Ejemplo n.º 1
static LWCOLLECTION* lwcollection_from_wkb_state(wkb_parse_state *s)
	uint32_t ngeoms = integer_from_wkb_state(s);
	LWCOLLECTION *col = lwcollection_construct_empty(s->lwtype, s->srid, s->has_z, s->has_m);
	LWGEOM *geom = NULL;
	int i;

	LWDEBUGF(4,"Collection has %d components", ngeoms);

	/* Empty collection? */
	if ( ngeoms == 0 )
		return col;

	/* Be strict in polyhedral surface closures */
	if ( s->lwtype == POLYHEDRALSURFACETYPE )

	for ( i = 0; i < ngeoms; i++ )
		geom = lwgeom_from_wkb_state(s);
		if ( lwcollection_add_lwgeom(col, geom) == NULL )
			lwerror("Unable to add geometry (%p) to collection (%p)", geom, col);
			return NULL;

	return col;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static LWGEOM*
parse_geojson_geometrycollection(json_object *geojson, bool *hasz,  int *root_srid)
	LWGEOM *geom = NULL;
	int i;
	json_object* poObjGeoms = NULL;

	if (!*root_srid)
		geom = (LWGEOM *)lwcollection_construct_empty(COLLECTIONTYPE, *root_srid, 1, 0);
		geom = (LWGEOM *)lwcollection_construct_empty(COLLECTIONTYPE, -1, 1, 0);

	poObjGeoms = findMemberByName( geojson, "geometries" );
	if ( ! poObjGeoms )
		geojson_lwerror("Unable to find 'geometries' in GeoJSON string", 4);

	if( json_type_array == json_object_get_type( poObjGeoms ) )
		const int nGeoms = json_object_array_length( poObjGeoms );
		json_object* poObjGeom = NULL;
		for(i = 0; i < nGeoms; ++i )
			poObjGeom = json_object_array_get_idx( poObjGeoms, i );
			geom = (LWGEOM*)lwcollection_add_lwgeom((LWCOLLECTION *)geom,
			                                        parse_geojson(poObjGeom, hasz, root_srid));

	return geom;
Ejemplo n.º 3
static LWCOLLECTION* lwmultipoly_from_twkb_state(twkb_parse_state *s)
	int ngeoms, i;
	LWGEOM *geom = NULL;
	LWCOLLECTION *col = lwcollection_construct_empty(s->lwtype, SRID_UNKNOWN, s->has_z, s->has_m);

	LWDEBUG(2,"Entering lwmultipolygon_from_twkb_state");

	if ( s->is_empty )
		return col;

	/* Read number of geometries */
	ngeoms = twkb_parse_state_uvarint(s);
	LWDEBUGF(4,"Number of geometries %d",ngeoms);

	/* It has an idlist, we need to skip that */
	if ( s->has_idlist )
		for ( i = 0; i < ngeoms; i++ )

	for ( i = 0; i < ngeoms; i++ )
		geom = lwpoly_as_lwgeom(lwpoly_from_twkb_state(s));
		if ( lwcollection_add_lwgeom(col, geom) == NULL )
			lwerror("Unable to add geometry (%p) to collection (%p)", geom, col);
			return NULL;

	return col;
Ejemplo n.º 4
int lwcompound_add_lwgeom(LWCOMPOUND *comp, LWGEOM *geom)
	/* Empty things can't continuously join up with other things */
	if ( lwgeom_is_empty(geom) )
		LWDEBUG(4, "Got an empty component for a compound curve!");
		return LW_FAILURE;
	if( col->ngeoms > 0 )
		POINT4D last, first;
		/* First point of the component we are adding */
		LWLINE *newline = (LWLINE*)geom;
		/* Last point of the previous component */
		LWLINE *prevline = (LWLINE*)(col->geoms[col->ngeoms-1]);

		getPoint4d_p(newline->points, 0, &first);
		getPoint4d_p(prevline->points, prevline->points->npoints-1, &last);
		if ( !(FP_EQUALS(first.x,last.x) && FP_EQUALS(first.y,last.y)) )
			LWDEBUG(4, "Components don't join up end-to-end!");
			LWDEBUGF(4, "first pt (%g %g %g %g) last pt (%g %g %g %g)", first.x, first.y, first.z, first.m, last.x, last.y, last.z, last.m);			
			return LW_FAILURE;
	col = lwcollection_add_lwgeom(col, geom);
	return LW_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * Parse KML MultiGeometry
static LWGEOM* parse_kml_multi(xmlNodePtr xnode, bool *hasz)
	LWGEOM *geom;
	xmlNodePtr xa;

