bool Program::readCommandLine() { std::wstring commandLine = GetCommandLineW(); std::vector<std::wstring> splitCommandLine; if (commandLine.find(L"-c") != std::wstring::npos) { boost::algorithm::split(splitCommandLine, commandLine.substr(commandLine.find(L"-c")), boost::algorithm::is_any_of(L" ")); } if (splitCommandLine.size() < 7) { logText("Error reading command line: Parameter count mismatch"); return false; } for (std::vector<std::wstring>::iterator s = splitCommandLine.begin(); s != splitCommandLine.end(); ++s) { if (!s->compare(L"-n")) { std::advance(s, 1); name = core->wstrtostr(*s); } else if (!s->compare(L"-h")) { std::advance(s, 1); address = core->wstrtostr(*s); } else if (!s->compare(L"-p")) { std::advance(s, 1); port = core->wstrtostr(*s); } } if (name.empty()) { logText("Error reading command line: Could not obtain player name"); return false; } if (address.empty()) { logText("Error reading command line: Could not obtain server address"); return false; } if (port.empty()) { logText("Error reading command line: Could not obtain server port"); return false; } return true; }
void tvNetworkControl::sendIDPacket(const QString &remoteIP, const QString &ID, const QString &name) { const char packetStart[] = { 0x00, 0x13, 0x00, 0x69, 0x70, 0x68, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x65, 0x2e, 0x69, 0x61, 0x70, 0x70, 0x2e, 0x73, 0x61, 0x6d, 0x73, 0x75, 0x6e, 0x67 }; const QByteArray remoteIPEncoded = encodeString(remoteIP); const QByteArray remoteIDEncoded = encodeString(ID); const QByteArray remoteNameEncoded = encodeString(name); const char payLoadStart[] = { 0x64, 0x00 }; QByteArray payLoad; payLoad.append(QByteArray::fromRawData(payLoadStart, sizeof(payLoadStart))); payLoad.append(QByteArray::fromRawData(, remoteIPEncoded.size())); payLoad.append(QByteArray::fromRawData(, remoteIDEncoded.size())); payLoad.append(QByteArray::fromRawData(, remoteNameEncoded.size())); const qint16 payLoadSize = payLoad.size(); QByteArray packet; QDataStream stream(&packet, QIODevice::WriteOnly); stream.writeRawData(packetStart, sizeof(packetStart)); stream.setByteOrder(QDataStream::LittleEndian); stream << payLoadSize; stream.setByteOrder(QDataStream::BigEndian); stream.writeRawData(payLoad, payLoadSize); if (m_socket) { emit logText(tr("=========== <b>Send ID Datagram</b> ===========<br>%1").arg(byteArrayToHexaString(packet))); sendRaw(packet); } }
void MainWindow::handleResult(const QString *res) { logText(res); // char buff[100]; // sprintf_s(buff, "current dts : %d (%d)", vtools.getCurrentDts(), vtools.getCurrentTs()); // QString* result = new QString(buff); // logText(result); }
void tvNetworkControl::sltReadyRead() { QTcpSocket *socket = qobject_cast<QTcpSocket *>(sender()); if (socket == 0) return; QByteArray recievedData = socket->readAll().toHex(); emit logText(tr("============ <b>Recieved Datagram</b> =============<br>%1").arg(byteArrayToHexaString(recievedData, false))); }
bool loadThemeImage(char * path, char * description, int expectedWidth, int expectedHeight, u8 * alphaMask, int imageID, themeImage images[]) { themeImage * aThemeImage = &(images[imageID]); aThemeImage->exists = false; if (aThemeImage->spriteData) { free(aThemeImage->spriteData); } aThemeImage->spriteData = NULL; // free(aThemeImage->spriteData); if (!fileExists(path, &sdmcArchive)) { return false; } bool success = read_png_file(path); if (success) { if (pngWidth != expectedWidth || pngHeight != expectedHeight) { char error[256]; sprintf(error, "%s must be %dx%d pixels", description, expectedWidth, expectedHeight); logText(error); return false; } else { u8 * out = process_png_file(); if (out) { if (alphaMask) { u8 * masked = malloc(expectedWidth*expectedHeight*4); MAGFXApplyAlphaMask(out, alphaMask, masked, expectedWidth, expectedHeight, (bytesPerPixel==4)); aThemeImage->spriteData = masked; free(out); aThemeImage->hasAlpha = true; } else { aThemeImage->spriteData = out; aThemeImage->hasAlpha = (bytesPerPixel==4); } aThemeImage->exists = true; aThemeImage->w = expectedWidth; aThemeImage->h = expectedHeight; return true; } else { return false; } } } else { return false; } }
