varbox::varbox() { loopi(VARBOXMAXNODES) nodes[i] = NULL; }
void purgetextures() { loopi(256) loop(j,MAXFRAMES) mapping[i][j] = 0; };
gui_options::gui_options(app_wiiradio* _theapp) : logo(0), media_free_space_desc("unknown"), last_time_ds(0) { theapp = _theapp; fnts = theapp->GetFonts(); guibuffer = theapp->ui->guibuffer; logo = IMG_Load(make_path("data/imgs/def_logo.png")); loopi(O_MAX) b_option_item[i] = 0; loopi(OB_MAX) option_buts[i] = 0; //quit option_buts[OB_QUIT] = new gui_button(theapp, 20,425,0,0,false); option_buts[OB_QUIT]->set_images((char*)"data/imgs/button_out.png",(char*)"data/imgs/button_over.png",0,0); option_buts[OB_QUIT]->set_text(theapp->GetVariables()->search_var("$LANG_TXT_EXIT")); option_buts[OB_QUIT]->pad_y = 5; option_buts[OB_QUIT]->text_color = 0x000000; option_buts[OB_QUIT]->text_color_over = 0xff0044; option_buts[OB_QUIT]->font_sz = FS_SYSTEM; option_buts[OB_QUIT]->center_text = true; option_buts[OB_QUIT]->bind_screen = S_OPTIONS; option_buts[OB_QUIT]->parent = (gui_object*)this; //return option_buts[OB_RETURN] = new gui_button(theapp,150,425,0,0,false); option_buts[OB_RETURN]->set_images((char*)"data/imgs/button_out.png",(char*)"data/imgs/button_over.png",0,0); option_buts[OB_RETURN]->set_text(theapp->GetVariables()->search_var("$LANG_TXT_OK")); option_buts[OB_RETURN]->pad_y = 5; option_buts[OB_RETURN]->text_color = 0x000000; option_buts[OB_RETURN]->text_color_over = 0xff0044; option_buts[OB_RETURN]->font_sz = FS_SYSTEM; option_buts[OB_RETURN]->center_text = true; option_buts[OB_RETURN]->bind_screen = S_OPTIONS; option_buts[OB_RETURN]->parent = (gui_object*)this; //more /* option_buts[OB_MORE] = new gui_button(theapp,500,425,0,0,false); option_buts[OB_MORE]->set_images((char*)"data/imgs/button_out.png",(char*)"data/imgs/button_over.png",0,0); option_buts[OB_MORE]->set_text("More >>>");//theapp->vars->search_var("$LANG_TXT_OK")); option_buts[OB_MORE]->pad_y = 5; option_buts[OB_MORE]->text_color = 0x000000; option_buts[OB_MORE]->text_color_over = 0xff0044; option_buts[OB_MORE]->font_sz = FS_SYSTEM; option_buts[OB_MORE]->center_text = true; option_buts[OB_MORE]->bind_screen = S_OPTIONS; option_buts[OB_MORE]->parent = (gui_object*)this; */ int y = 90; service_group = new gui_group(theapp,2,220,y,41,26,143,NULL); service_group->set_on(theapp->GetSettings()->oservicetype); y += 35; /* Removed for now this is kinda annoying to most b_option_item[O_SCROLL_TEXT] = new gui_button(theapp,220,y,0,0,0); b_option_item[O_SCROLL_TEXT]->set_images((char*)"data/imgs/toggle_out.png",(char*)"data/imgs/toggle_out.png",(char*)"data/imgs/toggle_out.png",(char*)"data/imgs/toggle_on.png"); b_option_item[O_SCROLL_TEXT]->bind_screen = S_OPTIONS; b_option_item[O_SCROLL_TEXT]->set_image_onout((char*)"data/imgs/toggle_on.png"); b_option_item[O_SCROLL_TEXT]->parent = (gui_object*)this; */ b_option_item[O_WIDESCREEN] = new gui_button(theapp,403,y,0,0,0); b_option_item[O_WIDESCREEN]->set_images((char*)"data/imgs/toggle_out.png",(char*)"data/imgs/toggle_out.png",(char*)"data/imgs/toggle_out.png",(char*)"data/imgs/toggle_on.png"); b_option_item[O_WIDESCREEN]->bind_screen = S_OPTIONS; b_option_item[O_WIDESCREEN]->parent = (gui_object*)this; b_option_item[O_WIDESCREEN]->set_image_onout((char*)"data/imgs/toggle_on.png"); y += 35; b_option_item[O_STARTFROMLAST] = new