int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    typedef double DecisionVariable_t;
    typedef std::mt19937 RNG_t;
    unsigned int seed = 1;
    double eta = 10;
    double crossover_probability = 1.0;
    double eps = 0.00001;
    double proportion_crossed = 1.0;
    RNG_t rng(seed);
    DebsSBXCrossover<RNG_t> crossover_tester(rng, eta, crossover_probability, eps, proportion_crossed);
    int number_dvs = 1; //number of decision variables
    double min_value = -1.0;
    double max_value = 8.0;
    std::vector<double> lower_bounds(number_dvs, min_value);
    std::vector<double> upper_bounds(number_dvs, max_value);
    std::vector<int> lower_bounds_i;
    std::vector<int> upper_bounds_i;
    std::vector<MinOrMaxType> min_or_max(1, MINIMISATION);
//    std::vector<DecisionVariable_t> parent1_dv_values {2};
//    std::vector<DecisionVariable_t> parent2_dv_values {5};
    ProblemDefinitions defs(lower_bounds, upper_bounds,lower_bounds_i, upper_bounds_i, min_or_max, 0);
    Individual parent1(defs);
    Individual parent2(defs);
    std::vector<double> results;
    int num_samples = 1000000;
    for (int i = 0; i < num_samples; ++i)
        Individual child1(parent1);
        Individual child2(parent2);
        crossover_tester.crossover_implementation(child1, child2);
//        std::cout << child1[0] << std::endl;
//        std::cout << child2[0] << std::endl;
#ifdef WITH_VTK
    // plot results.
    // Set up a 2D scene, add an XY chart to it
    VTK_CREATE(vtkContextView, view);
    view->GetRenderer()->SetBackground(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
    view->GetRenderWindow()->SetSize(400, 300);
    VTK_CREATE(vtkChartXY, chart);
    // Create a table with some points in it...
    VTK_CREATE(vtkTable, table);
    VTK_CREATE(vtkIntArray, arrBin);
    arrBin->SetName("decision variable value");
    VTK_CREATE(vtkIntArray, arrFrequency);
    int num_bins = 50;
    std::vector<int> frequency_count(num_bins);
//    std::vector<std::string> bin_names(num_bins);
    std::vector<int> bin_names(num_bins);
    for (int i = 0; i < num_samples; ++i)
        frequency_count[int((results[i] - min_value) / (max_value - min_value) * num_bins)]++;
    for (int i = 0; i < num_bins; ++i)
//        bin_names[i] = std::to_string((double(i) / double(num_bins)) * (max_value-min_value) + min_value);
        bin_names[i] = i;
    for (int i = 0; i < num_bins; i++)
    // Add multiple line plots, setting the colors etc
    vtkPlot *line = 0;
    line = chart->AddPlot(vtkChart::BAR);
    line->SetInput(table, 0, 1);
    line->SetInputData(table, 0, 1);
    line->SetColor(0, 255, 0, 255);
    //Finally render the scene and compare the image to a reference image
Ejemplo n.º 2
* Run an fwd simulation optimization
int main()

	try {

		SimTools* simtools = new SimTools(); // Instance of simtools class to use my functions

		string osim_filename = "";
		string force_filename_flex = "";
		string marker_filename_flex = "";
		string ik_setup_filename_flex = "";

		string force_filename_ext = "";
		string marker_filename_ext = "";
		string ik_setup_filename_ext = "";

		// Set up file directories
		// Define osim file location
		string osim_fd = "T:/Lamb expts 2012/Lamb experiments 2012/23rd - 24th July Expts/Opensim/Version9/";

		// Specify force and trc mocap file
		string fd = "T:/Lamb expts 2012/Lamb experiments 2012/23rd - 24th July Expts/Opensim/Lamb2 data files/";

		osim_filename = osim_filename.append(osim_fd).append("Version9_contrained.osim"); // for flex		
		//Open existing XML model
		Model osimModel(osim_filename); 
		Model osimModelE(osim_filename); 
		string expt_file_flex = "l2flexv2";

		string output_fd_flex = "T:/Lamb expts 2012/Lamb experiments 2012/23rd - 24th July Expts/Opensim/Version9/flex_output.sto";
		double tiFlex,tfFlex;
		tiFlex = 2; // Static equilibrium
		tfFlex = 15;		

		string expt_file_ext = "l2extv2a";

		string output_fd_ext = "T:/Lamb expts 2012/Lamb experiments 2012/23rd - 24th July Expts/Opensim/Version9/ext_output.sto";
		double tiExt,tfExt;
		tiExt = 5;
		tfExt = 18;

