Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Handles incoming data on a client connection.
 * @param socket_server Socket server
 * @param conn Client connection
static void handle_connection(struct lwpb_transport_socket_server *socket_server,
        struct lwpb_socket_server_conn *conn)
    void *res_buf;
    size_t res_len;
    ssize_t len;
    size_t used;
    struct protocol_header_info info;
    lwpb_err_t ret;
    used = conn->pos - conn->buf;
    len = recv(conn->socket, conn->pos, conn->len - used, 0);
    if (len <= 0) {
        close_connection(socket_server, conn);
    conn->pos += len;
    used = conn->pos - conn->buf;
    LWPB_DEBUG("Client(%d) received %d bytes", conn->index, len);
    // Try to decode the request
    ret = parse_request(conn->buf, used, &info, socket_server->server->service_list);
    if (ret != PARSE_ERR_OK)
    LWPB_DEBUG("Client(%d) received request header", conn->index);
    LWPB_DEBUG("type = %d, service = %p, method = %p, header_len = %d, msg_len = %d",
               info.msg_type, info.service_desc, info.method_desc,
               info.header_len, info.msg_len);
    if (!info.service_desc) {
        // TODO unknown service
    if (!info.method_desc) {
        // TODO unknown method
    // Allocate response buffer
    ret = lwpb_transport_alloc_buf(&socket_server->super, &res_buf, &res_len);
    if (ret != LWPB_ERR_OK) {
        // TODO handle memory error
    ret = socket_server->server->call_handler(
        socket_server->server, info.method_desc,
        info.method_desc->req_desc,conn->buf + info.header_len, info.msg_len,
        info.method_desc->res_desc, res_buf, &res_len,
    // Send response back to server
    send_response(conn->socket, info.method_desc, res_buf, res_len);
    lwpb_transport_free_buf(&socket_server->super, res_buf);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * This method is called from the client to start an RPC call.
 * @param transport Transport implementation
 * @param client Client
 * @param method_desc Method descriptor
 * @return Returns LWPB_ERR_OK if successful.
static lwpb_err_t transport_call(lwpb_transport_t transport,
                                 struct lwpb_client *client,
                                 const struct lwpb_method_desc *method_desc)
    struct lwpb_transport_socket_client *socket_client =
        (struct lwpb_transport_socket_client *) transport;
    lwpb_err_t ret = LWPB_ERR_OK;
    void *req_buf = NULL;
    size_t req_len;
    // Only continue if connected to server
    if (socket_client->socket == -1) {
        client->done_handler(client, method_desc,
                             LWPB_RPC_NOT_CONNECTED, client->arg);
        goto out;
    // Allocate a buffer for the request message
    ret = lwpb_transport_alloc_buf(transport, &req_buf, &req_len);
    if (ret != LWPB_ERR_OK)
        goto out;
    // Encode the request message
    ret = client->request_handler(client, method_desc, method_desc->req_desc,
                                  req_buf, &req_len, client->arg);
    if (ret != LWPB_ERR_OK)
        goto out;

    socket_client->last_method = method_desc;
    // Send the request to the server
    // TODO check result
    send_request(socket_client->socket, method_desc, req_buf, req_len);
    // Free allocated requiest message buffer
    if (req_buf)
        lwpb_transport_free_buf(transport, req_buf);
    return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * Accepts new connections on the listen socket.
 * @param socket_server Socket server
static void handle_new_connection(struct lwpb_transport_socket_server *socket_server)
    int socket;
    struct sockaddr_storage addr;
    socklen_t len = sizeof(addr);
    char tmp[16];
    struct sockaddr_in *addr_in;
    int i;
    const char msg[] = "No more connections allowed\n";
    socket = accept(socket_server->socket, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, &len);
    if (socket < 0) {
        LWPB_ERR("Accepting new socket failed (errno: %d)", errno);
    for (i = 0; i < LWPB_TRANSPORT_SOCKET_SERVER_CONNS; i++) {
        struct lwpb_socket_server_conn *conn = &socket_server->conns[i];
        if (conn->socket == -1) {
            addr_in = (struct sockaddr_in *) &addr;
            inet_ntop(addr.ss_family, &addr_in->sin_addr, tmp, sizeof(tmp));
            LWPB_DEBUG("Client(%d) accepted conncetion from %s", conn->index, tmp);
            conn->socket = socket;
            if (!conn->buf)
                lwpb_transport_alloc_buf(&socket_server->super, &conn->buf, &conn->len);
            conn->pos = conn->buf;
    // No more connections allowed
    LWPB_DEBUG("No more connections allowed");
    send(socket, msg, sizeof(msg), 0);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * This method is called from the client to start an RPC call.
 * @param transport Transport implementation
 * @param client Client
 * @param method_desc Method descriptor
 * @return Returns LWPB_ERR_OK if successful.
static lwpb_err_t transport_call(lwpb_transport_t transport,
                                 struct lwpb_client *client,
                                 const struct lwpb_method_desc *method_desc)
    struct lwpb_transport_socket_server *socket_server =
        (struct lwpb_transport_socket_server *) transport;
    lwpb_err_t ret = LWPB_ERR_OK;
    void *req_buf = NULL;
    size_t req_len;
    void *res_buf = NULL;
    size_t res_len;
    // Allocate a buffer for the request message
    ret = lwpb_transport_alloc_buf(transport, &req_buf, &req_len);
    if (ret != LWPB_ERR_OK)
        goto out;
    // Allocate a buffer for the response message
    ret = lwpb_transport_alloc_buf(transport, &res_buf, &res_len);
    if (ret != LWPB_ERR_OK)
        goto out;

