void LayoutMultiColumnSpannerPlaceholder::layout() {

  // The placeholder, like any other block level object, has its logical top
  // calculated and set before layout. Copy this to the actual column-span:all
  // object before laying it out, so that it gets paginated correctly, in case
  // we have an enclosing fragmentation context.

  // Lay out the actual column-span:all element.

  // The spanner has now been laid out, so its height is known. Time to update
  // the placeholder's height as well, so that we take up the correct amount of
  // space in the multicol container.

  // Take the overflow from the spanner, so that it gets propagated to the
  // multicol container and beyond.

Ejemplo n.º 2
PositionWithAffinity LayoutReplaced::positionForPoint(const LayoutPoint& point)
    // FIXME: This code is buggy if the replaced element is relative positioned.
    InlineBox* box = inlineBoxWrapper();
    RootInlineBox* rootBox = box ? &box->root() : 0;

    LayoutUnit top = rootBox ? rootBox->selectionTop() : logicalTop();
    LayoutUnit bottom = rootBox ? rootBox->selectionBottom() : logicalBottom();

    LayoutUnit blockDirectionPosition = isHorizontalWritingMode() ? point.y() + location().y() : point.x() + location().x();
    LayoutUnit lineDirectionPosition = isHorizontalWritingMode() ? point.x() + location().x() : point.y() + location().y();

    if (blockDirectionPosition < top)
        return createPositionWithAffinity(caretMinOffset()); // coordinates are above

    if (blockDirectionPosition >= bottom)
        return createPositionWithAffinity(caretMaxOffset()); // coordinates are below

    if (node()) {
        if (lineDirectionPosition <= logicalLeft() + (logicalWidth() / 2))
            return createPositionWithAffinity(0);
        return createPositionWithAffinity(1);

    return LayoutBox::positionForPoint(point);
    const {
  return logicalTop() + m_columnSet.logicalTopFromMulticolContentEdge() +
LayoutSize MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup::offsetFromColumnSet() const
    LayoutSize offset(LayoutUnit(), logicalTop());
    if (!m_columnSet.flowThread()->isHorizontalWritingMode())
        return offset.transposedSize();
    return offset;
Ejemplo n.º 5
VisiblePosition RenderReplaced::positionForPoint(const LayoutPoint& point, const RenderRegion* region)
    // FIXME: This code is buggy if the replaced element is relative positioned.
    InlineBox* box = inlineBoxWrapper();
    const RootInlineBox* rootBox = box ? &box->root() : 0;
    LayoutUnit top = rootBox ? rootBox->selectionTop() : logicalTop();
    LayoutUnit bottom = rootBox ? rootBox->selectionBottom() : logicalBottom();
    LayoutUnit blockDirectionPosition = isHorizontalWritingMode() ? point.y() + y() : point.x() + x();
    LayoutUnit lineDirectionPosition = isHorizontalWritingMode() ? point.x() + x() : point.y() + y();
    if (blockDirectionPosition < top)
        return createVisiblePosition(caretMinOffset(), DOWNSTREAM); // coordinates are above
    if (blockDirectionPosition >= bottom)
        return createVisiblePosition(caretMaxOffset(), DOWNSTREAM); // coordinates are below
    if (element()) {
        if (lineDirectionPosition <= logicalLeft() + (logicalWidth() / 2))
            return createVisiblePosition(0, DOWNSTREAM);
        return createVisiblePosition(1, DOWNSTREAM);

    return RenderBox::positionForPoint(point, region);
Ejemplo n.º 6
LayoutUnit RenderMultiColumnSet::heightAdjustedForSetOffset(LayoutUnit height) const
    RenderBlockFlow* multicolBlock = multiColumnBlockFlow();
    LayoutUnit contentLogicalTop = logicalTop() - multicolBlock->borderBefore() - multicolBlock->paddingBefore();

