static void callbackLocking(int mode, int n, const char*, int) { if (mode & CRYPTO_LOCK) { locks()[n].lock(); } else { locks()[n].unlock(); } }
void SSLContext::initializeOpenSSLLocked() { if (initialized_) { return; } SSL_library_init(); SSL_load_error_strings(); ERR_load_crypto_strings(); // static locking locks().reset(new SSLLock[::CRYPTO_num_locks()]); for (auto it: lockTypes()) { locks()[it.first].lockType = it.second; } CRYPTO_set_id_callback(callbackThreadID); CRYPTO_set_locking_callback(callbackLocking); // dynamic locking CRYPTO_set_dynlock_create_callback(dyn_create); CRYPTO_set_dynlock_lock_callback(dyn_lock); CRYPTO_set_dynlock_destroy_callback(dyn_destroy); randomize(); #ifdef OPENSSL_NPN_NEGOTIATED sNextProtocolsExDataIndex_ = SSL_get_ex_new_index(0, (void*)"Advertised next protocol index", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); #endif initialized_ = true; }
bool cLiveQueue::write(MsgPacket* packet) { cSocketLock locks(m_socket); while(!packet->write(m_socket, 50) && Running()) ; return true; }
/********************************************************************** * deleteroom **********************************************************************/ void deleteroom(void) { char filename[100]; char confirm[7]; if (curr <= AIDE_RM_NBR) { printf("Can't kill this forum.\n"); return; } get_string("Type 'DELETE' to kill this forum -> ", 6, confirm, -1); if (strcmp(confirm, "DELETE")) return; putchar('\n'); locks(-1); msg->room[curr].flags = 0; sprintf(filename, "%sroom%d", DESCDIR, curr); unlink(filename); sprintf(filename, "%srm%d", WHODIR, curr); unlink(filename); unlocks(-1); /* you just nuked the room, need to go somewhere! */ curr = LOBBY_RM_NBR; }
void OpDebug::append(const CurOp& curop, const SingleThreadedLockStats& lockStats, BSONObjBuilder& b) const { const size_t maxElementSize = 50 * 1024; b.append( "op" , iscommand ? "command" : opToString( op ) ); b.append( "ns" , ns.toString() ); if (!query.isEmpty()) { appendAsObjOrString(iscommand ? "command" : "query", query, maxElementSize, &b); } else if (!iscommand && curop.haveQuery()) { appendAsObjOrString("query", curop.query(), maxElementSize, &b); } if (!updateobj.isEmpty()) { appendAsObjOrString("updateobj", updateobj, maxElementSize, &b); } const bool moved = (nmoved >= 1); OPDEBUG_APPEND_NUMBER( cursorid ); OPDEBUG_APPEND_NUMBER( ntoreturn ); OPDEBUG_APPEND_NUMBER( ntoskip ); OPDEBUG_APPEND_BOOL( exhaust ); OPDEBUG_APPEND_NUMBER( nscanned ); OPDEBUG_APPEND_NUMBER( nscannedObjects ); OPDEBUG_APPEND_BOOL( idhack ); OPDEBUG_APPEND_BOOL( scanAndOrder ); OPDEBUG_APPEND_BOOL( moved ); OPDEBUG_APPEND_NUMBER( nmoved ); OPDEBUG_APPEND_NUMBER( nMatched ); OPDEBUG_APPEND_NUMBER( nModified ); OPDEBUG_APPEND_NUMBER( ninserted ); OPDEBUG_APPEND_NUMBER( ndeleted ); OPDEBUG_APPEND_BOOL( fastmod ); OPDEBUG_APPEND_BOOL( fastmodinsert ); OPDEBUG_APPEND_BOOL( upsert ); OPDEBUG_APPEND_NUMBER( keyUpdates ); OPDEBUG_APPEND_NUMBER( writeConflicts ); b.appendNumber("numYield", curop.numYields()); { BSONObjBuilder locks(b.subobjStart("locks"));; } if (!exceptionInfo.empty()) { exceptionInfo.append(b, "exception", "exceptionCode"); } OPDEBUG_APPEND_NUMBER( nreturned ); OPDEBUG_APPEND_NUMBER( responseLength ); b.append( "millis" , executionTime ); execStats.append(b, "execStats"); }