	geom = (LWGEOM *)lwcollection_construct_empty(COLLECTIONTYPE, 4326, 1, 0);

	for (xa = xnode->children ; xa != NULL ; xa = xa->next)

		if (xa->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) continue;
		if (!is_kml_namespace(xa, false)) continue;

		if (	   !strcmp((char *) xa->name, "Point")
		        || !strcmp((char *) xa->name, "LineString")
		        || !strcmp((char *) xa->name, "Polygon")
		        || !strcmp((char *) xa->name, "MultiGeometry"))

			if (xa->children == NULL) break;
			geom = (LWGEOM*)lwcollection_add_lwgeom((LWCOLLECTION*)geom, parse_kml(xa, hasz));

	return geom;
Ejemplo n.º 6
* Clip an input MULTIPOINT between two values, on any ordinate input.
lwmpoint_clip_to_ordinate_range(const LWMPOINT *mpoint, char ordinate, double from, double to)
	LWCOLLECTION *lwgeom_out = NULL;
	char hasz, hasm;
	int i;

	/* Nothing to do with NULL */
	if ( ! mpoint )
		lwerror("Null input geometry.");

	/* Ensure 'from' is less than 'to'. */
	if ( to < from )
		double t = from;
		from = to;
		to = t;

	/* Read Z/M info */
	hasz = lwgeom_has_z(lwmpoint_as_lwgeom(mpoint));
	hasm = lwgeom_has_m(lwmpoint_as_lwgeom(mpoint));
	/* Prepare return object */
	lwgeom_out = lwcollection_construct_empty(MULTIPOINTTYPE, mpoint->srid, hasz, hasm);

	/* For each point, is its ordinate value between from and to? */
	for ( i = 0; i < mpoint->ngeoms; i ++ )
		POINT4D p4d;
		double ordinate_value;
		lwpoint_getPoint4d_p(mpoint->geoms[i], &p4d);
		ordinate_value = lwpoint_get_ordinate(&p4d, ordinate);
		if ( from <= ordinate_value && to >= ordinate_value )
			LWPOINT *lwp = lwpoint_clone(mpoint->geoms[i]);
			lwcollection_add_lwgeom(lwgeom_out, lwpoint_as_lwgeom(lwp));
	/* Set the bbox */

	return lwgeom_out;
Ejemplo n.º 7
LWCOLLECTION* lwcollection_simplify(const LWCOLLECTION *igeom, double dist)
 	int i;
	LWCOLLECTION *out = lwcollection_construct_empty(igeom->type, igeom->srid, FLAGS_GET_Z(igeom->flags), FLAGS_GET_M(igeom->flags));

	if( lwcollection_is_empty(igeom) )
		return out; /* should we return NULL instead ? */

	for( i = 0; i < igeom->ngeoms; i++ )
		LWGEOM *ngeom = lwgeom_simplify(igeom->geoms[i], dist);
		if ( ngeom ) out = lwcollection_add_lwgeom(out, ngeom);

	return out;
Ejemplo n.º 8
* Clip an input POINT between two values, on any ordinate input.
lwpoint_clip_to_ordinate_range(const LWPOINT *point, char ordinate, double from, double to)
	LWCOLLECTION *lwgeom_out = NULL;
	char hasz, hasm;
	POINT4D p4d;
	double ordinate_value;

	/* Nothing to do with NULL */
	if ( ! point )
		lwerror("Null input geometry.");

	/* Ensure 'from' is less than 'to'. */
	if ( to < from )
		double t = from;
		from = to;
		to = t;

	/* Read Z/M info */
	hasz = lwgeom_has_z(lwpoint_as_lwgeom(point));
	hasm = lwgeom_has_m(lwpoint_as_lwgeom(point));
	/* Prepare return object */
	lwgeom_out = lwcollection_construct_empty(MULTIPOINTTYPE, point->srid, hasz, hasm);