    height -= contentLogicalTop;
    return max(height, LayoutUnit(1)); // Let's avoid zero height, as that would probably cause an infinite amount of columns to be created.
LayoutUnit MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup::heightAdjustedForRowOffset(
    LayoutUnit height) const {
  // Let's avoid zero height, as that would cause an infinite amount of columns
  // to be created.
  return std::max(
      height - logicalTop() - m_columnSet.logicalTopFromMulticolContentEdge(),
LayoutUnit LayoutMultiColumnSet::logicalTopFromMulticolContentEdge() const
    // We subtract the position of the first column set or spanner placeholder, rather than the
    // "before" border+padding of the multicol container. This distinction doesn't matter after
    // layout, but during layout it does: The flow thread (i.e. the multicol contents) is laid out
    // before the column sets and spanner placeholders, which means that compesating for a top
    // border+padding that hasn't yet been baked into the offset will produce the wrong results in
    // the first layout pass, and we'd end up performing a wasted layout pass in many cases.
    const LayoutBox& firstColumnBox = *multiColumnFlowThread()->firstMultiColumnBox();
    // The top margin edge of the first column set or spanner placeholder is flush with the top
    // content edge of the multicol container. The margin here never collapses with other margins,
    // so we can just subtract it. Column sets never have margins, but spanner placeholders may.
    LayoutUnit firstColumnBoxMarginEdge = firstColumnBox.logicalTop() - multiColumnBlockFlow()->marginBeforeForChild(firstColumnBox);
    return logicalTop() - firstColumnBoxMarginEdge;
Ejemplo n.º 9
bool LayoutMultiColumnSet::recalculateColumnHeight()
    if (m_oldLogicalTop != logicalTop() && multiColumnFlowThread()->enclosingFlowThread()) {
        // Preceding spanners or column sets have been moved or resized. This means that the
        // fragmentainer groups that we have inserted need to be re-inserted. Restart column
        // balancing.
        return true;

    bool changed = false;
    for (auto& group : m_fragmentainerGroups)
        changed = group.recalculateColumnHeight() || changed;
    m_initialHeightCalculated = true;
    return changed;
Ejemplo n.º 10
LayoutUnit RenderMultiColumnSet::heightAdjustedForSetOffset(LayoutUnit height) const
    // Adjust for the top offset within the content box of the multicol container (containing
    // block), unless this is the first set. We know that the top offset for the first set will be
    // zero, but if the multicol container has non-zero top border or padding, the set's top offset
    // (initially being 0 and relative to the border box) will be negative until it has been laid
    // out. Had we used this bogus offset, we would calculate the wrong height, and risk performing
    // a wasted layout iteration. Of course all other sets (if any) have this problem in the first
    // layout pass too, but there's really nothing we can do there until the flow thread has been
    // laid out anyway.
    if (previousSiblingMultiColumnSet()) {
        RenderBlockFlow* multicolBlock = multiColumnBlockFlow();
        LayoutUnit contentLogicalTop = logicalTop() - multicolBlock->borderAndPaddingBefore();
        height -= contentLogicalTop;
    return max(height, LayoutUnit(1)); // Let's avoid zero height, as that would probably cause an infinite amount of columns to be created.
Ejemplo n.º 11
PositionWithAffinity RenderReplaced::positionForPoint(const LayoutPoint& point)
    // FIXME: This code is buggy if the replaced element is relative positioned.
    InlineBox* box = inlineBoxWrapper();
    RootInlineBox* rootBox = box ? &box->root() : 0;

    LayoutUnit top = rootBox ? rootBox->selectionTop() : logicalTop();
    LayoutUnit bottom = rootBox ? rootBox->selectionBottom() : logicalBottom();

    LayoutUnit blockDirectionPosition = point.y() + y();

    if (blockDirectionPosition < top)
        return createPositionWithAffinity(caretMinOffset(), DOWNSTREAM); // coordinates are above

    if (blockDirectionPosition >= bottom)
        return createPositionWithAffinity(caretMaxOffset(), DOWNSTREAM); // coordinates are below

    return RenderBox::positionForPoint(point);
Ejemplo n.º 12
void EllipsisBox::paintSelection(GraphicsContext* context, const FloatPoint& boxOrigin, RenderStyle* style, const Font& font)
    Color textColor = renderer().resolveColor(style, CSSPropertyColor);
    Color c = renderer().selectionBackgroundColor();
    if (!c.alpha())

    // If the text color ends up being the same as the selection background, invert the selection
    // background.
    if (textColor == c)
        c = Color(0xff - c.red(), 0xff - c.green(), 0xff - c.blue());