bool CGUIDialogLockSettings::ShowAndGetLock(LockType& iLockMode, CStdString& strPassword, int iHeader) { CProfile::CLock locks(iLockMode, strPassword); if (ShowAndGetLock(locks, iHeader, false, false)) { locks.Validate(); iLockMode = locks.mode; strPassword = locks.code; return true; } return false; }
bool CGUIDialogLockSettings::ShowAndGetLock(LockType &lockMode, std::string &password, int header /* = 20091 */) { CProfile::CLock locks(lockMode, password); if (!ShowAndGetLock(locks, header, false, false)) return false; locks.Validate(); lockMode = locks.mode; password = locks.code; return true; }
bool CacheManagerI::load(const KeySeq& keys, const std::string& namespaceId, const std::string& businessId, long expiredTime, bool useMaster, const Ice::Current& current) { std::ostringstream os; os<<"Key : "; for(KeySeq::const_iterator it = keys.begin(); it != keys.end(); ++it) { os<<*it<<" "; } os<<" namespaceId :"<<namespaceId; os<<" businessId :"<<businessId; os<<" expiredTime :"<<expiredTime; os<<" useMaster :"<<useMaster; MyUtil::InvokeClient ic = MyUtil::InvokeClient::create(current, os.str(), MyUtil::InvokeClient::INVOKE_LEVEL_INFO); ProducerManagerClientPtr producer = getProducer(); if(producer == NULL) { return false; } bool sucFlag = true; KeySeq inputKeys(keys.begin(), keys.end()); KeySeq lockedKeys; KeySeq failedLockedKeys; DataMap res; while(true) { xce::tempmutext::Locks<std::string> locks(&tempMutexManager_, inputKeys, lockedKeys, failedLockedKeys); if(!lockedKeys.empty()) { DataMap singleRes = producer->produce(keys, businessId, useMaster, 1000); if(!singleRes.empty()) { res.insert(singleRes.begin(), singleRes.end()); } CacheClientPtr cache = getCache(); if(cache != NULL) { for(DataMap::const_iterator it = singleRes.begin(); it != singleRes.end(); ++it) { sucFlag &= cache->set(it->first, it->second, namespaceId, businessId, expiredTime, 1000); } } if(failedLockedKeys.empty()) { break; } } inputKeys.swap(failedLockedKeys); lockedKeys.clear(); failedLockedKeys.clear(); } return sucFlag; }
void SSLContext::cleanupOpenSSLLocked() { if (!initialized_) { return; } CRYPTO_set_id_callback(nullptr); CRYPTO_set_locking_callback(nullptr); CRYPTO_set_dynlock_create_callback(nullptr); CRYPTO_set_dynlock_lock_callback(nullptr); CRYPTO_set_dynlock_destroy_callback(nullptr); CRYPTO_cleanup_all_ex_data(); ERR_free_strings(); EVP_cleanup(); ERR_remove_state(0); locks().reset(); initialized_ = false; }
bool CacheManagerI::loadListCache(const std::string& key, const std::string& namespace_id, const std::string& biz_id, bool use_master, const Ice::Current& current) { std::ostringstream os; os << "key :" << key; os << " namespaceId :" << namespace_id; os << " businessId :" << biz_id; os << " use_master :" << use_master; MyUtil::InvokeClient ic = MyUtil::InvokeClient::create(current, os.str(), MyUtil::InvokeClient::INVOKE_LEVEL_INFO); ProducerManagerClientPtr producer = getProducer(); if(!producer) { MCE_ERROR("CacheManagerI::loadListCache() getProducer() return NULL!!!"); return false; } KeySeq input_keys; input_keys.push_back(key); KeySeq locked_keys; KeySeq failed_locked_keys; bool result = false; while(true) { xce::tempmutext::Locks<std::string> locks(&tempMutexManager_, input_keys, locked_keys, failed_locked_keys); if(!locked_keys.empty()) { DataMap data; try { data = producer->produce(locked_keys, biz_id, use_master, 10000); } catch (Ice::Exception& e) { MCE_ERROR("CacheManagerI::loadListCache() rpc call produce() " << e.what()); } DataMap::const_iterator iter = data.begin(); for (; iter != data.end(); ++iter) { if (!iter->second.empty()) { ListOrHashValue list_value; list_value.ParseFromArray(iter->, iter->second.size()); if (list_value.values_size() > 0) { StrList str_list; BOOST_FOREACH(const std::string& v, list_value.values()) { str_list.push_back(v); } RedisCacheClientPtr cache = GetRedisCache(); if (!cache) { MCE_ERROR("CacheManagerI::loadListCache() GetRedisCache() return NULL !!!"); continue; } result = cache->SetList(key, str_list, namespace_id, biz_id); } } }
