Ejemplo n.º 1
            DINLINE uint32_t numNewParticles(T_Acc const & acc, FrameType& ionFrame, int localIdx)
                /* alias for the single macro-particle */
                auto particle = ionFrame[localIdx];
                /* particle position, used for field-to-particle interpolation */
                floatD_X pos = particle[position_];
                const int particleCellIdx = particle[localCellIdx_];
                /* multi-dim coordinate of the local cell inside the super cell */
                DataSpace<TVec::dim> localCell(DataSpaceOperations<TVec::dim>::template map<TVec > (particleCellIdx));
                /* interpolation of E- */
                const picongpu::traits::FieldPosition<typename fields::Solver::NummericalCellType, FieldE> fieldPosE;
                ValueType_E eField = Field2ParticleInterpolation()
                    (cachedE.shift(localCell).toCursor(), pos, fieldPosE());
                /*                     and B-field on the particle position */
                const picongpu::traits::FieldPosition<typename fields::Solver::NummericalCellType, FieldB> fieldPosB;
                ValueType_B bField = Field2ParticleInterpolation()
                    (cachedB.shift(localCell).toCursor(), pos, fieldPosB());

                /* define number of bound macro electrons before ionization */
                float_X prevBoundElectrons = particle[boundElectrons_];

                IonizationAlgorithm ionizeAlgo;
                /* determine number of new macro electrons to be created */
                uint32_t newMacroElectrons = ionizeAlgo(
                     bField, eField,
                     particle, this->randomGen(acc)

                return newMacroElectrons;

Ejemplo n.º 2
            /** Functor implementation
             * @param ionFrame reference to frame of the to-be-ionized particles
             * @param localIdx local (linear) index in super cell / frame
             * @param numNewFreeMacroElectrons reference to variable for each
             *        thread that stores the number of macro electrons to be
             *        created during the current time step
            DINLINE void operator()(FrameType& ionFrame, int localIdx, unsigned int& numNewFreeMacroElectrons)
                /* alias for the single macro-particle */
                auto particle = ionFrame[localIdx];
                /* particle position, used for field-to-particle interpolation */
                floatD_X const pos = particle[position_];
                int const particleCellIdx = particle[localCellIdx_];
                /* multi-dim coordinate of the local cell inside the super cell */
                DataSpace<SuperCellSize::dim> localCell(DataSpaceOperations<SuperCellSize::dim>::template map<SuperCellSize > (particleCellIdx));
                /* interpolation of density */
                const fieldSolver::numericalCellType::traits::FieldPosition<FieldTmp> fieldPosRho;
                ValueType_Rho densityV = Field2ParticleInterpolation()
                    (cachedRho.shift(localCell).toCursor(), pos, fieldPosRho());
                /*                          and energy density field on the particle position */
                const fieldSolver::numericalCellType::traits::FieldPosition<FieldTmp> fieldPosEne;
                ValueType_Ene kinEnergyV = Field2ParticleInterpolation()
                    (cachedEne.shift(localCell).toCursor(), pos, fieldPosEne());

                /* density in sim units */
                float_X const density = densityV[0];
                /* energy density in sim units */
                float_X const kinEnergyDensity = kinEnergyV[0];

                /* Returns the new number of bound electrons for an integer number of macro electrons */
                IonizationAlgorithm ionizeAlgo;
                numNewFreeMacroElectrons = ionizeAlgo(

                /** ionization of the ion by reducing the number of bound electrons
                 * optimization: only accesses global memory if the charge
                 *               state did really change
                 * @warning substracting a float from a float can potentially
                 *          create a negative boundElectrons number for the ion,
                 *          see #1850 for details
                if( numNewFreeMacroElectrons > 0u )
                    particle[ boundElectrons_ ] -= float_X( numNewFreeMacroElectrons );