gui_button(theapp,220,y,0,0,0); b_option_item[O_STARTFROMLAST]->set_images((char*)"data/imgs/toggle_out.png",(char*)"data/imgs/toggle_out.png",(char*)"data/imgs/toggle_out.png",(char*)"data/imgs/toggle_on.png"); b_option_item[O_STARTFROMLAST]->bind_screen = S_OPTIONS; b_option_item[O_STARTFROMLAST]->parent = (gui_object*)this; b_option_item[O_STARTFROMLAST]->set_image_onout((char*)"data/imgs/toggle_on.png"); b_option_item[O_RIPMUSIC] = new gui_button(theapp,403,y,0,0,0); b_option_item[O_RIPMUSIC]->set_images((char*)"data/imgs/toggle_out.png",(char*)"data/imgs/toggle_out.png",(char*)"data/imgs/toggle_out.png",(char*)"data/imgs/toggle_on.png"); b_option_item[O_RIPMUSIC]->bind_screen = S_OPTIONS; b_option_item[O_RIPMUSIC]->parent = (gui_object*)this; b_option_item[O_RIPMUSIC]->set_image_onout((char*)"data/imgs/toggle_on.png"); y += 50; saver_group = new gui_group(theapp,4,220,y,41,26,20,NULL); saver_group->set_on(theapp->GetSettings()->oscreensavetime); saver_group->bind_screen = S_OPTIONS; y += 45; sleep_timer_group = new gui_group(theapp,6,220,y,41,26,20,&sleep_timer_callback); sleep_timer_group->set_on(theapp->GetSettings()->osleep_timer_time); sleep_timer_group->bind_screen = S_OPTIONS; sleep_timer_group->parent = (gui_object*)this; y += 45; // visual type visuals_group = new gui_group(theapp,2,220,y,41,26,40,NULL); visuals_group->set_on(theapp->GetSettings()->ovisual_mode); visuals_group->bind_screen = S_OPTIONS; visuals_group->parent = (gui_object*)this; y += 35; // next skin option_buts[OB_NEXT_SKIN] = new gui_button(theapp, 420,y,0,0,false); option_buts[OB_NEXT_SKIN]->set_images((char*)"data/imgs/button_out.png",(char*)"data/imgs/button_out.png",0,0); option_buts[OB_NEXT_SKIN]->set_text(theapp->GetVariables()->search_var("$LANG_TXT_NEXT_SKIN")); option_buts[OB_NEXT_SKIN]->pad_y = 5; option_buts[OB_NEXT_SKIN]->text_color = 0x000000; option_buts[OB_NEXT_SKIN]->text_color_over = 0xff0044; option_buts[OB_NEXT_SKIN]->font_sz = FS_SYSTEM; option_buts[OB_NEXT_SKIN]->center_text = true; option_buts[OB_NEXT_SKIN]->bind_screen = S_OPTIONS; option_buts[OB_NEXT_SKIN]->parent = (gui_object*)this; y += 50; // next lang option_buts[OB_NEXT_LANG] = new gui_button(theapp,420,y,0,0,false); option_buts[OB_NEXT_LANG]->set_images((char*)"data/imgs/button_out.png",(char*)"data/imgs/button_out.png",0,0); option_buts[OB_NEXT_LANG]->set_text(theapp->GetVariables()->search_var("$LANG_TXT_NEXT_LANG")); option_buts[OB_NEXT_LANG]->pad_y = 5; option_buts[OB_NEXT_LANG]->text_color = 0x000000; option_buts[OB_NEXT_LANG]->text_color_over = 0xff0044; option_buts[OB_NEXT_LANG]->font_sz = FS_SYSTEM; option_buts[OB_NEXT_LANG]->center_text = true; option_buts[OB_NEXT_LANG]->bind_screen = S_OPTIONS; option_buts[OB_NEXT_LANG]->parent = (gui_object*)this; //#ifdef _WII_ // reinir network option_buts[OB_NET_REINIT] = new gui_button(theapp,280,425,0,0,false); option_buts[OB_NET_REINIT]->set_images((char*)"data/imgs/button_out.png",(char*)"data/imgs/button_out.png",0,0); option_buts[OB_NET_REINIT]->set_text(theapp->GetVariables()->search_var("$LANG_REINTNET")); option_buts[OB_NET_REINIT]->pad_y = 5; option_buts[OB_NET_REINIT]->text_color = 0x000000; option_buts[OB_NET_REINIT]->text_color_over = 0xff0044; option_buts[OB_NET_REINIT]->font_sz = FS_SYSTEM; option_buts[OB_NET_REINIT]->center_text = true; option_buts[OB_NET_REINIT]->bind_screen = S_OPTIONS; option_buts[OB_NET_REINIT]->parent = (gui_object*)this; //#endif // set options // theapp->GetSettings()->oscrolltext ? b_option_item[O_SCROLL_TEXT]->obj_sub_state = B_ON : b_option_item[O_SCROLL_TEXT]->obj_sub_state = B_OFF; theapp->GetSettings()->owidescreen ? b_option_item[O_WIDESCREEN]->obj_sub_state = B_ON : b_option_item[O_WIDESCREEN]->obj_sub_state = B_OFF; theapp->GetSettings()->oripmusic ? b_option_item[O_RIPMUSIC]->obj_sub_state = B_ON : b_option_item[O_RIPMUSIC]->obj_sub_state = B_OFF; // GetSYSVariable(SYS_RIPPING) ? b_option_item[O_RIPMUSIC]->obj_sub_state = B_ON : b_option_item[O_RIPMUSIC]->obj_sub_state = B_OFF; theapp->GetSettings()->ostartfromlast ? b_option_item[O_STARTFROMLAST]->obj_sub_state = B_ON : b_option_item[O_STARTFROMLAST]->obj_sub_state = B_OFF; // Try calc. ds on construction media_free_space_desc = get_media_free_space_desc(); };
void gui_options::output_options() { this->visible = true; int x = 0; ostringstream str; //logo SDL_Rect rc = {50,30,logo->w,logo->h}; SDL_BlitSurface(logo,0,guibuffer,&rc); // Font setup fnts->change_color(100,100,100); fnts->set_size(FS_SYSTEM); // -- about str << theapp->GetVariables()->search_var("$LANG_ABOUT") << " v" << VERSION_NUMBER << " - " << theapp->GetVariables()->search_var("$LANG_AUTHOR") << " Scanff, TiMeBoMb " << theapp->GetVariables()->search_var("$LANG_AND") << " Knarrff"; fnts->text(guibuffer, str.str().c_str(), 200, 50, 0, 0); int y = 90; // for service type fnts->text(guibuffer,"SHOUTcast :",200,y,0,1); fnts->text(guibuffer,"Icecast :",393,y,0,1); y += 35; // Scrolltext, Widescreen, Rip Music //fnts->text(guibuffer,theapp->GetVariables()->search_var("$LANG_SCROLL_STATIONTEXT"),200,y,0,1); fnts->text(guibuffer,"Widescreen :",393,y,0,1); // -- TO DO Variable this y += 35; fnts->text(guibuffer,"Play last at start :", 200,y,0,1); // -- TO DO Variable this fnts->text(guibuffer,"Rip Music :",393,y,0,1); // -- TO DO Variable this /* Show the user how much free space they have left. Only run this every few seconds as it my lag */ /* if((SDL_GetTicks() - last_time_ds > 1000*10) && GetSYSVariable(SYS_RIPPING)) { last_time_ds = SDL_GetTicks(); media_free_space_desc = get_media_free_space_desc(); } */ fnts->text(guibuffer,("(Free space: "+media_free_space_desc+")").c_str(),450,y,0,0); y += 50; // screen save fnts->text(guibuffer,theapp->GetVariables()->search_var("$LANG_SCREEN_SAVE"),200,y,0,1); fnts->text(guibuffer," Off 1min 5min 10min",220,y-20,0,0); y += 45; // sleep timer fnts->text(guibuffer,theapp->GetVariables()->search_var("$LANG_SLEEP_TIMER"),200,y,0,1); fnts->text(guibuffer," Off 5min 15min 30min 1h 3h",220,y-20,0,0); y += 45; // visual type/mode fnts->text(guibuffer,"Visual Mode:",190,y,0,1); fnts->text(guibuffer,"ProjectM Classic(2D)",215,y-20,0,0); y += 35; // -- skin changer fnts->change_color(100,100,100); fnts->text(guibuffer,theapp->GetVariables()->search_var("$LANG_CHANGE_SKIN"),200,y,0,1); fnts->change_color(40,40,100); fnts->text(guibuffer,theapp->GetVariables()->search_var("skinname"),220,y,0); x = fnts->text(guibuffer,theapp->GetVariables()->search_var("$LANG_AUTHOR"),220,y+20,0); x += fnts->text(guibuffer,": ",220+x,y+20,0); fnts->text(guibuffer,theapp->GetVariables()->search_var("skinauthor"),220+x,y+20,0); y += 50; // -- language selection fnts->change_color(100,100,100); fnts->text(guibuffer,theapp->GetVariables()->search_var("$LANG_CHANGE_LANG"),200,y,0,1); fnts->change_color(40,40,100); fnts->text(guibuffer,theapp->GetVariables()->search_var("$LANG_NAME"),220,y,0); // -- draw the butons ect... loopi(O_MAX) b_option_item[i]->draw(); loopi(OB_MAX) option_buts[i]->draw(); saver_group->draw(); sleep_timer_group->draw(); visuals_group->draw(); service_group->draw(); }