/********************************************************************** * invite * Modifies the user's generation and forget numbers to make a member * of the room. **********************************************************************/ void invite(void) { struct user *tmpuser; char *uname; uname = get_name("Name of user to invite? ", 2); if (*uname) { if (!(tmpuser = getuser(uname)) || tmpuser->f_invisible) { if (tmpuser) freeuser(tmpuser); printf("There is no user %s on this BBS.\n", uname); return; } if (tmpuser->generation[curr] == msg->room[curr].gen || (!(msg->room[curr].flags & QR_PRIVATE) && tmpuser->generation[curr] != RODSERLING)) { freeuser(tmpuser); printf("%s is already invited to this forum.\n", uname); return; } locks(SEM_USER); if (msg->room[curr].flags & QR_MINOR) { /* Only undo a kickout, they still have to jump to the room */ tmpuser->forget[curr] = msg->room[curr].gen; tmpuser->generation[curr] = TWILIGHTZONE; } else { tmpuser->generation[curr] = msg->room[curr].gen; tmpuser->forget[curr] = TWILIGHTZONE; } unlocks(SEM_USER); freeuser(tmpuser); printf("%s invited to %s>\n", uname, msg->room[curr].name); } }
/********************************************************************** * kickout * Edit a user's generation number for a room so (s)he can't get to it. **********************************************************************/ void kickout(void) { struct user *tmpuser; char *uname; if (curr == LOBBY_RM_NBR) { printf("Get a clue! You can't kick a user out of the Lobby!\n"); return; } uname = get_name("Name of user to kick out? ", 2); if (*uname) { if (!(tmpuser = getuser(uname)) || tmpuser->f_invisible) { if (tmpuser) freeuser(tmpuser); printf("There is no user %s on thsi BBS.\n", uname); return; } else { if ((tmpuser->generation[curr] == ((msg->room[curr].flags & QR_PRIVATE) ? TWILIGHTZONE : RODSERLING)) && tmpuser->forget[curr] == TWILIGHTZONE) { freeuser(tmpuser); printf("%s doesn't belong to this forum.\n", uname); return; } locks(SEM_USER); tmpuser->generation[curr] = ((msg->room[curr].flags & QR_PRIVATE) && !(msg->room[curr].flags & QR_GUESSNAME)) ? TWILIGHTZONE : RODSERLING; tmpuser->forget[curr] = TWILIGHTZONE; unlocks(SEM_USER); freeuser(tmpuser); printf("%s is now kicked out of %s>\n", uname, msg->room[curr].name); } } }
void fillLockerInfo(const Locker::LockerInfo& lockerInfo, BSONObjBuilder& infoBuilder) { // "locks" section BSONObjBuilder locks(infoBuilder.subobjStart("locks")); const size_t locksSize = lockerInfo.locks.size(); // Only add the last lock of each type, and use the largest mode encountered LockMode modeForType[ResourceTypesCount] = { }; // default initialize to zero (min value) for (size_t i = 0; i < locksSize; i++) { const Locker::OneLock& lock = lockerInfo.locks[i]; const ResourceType lockType = lock.resourceId.getType(); const LockMode lockMode = std::max(lock.mode, modeForType[lockType]); // Check that lockerInfo is sorted on resource type