		//flex filenames
		force_filename_flex = force_filename_flex.append(fd).append(expt_file_flex).append(".mot");
		marker_filename_flex = marker_filename_flex.append(fd).append(expt_file_flex).append(".trc");
		ik_setup_filename_flex = ik_setup_filename_flex.append(osim_fd).append(expt_file_flex).append("_initial_ik.xml");

		//ext filenames
		force_filename_ext = force_filename_ext.append(fd).append(expt_file_ext).append(".mot");
		marker_filename_ext = marker_filename_ext.append(fd).append(expt_file_ext).append(".trc");
		ik_setup_filename_ext = ik_setup_filename_ext.append(osim_fd).append(expt_file_ext).append("_initial_ik.xml");

		// Create storage object for force file
		OpenSim::Storage* force_storage_ext = new Storage(force_filename_ext);
		OpenSim::Storage* force_storage_flex = new Storage(force_filename_flex);

		// smooths out all data....
		force_storage_flex->smoothSpline(3,1); // order = 3, cutoff freq = 1Hz
		force_storage_flex->resampleLinear(0.1); // resample to 10Hz

		force_storage_ext->smoothSpline(3,1); // order = 3, cutoff freq = 1Hz
		force_storage_ext->resampleLinear(0.1); // resample to 10Hz
		//force_storage->print("T:/Lamb expts 2012/Lamb experiments 2012/23rd - 24th July Expts/Opensim/Version4/force_flex_smooth.sto");


		//OpenSim::CoordinateSet& CS = osimModel.updCoordinateSet();
		// Run initial ik step to find Initial conditions for forward simulation
		Array<double> ICs_Flex, ICs_Ext;

		osimModel.updCoordinateSet().get("t2ToGND_FE").setDefaultValue(0); // to flip up model so initial ik guess is close
		ICs_Ext = simtools->ik_constrain_torso(osimModel,marker_filename_ext,ik_setup_filename_ext,tiExt,tfExt);
		cout<<"\n\next ic: :"<<ICs_Ext<<endl;
        osimModel.print("T:/Lamb expts 2012/Lamb experiments 2012/23rd - 24th July Expts/Opensim/Version9/test1.osim");		

		OpenSim::CoordinateSet& CS = osimModel.updCoordinateSet();//.get("t2ToGND_FE").setDefaultIsPrescribed(false);

		for(int i = 0; i<6; i++)
			// First 6 coordinates in cooridnate set correspond to rotx,roty,rotz,tx,ty,tz

		// For Flex
		osimModel.updCoordinateSet().get("t2ToGND_FE").setDefaultValue(-Pi/2); // to flip up model so initial ik guess is close
		osimModel.print("T:/Lamb expts 2012/Lamb experiments 2012/23rd - 24th July Expts/Opensim/Version9/testa.osim");
		// Returns state values at initial time -> ICs has length of coordinate set (computed by single ik step)
		ICs_Flex = simtools->ik_constrain_torso(osimModel,marker_filename_flex,ik_setup_filename_flex,tiFlex,tfFlex);	
		osimModel.print("T:/Lamb expts 2012/Lamb experiments 2012/23rd - 24th July Expts/Opensim/Version9/test.osim");
		cout<<"\n\nflex ic: :"<<ICs_Flex<<endl;
		// Set up point kinematic analyses -> to track marker positions for use in objective function
		//AnalysisSet pk_set = 

		//cout<<"name : "<<osimModel.getNumAnalyses();

		//cout<<"\n\nname : "<<osimModel.updAnalysisSet().get("m1");

		////// USE force file to prescribe forces to head_markers body

		// Create measurement data structure for each simulation // 
		// Open trc file and store in class MarkerData
		MarkerData md_flex = OpenSim::MarkerData(marker_filename_flex);
		MarkerData md_ext = OpenSim::MarkerData(marker_filename_ext);

