Ejemplo n.º 1
void ServerController::processClient(sf::Packet &packet, sf::TcpSocket &client)
	std::string protocol;
	packet >> protocol;
	std::cout << "Interpreting Packet Protocol: " << protocol << std::endl;
		loginAccount(packet, client);
	else if(protocol=="REGISTER"){
		registerAccount(packet, client);
	else if(protocol=="CONFERENCE_LIST"){
		getConferences(packet, client);
	else if(protocol=="CONFERENCE_ACCESS"){
		getAccess(packet, client);
	else if(protocol=="VIEW_SUBMISSIONS"){
		getSubmissions(packet, client);
	else if(protocol=="SUBMIT_PAPER"){
		paperSubmission(packet, client);
	else if (protocol=="ADMIN_STATUS"){
		getAdminStatus(packet, client);
	else if (protocol=="CREATE_CONFERENCE"){
		createConference(packet, client);
	else if (protocol=="GET_NOTIFICATIONS"){
		getNotifications(packet, client);
	else if (protocol=="CHECK_PHASE"){
		checkPhase(packet, client);
	else if (protocol=="BID_LIST"){
		bidList(packet, client);
	else if (protocol=="BID_PAPER"){
		bidPaper(packet, client);
	else if (protocol=="ADVANCE_PHASE"){
		advancePhase(packet, client);
	else if(protocol=="BYE"){
		logoutUser(packet, client);
	else if(protocol=="GET_ALLOCATIONS"){
		getAllocations(packet, client);
	else if(protocol=="CONFERENCE_SUBMISSIONS"){
		getConferenceSubs(packet, client);
	else if(protocol=="REVIEW_LIST"){
		getReviewList(packet, client, true);
	else if (protocol=="SUB_DETAIL"){
		sendSubDetail(packet, client);
	else if (protocol=="SUBMIT_REVIEW"){
		submitReview(packet, client);
	else if (protocol=="GET_COMMENTS"){
		getComments(packet, client);
	else if (protocol=="SEND_COMMENT"){
		sendComments(packet, client);
	else if (protocol=="ADD_REVIEWER"){
		addMember(packet, client, Account::Access_Reviewer);
	else if (protocol=="ADD_AUTHOR"){
		addMember(packet, client, Account::Access_Author);
	else if (protocol=="CHANGE_MAX_ALLOCATED_CONF"){
		changeLimit(packet, client, "ALLOCATED");
	else if (protocol=="CHANGE_MAX_PAPERREVIEWERS_CONF"){
		changeLimit(packet, client, "PAPERREV");
	else if (protocol=="GET_MAX_ALLOCATED_CONF"){
		getLimit(packet, client, "ALLOCATED");
	else if (protocol=="GET_MAX_PAPERREVIEWERS_CONF"){
		getLimit(packet, client, "PAPERREV");
	else if (protocol=="GET_FULLNAME"){
		getAccountName(packet, client);
	else if (protocol=="VIEW_REVIEW"){
		getReview(packet, client);
	else if (protocol=="NOTIFY_COUNT"){
		checkNotifyCount(packet, client);
	else if (protocol=="APPROVE_PAPER"){
		decidePaper(packet, client, true);
	else if (protocol=="REJECT_PAPER"){
		decidePaper(packet, client, false);
	else if (protocol=="MY_REVIEWS"){
		getReviewList(packet, client, false);
	else if (protocol=="DID_REVIEW"){
		checkReviewed(packet, client);
	else if (protocol=="FINAL_REVIEW"){
		getFinalReview(packet, client);
	else if (protocol=="CONF_REVIEWERS"){
		getReviewers(packet, client);
	else if (protocol=="CONF_SUBMISSIONS"){
		getConfSubmissions(packet, client);
	else if (protocol=="FILLED_ALLOCATION"){
		checkPaperAlloc(packet, client);
	else if (protocol=="GET_FREE_REVIEWERS"){
		getFreeReviewers(packet, client);
	else if (protocol=="ASSIGN_REVIEWER"){
		assignReviewer(packet, client);
	else if (protocol=="CHANGE_PASSWORD"){
		changePassword(packet, client);
	else {
		std::cout << "Unrecognised protocol" << std::endl;
Ejemplo n.º 2
	CK_RV rv;
	CK_ULONG ulTokenCount = 0;
	CK_BYTE application = 42;
	CK_NOTIFY myNotify = NULL;
	CK_MECHANISM keyMechanism = {
		0, NULL_PTR, 0
	CK_MECHANISM mechanism = {
		0, NULL_PTR, 0
	CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hKey = 0, hPublicKey = 0;
	CK_BYTE_PTR dataSigned = NULL_PTR;
	CK_ULONG dataRecoveredLen = 0;
	CK_ULONG dataSignedLen = 0;
	struct timeval start, end, diff;
	int i,k,j, temp;
	printf("Testing case: SignAndVerifyRecover ...\n");
	printf(" Check dependencies ...\n");
	if(checkDependecies(testCaseSignAndVerifyRecoverDependencies) != 1) return CKR_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORTED;
	printf(" Dependencies are fine\n");
	printf(" call Initialize ...");
	rv = pFunctionList->C_Initialize(NULL_PTR);
	if(rv != CKR_OK) returnTestCase(rv, 0);
	else printf(" success\n");
	//GetSlotList -> Tokenlist
	findActiveTokens(&pTokenList, &ulTokenCount);
		slotID = pTokenList[i];

