// parse a STATA command DwUseOptions* DwUseOptionParser::Parse(vector<string> words) { // there are 10 keywords we expect to see string keys[] = {"variables", "if", "using", "limit", "nulldata", "lowercase", "uppercase", "label_variable", "label_values", "username", "password", "database"}; size_t nkeys(sizeof(keys) / sizeof(string)); // create parser that accepts these keywords OptionParser* parser = new OptionParser( set<string>(keys, keys + nkeys) ); // prepare another vector where we can search // see if we have a using anywhere, if we do, the first part is the varlist, if not it is the tablename bool hasUsing = hasKeyword(words, "using"); // if it contains using somewhere we can start with variables (if missing it will be an empty string, if the list is there it will be expected) if( !hasUsing ) words.insert(words.begin(), "using"); else if( lowerCase(words[0]) != "if" && lowerCase(words[0]) != "using" ) words.insert(words.begin(), "variables"); // parse the options map<string,string> options = parser->Parse( words ); delete parser; // create a meaningful options object DwUseOptions* useOptions = new DwUseOptions( options ); return useOptions; }
bool SDP::ParseSDPLineA(string &attributeName, Variant &value, string line) { string::size_type pos = line.find(':'); if ((pos == string::npos) || (pos == 0) || (pos == (line.size() - 1))) { attributeName = line; value = (bool)true; return true; } attributeName = line.substr(0, pos); string rawValue = line.substr(line.find(':') + 1); if (attributeName == "control") { value = rawValue; return true; } else if (attributeName == "maxprate") { value = (double) strtod(STR(rawValue), NULL); return true; } else if (attributeName.find("x-") == 0) { value = rawValue; return true; } else if (attributeName == "rtpmap") { //rtpmap:<payload type> <encoding name>/<clock rate>[/<encoding parameters>] vector<string> parts; split(rawValue, " ", parts); if (parts.size() != 2) return false; value["payloadType"] = (uint8_t) atoi(STR(parts[0])); split(parts[1], "/", parts); if ((parts.size() != 2) && (parts.size() != 3)) return false; value["encodingName"] = parts[0]; if (lowerCase((string) value["encodingName"]) == "h264") { value["encodingName"] = (uint64_t) CODEC_VIDEO_AVC; } else if ((string) lowerCase(value["encodingName"]) == "mpeg4-generic") { value["encodingName"] = (uint64_t) CODEC_AUDIO_AAC; } else { WARN("Invalid codec"); value.Reset(); return true; } value["clockRate"] = (uint32_t) atoi(STR(parts[1])); if (parts.size() == 3) { value["encodingParameters"] = parts[2]; } return true; } else if (attributeName == "fmtp") { replace(rawValue, "; ", ";"); vector<string> parts; split(rawValue, " ", parts); if (parts.size() != 2) return false; value["payloadType"] = (uint8_t) atoi(STR(parts[0])); map<string, string> temp = mapping(parts[1], ";", "=", false); FOR_MAP(temp, string, string, i) { value[MAP_KEY(i)] = MAP_VAL(i); }
bool hasKeyword(vector<string> words, string word) { for( size_t i=0; i < words.size(); i++ ) { if( lowerCase(words[i]) == lowerCase(word) ) { return true; } } return false; }
string parse_url (const char *charg) { if(!charg) return ""; int deb = 0, fin = deb; char *arg = new char[strlen(charg)+1]; char *argtmp = arg; strcpy(arg,charg); if(startWith("http://",arg)) arg += 7; while (arg[fin] != '/' && arg[fin] != ':' && arg[fin] != 0) { fin++; } if (fin == 0) return ""; char *host = new char[fin+1]; for (int i=0; i<fin; i++) { host[i] = lowerCase(arg[i]); } host[fin] = 0; string strhost = host; delete [] argtmp; arg = NULL; argtmp = NULL; delete [] host; host = NULL; return strhost; }
bool Duration::valid (const std::string& input) { std::string lower_input = lowerCase (input); // Assume the ordinal is 1, but look for an integer, just in case. double value = 1; Nibbler n (lower_input); n.getNumber (value); if (value < 0.0) value = -value; std::string units; n.getUntilEOS (units); // Non-trivial value with no units means the duration is specified in // seconds, and therefore a time_t. Consider it valid. if (value != 0.0 && units == "") return true; // Auto complete against all supported durations. std::vector <std::string> supported; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < NUM_DURATIONS; ++i) supported.push_back (durations[i]); std::vector <std::string> matches; if (autoComplete (units, supported, matches, context.config.getInteger ("abbreviation.minimum")) == 1) return true; return false; }