    GraphicsContextStateSaver stateSaver(*context);
    LayoutUnit top = root().selectionTop();
    LayoutUnit h = root().selectionHeight();
    const int deltaY = roundToInt(logicalTop() - top);
    const FloatPoint localOrigin(boxOrigin.x(), boxOrigin.y() - deltaY);
    FloatRect clipRect(localOrigin, FloatSize(m_logicalWidth, h.toFloat()));
    context->drawHighlightForText(font, constructTextRun(&renderer(), font, m_str, style, TextRun::AllowTrailingExpansion), localOrigin, h, c);
Ejemplo n.º 13
IntRect EllipsisBox::selectionRect() const
    const ComputedStyle& style = lineLayoutItem().styleRef(isFirstLineStyle());
    const Font& font = style.font();
    return enclosingIntRect(font.selectionRectForText(constructTextRun(font, m_str, style, TextRun::AllowTrailingExpansion), IntPoint(logicalLeft(), logicalTop() + root().selectionTopAdjustedForPrecedingBlock()), root().selectionHeightAdjustedForPrecedingBlock()));
LayoutUnit MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup::blockOffsetInEnclosingFlowThread() const
    return logicalTop() + m_columnSet.logicalTop() + m_columnSet.multiColumnFlowThread()->blockOffsetInEnclosingFlowThread();
Ejemplo n.º 15
IntRect EllipsisBox::selectionRect()
    RenderStyle* style = renderer().style(isFirstLineStyle());
    const Font& font = style->font();
    return enclosingIntRect(font.selectionRectForText(constructTextRun(&renderer(), font, m_str, style, TextRun::AllowTrailingExpansion), IntPoint(logicalLeft(), logicalTop() + root().selectionTopAdjustedForPrecedingBlock()), root().selectionHeightAdjustedForPrecedingBlock()));
Ejemplo n.º 16
IntRect EllipsisBox::selectionRect()
    RenderStyle* style = m_renderer->style(isFirstLineStyle());
    const Font& font = style->font();
    // FIXME: Why is this always LTR? Fix by passing correct text run flags below.
    return enclosingIntRect(font.selectionRectForText(RenderBlockFlow::constructTextRun(renderer(), font, m_str, style, TextRun::AllowTrailingExpansion), IntPoint(logicalLeft(), logicalTop() + root()->selectionTopAdjustedForPrecedingBlock()), root()->selectionHeightAdjustedForPrecedingBlock()));
Ejemplo n.º 17
void EllipsisBox::paintSelection(GraphicsContext* context, const FloatPoint& boxOrigin, RenderStyle* style, const Font& font)
    Color textColor = m_renderer->resolveColor(style, CSSPropertyColor);
    Color c = m_renderer->selectionBackgroundColor();
    if (!c.isValid() || !c.alpha())

    // If the text color ends up being the same as the selection background, invert the selection
    // background.
    if (textColor == c)
        c = Color(0xff - c.red(), 0xff - c.green(), 0xff - c.blue());

    GraphicsContextStateSaver stateSaver(*context);
    LayoutUnit selectionBottom = root()->selectionBottom();
    LayoutUnit top = root()->selectionTop();
    LayoutUnit h = root()->selectionHeight();
    const int deltaY = roundToInt(renderer()->style()->isFlippedLinesWritingMode() ? selectionBottom - logicalBottom() : logicalTop() - top);
    const FloatPoint localOrigin(boxOrigin.x(), boxOrigin.y() - deltaY);
    FloatRect clipRect(localOrigin, FloatSize(m_logicalWidth, h));
    // FIXME: Why is this always LTR? Fix by passing correct text run flags below.
    context->drawHighlightForText(font, RenderBlockFlow::constructTextRun(renderer(), font, m_str, style, TextRun::AllowTrailingExpansion), localOrigin, h, c);
Ejemplo n.º 18
LayoutUnit RootInlineBox::lineSnapAdjustment(LayoutUnit delta) const
    // If our block doesn't have snapping turned on, do nothing.
    // FIXME: Implement bounds snapping.
    if (blockFlow().style().lineSnap() == LineSnapNone)
        return 0;

    // Get the current line grid and offset.
    LayoutState* layoutState = blockFlow().view().layoutState();
    RenderBlockFlow* lineGrid = layoutState->lineGrid();
    LayoutSize lineGridOffset = layoutState->lineGridOffset();
    if (!lineGrid || lineGrid->style().writingMode() != blockFlow().style().writingMode())
        return 0;

    // Get the hypothetical line box used to establish the grid.
    RootInlineBox* lineGridBox = lineGrid->lineGridBox();
    if (!lineGridBox)
        return 0;
    LayoutUnit lineGridBlockOffset = lineGrid->isHorizontalWritingMode() ? lineGridOffset.height() : lineGridOffset.width();
    LayoutUnit blockOffset = blockFlow().isHorizontalWritingMode() ? layoutState->layoutOffset().height() : layoutState->layoutOffset().width();

    // Now determine our position on the grid. Our baseline needs to be adjusted to the nearest baseline multiple
    // as established by the line box.
    // FIXME: Need to handle crazy line-box-contain values that cause the root line box to not be considered. I assume
    // the grid should honor line-box-contain.
    LayoutUnit gridLineHeight = lineGridBox->lineBottomWithLeading() - lineGridBox->lineTopWithLeading();
    if (!gridLineHeight)
        return 0;