	/* Test if ordinate is in range */
	lwpoint_getPoint4d_p(point, &p4d);	
	ordinate_value = lwpoint_get_ordinate(&p4d, ordinate);
	if ( from <= ordinate_value && to >= ordinate_value )
		LWPOINT *lwp = lwpoint_clone(point);
		lwcollection_add_lwgeom(lwgeom_out, lwpoint_as_lwgeom(lwp));
	/* Set the bbox */

	return lwgeom_out;
Ejemplo n.º 9
** Given a generic collection, return the "simplest" form.
** In general, if the subcomponents are homogeneous, return a properly
** typed collection.
** Otherwise, return a generic collection, with the subtypes in minimal
** typed collections.
static void
lwcollection_build_buffer(const LWCOLLECTION *col, HomogenizeBuffer *buffer)
	int i;
	if ( ! col ) return;
	if ( lwgeom_is_empty(lwcollection_as_lwgeom(col)) ) return;
	for ( i = 0; i < col->ngeoms; i++ )
		LWGEOM *geom = col->geoms[i];
			case POINTTYPE:
			case LINETYPE:
				/* Init if necessary */
				if ( ! buffer->buf[geom->type] )
					LWCOLLECTION *bufcol = lwcollection_construct_empty(COLLECTIONTYPE, col->srid, FLAGS_GET_Z(col->flags), FLAGS_GET_M(col->flags));
					bufcol->type = lwtype_get_collectiontype(geom->type);
					buffer->buf[geom->type] = bufcol;
				/* Add sub-geom to buffer */
				lwcollection_add_lwgeom(buffer->buf[geom->type], lwgeom_clone(geom));
				/* Increment count for this singleton type */
				buffer->cnt[geom->type] = buffer->cnt[geom->type] + 1;
				lwcollection_build_buffer(lwgeom_as_lwcollection(geom), buffer);
Ejemplo n.º 10
LWGEOM* wkt_parser_collection_add_geom(LWGEOM *col, LWGEOM *geom)

	/* Toss error on null geometry input */
	if( ! (geom && col) )
		return NULL;
	/* All the elements must agree on dimensionality */
	if( FLAGS_NDIMS(col->flags) != FLAGS_NDIMS(geom->flags) )
		return NULL;
	return lwcollection_as_lwgeom(lwcollection_add_lwgeom(lwgeom_as_lwcollection(col), geom));
Ejemplo n.º 11
static LWCOLLECTION* lwcollection_set_effective_area(const LWCOLLECTION *igeom,int set_area, double trshld)
	LWDEBUG(2, "Entered  lwcollection_set_effective_area");	
	int i;
	int set_m;
	LWCOLLECTION *out = lwcollection_construct_empty(igeom->type, igeom->srid, FLAGS_GET_Z(igeom->flags), set_m);

	if( lwcollection_is_empty(igeom) )
		return out; /* should we return NULL instead ? */

	for( i = 0; i < igeom->ngeoms; i++ )
		LWGEOM *ngeom = lwgeom_set_effective_area(igeom->geoms[i],set_area,trshld);
		if ( ngeom ) out = lwcollection_add_lwgeom(out, ngeom);

	return out;
Ejemplo n.º 12
static LWGEOM*
lwcollection_homogenize(const LWCOLLECTION *col)
	int i;
	int ntypes = 0;
	int type = 0;
	LWGEOM *outgeom = NULL;
	HomogenizeBuffer buffer;

	/* Sort all the parts into a buffer */
	lwcollection_build_buffer(col, &buffer);
	/* Check for homogeneity */
	for ( i = 0; i < NUMTYPES; i++ )
		if ( buffer.cnt[i] > 0 )
			type = i;
	/* No types? Huh. Return empty. */
	if ( ntypes == 0 )
		outcol = lwcollection_construct_empty(COLLECTIONTYPE, col->srid, FLAGS_GET_Z(col->flags), FLAGS_GET_M(col->flags));
		outgeom = lwcollection_as_lwgeom(outcol);
	/* One type, return homogeneous collection */
	else if ( ntypes == 1 )
		outcol = buffer.buf[type];
		if ( outcol->ngeoms == 1 )
			outgeom = outcol->geoms[0];
			outcol->ngeoms=0; lwcollection_free(outcol);
			outgeom = lwcollection_as_lwgeom(outcol);
		outgeom->srid = col->srid;
	/* Bah, more than out type, return anonymous collection */
	else if ( ntypes > 1 )
		int j;
		outcol = lwcollection_construct_empty(COLLECTIONTYPE, col->srid, FLAGS_GET_Z(col->flags), FLAGS_GET_M(col->flags));
		for ( j = 0; j < NUMTYPES; j++ )
			if ( buffer.buf[j] )
				LWCOLLECTION *bcol = buffer.buf[j];
				if ( bcol->ngeoms == 1 )
					lwcollection_add_lwgeom(outcol, bcol->geoms[0]);
					bcol->ngeoms=0; lwcollection_free(bcol);
					lwcollection_add_lwgeom(outcol, lwcollection_as_lwgeom(bcol));
		outgeom = lwcollection_as_lwgeom(outcol);

