF;
    sheet_slide(sht_back, 0, 0);
    mx = (binfo->scrnx - 16) / 2;
    my = (binfo->scrny - 28 - 16) / 2;
    sheet_slide(sht_mouse, mx, my);
    sheet_slide(sht_win, 80, 72);
    sheet_updown(sht_back, 0);
    sheet_updown(sht_win,  1);
    sheet_updown(sht_mouse, 2);
    sprintf(s, "(%3d, %3d)", mx, my);
    putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back,  0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 10);
    sprintf(s, "memory %dMB  free : %dKB" , 
	    memtotal / (1024 * 1024), memman_total(memman) / 1024);
    putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 32, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 40);

    tss_a.ldtr = 0;
    tss_a.iomap = 0x40000000;
    tss_b.ldtr = 0;
    tss_b.iomap = 0x40000000;
    set_segmdesc(gdt + 3, 103, (int) &tss_a, AR_TSS32);
    set_segmdesc(gdt + 4, 103, (int) &tss_b, AR_TSS32);
    load_tr(3 * 8);
    task_b_esp = memman_alloc_4k(memman, 64 * 1024) + 64 * 1024;
    tss_b.eip = (int) &task_b_main;
    tss_b.eflags = 0x00000202;
    tss_b.eax = 0;
    tss_b.ecx = 0;
    tss_b.edx = 0;
    tss_b.ebx = 0;
    tss_b.esp = task_b_esp;
    tss_b.ebp = 0;
    tss_b.esi = 0;
    tss_b.edi = 0;
    tss_b.es = 1 * 8;
    tss_b.cs = 2 * 8;
    tss_b.ss = 1 * 8;
    tss_b.ds = 1 * 8;
    tss_b.fs = 1 * 8;
    tss_b.gs = 1 * 8;
    for (;;) {

	if (fifo32_status(&fifo) == 0) {
        } else {
	    i = fifo32_get(&fifo);
	    if (256 <=i && i <= 511) {
		sprintf(s, "%02X", i - 256);
		putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 2);
		if (i < 0x54 + 256) {
		   if (keytable[i - 256] != 0 && cursor_x < 144) {
			s[0] = keytable[i - 256];
			s[1] = 0;
		   	putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_win, cursor_x , 28, COL8_000000, COL8_FFFFFF, s, 1);
			cursor_x += 8;
		if (i == 256 + 0x0e && cursor_x > 8) {
		    putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, COL8_000000, COL8_FFFFFF, " ", 1);
		    cursor_x -= 8;
		boxfill8(sht_win->buf, sht_win->bxsize, cursor_c, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 7, 43);
		sheet_refresh(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 8, 44);
	    } else if (512 <= i && i <= 767) {
		if (mouse_decode(&mdec, i - 512) != 0) {
		   sprintf(s, "[lcr %4d %4d]", mdec.x, mdec.y);
		   if ((mdec.btn & 0x01) != 0) {
			s[1] = 'L';
		   if ((mdec.btn & 0x02) != 0) {
			s[3] = 'R';
		   if ((mdec.btn & 0x04) != 0) {
			s[2] = 'C';
		   putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 32, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 15);

		   mx += mdec.x;
		   my += mdec.y;
		   if (mx < 0) {
			mx = 0;
		   if (my < 0) {
			my = 0;
		   if (mx > binfo->scrnx - 1) {
			mx = binfo->scrnx - 1;
		   if (my > binfo->scrny - 1) {
			my = binfo->scrny - 1;
		   sprintf(s, "(%3d, %3d)", mx, my);
		   putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 10);
		   sheet_slide(sht_mouse, mx, my);
           if ((mdec.btn & 0x01) != 0) {
		   sheet_slide(sht_win, mx - 80, my - 8);
	    } else if (i == 10) {
		putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 64, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, "10[sec]", 7);
	    } else if (i == 3) {
		putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 80, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, "3[sec]", 6);
	    } else if (i <= 1) {
             if (i != 0) {
		timer_init(timer3, &fifo, 0);
		cursor_c = COL8_000000;
	    } else {
		timer_init(timer3, &fifo, 1);
		cursor_c = COL8_FFFFFF;
		timer_settime(timer3, 50);
        boxfill8(sht_win->buf, sht_win->bxsize, cursor_c, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 7, 43);
		sheet_refresh(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 8, 44);
Ejemplo n.º 26
  boot_info_t* binfo = (boot_info_t*)ADR_BOOTINFO;
  fifo32_t fifo;
  int  fifobuf[128];
  char debug_info[64];
  timer_t* timer1;
  timer_t* timer2;
  timer_t* timer3;
  int mouse_x, mouse_y, cursor_x, cursor_c, task_b_esp;
  int data;
  mouse_dec_t mdec;
  unsigned int memory_total;
  mem_mgr_t* mem_mgr = (mem_mgr_t*)MEMMGR_ADDR;
  layer_mgr_t* layer_mgr;
  layer_t* back_layer;
  layer_t* mouse_layer;
  layer_t* win_layer;
  unsigned char* back_buf;
  unsigned char  mouse_buf[256];
  unsigned char* win_buf;
  static char s_keytable[0x54] = {
    0,   0,   '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '-', '=',
    0,   0,   'Q', 'W', 'E', 'R', 'T', 'Y', 'U', 'I', 'O', 'P', '[', ']', 
    0,   0,   'A', 'S', 'D', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'L', ';', '\'','`', 
    0,   '\\','Z', 'X', 'C', 'V', 'B', 'N', 'M', ',', '.', '/', 0,   '*', 
    0,   ' ', 0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0, 
    0,   '7', '8', '9', '-', '4', '5', '6', '+', '1', '2', '3', '0', '.'
  tss32_t tss_a, tss_b;
  segment_descriptor_t* gdt = (segment_descriptor_t*)ADR_GDT;