    LayoutUnit lineGridFontAscent = lineGrid->style().fontMetrics().ascent(baselineType());
    LayoutUnit lineGridFontHeight = lineGridBox->logicalHeight();
    LayoutUnit firstTextTop = lineGridBlockOffset + lineGridBox->logicalTop();
    LayoutUnit firstLineTopWithLeading = lineGridBlockOffset + lineGridBox->lineTopWithLeading();
    LayoutUnit firstBaselinePosition = firstTextTop + lineGridFontAscent;

    LayoutUnit currentTextTop = blockOffset + logicalTop() + delta;
    LayoutUnit currentFontAscent = blockFlow().style().fontMetrics().ascent(baselineType());
    LayoutUnit currentBaselinePosition = currentTextTop + currentFontAscent;

    LayoutUnit lineGridPaginationOrigin = isHorizontal() ? layoutState->lineGridPaginationOrigin().height() : layoutState->lineGridPaginationOrigin().width();

    // If we're paginated, see if we're on a page after the first one. If so, the grid resets on subsequent pages.
    // FIXME: If the grid is an ancestor of the pagination establisher, then this is incorrect.
    LayoutUnit pageLogicalTop = 0;
    if (layoutState->isPaginated() && layoutState->pageLogicalHeight()) {
        pageLogicalTop = blockFlow().pageLogicalTopForOffset(lineTopWithLeading() + delta);
        if (pageLogicalTop > firstLineTopWithLeading)
            firstTextTop = pageLogicalTop + lineGridBox->logicalTop() - lineGrid->borderAndPaddingBefore() + lineGridPaginationOrigin;

    if (blockFlow().style().lineSnap() == LineSnapContain) {
        // Compute the desired offset from the text-top of a grid line.
        // Look at our height (logicalHeight()).
        // Look at the total available height. It's going to be (textBottom - textTop) + (n-1)*(multiple with leading)
        // where n is number of grid lines required to enclose us.
        if (logicalHeight() <= lineGridFontHeight)
            firstTextTop += (lineGridFontHeight - logicalHeight()) / 2;
        else {
            LayoutUnit numberOfLinesWithLeading = ceilf(static_cast<float>(logicalHeight() - lineGridFontHeight) / gridLineHeight);
            LayoutUnit totalHeight = lineGridFontHeight + numberOfLinesWithLeading * gridLineHeight;
            firstTextTop += (totalHeight - logicalHeight()) / 2;
        firstBaselinePosition = firstTextTop + currentFontAscent;
    } else
        firstBaselinePosition = firstTextTop + lineGridFontAscent;

    // If we're above the first line, just push to the first line.
    if (currentBaselinePosition < firstBaselinePosition)
        return delta + firstBaselinePosition - currentBaselinePosition;

    // Otherwise we're in the middle of the grid somewhere. Just push to the next line.
    LayoutUnit baselineOffset = currentBaselinePosition - firstBaselinePosition;
    LayoutUnit remainder = roundToInt(baselineOffset) % roundToInt(gridLineHeight);
    LayoutUnit result = delta;
    if (remainder)
        result += gridLineHeight - remainder;

    // If we aren't paginated we can return the result.
    if (!layoutState->isPaginated() || !layoutState->pageLogicalHeight() || result == delta)
        return result;
    // We may end up shifted to a new page. We need to do a re-snap when that happens.
    LayoutUnit newPageLogicalTop = blockFlow().pageLogicalTopForOffset(lineBottomWithLeading() + result);
    if (newPageLogicalTop == pageLogicalTop)
        return result;
    // Put ourselves at the top of the next page to force a snap onto the new grid established by that page.
    return lineSnapAdjustment(newPageLogicalTop - (blockOffset + lineTopWithLeading()));
void MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup::collectLayerFragments(DeprecatedPaintLayerFragments& fragments, const LayoutRect& layerBoundingBox, const LayoutRect& dirtyRect) const
    // |layerBoundingBox| is in the flow thread coordinate space, relative to the top/left edge of
    // the flow thread, but note that it has been converted with respect to writing mode (so that
    // it's visual/physical in that sense).
    // |dirtyRect| is visual, relative to the multicol container.
    // Then there's the output from this method - the stuff we put into the list of fragments. The
    // fragment.paginationOffset point is the actual visual translation required to get from a
    // location in the flow thread to a location in a given column. The fragment.paginationClip
    // rectangle, on the other hand, is in flow thread coordinates, but otherwise completely
    // physical in terms of writing mode.
    // All other rectangles in this method are sized physically, and the inline direction coordinate
    // is physical too, but the block direction coordinate is "logical top". This is the same as
    // e.g. LayoutBox::frameRect(). These rectangles also pretend that there's only one long column,
    // i.e. they are for the flow thread.