bool CCTextureASTC::initWithContentsOfFile(const char* path) { int len = 0; std::string lowerCase(path); if (lowerCase.find(".ccz") != std::string::npos) { len = ZipUtils::ccInflateCCZFile(path, &m_data); } else if (lowerCase.find(".gz") != std::string::npos) { len = ZipUtils::ccInflateGZipFile(path, &m_data); } else { m_data = CCFileUtils::sharedFileUtils()->getFileData(path, "rb", (unsigned long *)(&len)); } if(len<0){ this->release(); return false; } m_uName = 0; m_uWidth = m_uHeight = 0; if (!unpackData(m_data) ||!createGLTexture()) { this->release(); return false; } return true; }
string unhex(string source) { if (source == "") return ""; if ((source.length() % 2) != 0) { FATAL("Invalid hex string: %s", STR(source)); return ""; } source = lowerCase(source); string result = ""; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < (source.length() / 2); i++) { uint8_t val = 0; if ((source[i * 2] >= '0') && (source[i * 2] <= '9')) { val = (source[i * 2] - '0') << 4; } else if ((source[i * 2] >= 'a') && (source[i * 2] <= 'f')) { val = (source[i * 2] - 'a' + 10) << 4; } else { FATAL("Invalid hex string: %s", STR(source)); return ""; } if ((source[i * 2 + 1] >= '0') && (source[i * 2 + 1] <= '9')) { val |= (source[i * 2 + 1] - '0'); } else if ((source[i * 2 + 1] >= 'a') && (source[i * 2 + 1] <= 'f')) { val |= (source[i * 2 + 1] - 'a' + 10); } else { FATAL("Invalid hex string: %s", STR(source)); return ""; } result += (char) val; } return result; }
bool CCTextureASTC::initWithContentsOfFileAsync(const char* path) { int len = 0; std::string lowerCase(path); if (lowerCase.find(".ccz") != std::string::npos) { len = ZipUtils::ccInflateCCZFile(path, &m_data); } else if (lowerCase.find(".gz") != std::string::npos) { len = ZipUtils::ccInflateGZipFile(path, &m_data); } else { m_data = CCFileUtils::sharedFileUtils()->getFileData(path, "rb", (unsigned long *)(&len)); } if(len<0){ deleteData(); this->release(); return false; } m_uName = 0; m_uWidth = m_uHeight = 0; if (!unpackData(m_data)) { deleteData(); this->release(); return false; } /* Keep our GL texture name alive, even after we're destroyed. */ setRetainName(true); return true; }
static int list_entry2table(lua_State *L, UdevListEntry *list) { UdevListEntry *entry; lua_newtable(L); udev_list_entry_foreach(entry, list) { lua_pushstring(L, lowerCase(L, udev_list_entry_get_name(entry))); lua_pushstring(L, udev_list_entry_get_value(entry)); lua_settable(L, -3); }
string CTokenizerBase::getToken() { if(endOfStream) return ""; if(lowerCaseTokens) token = lowerCase(token); return token; }
//changes alphabetical char from ascii to alpha number char toAlpha(char asciiChar) { int alphaNum = asciiChar; if(capital(asciiChar) == 1) alphaNum -= 65; if(lowerCase(asciiChar) == 1) alphaNum -= 97; return alphaNum; }
//changes alphabetical char from alpha to ascii number char toAscii(char alphaChar) { int asciiChar = alphaChar; if(capital(alphaChar) == 1) asciiChar += 65; if(lowerCase(alphaChar) == 1) asciiChar += 97; return asciiChar; }
bool ByteArray::equalsIgnoreCase(const char* value) { int len = (int)strlen(value); if (m_stringLength != len) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if (lowerCase(m_data[i]) != lowerCase(value[i])) { return false; } } return true; }
bool InboundXMLCLIProtocol::ParseCommand(string &command) { //1. Replace the '\\' escape sequence replace(command, "\\\\", "_#slash#_"); //2. Replace the '\ ' escape sequence replace(command, "\\ ", "_#space#_"); //2. Replace the '\=' escape sequence replace(command, "\\=", "_#equal#_"); //2. Replace the '\,' escape sequence replace(command, "\\,", "_#coma#_"); //3. Append "cmd=" in front of the command command = "cmd=" + command; //INFO("command: `%s`", STR(command)); //4. create the map map<string, string> rawMap = mapping(command, " ", "=", true); //5. Create the variant Variant message; message["command"] = rawMap["cmd"]; rawMap.erase("cmd"); string key; string value; vector<string> list; FOR_MAP(rawMap, string, string, i) { key = lowerCase(MAP_KEY(i)); replace(key, "_#space#_", " "); replace(key, "_#slash#_", "\\"); replace(key, "_#equal#_", "="); replace(key, "_#coma#_", ","); value = MAP_VAL(i); replace(value, "_#space#_", " "); replace(value, "_#slash#_", "\\"); replace(value, "_#equal#_", "="); list.clear(); split(value, ",", list); if (list.size() != 1) { for (uint32_t j = 0; j < list.size(); j++) { trim(list[j]); if (list[j] == "") continue; replace(list[j], "_#coma#_", ","); message["parameters"][key].PushToArray(list[j]); } } else { replace(value, "_#coma#_", ","); message["parameters"][key] = value; } }