void RDSqlDatabaseStatus::sendRecon() { if (discon){ discon = false; emit reconnected(); fprintf (stderr,"Database connection restored.\n"); emit logText(RDConfig::LogErr,QString(tr("Database connection restored."))); } }
punchVisualiser::punchVisualiser(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), ui(new Ui::punchVisualiser) { ui->setupUi(this); m_sportIdentModule = new SportIdentReader(this); connect(m_sportIdentModule, SIGNAL(logText(QString,SportIdentReader::MessageType)), this, SLOT(processMessage(QString,SportIdentReader::MessageType))); connect(m_sportIdentModule, SIGNAL(rawData(QByteArray)), this, SLOT(dataReceived(QByteArray))); }
void RDSqlDatabaseStatus::sendDiscon(QString query) { if (!discon){ emit connectionFailed(); fprintf (stderr,"Database connection failed: %s\n",(const char *)query); emit logText(RDConfig::LogErr, QString(tr("Database connection failed : ")) + query); discon = true; } }
void CLogger::log(const c8* text, const wchar_t* hint, ELogLevel logLevel) { if (logLevel < m_logLevel) { return; } BSLib::stringc logText(text); BSLib::stringc logHint = ToNarrow(hint); return log(logText.c_str(), logHint.c_str(), logLevel); }
void CLogger::log(const c8* text, const c8* hits, ELogLevel logLevel) { if (logLevel < m_logLevel) { return; } BSLib::stringc logText(text); logText += ":"; logText += hits; return log(logText.c_str(), logLevel); }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { init(); if (fork() !=0 ) return 0; (void) signal(SIGCLD, SIG_IGN); (void) signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN); scrub(); logText("Starting"); serverListen(8082); fail("testing failure"); }
bool Program::initializeAudioDevice() { BASS_Free(); if (BASS_Init(-1, 44100, BASS_DEVICE_3D, NULL, NULL)) { loadPlugins(); BASS_SetConfig(BASS_CONFIG_NET_PLAYLIST, 1); BASS_SetConfig(BASS_CONFIG_NET_TIMEOUT, settings->connectTimeout); BASS_SetConfig(BASS_CONFIG_WMA_BASSFILE, 1); BASS_SetEAXParameters(-1, 0.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f); return true; } logText(boost::str(boost::format("Error initializing audio device: %1%") % core->getAudio()->getErrorMessage())); return false; }
void sendLoginPage(int socketfd) { char* loginPage="<html><head>" "<style>" "body{background-color:grey; font-family: sans-serif}" "input{background-color:white}" "#loginBox{position:absolute;top:40%; left:0px; right:0px;}" "input{float:right;width:16em;}" "#loginBox>form>div{padding: 8px}" "#loginBox>form{background-color: #dfd;margin: 0 auto; box-shadow:0px 0px 0px 2px black,3px 3px 12px 2px black;width:20em; padding: 40px; border-radius: 8px 64px 8px 64px}" "</style></head>" "<body><div id=\"loginBox\">" "<form action=\"/login\" method=\"post\"><div><label for=\"user\">User Name</label><input type=\"text\" id=\"user\" name=\"user\" /></div><div><label for=\"pass\">Password</label><input type=\"password\" id=\"pass\" name=\"pass\"/></div><div><input type=\"submit\" value=\"login\"></div></form>" "</div></body></html>"; char* headers = ""; logText("Sending login page"); sendHTMLPage(socketfd,"200 ok",headers,loginPage); }
bool reloadConfig(int argc, char **argv, bool firstTime) { if (!firstTime) { logText("reloading config...\n"); } if (ReadConfig(&g_config, argv[1]) != 0) { return false; } int p; for (p = 2; p < argc; p ++) { if (!strcmp(argv[p],"-pidfile")) { if (++p >= argc) usage(argv[0]); g_config.pidFilename.Set(argv[p]); } else if (!strcmp(argv[p],"-logfile")) { if (++p >= argc) usage(argv[0]); g_config.logFilename.Set(argv[p]); } else if (!strcmp(argv[p],"-archive")) { if (++p >= argc) usage(argv[0]); g_config.logPath.Set(argv[p]); } else if (!strcmp(argv[p],"-setuid")) { if (++p >= argc) usage(argv[0]); g_config.setuid=atoi(argv[p]); } else if (!strcmp(argv[p],"-port")) { if (++p >= argc) usage(argv[0]); g_config.port=atoi(argv[p]); } else usage(argv[0]); } return g_server->setConfig(&g_config); }