/// configure spawn settings (weapons, ammo, health...) depending on game mode void spawnstate(int gamemode) { if(m_demo) { gunselect = GUN_FIST; backupweapon = GUN_FIST; } else if(m_insta) { armour = 0; health = 1; gunselect = GUN_RIFLE; ammo[GUN_RIFLE] = 100; backupweapon = GUN_FIST; } else if(m_regencapture) { armourtype = A_BLUE; armour = 25; gunselect = GUN_PISTOL; ammo[GUN_PISTOL] = 40; ammo[GUN_GL] = 1; backupweapon = GUN_FIST; } else if(m_tactics) { armourtype = A_GREEN; armour = 100; ammo[GUN_PISTOL] = 40; backupweapon = GUN_FIST; int spawngun1 = inexor::util::random::rnd(5)+1, spawngun2; gunselect = spawngun1; baseammo(spawngun1, m_noitems ? 2 : 1); do spawngun2 = inexor::util::random::rnd(5)+1; while(spawngun1==spawngun2); baseammo(spawngun2, m_noitems ? 2 : 1); if(m_noitems) ammo[GUN_GL] += 1; } else if(m_efficiency) { armourtype = A_GREEN; armour = 100; loopi(5) baseammo(i+1); gunselect = GUN_CG; ammo[GUN_CG] /= 2; backupweapon = GUN_FIST; } else if(m_ctf || m_collect) { armourtype = A_BLUE; armour = 50; ammo[GUN_PISTOL] = 40; ammo[GUN_GL] = 1; backupweapon = GUN_FIST; } else if(m_bomb) { health = 1; armourtype = A_GREEN; armour = 0; gunselect = GUN_BOMB; backupweapon = GUN_BOMB; } else if(m_hideandseek) { health = 100; armour = 0; gunselect = GUN_RL; ammo[GUN_RL] = 10; ammo[GUN_PISTOL] = 0; ammo[GUN_GL] = 0; backupweapon = GUN_FIST; } else { armourtype = A_BLUE; armour = 25; ammo[GUN_PISTOL] = 40; ammo[GUN_GL] = 1; backupweapon = GUN_FIST; } }
skins::skins(app_wiiradio* _theapp) : theapp(_theapp), total_skins(0), current_skin(0), current_objectid(0) { loopi(MAX_SKINS) skin_list[i] = 0; find_skins(); }
void demoplaybackstep() { while(demoplayback && lastmillis>=playbacktime) { int len = gzgeti(); if(len<1 || len>MAXTRANS) { conoutf("error: huge packet during demo play (%d)", len); stopreset(); return; }; uchar buf[MAXTRANS]; gzread(f, buf, len); localservertoclient(buf, len); // update game state dynent *target = players[democlientnum]; assert(target); int extras; if(extras = gzget()) // read additional client side state not present in normal network stream { target->gunselect = gzget(); target->lastattackgun = gzget(); target->lastaction = scaletime(gzgeti()); target->gunwait = gzgeti(); target->health = gzgeti(); target->armour = gzgeti(); target->armourtype = gzget(); loopi(NUMGUNS) target->ammo[i] = gzget(); target->state = gzget(); target->lastmove = playbacktime; if(bdamage = gzgeti()) damageblend(bdamage); if(ddamage = gzgeti()) { gzgetv(dorig); particle_splash(3, ddamage, 1000, dorig); }; // FIXME: set more client state here }; // insert latest copy of player into history if(extras && (playerhistory.empty() || playerhistory.last()->lastupdate!=playbacktime)) { dynent *d = newdynent(); *d = *target; d->lastupdate = playbacktime; playerhistory.add(d); if(playerhistory.length()>20) { zapdynent(playerhistory[0]); playerhistory.remove(0); }; }; readdemotime(); }; if(demoplayback) { int itime = lastmillis-demodelaymsec; loopvrev(playerhistory) if(playerhistory[i]->lastupdate<itime) // find 2 positions in history that surround interpolation time point { dynent *a = playerhistory[i]; dynent *b = a; if(i+1<playerhistory.length()) b = playerhistory[i+1]; *player1 = *b; if(a!