		for(j=0;j<pMechaInfoListLen;j++)//each mechanism
			if(!(pMechaInfoList[j].info.flags & (CKF_SIGN_RECOVER | CKF_VERIFY_RECOVER))) continue;
			mechanism.mechanism = pMechaInfoList[j].type;
			k = searchEleName(mechanism.mechanism, MECHANISM_LIST, (sizeof(MECHANISM_LIST)/sizeof(*MECHANISM_LIST)));
			if(k != -1)	printf(" Signing and Verify Recover(%s) ...\n", MECHANISM_LIST[k].eleName);
			else printf("  Signing and Verify Recover(mecha = %lu) ...\n", mechanism.mechanism);
			rv = findGenerateMechanismForMechanism(&keyMechanism, mechanism.mechanism);
			if(rv == 0)
				//OpenSession with CKF_SERIAL_SESSION
				printf(" call C_OpenSession on slot %lu with CKF_SERIAL_SESSION | CKF_RW_SESSION...", slotID);
				rv = pFunctionList->C_OpenSession(slotID, CKF_SERIAL_SESSION | CKF_RW_SESSION, (CK_VOID_PTR) &application, myNotify, &hSession);
				if(rv != CKR_OK) returnTestCase(rv, 0);
				else printf(" success\n");
				hKey = 0;
				hPublicKey = 0;
				if((generateKey(&keyMechanism, &hKey, &hSession) == 0) | (generateKeyPair(&keyMechanism, &hKey, &hPublicKey, hSession) == 0))//gen key
					generateSampleData(16, &data);
					gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
					rv = signRecover(data, &dataSigned, &dataSignedLen, &hKey, &hSession, &mechanism);
					gettimeofday(&end, NULL);
					if(rv == 0)
						timeval_subtract(&diff, &end, &start);
						printf("   Could sign %zu CK_BYTEs in %ld.%06ld sec.\n", strlen((char *) data), diff.tv_sec, diff.tv_usec);
						temp = dataSignedLen;
						free(data); //because it's reused in verifyRecover
						gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
						if(hPublicKey != 0)	rv = verifyRecover(data, &dataRecoveredLen, dataSigned, dataSignedLen, &hPublicKey, &hSession, &mechanism);//asymetric
						if(hPublicKey == 0)	rv = verifyRecover(data, &dataRecoveredLen, dataSigned, dataSignedLen, &hKey, &hSession, &mechanism);//symetric
						gettimeofday(&end, NULL);
						timeval_subtract(&diff, &end, &start);
						if(rv == 0)
							printf("   Could recover from %d CK_BYTEs in %ld.%06ld sec.\n", temp, diff.tv_sec, diff.tv_usec);
						else printf("    failed\n");
						//try different data length

						generateSampleData(256, &data);
						gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
						rv = signRecover(data, &dataSigned, &dataSignedLen, &hKey, &hSession, &mechanism);
						gettimeofday(&end, NULL);
						if(rv == 0)
							timeval_subtract(&diff, &end, &start);
							printf("   Could sign %zu CK_BYTEs in %ld.%06ld sec.\n", strlen((char *) data), diff.tv_sec, diff.tv_usec);
							temp = dataSignedLen;
							free(data); //because it's reused in verifyRecover
							gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
							if(hPublicKey != 0)	rv = verifyRecover(data, &dataRecoveredLen, dataSigned, dataSignedLen, &hPublicKey, &hSession, &mechanism);//asymetric
							if(hPublicKey == 0)	rv = verifyRecover(data, &dataRecoveredLen, dataSigned, dataSignedLen, &hKey, &hSession, &mechanism);//symetric
							gettimeofday(&end, NULL);
							timeval_subtract(&diff, &end, &start);
							if(rv == 0)
								printf("   Could verify %d CK_BYTEs in %ld.%06ld sec.\n", temp, diff.tv_sec, diff.tv_usec);
							else printf("    failed\n");
						else printf("    failed\n");
						if(dataSigned!=NULL_PTR) free(dataSigned);

					else printf("    failed\n");
						pFunctionList->C_DestroyObject(hSession, hPublicKey);
						pFunctionList->C_DestroyObject(hSession, hKey);
					if(k != -1)	printf("  skip %s because mecha is not yet implemented ...\n", MECHANISM_LIST[k].eleName);
					else printf("  skip mecha = %lu because mecha is not yet implemented ...\n", mechanism.mechanism);
				if(k != -1)	printf("  skip %s because the related key generation mechanism was not found...\n", MECHANISM_LIST[k].eleName);
				else printf("  skip mecha = %lu because the related key generation mechanism was not found...\n", mechanism.mechanism);

	printf(" call Finalize ...");
	rv = pFunctionList->C_Finalize(NULL_PTR);
	if(rv != CKR_OK) returnTestCase(rv, 0);
	else printf(" success\n");

	printf(" ... case successful\n");
	return CKR_OK;