		// Create storage object with marker data (md) in it
		Storage data_trc_flex, data_trc_ext;
		// crop storage object to only include data in time frame of simulation
		data_trc_flex.crop(tiFlex,tfFlex); // -> data_trc is used to calculate rms error between model marker and motion capture markers
		data_trc_ext.crop(tiExt,tfExt); // -> data_trc is used to calculate rms error between model marker and motion capture markers

		//osimModel.print("T:/Lamb expts 2012/Lamb experiments 2012/23rd - 24th July Expts/Opensim/Version9/test.osim");

		//		 Create list of point kinematics reporters which match marker positions from osim model
		PointKinematics* m1h = new PointKinematics(&osimModel);
		PointKinematics* m2h = new PointKinematics(&osimModel);
		PointKinematics* m3h = new PointKinematics(&osimModel);
		PointKinematics* m4h = new PointKinematics(&osimModel);
		PointKinematics* m5h = new PointKinematics(&osimModel);
		PointKinematics* m6h = new PointKinematics(&osimModel);

		// points in head_marker ref frame specified by inspection
		Vec3 p1(0.071700000,0.00000000,-0.054772000);
		Vec3 p2(-0.071700000,0.00000000,-0.038524000);
		Vec3 p3(0.071700000,0.00000000,0.005228);
		Vec3 p4(-0.0300000,0.00000000,0.026928);
		Vec3 p5(0.0300000,0.00000000,0.026928);
		Vec3 p6(-0.071700000,0.00000000,-0.008524000);





		//// RUN SIMULATION for a given set of bushing force properties

		//// Define bushing properties
		//// Define translational stiffness (t_stiff - x,y,z), rotational stiffness (r_stiff - x,y,z) and corresponding damping
		Vec3 t_stiff(0),r_stiff(0.01),t_damp(0),r_damp(10);

		//// initialise vector of initial parameter guesses
		//int numParams = 4;
		//Vector guess(numParams);
		//guess[0] = 6.82;//6.00553; // theta star (degrees)
		//guess[1] = 1.22; // k1 (N*m/degree)
		//guess[2] = 7.29; // k2 (N*m/degree)
		//guess[3] = 0.22;//0.409055; // damping (Nm/(deg/sec))

		//Vector PARAMS(numParams);
		//for (int i = 0; i<numParams; i++){
		//	PARAMS[i] = guess[i];
		////string fd = "";
		// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //
		//// Initialise and run optimization
		int numParams = 5;
		//// Parameters:
		//// - Theta_STAR
		//// - k1		
		//// - k2
		//// - damping
		//MyOptimizerSystem sys(numParams,osimModel,data_trc,ti,tf,ICs,*m1h,*m2h,*m3h,*m4h,*m5h,*m6h,output_fd);

		MyOptimizerSystem sys(numParams,osimModel,tiFlex,tiExt,tfFlex,tfExt,ICs_Flex,ICs_Ext,*force_storage_flex,*force_storage_ext,*m1h,*m2h,*m3h,*m4h,*m5h,*m6h,data_trc_flex,data_trc_ext);

		Real f = NaN;

		Vector lower_bounds(numParams);
		Vector upper_bounds(numParams);

		// theta star flex
		lower_bounds[0] = 2;//0.0;//*Pi/180;
		upper_bounds[0] = 12;//1.0;//*Pi/180;

		// theta star ext 
		lower_bounds[1] = 2;//0.0;//*Pi/180;
		upper_bounds[1] = 12;//1.0;//*Pi/180;

		// k1
		lower_bounds[2] = 1e-6;//0.0;//*Pi/180;
		upper_bounds[2] = 15;//1.0;//*Pi/180;

		// k2
		lower_bounds[3] = 0.1;
		upper_bounds[3] = 100;

		// damping
		lower_bounds[4] = -2;
		upper_bounds[4] = 2;

		//head mass
		//lower_bounds[3] = -2.0;
		//upper_bounds[3] = 2.0;

		//// theta star sk
		//lower_bounds[4] = 6;//0.0;//*Pi/180;
		//upper_bounds[4] = 30;//1.0;//*Pi/180;