void Program::loadPlugins() { const char *pluginNames[] = { "bass_aac.dll", "bass_ac3.dll", "bass_alac.dll", "bass_ape.dll", "bass_mpc.dll", "bass_spx.dll", "bass_tta.dll", "bassflac.dll", "bassmidi.dll", "basswma.dll", "basswv.dll" }; HPLUGIN pluginHandles[sizeof(pluginNames) / sizeof(const char*)]; unsigned int size = sizeof(pluginHandles) / sizeof(HPLUGIN); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { pluginHandles[i] = BASS_PluginLoad(boost::str(boost::format("plugins\\%1%") % pluginNames[i]).c_str(), 0); if (pluginHandles[i]) { const BASS_PLUGININFO *info = BASS_PluginGetInfo(pluginHandles[i]); for (unsigned int j = 0; j < info->formatc; ++j) { std::string extensions = info->formats[j].exts; boost::algorithm::erase_all(extensions, "*"); std::vector<std::string> splitExtensions; boost::algorithm::split(splitExtensions, extensions, boost::algorithm::is_any_of(";")); for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator e = splitExtensions.begin(); e != splitExtensions.end(); ++e) { acceptedFileExtensions.insert(*e); } } } else { logText(boost::str(boost::format("Error loading plugin \"%1%\": %2%") % pluginNames[i] % core->getAudio()->getErrorMessage())); } } }
void MainWindow::handleTimeout() { //routines if(imageEater != NULL) { ui->pbBuffer->setValue(imageEater->getBufferUtilization()); logText(&QString("current ts : %1").arg(vtools.getCurrentTs())); } if(spline != NULL) { spline->setplayposition(vtools.getCurrentTs()); } else { //try applying value spline = (SplineDrawer*)QMLRegister::getQMLObject("spline"); if(spline == 0) { spline = NULL; } } //too heavy // SplineDrawer* spline = (SplineDrawer*)QMLRegister::getQMLObject("spline"); // spline->update(); }
void tvNetworkControl::sendKey(const QString &key) { #ifdef QT5 QByteArray keyByteArray(key.toLatin1()); #else QByteArray keyByteArray(key.toAscii()); #endif keyByteArray = keyByteArray.toBase64(); const char rawKeyPacketStart[] = { 0x00, 0x13, 0x00, 0x69, 0x70, 0x68, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x65, 0x2e, 0x69, 0x61, 0x70, 0x70, 0x2e, 0x73, 0x61, 0x6d, 0x73, 0x75, 0x6e, 0x67 }; const char payloadStart[] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00}; const qint16 keySize = keyByteArray.size(); const qint16 payloadSize = keyByteArray.size() + 5; // 5 is 3 0x00 bytes + 2 bytes for the key code size QByteArray keyPacket; QDataStream stream(&keyPacket, QIODevice::WriteOnly); stream.writeRawData(rawKeyPacketStart, sizeof(rawKeyPacketStart)); stream.setByteOrder(QDataStream::LittleEndian); stream << payloadSize; stream.setByteOrder(QDataStream::BigEndian); stream.writeRawData(payloadStart, sizeof(payloadStart)); stream.setByteOrder(QDataStream::LittleEndian); stream << keySize; stream.setByteOrder(QDataStream::BigEndian); stream.writeRawData(keyByteArray, keyByteArray.size()); if (m_socket) { emit logText(tr("============ <b>Send Datagram</b> =============<br>%1").arg(byteArrayToHexaString(keyPacket))); sendRaw(keyPacket); } }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { QCoreApplication app(argc, argv); if (argc < 2) { usage(argv[0]); } g_server = new Server(myCreateUserLookup); printf("%s", startupmessage); if (!reloadConfig(argc, argv, true)) { printf("Error loading config file!\n"); exit(1); } #ifdef _WIN32 DWORD v=GetTickCount(); WDL_RNG_addentropy(&v,sizeof(v)); v=(DWORD)time(NULL); WDL_RNG_addentropy(&v,sizeof(v)); #else time_t v=time(NULL); WDL_RNG_addentropy(&v,sizeof(v)); int pid=getpid(); WDL_RNG_addentropy(&pid,sizeof(pid)); if (g_config.setuid != -1) setuid(g_config.setuid); if (g_config.pidFilename.Get()[0]) { FILE *fp=fopen(g_config.pidFilename.Get(),"w"); if (fp) { fprintf(fp,"%d\n",pid); fclose(fp); } else printf("Error opening PID file '%s'\n", g_config.pidFilename.Get()); } #endif if (g_config.logFilename.Get()[0]) { g_logfp=fopen(g_config.logFilename.Get(),"at"); if (!g_logfp) printf("Error opening log file '%s'\n",g_config.logFilename.Get()); else logText("Opened log. Wahjam Server %s built on %s at %s\n",VERSION,__DATE__,__TIME__); } logText("Server starting up...\n"); #ifndef _WIN32 SignalHandler *sigHandler = new SignalHandler(argc, argv); #endif app.exec(); #ifndef _WIN32 delete sigHandler; #endif logText("Shutting down server\n"); /* Explicitly delete before closing log */ delete g_server; if (g_logfp) { fclose(g_logfp); g_logfp=0; } return 0; }
void tvNetworkControl::sltConnected() { emit logText(tr("<b>Connected!</b><br>")); m_connected = true; }