invariant(i == 0 || lockType >= lockerInfo.locks[i - 1].resourceId.getType()); if (lock.resourceId == resourceIdLocalDB) { locks.append("local", legacyModeName(lock.mode)); continue; } modeForType[lockType] = lockMode; if (i + 1 < locksSize && lockerInfo.locks[i + 1].resourceId.getType() == lockType) { continue; // skip this lock as it is not the last one of its type } else { locks.append(resourceTypeName(lockType), legacyModeName(lockMode)); } } locks.done(); // "waitingForLock" section infoBuilder.append("waitingForLock", lockerInfo.waitingResource.isValid()); // "lockStats" section { BSONObjBuilder lockStats(infoBuilder.subobjStart("lockStats"));; lockStats.done(); } }
int warmup(void) { char str[64], *src; struct timeval start, cur; int old_requests; g_echo = 0; memset(str, 0, 64); memset(str, '.', 40); src = "Server Warming Up"; strncpy(str,src,strlen(src)); printf("\n%s", str); fflush(stdout); gettimeofday(&start, NULL); gettimeofday(&cur, NULL); old_requests = pget_option.requests; pget_option.requests = 10; while ( (cur.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) < WARMUP_TIME){ proppatch(); propfinddead(); propfindlive(); put_get1K(); put_get64K(); //put_get1024K(); my_single(); my_collection(); locks(); gettimeofday(&cur, NULL); } pget_option.requests = old_requests; printf("Done\n"); g_echo = 1; }
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_apache_subversion_javahl_SVNRepos_rmlocks (JNIEnv *env, jobject jthis, jobject jpath, jobjectArray jlocks) { JNIEntry(SVNRepos, rmlocks); SVNRepos *cl = SVNRepos::getCppObject(jthis); if (cl == NULL) { JNIUtil::throwError(_("bad C++ this")); return; } File path(jpath); if (JNIUtil::isExceptionThrown()) return; StringArray locks(jlocks); if (JNIUtil::isExceptionThrown()) return; cl->rmlocks(path, locks); }
bool CacheManagerI::deleteCache(const KeySeq& keys, const std::string& namespaceId, const std::string& businessId, const Ice::Current& current) { std::ostringstream os; os<<"Key : "; for(KeySeq::const_iterator it = keys.begin(); it != keys.end(); ++it) { os<<*it<<" "; } os<<" namespaceId :"<<namespaceId; os<<" businessId :"<<businessId; MyUtil::InvokeClient ic = MyUtil::InvokeClient::create(current, os.str(), MyUtil::InvokeClient::INVOKE_LEVEL_INFO); CacheClientPtr cache = getCache(); if(cache == NULL) { return false; } bool sucFlag = true; KeySeq inputKeys(keys.begin(), keys.end()); KeySeq lockedKeys; KeySeq failedLockedKeys; DataMap res; while(true) { xce::tempmutext::Locks<std::string> locks(&tempMutexManager_, inputKeys, lockedKeys, failedLockedKeys); if(!lockedKeys.empty()) { for(KeySeq::const_iterator it = keys.begin(); it != keys.end(); ++it) { sucFlag &= cache->remove(*it, namespaceId, businessId, 1000); } if(failedLockedKeys.empty()) { break; } } inputKeys.swap(failedLockedKeys); lockedKeys.clear(); failedLockedKeys.clear(); } return sucFlag; }
/* * Exit the program in an orderly way. */ void my_exit(register int doflush) { register int save = f_death; if (lockflags) { f_death = 2; return; } f_alarm = 0; if (doflush) f_death = -1; else f_death = -2; alarm(120); if (mybtmp) mybtmp->nox = -1; if (save == 1 && doflush) printf("\a\n\n\n\n\nYou have been logged off.