		//// k1 sk
		//lower_bounds[5] = 1e-6;//0.0;//*Pi/180;
		//upper_bounds[5] = 15;//1.0;//*Pi/180;

		//// k2 sk
		//lower_bounds[6] = 0.1;
		//upper_bounds[6] = 100;

		// set parameter limits

		// initialise vector of initial parameter guesses
		Vector guess(numParams);
		guess[0] = 6.82; //flexion theta star (degrees)
		guess[1] = 6.82; // extension theta star (degrees)
		guess[2] = 1.22; // k1 (N*m/degree)
		guess[3] = 7.29; // k2 (N*m/degree)
		guess[4] = 0.3; // bushing offset

		//guess[4] = 0.0; // head mass
		//		guess[4] = 45; // theta star sk (degrees)
		//guess[5] = guess[1]; // k1 sk (N*m/degree)
		//guess[6] = guess[2]; // k2 sk (N*m/degree)
		// Try optimisation
		clock_t t1,t2,t3,t4;
		t1 = clock();
			// intialise optimizer
			Optimizer opt(sys, SimTK::InteriorPoint);
			// Optimisation settings					
			// return optimum solution
			f = opt.optimize(guess);
			cout<<"\nf = "<<f;
			cout<<"\nguess = "<<guess;
		catch(const std::exception& e) {
		std::cout << "OptimizationExample.cpp Caught exception :"  << std::endl;
		std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
		t2 = clock();
		//// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //	

		//cout<<"\n\nOptimiszation time: "<<((float)t2-(float)t1)/ CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " seconds";
		//// Run simulation and save point kinematic reporter in data_sim storage object. Print simulation results to file.
		//Array<Array<double>> pk_data;

		Vector PARAMS(numParams);
		for (int i = 0; i<numParams; i++){
			PARAMS[i] = guess[i];
		//string fd = "";
		//////cout<<"\n\npk_data: "<<pk_data;
		////t3 = clock();
		////cout<<"\n\nSimulation time: "<<((float)t3-(float)t2)/ CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " seconds";
		////double rms = simtools->Calc_rms_VERSION2(data_trc,ti,tf,pk_data);
		////t4 = clock();
		////cout<<"\n\nRMS time: "<<((float)t4-(float)t3)/ CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " seconds";

		////cout<<"\n\nRMS ERROR: "<<rms;
		////osimModel.print("T:/Lamb expts 2012/Lamb experiments 2012/23rd - 24th July Expts/Opensim/Version5/test.osim");

		////ofstream myfile;
		////"T:/Lamb expts 2012/Lamb experiments 2012/23rd - 24th July Expts/Opensim/Version6/Model/fileConstrainedwBushingAndLimit.txt");
		////double rms = 0;
		////int n = 25;
		////double val = 0;
		////Vector k(n,(double)0);
		////Vector obj(n,(double)0);
		////for (int i=0; i<n; i++){
		////	t1 = clock();
		////	val = i*0.5 + 4;
		////	t_slackL_opt = val;
		////	//Vec3 r_stiff_opt(val);
		////	pk_data = simtools->RunSimulation_LIMITSTOP(osimModel,t_stiff,r_stiff_opt,t_damp,r_damp,ti,tf,t_slackL_opt,vert_mass_opt,head_mass_opt,ICs,false,osim_fd,*m1h,*m2h,*m3h,*m4h,*m5h,*m6h,fibreL_opt);
		////	rms = simtools->Calc_rms_VERSION2(data_trc,ti,tf,pk_data);
		////	k[i] = val;
		////	obj[i] = rms;
		////	cout<<i<<"\n";
		////	myfile<<k[i]<<"\t"<<obj[i]<<"\n";
		////	t2 = clock();
		////	cout<<k[i]<<"\t"<<obj[i]<<"\n";
		////	cout<<"\n\nLoop time: "<<((float)t2-(float)t1)/ CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " seconds";

		////cout<<"\n\nk = "<<k;
		////cout<<"\n\nobj = "<<obj;