bool getBool( std::string prompt ) { do { std::string userAnswer = lowerCase(getString( prompt )); if ( userAnswer == "y" || userAnswer == "yes" ) return true; if ( userAnswer == "n" || userAnswer == "no" ) return false; std::cout << "Enter y, yes, n, or no." << std::endl; } while ( true ); }
map<string,string> OptionParser::Parse(vector<string> words) { // return a dictionary collecting the various parts of the commands according to the keys we got in the constructor map<string,string> options; // parse words into dictionary: if the current word is not a keyword add it to the already parsed part, if it is, add a new entry string currentKey; for( size_t i=0; i < words.size(); i++ ) { // if the current word is a keyword, use it from now bool isKeyword = this->keys.find(lowerCase(words[i])) != this->keys.end(); if( isKeyword ) { currentKey = lowerCase(words[i]); // take note in the map that the option was there, so it is at least a flag options[currentKey] = ""; // it would have returned this anyway if looked up this way, so later we must check with find } else { // a value must be if( currentKey == "" ) // the words have to begin with a keyword throw DwUseException("Cannot decide what option '" + words[i] + "' belongs to."); string opt = options[currentKey]; // insert a space between parts, but until the next option it will be one string options[currentKey] = (opt == "" ? opt : opt + " ") + words[i]; } } return options; }
//fcn to get acknowledgement from serial peripheral void waitForAck(void) { //get acknowlegement char buffer[BUFFSIZE]; while(1) { serDevice.receiveData(buffer); lowerCase(buffer); if(strcmp(ACK, buffer) == 0) { break; } memset(&buffer[0],0,strlen(buffer)); } return; }
string ContentTypeManager::getMimeType(string fileExtension) { string mType = ""; fileExtension = lowerCase(fileExtension); pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); if (fileExtension != "" && mimeDefaultTable.count(fileExtension) != 0) { mType = mimeDefaultTable[fileExtension]; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); return mType; }
/// /// Parsing function for creation of Indexer object. Takes words from file to index /// and strips them of punctuation, converts all chars to lower case, then compares /// with strings in skip file. It will finally store those that apply to these /// guidelines, including their page number and line number. /// void Indexer::parseFile() { std::ifstream inFile; std::string inputLine; inFile.open(inFileName); if (!inFile.is_open()) { std::cout << "No index file present with that name." << std::endl; system("PAUSE"); exit(0); } while (!inFile.eof()) // First loop acquires a line from the text file. { std::getline(inFile, inputLine); std::istringstream stringParse(inputLine); incLineNmbr(); while (!stringParse.eof()) // Inner loop breaks line up into strings. { std::string token; stringParse >> token; if (token == "") // Check for empty strings. continue; if (token == "<newpage>") { incPageNmbr(); lineNmbr = 0; break; } punctStrip(token); // Call function to remove punctuation lowerCase(token); // Convert to lower case. if (!wordsToSkip.skipWordcheck(token)) // Check for string in skipWords. continue; addToIndex(token); } } }
int Date::dayOfWeek (const std::string& input) { std::string in = lowerCase (input); if (in == STRING_DATE_SUNDAY_LONG || in == STRING_DATE_SUNDAY_SHORT) return 0; if (in == STRING_DATE_MONDAY_LONG || in == STRING_DATE_MONDAY_SHORT) return 1; if (in == STRING_DATE_TUESDAY_LONG || in == STRING_DATE_TUESDAY_SHORT) return 2; if (in == STRING_DATE_WEDNESDAY_LONG || in == STRING_DATE_WEDNESDAY_SHORT) return 3; if (in == STRING_DATE_THURSDAY_LONG || in == STRING_DATE_THURSDAY_SHORT) return 4; if (in == STRING_DATE_FRIDAY_LONG || in == STRING_DATE_FRIDAY_SHORT) return 5; if (in == STRING_DATE_SATURDAY_LONG || in == STRING_DATE_SATURDAY_SHORT) return 6; return -1; }