void fail(char* text) { char msgBuffer[16384]; sprintf(msgBuffer,"ERROR: %s (errno=%d) exiting process %d",text,errno,getpid()); logText(msgBuffer); exit(3); }
void handleConnection(int socketfd) { static char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE+1]; static char* headers[HEADER_LIMIT+1]; int i; int headerCount=0; //int requestSize = read(socketfd,buffer,BUFFER_SIZE); int requestSize = readUntil(socketfd,crlfcrlfCheck,buffer,BUFFER_SIZE); if (requestSize ==0 || requestSize == -1) { fail("failed to read browser request"); } logText(buffer); int done = 0; char mode = 0; /* */ for (i=0;i<requestSize;i++) { switch(mode) { case '\r': if (buffer[i] == '\n') { buffer[i-1]=0; mode=0; done = (*headers[headerCount]==0) || (headerCount++ == HEADER_LIMIT); } break; case 0: headers[headerCount]=&buffer[i]; default: mode=buffer[i]; if (mode==0) done=1; /* catch headers containing zeros */ } if (done) break; } int bodyStart=i+1; int bodyLength=requestSize-bodyStart; headers[headerCount]=NULL; /*null terminated list*/ logFormat("%d header lines\n",headerCount); logText("we got some headers"); for (i=0; i<headerCount;i++) { logFormat("%d: %s\n",i,headers[i]); } logText("That was them headers"); /* logText("looking for User-Agent:"); char* userAgent=findHeader(0,headerCount,headers,"User-Agent:"); if (userAgent==NULL) {logText("No User-Agent");} else {logText(userAgent);} */ char* aCookie = findHeader(0,headerCount,headers,"Cookie:"); int uid=getUserInfo(aCookie); logFormat("uid of %d\n",uid); if (uid <= 0) { if (strncmp("POST /login ",headers[0],12) == 0 ) { //for a non-logged-in user POST to /login try and read user credentials. logText("Login request received"); char userpass[300]; struct passwd* pwd = NULL; strncpy(userpass,&buffer[bodyStart],300); if (userpass[299] == 0) { char* user = NULL; char* pass = NULL; user = strstr(userpass,"user="******"pass="******"I think the userName is '%s'\n",user); //logFormat("I think the passWord is '%s'\n",pass); pwd = checkUserPass(user,pass); free(pass); } char* resultPage; if (pwd != NULL) { logText("setting cookie"); char token[33]; token[32]='\0'; makeAuthenticationToken(pwd->pw_uid,token,32); char* pageHeaders; asprintf(&pageHeaders,"Set-Cookie: %s; Secure; HttpOnly\r\nLocation: %s\r\n",token,loginRedirect); logText(pageHeaders); resultPage= "<html><head></head><body" "<div>Login Successful</div>" "</body></html>"; sendHTMLPage(socketfd,"303 See Other",pageHeaders,resultPage); free(pageHeaders); } else { resultPage= "<html><head></head><body" "<div>Login Failed</div>" "</body></html>"; sendSimpleHTMLPage(socketfd,"401 Unauthorised",resultPage); } } else { sendLoginPage(socketfd); } } else { struct passwd *pw = getpwuid(uid); setgid(uid); setuid(uid); setenv("HOME",pw->pw_dir,1); setenv("USER",pw->pw_name,1); setenv("SHELL",pw->pw_shell,1); //if we get to here, the request sent a token identifying them as a //valid user and we have dropped privileges to be that user. //now we can set about serving the user request. #ifdef NOTANOS //support for a notanos websocket server. char* upgrade = findHeader(0,headerCount,headers,"Upgrade:"); if (upgrade) { //Try using websockets char* websocket_key = findHeader(0,headerCount,headers,"Sec-WebSocket-Key:"); char* websocket_protocol = findHeader(0,headerCount,headers,"Sec-WebSocket-Protocol:"); char* websocket_version = findHeader(0,headerCount,headers,"Sec-WebSocket-Version:"); char* origin = findHeader(0,headerCount,headers,"Origin:"); webSocketUpgrade(socketfd,websocket_key,websocket_protocol,websocket_version,origin); //webSocketUpgrade should never return } #endif if (strncmp("GET ",headers[0],4) == 0 ) { char* nameStart=headers[0]+4; int nameLen = strcspn(nameStart," "); char* urlName=strndup(nameStart,nameLen); char* fileName=url_decode(urlName); char* queryStart=strchr(fileName,'?'); if (queryStart != NULL) *queryStart++='\0'; logFormat("url request '%s'\n",urlName); logFormat("filename request '%s'\n",fileName); char* newFileName=expandFilename(fileName); free(fileName); fileName=newFileName; char* contentType=getContentType(fileName); struct stat fileInfo; int res=stat(fileName,&fileInfo); if (res !