=b) // interpolate pos & angles { dynent *c = b; if(i+2<playerhistory.length()) c = playerhistory[i+2]; dynent *z = a; if(i-1>=0) z = playerhistory[i-1]; //if(a==z || b==c) printf("* %d\n", lastmillis); float bf = (itime-a->lastupdate)/(float)(b->lastupdate-a->lastupdate); fixwrap(a, player1); fixwrap(c, player1); fixwrap(z, player1); vdist(dist, v, z->o, c->o); if(dist<16) // if teleport or spawn, dont't interpolate { catmulrom(z->o, a->o, b->o, c->o, bf, player1->o); catmulrom(*(vec *)&z->yaw, *(vec *)&a->yaw, *(vec *)&b->yaw, *(vec *)&c->yaw, bf, *(vec *)&player1->yaw); }; fixplayer1range(); }; break; }; //if(player1->state!=CS_DEAD) showscores(false); }; };
buffer& buffer::operator -= ( float v ) { loopi(width*height) data[i]-=v; return *this; }
bool CslGameAssaultCube::ParseDefaultPong(ucharbuf& buf, CslServerInfo& info) const { wxInt32 i, l, q; char text[MAXSTRLEN]; bool wasfull=info.IsFull(); if ((wxUint32)getint(buf)!=m_fourcc) return false; q=getint(buf); if (q==AC_EXTPING_SERVERINFO) loopi(2) getint(buf); info.Protocol=getint(buf); info.Version=GetVersionName(info.Protocol); wxInt32 mode=getint(buf); info.GameMode=GetModeName(mode); i=getint(buf); if (info.HasRegisteredEvent(CslServerEvents::EVENT_EMPTY) && info.Players>0 && !i) info.SetEvents(CslServerEvents::EVENT_EMPTY); else if (info.HasRegisteredEvent(CslServerEvents::EVENT_NOT_EMPTY) && !info.Players && i>0) info.SetEvents(CslServerEvents::EVENT_NOT_EMPTY); info.Players=i; info.TimeRemain=max(0, getint(buf)); if (info.Protocol<1126) // <= 0.93 info.TimeRemain++; if (info.Protocol>=1200) // <= 1.2.0.x info.TimeRemain*=60; getstring(text, buf); info.Map=C2U(FilterCubeString(text, 1)); getstring(text, buf); info.SetDescription(C2U(FilterCubeString(text, 1))); info.PlayersMax=getint(buf); if (info.HasRegisteredEvent(CslServerEvents::EVENT_FULL) && !wasfull && info.IsFull()) info.SetEvents(CslServerEvents::EVENT_FULL); else if (info.HasRegisteredEvent(CslServerEvents::EVENT_NOT_FULL) && wasfull && !info.IsFull()) info.SetEvents(CslServerEvents::EVENT_NOT_FULL); l=info.MM; info.MMDescription.Empty(); info.MM=CSL_SERVER_OPEN; if (info.Protocol>=1128 && buf.remaining()) // >=1.0.x { i = getint(buf); wxInt32 mm = i>>PONGFLAG_MASTERMODE; if (mm==1) { if (info.HasRegisteredEvent(CslServerEvents::EVENT_PRIVATE) && CSL_MM_IS_VALID(l) && !CSL_SERVER_IS_PRIVATE(l)) info.SetEvents(CslServerEvents::EVENT_PRIVATE); info.MMDescription=wxT("P"); info.MM=CSL_SERVER_PRIVATE; } else if (mm==2) { if (info.HasRegisteredEvent(CslServerEvents::EVENT_LOCKED) && CSL_MM_IS_VALID(l) && !CSL_SERVER_IS_LOCKED(l)) info.SetEvents(CslServerEvents::EVENT_LOCKED); info.MMDescription=wxT("L"); info.MM=CSL_SERVER_LOCKED; } else info.MMDescription=wxT("O"); if (i&(1<<PONGFLAG_BANNED)) { info.MMDescription<<wxT("/BAN"); CSL_FLAG_SET(info.MM, CSL_SERVER_BAN); } if (i&(1<<PONGFLAG_BLACKLIST)) { info.MMDescription<<wxT("/BLACK"); CSL_FLAG_SET(info.MM, CSL_SERVER_BLACKLIST); } if (i&(1<<PONGFLAG_PASSWORD)) { info.MMDescription<<wxT("/PASS"); CSL_FLAG_SET(info.MM, CSL_SERVER_PASSWORD); } if (buf.remaining() && getint(buf)==q) // >=1.0.2 { switch (q) { case AC_EXTPING_SERVERINFO: // >=1.0.4 { if (getstring(text, buf)==2) { i=0; info.InfoText.Empty(); while (buf.remaining()) { getstring(text, buf); if (!*text) break; if (i++) info.InfoText<<CSL_NEWLINE_WX; if (strcmp(text, ".")) info.InfoText<<C2U(FilterCubeString(text, 1, true, false, true)); } } break; } default: break; } } }