	return outgeom;
Ejemplo n.º 13
LWTIN* lwtin_add_lwtriangle(LWTIN *mobj, const LWTRIANGLE *obj)
	return (LWTIN*)lwcollection_add_lwgeom((LWCOLLECTION*)mobj, (LWGEOM*)obj);
Ejemplo n.º 14
pta_desegmentize(POINTARRAY *points, int type, int srid)
	int i = 0, j, k;
	POINT4D a1, a2, a3, b;
	char *edges_in_arcs;
	int found_arc = LW_FALSE;
	int current_arc = 1;
	int num_edges;
	int edge_type = -1;
	int start, end;

	/* Die on null input */
	if ( ! points )
		lwerror("pta_desegmentize called with null pointarray");

	/* Null on empty input? */
	if ( points->npoints == 0 )
		return NULL;
	/* We can't desegmentize anything shorter than four points */
	if ( points->npoints < 4 )
		/* Return a linestring here*/
		lwerror("pta_desegmentize needs implementation for npoints < 4");
	/* Allocate our result array of vertices that are part of arcs */
	num_edges = points->npoints - 1;
	edges_in_arcs = lwalloc(num_edges);
	memset(edges_in_arcs, 0, num_edges);
	/* We make a candidate arc of the first two edges, */
	/* And then see if the next edge follows it */
	while( i < num_edges-2 )
		found_arc = LW_FALSE;
		/* Make candidate arc */
		getPoint4d_p(points, i  , &a1);
		getPoint4d_p(points, i+1, &a2);
		getPoint4d_p(points, i+2, &a3);
		for( j = i+3; j < num_edges+1; j++ )
			LWDEBUGF(4, "i=%d, j=%d", i, j);
			getPoint4d_p(points, j, &b);
			/* Does this point fall on our candidate arc? */
			if ( pt_continues_arc(&a1, &a2, &a3, &b) )
				/* Yes. Mark this edge and the two preceding it as arc components */
				LWDEBUGF(4, "pt_continues_arc #%d", current_arc);
				found_arc = LW_TRUE;
				for ( k = j-1; k > j-4; k-- )
					edges_in_arcs[k] = current_arc;
				/* No. So we're done with this candidate arc */
				LWDEBUG(4, "pt_continues_arc = false");
		/* Jump past all the edges that were added to the arc */
		if ( found_arc )
			i = j-1;
			/* Mark this edge as a linear edge */
			edges_in_arcs[i] = 0;
			i = i+1;
		char *edgestr = lwalloc(num_edges+1);
		for ( i = 0; i < num_edges; i++ )
			if ( edges_in_arcs[i] )
				edgestr[i] = 48 + edges_in_arcs[i];
				edgestr[i] = '.';
		edgestr[num_edges] = 0;
		LWDEBUGF(3, "edge pattern %s", edgestr);

	start = 0;
	edge_type = edges_in_arcs[0];
	outcol = lwcollection_construct_empty(COMPOUNDTYPE, srid, ptarray_has_z(points), ptarray_has_m(points));
	for( i = 1; i < num_edges; i++ )
		if( edge_type != edges_in_arcs[i] )
			end = i - 1;
			lwcollection_add_lwgeom(outcol, geom_from_pa(points, srid, edge_type, start, end));
			start = i;
			edge_type = edges_in_arcs[i];
	/* Roll out last item */
	end = num_edges - 1;
	lwcollection_add_lwgeom(outcol, geom_from_pa(points, srid, edge_type, start, end));
	/* Strip down to singleton if only one entry */
	if ( outcol->ngeoms == 1 )
		LWGEOM *outgeom = outcol->geoms[0];
		return outgeom;
	return lwcollection_as_lwgeom(outcol);
Ejemplo n.º 15
LWPSURFACE* lwpsurface_add_lwpoly(LWPSURFACE *mobj, const LWPOLY *obj)
	return (LWPSURFACE*)lwcollection_add_lwgeom((LWCOLLECTION*)mobj, (LWGEOM*)obj);
Ejemplo n.º 16
LWMPOINT* lwmpoint_add_lwpoint(LWMPOINT *mobj, const LWPOINT *obj)
	LWDEBUG(4, "Called");
	return (LWMPOINT*)lwcollection_add_lwgeom((LWCOLLECTION*)mobj, (LWGEOM*)obj);
Ejemplo n.º 17
LWMPOLY* lwmpoly_add_lwpoly(LWMPOLY *mobj, const LWPOLY *obj)
    return (LWMPOLY*)lwcollection_add_lwgeom((LWCOLLECTION*)mobj, (LWGEOM*)obj);
Ejemplo n.º 18
* Take in a LINESTRING and return a MULTILINESTRING of those portions of the
* LINESTRING between the from/to range for the specified ordinate (XYZM)
lwline_clip_to_ordinate_range(const LWLINE *line, char ordinate, double from, double to)