    // Encode the request message
    ret = client->request_handler(client, method_desc, method_desc->req_desc,
                                  req_buf, &req_len, client->arg);
    if (ret != LWPB_ERR_OK)
        goto out;
    // We need a registered server to continue
    if (!socket_server->server) {
        client->done_handler(client, method_desc,
                             LWPB_RPC_NOT_CONNECTED, client->arg);
        goto out;
    // Process the call on the server
    ret = socket_server->server->call_handler(socket_server->server, method_desc,
                                              method_desc->req_desc, req_buf, req_len,
                                              method_desc->res_desc, res_buf, &res_len,
    if (ret != LWPB_ERR_OK) {
        client->done_handler(client, method_desc,
                             LWPB_RPC_FAILED, client->arg);
        goto out;
    // Process the response in the client
    ret = client->response_handler(client, method_desc,
                                   method_desc->res_desc, res_buf, res_len,
    client->done_handler(client, method_desc, LWPB_RPC_OK, client->arg);
    // Free allocated message buffers
    if (req_buf)
        lwpb_transport_free_buf(transport, req_buf);
    if (res_buf)
        lwpb_transport_free_buf(transport, res_buf);
    return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * Opens the socket client for communication.
 * @param transport Transport handle
 * @param host Hostname or IP address (using local address if NULL)
 * @param port Port number for listen port
 * @return Returns LWPB_ERR_OK if successful.
lwpb_err_t lwpb_transport_socket_client_open(lwpb_transport_t transport,
                                           const char *host, u16_t port)
    struct lwpb_transport_socket_client *socket_client =
        (struct lwpb_transport_socket_client *) transport;
    lwpb_err_t ret = LWPB_ERR_OK;
    int status;
    struct addrinfo hints;
    struct addrinfo *res;
    struct sockaddr_in *addr;
    char tmp[16];
    int yes = 1;
    if (socket_client->socket != -1) {
        LWPB_INFO("Socket client already opened");
        return LWPB_ERR_OK;

    // Allocate receive buffer
    ret = lwpb_transport_alloc_buf(&socket_client->super,
                                   &socket_client->buf, &socket_client->len);
    if (ret != LWPB_ERR_OK)
        return ret;
    socket_client->pos = socket_client->buf;

    // Resolve hostname
    LWPB_DEBUG("Resolving hostname '%s'", host);
    memset(&hints, 0, sizeof hints);
    hints.ai_family = AF_INET;          // IPv4
    hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;    // TCP stream sockets
    hints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE;        // Fill in the IP
    snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%d", port);
    if ((status = getaddrinfo(host, tmp, &hints, &res)) != 0) {
        LWPB_ERR("getaddrinfo error: %s\n", gai_strerror(status));
        ret = LWPB_ERR_NET_INIT;
        goto out;
    addr = (struct sockaddr_in *) res->ai_addr;
    inet_ntop(res->ai_family, &addr->sin_addr, tmp, sizeof(tmp));
    // Create client socket
    LWPB_DEBUG("Creating client socket");
    socket_client->socket = socket(res->ai_family, res->ai_socktype, res->ai_protocol);
    if (socket_client->socket == -1) {
        LWPB_ERR("Cannot create client socket");
        ret = LWPB_ERR_NET_INIT;
        goto out;
    // Reuse address if necessary
    if (setsockopt(socket_client->socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &yes, sizeof(yes)) == -1) {
        LWPB_ERR("Cannot set SO_REUSEADDR (error: %d)", errno);
        ret = LWPB_ERR_NET_INIT;
        goto out;
    // Connect to server
    LWPB_DEBUG("Connecting to %s:%d", tmp, port);
    if (connect(socket_client->socket, res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen) == -1) {
        LWPB_ERR("Cannot open connection (errno: %d)", errno);
        ret = LWPB_ERR_NET_INIT;
        goto out;
    // Make non-blocking
    return ret;