/// Internal: Render an object to text. static char *print_object(JSON *item, int depth, bool fmt) { char **entries = 0, **names = 0; char *out = 0, *ptr, *ret, *str; int len=7, i=0; JSON *child = item->firstchild; int numentries=0, fail=0; // Count the number of entries. while (child) numentries++, child = child->next; if(!numentries) // Explicitly handle empty object case { out=new char[fmt?depth+4:3]; if(!out) return 0; ptr = out; *ptr++='{'; if(fmt) { *ptr++='\n'; for (i=0; i<depth-1; i++) *ptr++='\t';} *ptr++='}'; *ptr++=0; return out; } // Allocate space for the names and the objects entries = new char *[numentries*sizeof(char*)]; if(!entries) return 0; names = new char *[numentries*sizeof(char*)]; memset(entries, 0, sizeof(char*)*numentries); memset(names, 0, sizeof(char*)*numentries); // Collect all the results into our arrays: child = item->firstchild; depth++; if(fmt) len+=depth; while (child) { names[i] = str = print_string_ptr(child->name); entries[i++]= ret = print_value(child, depth, fmt); if(str && ret) len+= strlen(ret) + strlen(str) + 2 + (fmt ? depth+2 : 0); else fail=1; child = child->next; } // Try to allocate the output string if(!fail) out = new char[len]; // Handle failure if(fail) { loopi(numentries) { delete[] names[i]; delete[] entries[i];} delete[] names; delete[] entries; return 0; } // Compose the output: *out = '{'; ptr = out+1; if(fmt) *ptr++ = '\n'; *ptr = 0; loopi(numentries) { if(fmt) loopj(depth) *ptr++ = '\t'; strcpy(ptr, names[i]); ptr += strlen(names[i]); *ptr++=':'; if(fmt) *ptr++ = '\t'; strcpy(ptr, entries[i]); ptr += strlen(entries[i]); if(i != numentries-1) *ptr++ = ','; if(fmt) *ptr++='\n'; *ptr = 0; delete[] names[i]; delete[] entries[i]; } delete[] names; delete[] entries; if(fmt) loopi(depth-1) *ptr++='\t'; *ptr++='}';*ptr++=0; return out; }
void cleanupcaustics() { loopi(NUMCAUSTICS) caustictex[i] = NULL; }
bool CACBot::ChoosePreferredWeapon() { if(lastmillis < m_iChangeWeaponDelay) return false; short bestWeapon = m_pMyEnt->gunselect; short bestWeaponScore = SHRT_MIN; short sWeaponScore; float flDist = GetDistance(m_pMyEnt->enemy->o); char bestWeap[NUMGUNS]; loopi(NUMGUNS) bestWeap[i] = 0; // Choose a weapon for(int i=0; i<NUMGUNS; i++) { sWeaponScore = primary_weap(i) ? 5 : 0; // Primary are usually better if (!m_pMyEnt->mag[i] && WeaponInfoTable[i].eWeaponType != TYPE_MELEE) continue; sWeaponScore += 3*m_pMyEnt->weapstats[i].kills/(m_pMyEnt->weapstats[i].deaths ? m_pMyEnt->weapstats[i].deaths : 0.5f); sWeaponScore -= 2*m_pMyEnt->weapstats[i].deaths/(m_pMyEnt->weapstats[i].kills ? m_pMyEnt->weapstats[i].kills : 0.5f); if((flDist >= WeaponInfoTable[i].flMinDesiredDistance) && (flDist <= WeaponInfoTable[i].flMaxDesiredDistance)) { // In desired range for this weapon sWeaponScore += 5; // Increase score much if(i == GUN_PISTOL || WeaponInfoTable[i].eWeaponType == TYPE_MELEE) { if(WeaponInfoTable[m_pMyEnt->primary].eWeaponType == TYPE_SNIPER) sWeaponScore += 10; // At a close range, knife & pistol are strong with a sniper like primary weapon