	LWCOLLECTION *lwgeom_out = NULL;
	int i, rv;
	int added_last_point = 0;
	POINT4D *p = NULL, *q = NULL, *r = NULL;
	double ordinate_value_p = 0.0, ordinate_value_q = 0.0;
	char hasz = lwgeom_has_z(lwline_as_lwgeom(line));
	char hasm = lwgeom_has_m(lwline_as_lwgeom(line));
	char dims = FLAGS_NDIMS(line->flags);

	/* Null input, nothing we can do. */
	if ( ! line )
		lwerror("Null input geometry.");
		return NULL;

	/* Ensure 'from' is less than 'to'. */
	if ( to < from )
		double t = from;
		from = to;
		to = t;

	LWDEBUGF(4, "from = %g, to = %g, ordinate = %c", from, to, ordinate);
	LWDEBUGF(4, "%s", lwgeom_to_ewkt((LWGEOM*)line));

	/* Asking for an ordinate we don't have. Error. */
	if ( (ordinate == 'Z' && ! hasz) || (ordinate == 'M' && ! hasm) )
		lwerror("Cannot clip on ordinate %d in a %d-d geometry.", ordinate, dims);
		return NULL;

	/* Prepare our working point objects. */
	p = lwalloc(sizeof(POINT4D));
	q = lwalloc(sizeof(POINT4D));
	r = lwalloc(sizeof(POINT4D));

	/* Construct a collection to hold our outputs. */
	lwgeom_out = lwcollection_construct_empty(MULTILINETYPE, line->srid, hasz, hasm);

	/* Get our input point array */
	pa_in = line->points;

	for ( i = 0; i < pa_in->npoints; i++ )
		LWDEBUGF(4, "Point #%d", i);
		LWDEBUGF(4, "added_last_point %d", added_last_point);
		if ( i > 0 )
			*q = *p;
			ordinate_value_q = ordinate_value_p;
		rv = getPoint4d_p(pa_in, i, p);
		ordinate_value_p = lwpoint_get_ordinate(p, ordinate);
		LWDEBUGF(4, " ordinate_value_p %g (current)", ordinate_value_p);
		LWDEBUGF(4, " ordinate_value_q %g (previous)", ordinate_value_q);

		/* Is this point inside the ordinate range? Yes. */
		if ( ordinate_value_p >= from && ordinate_value_p <= to )
			LWDEBUGF(4, " inside ordinate range (%g, %g)", from, to);

			if ( ! added_last_point )
				LWDEBUG(4,"  new ptarray required");
				/* We didn't add the previous point, so this is a new segment.
				*  Make a new point array. */
				dp = ptarray_construct_empty(hasz, hasm, 32);