=0) { if (errno == EACCES) { sendSimpleHTMLPage(socketfd,"403 Forbidden","403: Forbidden"); } else { sendSimpleHTMLPage(socketfd,"404 Not Found","404: Not Found"); } } else { if (S_ISREG(fileInfo.st_mode)) { int filefd=open(fileName,O_RDONLY); if (filefd < 0) { sendSimpleHTMLPage(socketfd,"403 Forbidden","403: Forbidden"); } else { sendFileChunked(socketfd,"200 OK",filefd,contentType); close(filefd); } } else if (S_ISDIR(fileInfo.st_mode)) { char* command; char* awkline = "BEGIN {printf(\"{\\\"path\\\":\\\"%s\\\",\\n \\\"contents\\\":[\\n\",path)} END{print\"\\n ]\\n};\\n\"} NR > 2 { printf(\",\\n\") } NR >1 { printf(\" {\\\"filename\\\":\\\"%s\\\", \\\"attributes\\\":\\\"%s\\\", \\\"owner\\\":\\\"%s\\\", \\\"size\\\":%s}\", $9, $1, $3, $5) }"; //int commandLength = asprintf(&command,"ls -AlQ %s| awk -v path=%s '%s'",fileName,fileName,awkline); int commandLength = asprintf(&command,"./jsondir '%s'",fileName); logText(command); if (commandLength>0) { FILE* commandPipe = popen(command,"r"); if (commandPipe) { int commandfd=(fileno(commandPipe)); sendFileChunked(socketfd,"200 OK",commandfd,"application/json"); pclose(commandPipe); } else { sendSimpleHTMLPage(socketfd,"500 Internal Server Error","popen failure"); } free(command); } else { sendSimpleHTMLPage(socketfd,"200 OK","That's a directory"); } } } free(fileName); free(contentType); free(urlName); } } logText("done response, closing connection"); sleep(1); close(socketfd); exit(1); }
static int ConfigOnToken(LineParser *lp) { const char *t=lp->gettoken_str(0); if (!stricmp(t,"Port")) { if (lp->getnumtokens() != 2) return -1; int p=lp->gettoken_int(1); if (!p) return -2; g_config_port=p; } else if (!stricmp(t,"StatusUserPass")) { if (lp->getnumtokens() != 3) return -1; g_status_user.Set(lp->gettoken_str(1)); g_status_pass.Set(lp->gettoken_str(2)); } else if (!stricmp(t,"MaxUsers")) { if (lp->getnumtokens() != 2) return -1; int p=lp->gettoken_int(1); m_group->m_max_users=p; } else if (!stricmp(t,"PIDFile")) { if (lp->getnumtokens() != 2) return -1; g_pidfilename.Set(lp->gettoken_str(1)); } else if (!stricmp(t,"LogFile")) { if (lp->getnumtokens() != 2) return -1; g_logfilename.Set(lp->gettoken_str(1)); } else if (!stricmp(t,"SessionArchive")) { if (lp->getnumtokens() != 3) return -1; g_config_logpath.Set(lp->gettoken_str(1)); g_config_log_sessionlen = lp->gettoken_int(2); } else if (!stricmp(t,"SetUID")) { if (lp->getnumtokens() != 2) return -1; g_set_uid = lp->gettoken_int(1); } else if (!stricmp(t,"DefaultBPI")) { if (lp->getnumtokens() != 2) return -1; g_default_bpi=lp->gettoken_int(1); if (g_default_bpi<MIN_BPI) g_default_bpi=MIN_BPI; else if (g_default_bpi > MAX_BPI) g_default_bpi=MAX_BPI; } else if (!stricmp(t,"DefaultBPM")) { if (lp->getnumtokens() != 2) return -1; g_default_bpm=lp->gettoken_int(1); if (g_default_bpm<MIN_BPM) g_default_bpm=MIN_BPM; else if (g_default_bpm > MAX_BPM) g_default_bpm=MAX_BPM; } else if (!stricmp(t,"DefaultTopic")) { if (lp->getnumtokens() != 2) return -1; if (!m_group->m_topictext.Get()[0]) m_group->m_topictext.Set(lp->gettoken_str(1)); } else if (!stricmp(t,"MaxChannels")) { if (lp->getnumtokens() != 2 && lp->getnumtokens() != 3) return -1; g_config_maxch_user=lp->gettoken_int(1); g_config_maxch_anon=lp->gettoken_int(lp->getnumtokens()>2?2:1); } else if (!stricmp(t,"SetKeepAlive")) { if (lp->getnumtokens() != 2) return -1; m_group->m_keepalive=lp->gettoken_int(1); if (m_group->m_keepalive < 0 || m_group->m_keepalive > 255) m_group->m_keepalive=0; } else if (!stricmp(t,"SetVotingThreshold")) { if (lp->getnumtokens() != 2) return -1; m_group->m_voting_threshold=lp->gettoken_int(1); } else if (!stricmp(t,"SetVotingVoteTimeout")) { if (lp->getnumtokens() != 2) return -1; m_group->m_voting_timeout=lp->gettoken_int(1); } else if (!stricmp(t,"ServerLicense")) { if (lp->getnumtokens() != 2) return -1; FILE *fp=fopen(lp->gettoken_str(1),"rt"); if (!fp) { printf("Error opening license file %s\n",lp->gettoken_str(1)); if (g_logfp) logText("Error opening license file %s\n",lp->gettoken_str(1)); return -2; } g_config_license.Set(""); for (;;) { char buf[1024]; buf[0]=0; fgets(buf,sizeof(buf),fp); if (!buf[0]) break; g_config_license.Append(buf); } fclose(fp); } else if (!stricmp(t,"ACL")) { if (lp->getnumtokens() != 3) return -1; int suc=0; char *v=lp->gettoken_str(1); char *t=strstr(v,"/"); if (t) { *t++=0; unsigned long addr=JNL::ipstr_to_addr(v); if (addr != INADDR_NONE) { int maskbits=atoi(t); if (maskbits >= 0 && maskbits <= 32) { int flag=lp->gettoken_enum(2,"allow\0deny\0reserve\0"); if (flag >= 0) { suc=1; unsigned long mask=~(0xffffffff>>maskbits); aclAdd(addr,mask,flag); } } }