if(WeaponInfoTable[m_pMyEnt->primary].eWeaponType == TYPE_SHOTGUN) sWeaponScore -= 2; // Penalize a bit knife and pistol on close range with shotgun } } else if (((flDist < WeaponInfoTable[i].flMinFireDistance) || (flDist > WeaponInfoTable[i].flMaxFireDistance)) && i != GUN_GRENADE && i != GUN_RPG) continue; // Wrong distance for this weapon if(i == GUN_GRENADE) sWeaponScore += 30; // Nades have high priority // Score on the distance to the ideal distance float flIdealDiff = fabs(flDist - WeaponInfoTable[i].flIdealDistance); if(flIdealDiff < 1.0f) sWeaponScore += 10; else if(flIdealDiff <= 5.0f) sWeaponScore += 4; else if(flIdealDiff <= 7.5f) sWeaponScore += 2; else if(flIdealDiff <= 10.0f) ++sWeaponScore; // Now rate the weapon on available ammo in magazine... if (WeaponInfoTable[i].sMinDesiredAmmo > 0) { // Calculate how much percent of the min desired ammo in mag the bot has float flDesiredPercent = (float(m_pMyEnt->mag[i])/float(WeaponInfoTable[i].sMinDesiredAmmo))*100.0f; if (flDesiredPercent >= 400.0f) sWeaponScore += 10; else if (flDesiredPercent >= 200.0f) sWeaponScore += 8; else if (flDesiredPercent >= 100.0f) sWeaponScore += 3; else if (flDesiredPercent >= 50.0f) sWeaponScore -= 2; else sWeaponScore -= 5; } else sWeaponScore += 15; // Not needing ammo is an advantage... if(sWeaponScore > bestWeaponScore) { bestWeaponScore = sWeaponScore; bestWeapon = i; loopi(bestWeapon) bestWeap[i] = 0; bestWeap[bestWeapon] = 1; } else if(sWeaponScore == bestWeaponScore) bestWeap[i] = 1; } int tie = 0; loopi(NUMGUNS) tie += bestWeap[i]; if (tie) { if (tie > 1) { int select = rnd(tie), i = 0; while (select >= 0) { bestWeapon = i; select -= bestWeap[i++]; } } } else bestWeapon = GUN_KNIFE; return SelectGun(bestWeapon); };
buffer& buffer::operator = ( const buffer& b) { loopi(width*height) data[i][i]; return *this; }
static void animategrass() { loopi(NUMGRASSOFFSETS) grassanimoffsets[i] = grassanimscale*sinf(2*M_PI*(grassoffsets[i] + lastmillis/float(grassanimmillis))); lastgrassanim = lastmillis; }
// server side processing of updates: does very little and most state is tracked // client only could be extended to move more gameplay to server (at expense of // lag) void process(ENetPacket * packet, int sender) { // sender may be -1 const u16 len = *(u16*) packet->data; if (ENET_NET_TO_HOST_16(len)!=packet->dataLength) { disconnect_client(sender, "packet length"); return; } u8 *end = packet->data+packet->dataLength; u8 *p = packet->data+2; char text[MAXTRANS]; int cn = -1, type; while (p<end) switch (type = getint(p)) { case SV_TEXT: sgetstr(); break; case SV_INITC2S: sgetstr(); strcpy_s(clients[cn].name, text); sgetstr(); getint(p); break; case SV_MAPCHANGE: { sgetstr(); int reqmode = getint(p); if (reqmode<0) reqmode = 0; if (smapname[0] && !mapreload && !vote(text, reqmode, sender)) return; mapreload = false; mode = reqmode; minremain = mode&1 ? 15 : 10; mapend = lastsec+minremain*60; interm = 0; strcpy_s(smapname, text); resetitems(); sender = -1; } break; case SV_ITEMLIST: { int n; while ((n = getint(p))!=-1) if (notgotitems) { server_entity se = { false, 0 }; while (sents.length()<=n) sents.add(se); sents[n].spawned = true; } notgotitems = false; } break; case SV_ITEMPICKUP: { const int n = getint(p); pickup(n, getint(p), sender); } break; case SV_PING: send2(false, cn, SV_PONG, getint(p)); break; case SV_POS: { cn = getint(p); if (cn<0 || cn>=clients.length() || clients[cn].type==ST_EMPTY) { disconnect_client(sender, "client num"); return; } int size = msgsizelookup(type); assert(size!