  io_sti();   /* after initialize IDT/PIC, allow all CPU's interruptors */

  fifo_init(&fifo, fifobuf, 128);
  init_pit(); /* initialize programmable interval timer */
  init_keyboard(&fifo, 256);
  enable_mouse(&fifo, 512, &mdec);
  io_out8(PIC0_IMR, 0xf8);  /* set PIT/PIC1/keyboard permission 11111000 */
  io_out8(PIC1_IMR, 0xef);  /* set mouse permission 11101111 */

  set490(&fifo, 1);
  timer1 = timer_alloc();
  timer_init(timer1, &fifo, 10);
  timer_settimer(timer1, 1000);

  timer2 = timer_alloc();
  timer_init(timer2, &fifo, 3);
  timer_settimer(timer2, 300);

  timer3 = timer_alloc();
  timer_init(timer3, &fifo, 1);
  timer_settimer(timer3, 50);

  memory_total = memory_test(0x00400000, 0xbfffffff);
  mem_mgr_free(mem_mgr, 0x00001000, 0x0009e000);  /*0x00001000~0x0009e000*/
  mem_mgr_free(mem_mgr, 0x00400000, memory_total - 0x00400000);

  layer_mgr = layer_mgr_init(mem_mgr, binfo->vram, 
      binfo->screen_x, binfo->screen_y);
  back_layer = layer_alloc(layer_mgr);
  mouse_layer = layer_alloc(layer_mgr);
  win_layer = layer_alloc(layer_mgr);
  back_buf = (unsigned char*)mem_mgr_alloc_4k(mem_mgr, 
      binfo->screen_x * binfo->screen_y);
  win_buf = (unsigned char*)mem_mgr_alloc_4k(mem_mgr, 160 * 52);
  layer_setbuf(back_layer, back_buf, 
      binfo->screen_x, binfo->screen_y, -1);
  layer_setbuf(mouse_layer, mouse_buf, 16, 16, 99);
  layer_setbuf(win_layer, win_buf, 160, 52, -1);
  init_screen(back_buf, binfo->screen_x, binfo->screen_y);
  init_mouse_cursor8(mouse_buf, 99);
  make_window8(win_buf, 160, 52, "Window");
  make_text8(win_layer, 8, 28, 144, 16, COLOR8_FFFFFF);
  cursor_x = 8;
  cursor_c = COLOR8_FFFFFF;
  layer_slide(back_layer, 0, 0);
  mouse_x = (binfo->screen_x - 16) / 2;
  mouse_y = (binfo->screen_y - 28 - 16) / 2;
  layer_slide(mouse_layer, mouse_x, mouse_y);
  layer_slide(win_layer, 80, 72);
  layer_updown(back_layer, 0);
  layer_updown(win_layer, 1);
  layer_updown(mouse_layer, 2);
  sprintf(debug_info, "(%3d, %3d)", mouse_x, mouse_y);
  drawstring_and_refresh(back_layer, 0, 0, 
      COLOR8_FFFFFF, COLOR8_848484, debug_info, 10);

  sprintf(debug_info, "memory total: %dMB, free space: %dKB", 
      memory_total / (1024 * 1024), mem_mgr_total(mem_mgr) / 1024);
  drawstring_and_refresh(back_layer, 0, 32, 
      COLOR8_FFFFFF, COLOR8_848484, debug_info, 40);