int Run() { // perform lookup here user_valid=0; if (!strncmp(username.Get(),"anonymous",9) && (!username.Get()[9] || username.Get()[9] == ':')) { logText("got anonymous request (%s)\n",g_config_allowanonymous?"allowing":"denying"); if (!g_config_allowanonymous) return 1; user_valid=1; reqpass=0; WDL_String tmp(username.Get()); if (tmp.Get()[9] == ':' && tmp.Get()[10]) { username.Set(tmp.Get()+10); int cnt=16; char *p=username.Get(); while (*p) { if (!cnt--) { *p=0; break; } if (*p == '@' || *p == '.') *p='_'; p++; } } else username.Set("anon"); username.Append("@"); username.Append(hostmask.Get()); if (g_config_anonymous_mask_ip) { char *p=username.Get(); while (*p) p++; while (p > username.Get() && *p != '.' && *p != '@') p--; if (*p == '.' && p[1]) { p[1]='x'; p[2]=0; } } privs=(g_config_allow_anonchat?PRIV_CHATSEND:0) | (g_config_allowanonymous_multi?PRIV_ALLOWMULTI:0) | PRIV_VOTE; max_channels=g_config_maxch_anon; } else { int x; logText("got login request for '%s'\n",username.Get()); if (g_status_user.Get()[0] && !strcmp(username.Get(),g_status_user.Get())) { user_valid=1; reqpass=1; is_status=1; privs=0; max_channels=0; WDL_SHA1 shatmp; shatmp.add(username.Get(),strlen(username.Get())); shatmp.add(":",1); shatmp.add(g_status_pass.Get(),strlen(g_status_pass.Get())); shatmp.result(sha1buf_user); } else for (x = 0; x < g_userlist.GetSize(); x ++) { if (!strcmp(username.Get(),g_userlist.Get(x)->name.Get())) { user_valid=1; reqpass=1; char *pass=g_userlist.Get(x)->pass.Get(); WDL_SHA1 shatmp; shatmp.add(username.Get(),strlen(username.Get())); shatmp.add(":",1); shatmp.add(pass,strlen(pass)); shatmp.result(sha1buf_user); privs=g_userlist.Get(x)->priv_flag; max_channels=g_config_maxch_user; break; } } } return 1; }
void logInt(int i, char * label) { char s[strlen(label)+8]; sprintf(s, "%s: %d", label, i); logText(s); }
void tvNetworkControl::sltError(QAbstractSocket::SocketError error) { Q_UNUSED(error); emit logText(tr("<b>Network error: %1</b><br>").arg(m_socket->errorString())); }
Program::Program() { wchar_t savePathBuffer[MAX_PATH]; if (SHGetFolderPathW(NULL, CSIDL_APPDATA, NULL, 0, savePathBuffer) >= 0) { PathAppendW(savePathBuffer, L"\\SA-MP Audio Plugin"); if (!boost::filesystem::exists(savePathBuffer)) { boost::filesystem::create_directories(savePathBuffer); } savePath = savePathBuffer; } else { savePath = L"."; } const char *defaultAcceptedFileExtensions[] = { ".afc", ".aif", ".aifc", ".aiff", ".it", ".mo3", ".mod", ".mp1", ".mp2", ".mp3", ".mtm", ".oga", ".ogg", ".s3m", ".umx", ".wav", ".wave", ".xm" }; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(defaultAcceptedFileExtensions) / sizeof(const char*); ++i) { acceptedFileExtensions.insert(defaultAcceptedFileExtensions[i]); } const char *defaultIllegalCharacters[] = { "\"", "*", "..", "/", ":", "<", ">", "?", "\\", "|" }; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(defaultIllegalCharacters) / sizeof(const char*); ++i) { illegalCharacters.insert(defaultIllegalCharacters[i]); } settings.reset(new Settings); loadSettings(); logText("SA-MP Audio Plugin loaded"); }
static int ConfigOnToken(ServerConfig *config, LineParser *lp) { QString token = QString(lp->gettoken_str(0)).toLower(); if (token == QString("Port").toLower()) { if (lp->getnumtokens() != 2) return -1; int p=lp->gettoken_int(1); if (!p) return -2; config->port=p; } else if (token == QString("StatusUserPass").toLower()) { if (lp->getnumtokens() != 3) return -1; config->statusUser.Set(lp->gettoken_str(1)); config->statusPass.Set(lp->gettoken_str(2)); } else if (token == QString("MaxUsers").toLower()) { if (lp->getnumtokens() != 2) return -1; int p=lp->gettoken_int(1); config->maxUsers=p; } else if (token == QString("PIDFile").toLower()) { if (lp->getnumtokens() != 