\n\n\n\n\n"); if (ouruser) { int f; struct tm *ltm; char junk[80]; if (doflush) checkx(-1); locks(SEM_USER); if (ouruser->btmpindex >= 0 && mybtmp == &bigbtmp->btmp[ouruser->btmpindex]) ouruser->btmpindex = -1; unlocks(SEM_USER); ouruser->timeoff = msg->t = time(0); strcpy(junk, ETC); strcat(junk, "uselog"); if ((f = open(junk, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_APPEND, 0640)) >= 0) { ltm = localtime(&ouruser->time); sprintf(junk, "%02d%02d%02d:%02d%02d:%04ld:%s\n", ltm->tm_year % 100, ltm->tm_mon + 1, ltm->tm_mday, ltm->tm_hour, ltm->tm_min, (ouruser->timeoff - ouruser->time) / 60 + 1, ouruser->name); write(f, junk, strlen(junk)); close(f); } msync((caddr_t)ouruser, sizeof(struct user), MS_ASYNC); ouruser = NULL; } if (bigbtmp) { remove_loggedin(pid); bigbtmp = 0; } if (doflush) { if (ansi) printf("\033[0m"); fflush(stdout); if (doflush > 1) mysleep(doflush); if (tty) myecho(ON); else { int fdr = 1; struct timeval tv = {30, 0}; shutdown(0, 1); select(1, (fd_set *)&fdr, 0, 0, &tv); } } _exit(0); }
/********************************************************************** * editroom * <E>dit room in aide menu **********************************************************************/ void editroom(void) { char anon_opt; char opt; char *roomname; int flags; int gen; if (curr <= AIDE_RM_NBR && !ouruser->f_prog) { printf("Only programmers can edit Lobby, Mail, or Aide forums!\n"); return; } flags = msg->room[curr].flags; gen = msg->room[curr].gen; /* Edit the room name */ printf("Forum name is currently: %s>\n", msg->room[curr].name); roomname = get_name("New forum name (return leaves it unchanged) -> ", 3); /* If you're an aide or wizard, you can edit the permissions of the room */ if (ouruser->f_admin) { /************************************************************ * These ifs form a sentence onscreen. ************************************************************/ printf("\n%s> was a", msg->room[curr].name); if (!(msg->room[curr].flags & QR_PRIVATE)) printf(" public"); if (msg->room[curr].flags & QR_PRIVATE) printf(" private"); if (msg->room[curr].flags & QR_GUESSNAME) printf(" guessname"); if (msg->room[curr].flags & QR_MINOR) printf(" non-minors only"); if (msg->room[curr].flags & QR_ANONONLY) printf(" Anonymous-only"); if (msg->room[curr].flags & QR_ANON2) printf(" Anonymous-optional"); printf(" forum\n"); printf("New forum type <1>pub <2>guessname <3>non-minors only <4>inv-only -> "); opt = get_single_quiet("1234"); putchar('\n'); /********************************************************************** * Option 1 (public) is default. * Non-public rooms have only 1 or 2 "privacy" bits: * QR_PRIVATE by itself means invite-only, * otherwise also set QR_GUESSNAME || QR_MINOR * Turn off all but inuse bits, we're going to reset everything * Turn bits back on as we go along **********************************************************************/ flags = QR_INUSE; if (opt > '1') flags |= QR_PRIVATE; if (opt == '2') flags |= QR_GUESSNAME; if (opt == '3') flags |= QR_MINOR; if (opt != '1') { printf("(Answer yes to start a private forum)\n"); printf("Cause users to forget forum? (y/n) -> "); gen = msg->room[curr].gen; if (yesno(-1) == YES) { if (++gen == 100) gen = 10; } } } flags &= ~(QR_ANONONLY | QR_ANON2); printf("Identity: <1>Normal <2>Anon <3>Anon-optional -> "); anon_opt = get_single_quiet("123"); if (anon_opt == '1') printf("Normal\n"); else if (anon_opt == '2') { flags |= QR_ANONONLY; printf("Anonymous only\n"); } else { flags |= QR_ANON2; printf("Anonymous optional\n"); } colorize("@YSave changes? (Y/N) ->@G "); if (yesno(-1) == YES) { locks(SEM_MSG); if (*roomname) strcpy(msg->room[curr].name, roomname); msg->room[curr].flags = flags; msg->room[curr].gen = gen; unlocks(SEM_MSG); } printf("\nUse edit <D>escription to change description/forum moderator.\n"); }