bool GreekLowerCaseFilter::incrementToken() { if (input->incrementToken()) { wchar_t* chArray = termAtt->termBufferArray(); int32_t chLen = termAtt->termLength(); for (int32_t i = 0; i < chLen; ++i) { chArray[i] = lowerCase(chArray[i]); } return true; } else { return false; } }
Widget::HorizontalAlignment Style::strToHAlign(const std::string& halign) { std::string ha = lowerCase(halign); if(ha == "center") return Widget::HA_CENTER; else if(ha == "left") return Widget::HA_LEFT; else if(ha == "right") return Widget::HA_RIGHT; else { warn() << "Unkown HAlign name [" << halign << "]; using HA_CENTER." << std::endl; return Widget::HA_CENTER; } }
Widget::VerticalAlignment Style::strToVAlign(const std::string& valign) { std::string va = lowerCase(valign); if(va == "center") return Widget::VA_CENTER; else if(va == "top") return Widget::VA_TOP; else if(va == "bottom") return Widget::VA_BOTTOM; else { warn() << "Unkown VAlign name [" << valign << "]; using VA_CENTER." << std::endl; return Widget::VA_CENTER; } }
bool Style::strToFill(const std::string& fill) { std::string cm = lowerCase(fill); if(cm == "true") return true; else if(cm == "false") return false; else { warn() << "Unkown Fill name [" << fill << "]; using false." << std::endl ; return false; } }
Widget::CoordinateMode Style::strToCoordMode(const std::string& coordmode) { std::string cm = lowerCase(coordmode); if(cm == "absolute") return Widget::CM_ABSOLUTE; else if(cm == "relative") return Widget::CM_RELATIVE; else { warn() << "Unkown CoordMode name [" << coordmode << "]; using CM_ABSOLUTE." << std::endl ; return Widget::CM_ABSOLUTE; } }
bool bibleworks_is_running () // Returns whether BibleWorks runs. // The reason this was introduced is so that older and future versions of BibleWorks are likely to be recognized. { bool running = false; vector <ustring> processes = list_processes (); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < processes.size(); i++) { ustring process = lowerCase (processes[i]); size_t pos = process.find ("0.exe"); if (pos != string::npos) { process.erase (0, pos - 6); pos = process.find ("bw"); running = (pos != string::npos); } } return running; }
bool InboundMJPGHTTPStreamProtocol::SignalInputData(IOBuffer &buffer) { //1. Is the stream name acquired? if (_streamNameAcquired) { buffer.IgnoreAll(); return true; } if (!AcquireStreamName(buffer)) { FATAL("Unable to get the stream name"); return false; } if (!_streamNameAcquired) { return true; } //7. Search for the stream called streamName and pick the first one map<uint32_t, BaseStream *> inStreams = GetApplication()->GetStreamsManager()->FindByTypeByName( ST_IN_CAM_MJPG, _streamName, false, true); if (inStreams.size() == 0) { if (lowerCase(_streamName) == "crossdomain.xml") { return SendCrossDomain(); } else { FATAL("Stream %s not found", STR(_streamName)); return Send404NotFound(); } } BaseInStream *pInStream = (BaseInStream *) MAP_VAL(inStreams.begin()); //8. Create our raw outbound stream _pOutStream = new OutNetMJPGHTTPStream(this, GetApplication()->GetStreamsManager(), _streamName); //9. Link it to the in stream if (!pInStream->Link(_pOutStream)) { FATAL("Unable to link to the in stream"); return false; } //10. All done. Ignore all the traffic buffer.IgnoreAll(); //11. Done return true; }
void Changecase::process() { emit startMacro(i18n("Change case")); if (m_sentenceCaseRadio->isChecked()) sentenceCase(); else if (m_lowerCaseRadio->isChecked()) lowerCase(); else if (m_upperCaseRadio->isChecked()) upperCase(); else if (m_initialCapsRadio->isChecked()) initialCaps(); else if (m_toggleCaseRadio->isChecked()) toggleCase(); emit stopMacro(); }
uint32_t BSA::getIndexOfFolder(std::string folderName) const { if (!hasAllStructureData()) { std::cout << "BSA::getIndexOfFolder: Error: not all structure data is " << "present to properly fulfill the requested operation!\n"; return cIndexNotFound; } if (folderName.empty()) return cIndexNotFound; //transform to lower case folderName = lowerCase(folderName); uint32_t i; for (i=0; i<m_FolderBlocks.size(); ++i) { if (m_FolderBlocks.at(i).folderName==folderName) return i; }//for return cIndexNotFound; }
int countConsonants(char *buffer) { int i = 0, j, count = 0; int consonants[21] = {'b', 'c', 'd', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z'}; buffer = lowerCase(buffer); do { for (j = 0; j < sizeof(consonants) / sizeof(int); j++) { if (buffer[i] == (int) consonants[j]) { count++; } } i++; } while ('\0' != buffer[i]); return count; }