2) return -1; config->pidFilename.Set(lp->gettoken_str(1)); } else if (token == QString("LogFile").toLower()) { if (lp->getnumtokens() != 2) return -1; config->logFilename.Set(lp->gettoken_str(1)); } else if (token == QString("SessionArchive").toLower()) { if (lp->getnumtokens() != 3) return -1; config->logPath.Set(lp->gettoken_str(1)); config->logSessionLen = lp->gettoken_int(2); } else if (token == QString("SetUID").toLower()) { if (lp->getnumtokens() != 2) return -1; config->setuid = lp->gettoken_int(1); } else if (token == QString("DefaultBPI").toLower()) { if (lp->getnumtokens() != 2) return -1; int p = lp->gettoken_int(1); if (p < MIN_BPI) { p = MIN_BPI; } else if (p > MAX_BPI) { p = MAX_BPI; } config->defaultBPI=lp->gettoken_int(1); } else if (token == QString("DefaultBPM").toLower()) { if (lp->getnumtokens() != 2) return -1; int p = lp->gettoken_int(1); if (p < MIN_BPM) { p = MIN_BPM; } else if (p > MAX_BPM) { p = MAX_BPM; } config->defaultBPM = p; } else if (token == QString("DefaultTopic").toLower()) { if (lp->getnumtokens() != 2) return -1; config->defaultTopic.Set(lp->gettoken_str(1)); } else if (token == QString("MaxChannels").toLower()) { if (lp->getnumtokens() != 2 && lp->getnumtokens() != 3) return -1; config->maxchUser=lp->gettoken_int(1); config->maxchAnon=lp->gettoken_int(lp->getnumtokens()>2?2:1); } else if (token == QString("SetKeepAlive").toLower()) { if (lp->getnumtokens() != 2) return -1; int p = lp->gettoken_int(1); if (p < 0 || p > 255) { p = 0; } config->keepAlive = p; } else if (token == QString("SetVotingThreshold").toLower()) { if (lp->getnumtokens() != 2) return -1; config->votingThreshold = lp->gettoken_int(1); } else if (token == QString("SetVotingVoteTimeout").toLower()) { if (lp->getnumtokens() != 2) return -1; config->votingTimeout = lp->gettoken_int(1); } else if (token == QString("ServerLicense").toLower()) { if (lp->getnumtokens() != 2) return -1; FILE *fp=fopen(lp->gettoken_str(1),"rt"); if (!fp) { printf("Error opening license file %s\n",lp->gettoken_str(1)); if (g_logfp) logText("Error opening license file %s\n",lp->gettoken_str(1)); return -2; } config->license.Set(""); for (;;) { char buf[1024]; buf[0]=0; fgets(buf,sizeof(buf),fp); if (!buf[0]) break; config->license.Append(buf); } fclose(fp); } else if (token == QString("ACL").toLower()) { if (lp->getnumtokens() != 3) return -1; int suc=0; char *v=lp->gettoken_str(1); char *t=strstr(v,"/"); if (t) { *t++=0; QHostAddress hostaddr(v); if (hostaddr != QHostAddress::Null) { int maskbits=atoi(t); if (maskbits >= 0 && maskbits <= 32) { int flag=lp->gettoken_enum(2,"allow\0deny\0reserve\0"); if (flag >= 0) { suc=1; unsigned long mask = 0xffffffff << maskbits; config->acl.add(hostaddr.toIPv4Address(), mask, flag); } } } } if (!suc) { if (g_logfp) logText("Usage: ACL xx.xx.xx.xx/X [ban|allow|reserve]\n"); printf("Usage: ACL xx.xx.xx.xx/X [ban|allow|reserve]\n"); return -2; } } else if (token == QString("User").toLower()) { if (lp->getnumtokens() != 3 && lp->getnumtokens() != 4) return -1; UserPassEntry *p=new UserPassEntry; p->name.Set(lp->gettoken_str(1)); p->pass.Set(lp->gettoken_str(2)); if (lp->getnumtokens()>3) { char *ptr=lp->gettoken_str(3); while (*ptr) { if (*ptr == '*') p->priv_flag|=~PRIV_HIDDEN; // everything but hidden if * used else if (*ptr == 'T' || *ptr == 't') p->priv_flag |= PRIV_TOPIC; else if (*ptr == 'B' || *ptr == 'b') p->priv_flag |= PRIV_BPM; else if (*ptr == 'C' || *ptr == 'c') p->priv_flag |= PRIV_CHATSEND; else if (*ptr == 'K' || *ptr == 'k') p->priv_flag |= PRIV_KICK; else if (*ptr == 'R' || *ptr == 'r') p->priv_flag |= PRIV_RESERVE; else if (*ptr == 'M' || *ptr == 'm') p->priv_flag |= PRIV_ALLOWMULTI; else if (*ptr == 'H' || *ptr == 'h') p->priv_flag |= PRIV_HIDDEN; else if (*ptr == 'V' || *ptr == 'v') p->priv_flag |= PRIV_VOTE; else { if (g_logfp) logText("Warning: Unknown user priviledge flag '%c'\n",*ptr); printf("Warning: Unknown user priviledge flag '%c'\n",*ptr); } ptr++; } } else p->priv_flag=PRIV_CHATSEND|PRIV_VOTE;// default privs config->userlist.Add(p); } else if (token == QString("AllowHiddenUsers").toLower()) { if (lp->getnumtokens() != 2) return -1; int