				/* We're transiting into the range so add an interpolated
				*  point at the range boundary.
				*  If we're on a boundary and crossing from the far side,
				*  we also need an interpolated point. */
				if ( i > 0 && ( /* Don't try to interpolate if this is the first point */
				            ( ordinate_value_p > from && ordinate_value_p < to ) || /* Inside */
				            ( ordinate_value_p == from && ordinate_value_q > to ) || /* Hopping from above */
				            ( ordinate_value_p == to && ordinate_value_q < from ) ) ) /* Hopping from below */
					double interpolation_value;
					(ordinate_value_q > to) ? (interpolation_value = to) : (interpolation_value = from);
					rv = point_interpolate(q, p, r, hasz, hasm, ordinate, interpolation_value);
					rv = ptarray_append_point(dp, r, LW_FALSE);
					LWDEBUGF(4, "[0] interpolating between (%g, %g) with interpolation point (%g)", ordinate_value_q, ordinate_value_p, interpolation_value);
			/* Add the current vertex to the point array. */
			rv = ptarray_append_point(dp, p, LW_FALSE);
			if ( ordinate_value_p == from || ordinate_value_p == to )
				added_last_point = 2; /* Added on boundary. */
				added_last_point = 1; /* Added inside range. */
		/* Is this point inside the ordinate range? No. */
			LWDEBUGF(4, "  added_last_point (%d)", added_last_point);
			if ( added_last_point == 1 )
				/* We're transiting out of the range, so add an interpolated point
				*  to the point array at the range boundary. */
				double interpolation_value;
				(ordinate_value_p > to) ? (interpolation_value = to) : (interpolation_value = from);
				rv = point_interpolate(q, p, r, hasz, hasm, ordinate, interpolation_value);
				rv = ptarray_append_point(dp, r, LW_FALSE);
				LWDEBUGF(4, " [1] interpolating between (%g, %g) with interpolation point (%g)", ordinate_value_q, ordinate_value_p, interpolation_value);
			else if ( added_last_point == 2 )
				/* We're out and the last point was on the boundary.
				*  If the last point was the near boundary, nothing to do.
				*  If it was the far boundary, we need an interpolated point. */
				if ( from != to && (
				            (ordinate_value_q == from && ordinate_value_p > from) ||
				            (ordinate_value_q == to && ordinate_value_p < to) ) )
					double interpolation_value;
					(ordinate_value_p > to) ? (interpolation_value = to) : (interpolation_value = from);
					rv = point_interpolate(q, p, r, hasz, hasm, ordinate, interpolation_value);
					rv = ptarray_append_point(dp, r, LW_FALSE);
					LWDEBUGF(4, " [2] interpolating between (%g, %g) with interpolation point (%g)", ordinate_value_q, ordinate_value_p, interpolation_value);
			else if ( i && ordinate_value_q < from && ordinate_value_p > to )
				/* We just hopped over the whole range, from bottom to top,
				*  so we need to add *two* interpolated points! */
				dp = ptarray_construct(hasz, hasm, 2);
				/* Interpolate lower point. */
				rv = point_interpolate(p, q, r, hasz, hasm, ordinate, from);
				ptarray_set_point4d(dp, 0, r);
				/* Interpolate upper point. */
				rv = point_interpolate(p, q, r, hasz, hasm, ordinate, to);
				ptarray_set_point4d(dp, 1, r);
			else if ( i && ordinate_value_q > to && ordinate_value_p < from )
				/* We just hopped over the whole range, from top to bottom,
				*  so we need to add *two* interpolated points! */
				dp = ptarray_construct(hasz, hasm, 2);
				/* Interpolate upper point. */
				rv = point_interpolate(p, q, r, hasz, hasm, ordinate, to);
				ptarray_set_point4d(dp, 0, r);
				/* Interpolate lower point. */
				rv = point_interpolate(p, q, r, hasz, hasm, ordinate, from);
				ptarray_set_point4d(dp, 1, r);
			/* We have an extant point-array, save it out to a multi-line. */
			if ( dp )
				LWDEBUG(4, "saving pointarray to multi-line (1)");

				/* Only one point, so we have to make an lwpoint to hold this
				*  and set the overall output type to a generic collection. */
				if ( dp->npoints == 1 )
					LWPOINT *opoint = lwpoint_construct(line->srid, NULL, dp);
					lwgeom_out->type = COLLECTIONTYPE;
					lwgeom_out = lwcollection_add_lwgeom(lwgeom_out, lwpoint_as_lwgeom(opoint));
					LWLINE *oline = lwline_construct(line->srid, NULL, dp);
					lwgeom_out = lwcollection_add_lwgeom(lwgeom_out, lwline_as_lwgeom(oline));

				/* Pointarray is now owned by lwgeom_out, so drop reference to it */
				dp = NULL;
			added_last_point = 0;


	/* Still some points left to be saved out. */
	if ( dp && dp->npoints > 0 )
		LWDEBUG(4, "saving pointarray to multi-line (2)");
		LWDEBUGF(4, "dp->npoints == %d", dp->npoints);
		LWDEBUGF(4, "lwgeom_out->ngeoms == %d", lwgeom_out->ngeoms);

		if ( dp->npoints == 1 )
			LWPOINT *opoint = lwpoint_construct(line->srid, NULL, dp);
			lwgeom_out->type = COLLECTIONTYPE;
			lwgeom_out = lwcollection_add_lwgeom(lwgeom_out, lwpoint_as_lwgeom(opoint));
			LWLINE *oline = lwline_construct(line->srid, NULL, dp);
			lwgeom_out = lwcollection_add_lwgeom(lwgeom_out, lwline_as_lwgeom(oline));