/********************************************************************** * createroom **********************************************************************/ void createroom(void) { register int i; int found; char *newroom; char opt; int rm_nbr; int qpos; char filename[80]; printf("Are you sure? (Y/N) ->"); if (!yesno(-1)) return; newroom = get_name("Name for new forum? ", 3); if (!*newroom) return; found = NO; /* Simultaneously search for a duplicate and the first unused room */ for (qpos = rm_nbr = 0; rm_nbr < MAXROOMS && !found; ++rm_nbr) { /* quit searching if you find a duplicate */ if ((msg->room[rm_nbr].flags & QR_INUSE) && !strcmp(msg->room[rm_nbr].name, newroom)) found = YES; /* get position of FIRST available room */ if (!(msg->room[rm_nbr].flags & QR_INUSE) && !qpos) qpos = rm_nbr; } if (found) { printf("There is already a forum by that name\n"); return; } /* qpos never gets set if all rooms are in use */ /* the rest of the function depends on qpos being set -sf */ if (!qpos) { printf("Sorry, no space is available for another forum.\n"); return; } /* Set the access for the new room */ help("roomaccess", NO); printf("\n<1>Public <2>Guess name <3>Non-minors only <4>Invitation only\n"); printf("Enter forum type-> "); opt = get_single_quiet("1234"); printf("\n\n\042%s\042, will be a", newroom); /* This is a bug!! It never gets used!! */ switch (opt) { case 1: printf(" public"); break; case 2: printf(" guess-name"); break; case 3: printf(" non-minors only"); break; case 4: printf(" invitation-only"); break; } printf(" forum\n"); printf("Install it? (y/n) -> "); if (!yesno(-1)) { printf("Create Forum aborted\n"); return; } /* delete & zero room info & whoknows files if they exist */ /* NOTE: Need exclusive access here! */ sprintf(filename, "%sroom%d", DESCDIR, qpos); unlink(filename); open(filename, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0640); sprintf(filename, "%srm%d", WHODIR, qpos); unlink(filename); open(filename, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0640); locks(SEM_MSG); if (msg->room[qpos].flags & QR_INUSE) { unlocks(SEM_MSG); printf("\nForum slot taken, please try again.\n"); return; } curr = qpos; strcpy(msg->room[curr].name, newroom); msg->room[curr].highest = 0L; msg->room[curr].posted = 0L; if (++msg->room[curr].gen == 100) msg->room[curr].gen = 10; /* want a clean slate to work with */ msg->room[curr].flags = QR_INUSE; if (opt > '1') msg->room[curr].flags |= QR_PRIVATE; if (opt == '2') msg->room[curr].flags |= QR_GUESSNAME; if (opt == '3') msg->room[curr].flags |= QR_MINOR; for (i = 0; i < MSGSPERRM; i++) { msg->room[curr].pos[i] = 0; msg->room[curr].num[i]= 0; msg->room[curr].chron[i]= 0; } unlocks(SEM_MSG); printf("Use edit description to assign forum moderator.\n"); printf("\n%s> (#%d) created as a", msg->room[curr].name, curr); if (!(msg->room[curr].flags & QR_PRIVATE)) printf(" public"); if (msg->room[curr].flags & QR_PRIVATE) printf(" [private]"); if (msg->room[curr].flags & QR_GUESSNAME) printf(" [guessname]"); if (msg->room[curr].flags & QR_MINOR) printf(" [non-minors only]"); printf(" forum\n"); /* Join user to the room that was just created */ ouruser->forget[curr] = TWILIGHTZONE; ouruser->generation[curr] = msg->room[curr].gen; return; }