		////ofstream myfile_2param;
		////"T:/Lamb expts 2012/Lamb experiments 2012/23rd - 24th July Expts/Opensim/Version6/Model/fileConstrainedwBushingAndLimit_2param_v2.txt");
		////double rms = 0;
		////int n =10;
		////int nn = 20;
		////double val_k = 0, val_m = 0;
		////Vector k(n*nn,(double)0);
		////Vector m(n*nn,(double)0);
		////Vector obj(n*nn,(double)0);
		////for (int i=0; i<n; i++){
		////	for (int j=0;j<nn; j++){
		////		val_k = i*0.05 + 0.3;
		////		val_m = j*0.5 + 5;
		////		t_slackL_opt = val_m;
		////		head_mass_opt = val_k;
		////		//Vec3 r_stiff_opt(val_k);
		////		t_slackL_opt = val_m;
		////		pk_data = simtools->RunSimulation_LIMITSTOP(osimModel,t_stiff,r_stiff_opt,t_damp,r_damp,ti,tf,t_slackL_opt,vert_mass_opt,head_mass_opt,ICs,false,osim_fd,*m1h,*m2h,*m3h,*m4h,*m5h,*m6h,fibreL_opt);
		////		rms = simtools->Calc_rms_VERSION2(data_trc,ti,tf,pk_data);
		////		k[i*n + j] = val_k;
		////		m[i*n + j] = val_m;
		////		obj[i*n + j] = rms;
		////		cout<<(i)<<"\t"<<j<<"\n";
		////		cout<<k[i*n + j]<<"\n";
		////		cout<<m[i*n + j]<<"\n";
		////		cout<<rms<<"\n";
		////		myfile_2param<<k[i*n + j]<<"\t"<<m[i*n + j]<<"\t"<<obj[i*n + j]<<"\n";
		////	}

		////cout<<"\n\nk = "<<k;
		////cout<<"\n\nm = "<<m;
		////cout<<"\n\nobj = "<<obj;

	catch (OpenSim::Exception ex)
		std::cout << ex.getMessage() << std::endl;
		return 1;
	catch (std::exception ex)
		std::cout << ex.what() << std::endl;
		return 1;
	catch (...)
		std::cout << "UNRECOGNIZED EXCEPTION" << std::endl;
		return 1;

	//std::cout << "main() routine time = " << 1.e3*(std::clock()-startTime)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "ms\n";
	std::cout << "\n\nOpenSim example completed successfully.\n";
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int project_onto_knapsack_constraint(double* x, double* costs, int d,
                                     double budget) {
  // minimize ||x - x0||^2 s.t. w'*x = budget, x in [0,1]^d.
  // By defining y := (x - x0)./w, this becomes:
  // min ||w.*y||^2
  // s.t.
  // (w.^2)'*y = b - w'*x0
  // -x0./w <= y <= 1 - x0./w
  // This maps to the canonical problem (2) described in:
  // Pardalos and Kovoor (1990). An Algorithm for a Singly Constrained
  // Class of Quadratic Problems subject to Upper and Lower Bounds.
  // Mathematical Programming 46 (1990) 321-328.
  // with parameters:
  // A_i = -x0i/w_i
  // B_i = (1-x0i)/w_i
  // C_i = w_i^2
  // D = b - w'*x0
  // x_i = x0i + w_i*y_i

  vector<double> lower_bounds(d); // A.
  vector<double> upper_bounds(d); // B.
  vector<double> weights(d); // C.
  double total_weight; // D.
  vector<double> solution(d);

  cout << "x0 = [";
  for (int i = 0; i < d; ++i) {
    cout << x[i] << ",";
  cout << "]" << endl;
  cout << "costs = [";
  for (int i = 0; i < d; ++i) {
    cout << costs[i] << ",";
  cout << "]" << endl;
  cout << "budget = " << budget << endl;

  total_weight = budget;
  for (int i = 0; i < d; ++i) {
    lower_bounds[i] = -x[i] / costs[i];
    upper_bounds[i] = (1-x[i]) / costs[i];
    weights[i] = costs[i] * costs[i];
    total_weight -= costs[i] * x[i];

  solve_canonical_qp_knapsack(lower_bounds, upper_bounds, weights, total_weight,

  for (int i = 0; i < d; ++i) {
    x[i] += costs[i] * solution[i];

  cout << "x = [";
  for (int i = 0; i < d; ++i) {
    cout << x[i] << ",";
  cout << "]" << endl;

  return 0;