		/* Pointarray is now owned by lwgeom_out, so drop reference to it */
		dp = NULL;


	if ( lwgeom_out->ngeoms > 0 )

	return lwgeom_out;

Ejemplo n.º 19
lwgeom_clip_to_ordinate_range(const LWGEOM *lwin, char ordinate, double from, double to, double offset)
	LWCOLLECTION *out_offset;
	int i;
	if ( ! lwin )
		lwerror("lwgeom_clip_to_ordinate_range: null input geometry!");
	switch ( lwin->type )
		case LINETYPE:
			out_col = lwline_clip_to_ordinate_range((LWLINE*)lwin, ordinate, from, to);
			out_col = lwmline_clip_to_ordinate_range((LWMLINE*)lwin, ordinate, from, to);
			out_col = lwmpoint_clip_to_ordinate_range((LWMPOINT*)lwin, ordinate, from, to);
			out_col = lwpoint_clip_to_ordinate_range((LWPOINT*)lwin, ordinate, from, to);
			lwerror("This function does not accept %s geometries.", lwtype_name(lwin->type));
			return NULL;;
	/* Stop if result is NULL */
	if ( out_col == NULL )
		lwerror("lwgeom_clip_to_ordinate_range clipping routine returned NULL");
	/* Return if we aren't going to offset the result */
	if ( FP_EQUALS(offset, 0.0) || lwgeom_is_empty(lwcollection_as_lwgeom(out_col)) )
		return out_col;
	/* Construct a collection to hold our outputs. */
	/* Things get ugly: GEOS offset drops Z's and M's so we have to drop ours */
	out_offset = lwcollection_construct_empty(MULTILINETYPE, lwin->srid, 0, 0);
	/* Try and offset the linear portions of the return value */
	for ( i = 0; i < out_col->ngeoms; i++ )
		int type = out_col->geoms[i]->type;
		if ( type == POINTTYPE )
			lwnotice("lwgeom_clip_to_ordinate_range cannot offset a clipped point");
		else if ( type == LINETYPE )
			/* lwgeom_offsetcurve(line, offset, quadsegs, joinstyle (round), mitrelimit) */
			LWGEOM *lwoff = lwgeom_offsetcurve(lwgeom_as_lwline(out_col->geoms[i]), offset, 8, 1, 5.0);
			if ( ! lwoff )
				lwerror("lwgeom_offsetcurve returned null");
			lwcollection_add_lwgeom(out_offset, lwoff);
			lwerror("lwgeom_clip_to_ordinate_range found an unexpected type (%s) in the offset routine",lwtype_name(type));

	return out_offset;
Ejemplo n.º 20
LWMLINE* lwmline_add_lwline(LWMLINE *mobj, const LWLINE *obj)
	return (LWMLINE*)lwcollection_add_lwgeom((LWCOLLECTION*)mobj, (LWGEOM*)obj);
Ejemplo n.º 21
pta_unstroke(const POINTARRAY *points, int type, int srid)
	int i = 0, j, k;
	POINT4D a1, a2, a3, b;
	POINT4D first, center;
	char *edges_in_arcs;
	int found_arc = LW_FALSE;
	int current_arc = 1;
	int num_edges;
	int edge_type; /* non-zero if edge is part of an arc */
	int start, end;
	/* Minimum number of edges, per quadrant, required to define an arc */
	const unsigned int min_quad_edges = 2;

	/* Die on null input */
	if ( ! points )
		lwerror("pta_unstroke called with null pointarray");

	/* Null on empty input? */
	if ( points->npoints == 0 )
		return NULL;

	/* We can't desegmentize anything shorter than four points */
	if ( points->npoints < 4 )
		/* Return a linestring here*/
		lwerror("pta_unstroke needs implementation for npoints < 4");

	/* Allocate our result array of vertices that are part of arcs */
	num_edges = points->npoints - 1;
	edges_in_arcs = lwalloc(num_edges + 1);
	memset(edges_in_arcs, 0, num_edges + 1);