x=lp->gettoken_enum(1,"no\0yes\0"); if (x <0) { return -2; } config->allowHiddenUsers = x; } else if (token == QString("AnonymousUsers").toLower()) { if (lp->getnumtokens() != 2) return -1; int x=lp->gettoken_enum(1,"no\0yes\0multi\0"); if (x <0) { return -2; } config->allowAnonymous = x; config->allowAnonymousMulti = x == 2; } else if (token == QString("AnonymousMaskIP").toLower()) { if (lp->getnumtokens() != 2) return -1; int x=lp->gettoken_enum(1,"no\0yes\0"); if (x <0) { return -2; } config->anonymousMaskIP = x; } else if (token == QString("AnonymousUsers").toLower()) { if (lp->getnumtokens() != 2) return -1; int x=lp->gettoken_enum(1,"no\0yes\0"); if (x <0) { return -2; } config->allowAnonymous = x; } else if (token == QString("AnonymousUsersCanChat").toLower()) { if (lp->getnumtokens() != 2) return -1; int x=lp->gettoken_enum(1,"no\0yes\0"); if (x <0) { return -2; } config->allowAnonChat = x; } else return -3; return 0; }
void tvNetworkControl::sltDisconnected() { emit logText(tr("<b>Disconnected!</b><br>")); m_socket->abort(); m_connected = false; }
void Program::stop() { core->getNetwork()->closeConnection(); core->io_service.stop(); logText("SA-MP Audio Plugin unloaded"); }
static int ReadConfig(ServerConfig *config, char *configfile) { bool comment_state=0; int linecnt=0; WDL_String linebuild; if (g_logfp) logText("[config] reloading configuration file\n"); // TODO move this elsewhere FILE *fp=strcmp(configfile,"-")?fopen(configfile,"rt"):stdin; if (!fp) { printf("[config] error opening configfile '%s'\n",configfile); if (g_logfp) logText("[config] error opening config file (console request)\n"); // TODO move this elsewhere return -1; } config->allowAnonChat = true; config->allowAnonymous = false; config->allowAnonymousMulti = false; config->anonymousMaskIP = false; config->allowHiddenUsers = false; config->setuid = -1; config->defaultBPM = 120; config->defaultBPI = 8; config->port = 2049; config->keepAlive = 0; config->maxUsers = 0; // unlimited users config->maxchAnon = 2; config->maxchUser = 32; config->logSessionLen = 10; // ten minute default, tho the user will need to specify the path anyway config->votingThreshold = 110; config->votingTimeout = 120; config->logPath.Set(""); config->pidFilename.Set(""); config->logFilename.Set(""); config->statusPass.Set(""); config->statusUser.Set(""); config->license.Set(""); config->defaultTopic.Set(""); config->acl.clear(); int x; for(x=0; x < config->userlist.GetSize(); x++) { delete config->userlist.Get(x); } config->userlist.Empty(); for (;;) { char buf[8192]; buf[0]=0; fgets(buf,sizeof(buf),fp); linecnt++; if (!buf[0]) break; if (buf[strlen(buf)-1]=='\n') buf[strlen(buf)-1]=0; LineParser lp(comment_state); if (buf[0] && buf[strlen(buf)-1]=='\\') { buf[strlen(buf)-1]=0; linebuild.Append(buf); continue; } linebuild.Append(buf); int res=lp.parse(linebuild.Get()); linebuild.Set(""); if (res) { if (res==-2) { if (g_logfp) logText("[config] warning: unterminated string parsing line %d of %s\n",linecnt,configfile); printf("[config] warning: unterminated string parsing line %d of %s\n",linecnt,configfile); } else { if (g_logfp) logText("[config] warning: error parsing line %d of %s\n",linecnt,configfile); printf("[config] warning: error parsing line %d of %s\n",linecnt,configfile); } } else { comment_state = lp.InCommentBlock(); if (lp.getnumtokens()>0) { int err = ConfigOnToken(config, &lp); if (err) { if (err == -1) { if (g_logfp) logText("[config] warning: wrong number of tokens on line %d of %s\n",linecnt,configfile); printf("[config] warning: wrong number of tokens on line %d of %s\n",linecnt,configfile); } if (err == -2) { if (g_logfp) logText("[config] warning: invalid parameter on line %d of %s\n",linecnt,configfile); printf("[config] warning: invalid parameter on line %d of %s\n",linecnt,configfile); } if (err == -3) { if (g_logfp) logText("[config] warning: invalid config command \"%s\" on line %d of %s\n",lp.gettoken_str(0),linecnt,configfile); printf("[config] warning: invalid config command \"%s\" on line %d of %s\n",lp.gettoken_str(0),linecnt,configfile); } } } } } if (g_logfp) logText("[config] reload complete\n"); if (fp != stdin) fclose(fp); return 0; }