=-1); loopi(size-2) getint(p); } break; case SV_SENDMAP: { sgetstr(); int mapsize = getint(p); sendmaps(sender, text, mapsize, p); } return; case SV_RECVMAP: send(sender, recvmap(sender)); return; case SV_EXT: // allows for new features that require no server updates for (int n = getint(p); n; n--) getint(p); break; default: { const int size = msgsizelookup(type); if (size==-1) { disconnect_client(sender, "tag type"); return; }; loopi(size-1) getint(p); } } if (p>end) { disconnect_client(sender, "end of packet"); return; }; multicast(packet, sender); }
void playbackstep(void) { while (demoplayback && game::lastmillis()>=playbacktime) { int len = gzgeti(); if (len<1 || len>MAXTRANS) { con::out("error: huge packet during demo play (%d)", len); stopreset(); return; } u8 buf[MAXTRANS]; gzread(f, buf, len); client::localservertoclient(buf, len); // update game state game::dynent *target = game::players[democlientnum]; assert(target); int extras; if ((extras = gzget())) { // read additional client side state not present in normal network stream target->gunselect = gzget(); target->lastattackgun = gzget(); target->lastaction = scaletime(gzgeti()); target->gunwait = gzgeti(); target->health = gzgeti(); target->armour = gzgeti(); target->armourtype = gzget(); loopi(game::NUMGUNS) target->ammo[i] = gzget(); target->state = gzget(); target->lastmove = playbacktime; // if ((bdamage = gzgeti()) != 0) rr::damageblend(bdamage); if ((ddamage = gzgeti()) != 0) { gzgetv(dorig); rr::particle_splash(rr::PT_BLOOD_SPATS, ddamage, 1000, dorig); } // FIXME: set more client state here } // insert latest copy of player into history if (extras && (playerhistory.empty() || playerhistory.last()->lastupdate!=playbacktime)) { game::dynent *d = game::newdynent(); *d = *target; d->lastupdate = playbacktime; playerhistory.add(d); if (playerhistory.length()>20) { game::zapdynent(playerhistory[0]); playerhistory.remove(0); } } readdemotime(); } if (demoplayback) { int itime = game::lastmillis()-demodelaymsec; loopvrev(playerhistory) if (playerhistory[i]->lastupdate<itime) { // find 2 positions in history that surround interpolation time point game::dynent *a = playerhistory[i]; game::dynent *b = a; if (i+1<playerhistory.length()) b = playerhistory[i+1]; *game::player1 = *b; if (a!=b) { // interpolate pos & angles game::dynent *c = b; if (i+2<playerhistory.length()) c = playerhistory[i+2]; game::dynent *z = a; if (i-1>=0) z = playerhistory[i-1]; float bf = (itime-a->lastupdate)/(float)(b->lastupdate-a->lastupdate); fixwrap(a, game::player1); fixwrap(c, game::player1); fixwrap(z, game::player1); const float dist = distance(z->o,c->o); if (dist<16.f) { // if teleport or spawn, dont't interpolate catmulrom(z->o, a->o, b->o, c->o, bf, game::player1->o); // catmulrom(*(vec3f*)&z->ypr.x, *(vec3f*)&a->ypr.x, *(vec3f*)&b->ypr.x, *(vec3f*)&c->ypr.x, bf, *(vec3f *)&game::player1->ypr.x); vec3f dstangle; catmulrom(z->ypr, a->ypr, b->ypr, c->ypr, bf, dstangle); game::player1->ypr.x = dstangle.x; game::player1->ypr.y = dstangle.y; game::player1->ypr.z = dstangle.z; } game::fixplayer1range(); } break; } } }
void projreset() { loopi(MAXPROJ) projs[i].inuse = false; };