    LayoutMultiColumnFlowThread* flowThread = m_columnSet.multiColumnFlowThread();
    bool isHorizontalWritingMode = m_columnSet.isHorizontalWritingMode();

    // Put the layer bounds into flow thread-local coordinates by flipping it first. Since we're in
    // a layoutObject, most rectangles are represented this way.
    LayoutRect layerBoundsInFlowThread(layerBoundingBox);

    // Now we can compare with the flow thread portions owned by each column. First let's
    // see if the rect intersects our flow thread portion at all.
    LayoutRect clippedRect(layerBoundsInFlowThread);
    if (clippedRect.isEmpty())

    // Now we know we intersect at least one column. Let's figure out the logical top and logical
    // bottom of the area we're checking.
    LayoutUnit layerLogicalTop = isHorizontalWritingMode ? layerBoundsInFlowThread.y() : layerBoundsInFlowThread.x();
    LayoutUnit layerLogicalBottom = (isHorizontalWritingMode ? layerBoundsInFlowThread.maxY() : layerBoundsInFlowThread.maxX()) - 1;

    // Figure out the start and end columns and only check within that range so that we don't walk the
    // entire column row.
    unsigned startColumn = columnIndexAtOffset(layerLogicalTop);
    unsigned endColumn = columnIndexAtOffset(layerLogicalBottom);

    LayoutUnit colLogicalWidth = m_columnSet.pageLogicalWidth();
    LayoutUnit colGap = m_columnSet.columnGap();
    unsigned colCount = actualColumnCount();

    bool progressionIsInline = flowThread->progressionIsInline();
    bool leftToRight = m_columnSet.style()->isLeftToRightDirection();

    LayoutUnit initialBlockOffset = m_columnSet.logicalTop() + logicalTop() - flowThread->logicalTop();

    for (unsigned i = startColumn; i <= endColumn; i++) {
        // Get the portion of the flow thread that corresponds to this column.
        LayoutRect flowThreadPortion = flowThreadPortionRectAt(i);

        // Now get the overflow rect that corresponds to the column.
        LayoutRect flowThreadOverflowPortion = flowThreadPortionOverflowRect(flowThreadPortion, i, colCount, colGap);

        // In order to create a fragment we must intersect the portion painted by this column.
        LayoutRect clippedRect(layerBoundsInFlowThread);
        if (clippedRect.isEmpty())

        // We also need to intersect the dirty rect. We have to apply a translation and shift based off
        // our column index.
        LayoutPoint translationOffset;
        LayoutUnit inlineOffset = progressionIsInline ? i * (colLogicalWidth + colGap) : LayoutUnit();
        if (!leftToRight)
            inlineOffset = -inlineOffset;
        LayoutUnit blockOffset;
        if (progressionIsInline) {
            blockOffset = initialBlockOffset + (isHorizontalWritingMode ? -flowThreadPortion.y() : -flowThreadPortion.x());
        } else {
            // Column gap can apply in the block direction for page fragmentainers.
            // There is currently no spec which calls for column-gap to apply
            // for page fragmentainers at all, but it's applied here for compatibility
            // with the old multicolumn implementation.
            blockOffset = i * colGap;
        if (isFlippedBlocksWritingMode(m_columnSet.style()->writingMode()))
            blockOffset = -blockOffset;
        if (!isHorizontalWritingMode)
            translationOffset = translationOffset.transposedPoint();

        // Shift the dirty rect to be in flow thread coordinates with this translation applied.
        LayoutRect translatedDirtyRect(dirtyRect);

        // See if we intersect the dirty rect.
        clippedRect = layerBoundingBox;
        if (clippedRect.isEmpty())

        // Something does need to paint in this column. Make a fragment now and supply the physical translation
        // offset and the clip rect for the column with that offset applied.
        DeprecatedPaintLayerFragment fragment;
        fragment.paginationOffset = translationOffset;

        LayoutRect flippedFlowThreadOverflowPortion(flowThreadOverflowPortion);
        // Flip it into more a physical (DeprecatedPaintLayer-style) rectangle.
        fragment.paginationClip = flippedFlowThreadOverflowPortion;