  tss_a.ldtr = 0;
  tss_a.iomap = 0x40000000;
  tss_b.ldtr = 0;
  tss_b.iomap = 0x40000000;
  set_segment_descriptor(gdt + 3, 103, (int)&tss_a, AR_TSS32);
  set_segment_descriptor(gdt + 4, 103, (int)&tss_b, AR_TSS32);
  load_tr(3 * 8);
  task_b_esp = mem_mgr_alloc_4k(mem_mgr, 64 * 1024) + 64 * 1024 - 8;
  tss_b.eip = (int)&task_b_main;
  tss_b.eflags = 0x00000202;  /* IF = 1 */
  tss_b.eax = 0;
  tss_b.ecx = 0;
  tss_b.edx = 0;
  tss_b.ebx = 0;
  tss_b.esp = task_b_esp;
  tss_b.ebp = 0;
  tss_b.esi = 0;
  tss_b.edi = 0;
  tss_b.es = 1 * 8;
  tss_b.cs = 2 * 8;
  tss_b.ss = 1 * 8;
  tss_b.ds = 1 * 8;
  tss_b.fs = 1 * 8;
  tss_b.gs = 1 * 8;
  *((int*)(task_b_esp + 4)) = (int)back_layer;

  for ( ; ; ) {

    if (0 == fifo_size(&fifo))
    else {
      data = fifo_get(&fifo);

      if (256 <= data && data <= 511) {
        sprintf(debug_info, "%02X", data - 256);
        drawstring_and_refresh(back_layer, 0, 16, 
            COLOR8_FFFFFF, COLOR8_848484, debug_info, 2);

        if (data < (256 + 0x54)) {
          if (0 != s_keytable[data - 256] && cursor_x < 144) {
            /* normal character, show 1 character, move cursor 1 time */
            debug_info[0] = s_keytable[data - 256];
            debug_info[1] = 0;
            drawstring_and_refresh(win_layer, cursor_x, 28, 
                COLOR8_000000, COLOR8_FFFFFF, debug_info, 1);
            cursor_x += 8;
        if ((256 + 0x0e) == data && cursor_x > 8) {
          /* backspace, recover cursor by sapce, move back cursor 1 time */
          drawstring_and_refresh(win_layer, cursor_x, 28, 
              COLOR8_000000, COLOR8_FFFFFF, " ", 1);
          cursor_x -= 8;
        /* show cursor again */
        fill_box8(win_layer->buf, win_layer->w_size, 
            cursor_c, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 7, 43);
        layers_refresh(win_layer, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 8, 44);
      else if (512 <= data && data <= 767) {
        if (0 != mouse_decode(&mdec, data - 512)) {
          /* show all mouse bytes code */
          sprintf(debug_info, "[lcr %4d %4d]", mdec.x, mdec.y);
          if (0 != (mdec.state & 0x01)) 
            debug_info[1] = 'L';
          if (0 != (mdec.state & 0x02))
            debug_info[3] = 'R';
          if (0 != (mdec.state & 0x04))
            debug_info[2] = 'C';
          drawstring_and_refresh(back_layer, 32, 16, 
              COLOR8_FFFFFF, COLOR8_848484, debug_info, 15);

          mouse_x += mdec.x;
          mouse_y += mdec.y;

          if (mouse_x < 0)
            mouse_x = 0;
          if (mouse_y < 0)
            mouse_y = 0;
          if (mouse_x > binfo->screen_x - 1)
            mouse_x = binfo->screen_x - 1;
          if (mouse_y > binfo->screen_y - 1)
            mouse_y = binfo->screen_y - 1;

          sprintf(debug_info, "(%3d, %3d)", mouse_x, mouse_y);
          drawstring_and_refresh(back_layer, 0, 0, 
              COLOR8_FFFFFF, COLOR8_848484, debug_info, 10);
          layer_slide(mouse_layer, mouse_x, mouse_y);

          if (0 != (mdec.state & 0x01)) {
            /* down left click, move window */
            layer_slide(win_layer, mouse_x - 80, mouse_y - 8);
      else if (10 == data) {
        drawstring_and_refresh(back_layer, 0, 64, 
            COLOR8_FFFFFF, COLOR8_848484, "10[sec]", 7);
      else if (3 == data) {
        drawstring_and_refresh(back_layer, 0, 80, 
            COLOR8_FFFFFF, COLOR8_848484, "03[sec]", 7);
      else if (data <= 1) { /* timer by cursor */
        if (0 != data) {
          timer_init(timer3, &fifo, 0);
          cursor_c = COLOR8_000000;
        else {
          timer_init(timer3, &fifo, 1);
          cursor_c = COLOR8_FFFFFF;
        timer_settimer(timer3, 50);
        fill_box8(win_layer->buf, win_layer->w_size, 
            cursor_c, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 7, 43);
        layers_refresh(win_layer, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 8, 44);