	/* We make a candidate arc of the first two edges, */
	/* And then see if the next edge follows it */
	while( i < num_edges-2 )
		unsigned int arc_edges;
		double num_quadrants;
		double angle;

		found_arc = LW_FALSE;
		/* Make candidate arc */
		getPoint4d_p(points, i  , &a1);
		getPoint4d_p(points, i+1, &a2);
		getPoint4d_p(points, i+2, &a3);
		memcpy(&first, &a1, sizeof(POINT4D));

		for( j = i+3; j < num_edges+1; j++ )
			LWDEBUGF(4, "i=%d, j=%d", i, j);
			getPoint4d_p(points, j, &b);
			/* Does this point fall on our candidate arc? */
			if ( pt_continues_arc(&a1, &a2, &a3, &b) )
				/* Yes. Mark this edge and the two preceding it as arc components */
				LWDEBUGF(4, "pt_continues_arc #%d", current_arc);
				found_arc = LW_TRUE;
				for ( k = j-1; k > j-4; k-- )
					edges_in_arcs[k] = current_arc;
				/* No. So we're done with this candidate arc */
				LWDEBUG(4, "pt_continues_arc = false");

			memcpy(&a1, &a2, sizeof(POINT4D));
			memcpy(&a2, &a3, sizeof(POINT4D));
			memcpy(&a3,  &b, sizeof(POINT4D));
		/* Jump past all the edges that were added to the arc */
		if ( found_arc )
			/* Check if an arc was composed by enough edges to be
			 * really considered an arc
			 * See http://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/ticket/2420
			arc_edges = j - 1 - i;
			LWDEBUGF(4, "arc defined by %d edges found", arc_edges);
			if ( first.x == b.x && first.y == b.y ) {
				LWDEBUG(4, "arc is a circle");
				num_quadrants = 4;
			else {
				lw_arc_center((POINT2D*)&first, (POINT2D*)&b, (POINT2D*)&a1, (POINT2D*)&center);
				angle = lw_arc_angle((POINT2D*)&first, (POINT2D*)&center, (POINT2D*)&b);
        int p2_side = lw_segment_side((POINT2D*)&first, (POINT2D*)&a1, (POINT2D*)&b);
        if ( p2_side >= 0 ) angle = -angle;

				if ( angle < 0 ) angle = 2 * M_PI + angle;
				num_quadrants = ( 4 * angle ) / ( 2 * M_PI );
				LWDEBUGF(4, "arc angle (%g %g, %g %g, %g %g) is %g (side is %d), quandrants:%g", first.x, first.y, center.x, center.y, b.x, b.y, angle, p2_side, num_quadrants);
			/* a1 is first point, b is last point */
			if ( arc_edges < min_quad_edges * num_quadrants ) {
				LWDEBUGF(4, "Not enough edges for a %g quadrants arc, %g needed", num_quadrants, min_quad_edges * num_quadrants);
				for ( k = j-1; k >= i; k-- )
					edges_in_arcs[k] = 0;

			i = j-1;
			/* Mark this edge as a linear edge */
			edges_in_arcs[i] = 0;
			i = i+1;

		char *edgestr = lwalloc(num_edges+1);
		for ( i = 0; i < num_edges; i++ )
			if ( edges_in_arcs[i] )
				edgestr[i] = 48 + edges_in_arcs[i];
				edgestr[i] = '.';
		edgestr[num_edges] = 0;
		LWDEBUGF(3, "edge pattern %s", edgestr);

	start = 0;
	edge_type = edges_in_arcs[0];
	outcol = lwcollection_construct_empty(COMPOUNDTYPE, srid, ptarray_has_z(points), ptarray_has_m(points));
	for( i = 1; i < num_edges; i++ )
		if( edge_type != edges_in_arcs[i] )
			end = i - 1;
			lwcollection_add_lwgeom(outcol, geom_from_pa(points, srid, edge_type, start, end));
			start = i;
			edge_type = edges_in_arcs[i];
	lwfree(edges_in_arcs); /* not needed anymore */

	/* Roll out last item */
	end = num_edges - 1;
	lwcollection_add_lwgeom(outcol, geom_from_pa(points, srid, edge_type, start, end));

	/* Strip down to singleton if only one entry */
	if ( outcol->ngeoms == 1 )
		LWGEOM *outgeom = outcol->geoms[0];
		outcol->ngeoms = 0; lwcollection_free(outcol);
		return outgeom;
	return lwcollection_as_lwgeom(outcol);