Ejemplo n.º 1
// Get Window coordinates, discard Z...
void m3dProjectXY(M3DVector2f vPointOut, const M3DMatrix44f mModelView, const M3DMatrix44f mProjection, const int iViewPort[4], const M3DVector3f vPointIn)
	M3DVector4f vBack, vForth;

	memcpy(vBack, vPointIn, sizeof(float)*3);
	vBack[3] = 1.0f;
	m3dTransformVector4(vForth, vBack, mModelView);
	m3dTransformVector4(vBack, vForth, mProjection);
	if(!m3dCloseEnough(vBack[3], 0.0f, 0.000001f)) {
		float div = 1.0f / vBack[3];
		vBack[0] *= div;
		vBack[1] *= div;
		//vBack[2] *= div; 

	vPointOut[0] = float(iViewPort[0])+(1.0f+float(vBack[0]))*float(iViewPort[2])/2.0f;
	vPointOut[1] = float(iViewPort[1])+(1.0f+float(vBack[1]))*float(iViewPort[3])/2.0f;

	// This was put in for Grand Tour... I think it's right. 
	// .... please report any bugs
	if(iViewPort[0] != 0)     // Cast to float is expensive... avoid if posssible
		vPointOut[0] -= float(iViewPort[0]);
	if(iViewPort[1] != 0) 
		vPointOut[1] -= float(iViewPort[1]);
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Get window coordinates, we also want Z....
void m3dProjectXYZ(M3DVector3f vPointOut, const M3DMatrix44f mModelView, const M3DMatrix44f mProjection, const int iViewPort[4], const M3DVector3f vPointIn)
	M3DVector4f vBack, vForth;

	memcpy(vBack, vPointIn, sizeof(float)*3);
	vBack[3] = 1.0f;
	m3dTransformVector4(vForth, vBack, mModelView);
	m3dTransformVector4(vBack, vForth, mProjection);
	if(!m3dCloseEnough(vBack[3], 0.0f, 0.000001f)) {
		float div = 1.0f / vBack[3];
		vBack[0] *= div;
		vBack[1] *= div;
		vBack[2] *= div; 

	vPointOut[0] = float(iViewPort[0])+(1.0f+float(vBack[0]))*float(iViewPort[2])/2.0f;
	vPointOut[1] = float(iViewPort[1])+(1.0f+float(vBack[1]))*float(iViewPort[3])/2.0f;

	if(iViewPort[0] != 0)     // Cast to float is expensive... avoid if posssible
		vPointOut[0] -= float(iViewPort[0]);
	if(iViewPort[1] != 0) 
		vPointOut[1] -= float(iViewPort[1]);

	vPointOut[2] = vBack[2];
Ejemplo n.º 3
// Get window coordinates, we also want Z....
void m3dProjectXYZ(const M3DMatrix44f mModelView, const M3DMatrix44f mProjection, const int iViewPort[4], const M3DVector3f vPointIn, M3DVector3f vPointOut)
    M3DVector4f vBack, vForth;

	memcpy(vBack, vPointIn, sizeof(float)*3);
	vBack[3] = 1.0f;
    m3dTransformVector4(vForth, vBack, mModelView);
    m3dTransformVector4(vBack, vForth, mProjection);
    if(!m3dCloseEnough(vBack[3], 0.0f, 0.000001f)) {
        float div = 1.0f / vBack[3];
        vBack[0] *= div;
        vBack[1] *= div;
        vBack[2] *= div; 

    vPointOut[0] = vBack[0] * 0.5f + 0.5f;
    vPointOut[1] = vBack[1] * 0.5f + 0.5f;
    vPointOut[2] = vBack[2] * 0.5f + 0.5f;

    /* Map x,y to viewport */
    vPointOut[0] = (vPointOut[0] * iViewPort[2]) + iViewPort[0];
    vPointOut[1] = (vPointOut[1] * iViewPort[3]) + iViewPort[1];
Ejemplo n.º 4
// Add a triangle to the mesh. This searches the current list for identical
// (well, almost identical - these are floats you know...) verts. If one is found, it
// is added to the index array. If not, it is added to both the index array and the vertex
// array grows by one as well.
void CVBOMesh::AddTriangle(M3DVector3f verts[3], M3DVector3f vNorms[3], M3DVector2f vTexCoords[3])
    const  float e = 0.000001; // How small a difference to equate

    // First thing we do is make sure the normals are unit length!
    // It's almost always a good idea to work with pre-normalized normals

    // Search for match - triangle consists of three verts
    for(GLuint iVertex = 0; iVertex < 3; iVertex++)
        GLuint iMatch = 0;
        for(iMatch = 0; iMatch < nNumVerts; iMatch++)
            // If the vertex positions are the same
            if(m3dCloseEnough(pVerts[iMatch][0], verts[iVertex][0], e) &&
               m3dCloseEnough(pVerts[iMatch][1], verts[iVertex][1], e) &&
               m3dCloseEnough(pVerts[iMatch][2], verts[iVertex][2], e) &&
               // AND the Normal is the same...
               m3dCloseEnough(pNorms[iMatch][0], vNorms[iVertex][0], e) &&
               m3dCloseEnough(pNorms[iMatch][1], vNorms[iVertex][1], e) &&
               m3dCloseEnough(pNorms[iMatch][2], vNorms[iVertex][2], e) &&
                // And Texture is the same...
                m3dCloseEnough(pTexCoords[iMatch][0], vTexCoords[iVertex][0], e) &&
                m3dCloseEnough(pTexCoords[iMatch][1], vTexCoords[iVertex][1], e))
                // Then add the index only
                pIndexes[nNumIndexes] = iMatch;
        // No match for this vertex, add to end of list
        if(iMatch == nNumVerts)
            memcpy(pVerts[nNumVerts], verts[iVertex], sizeof(M3DVector3f));
            memcpy(pNorms[nNumVerts], vNorms[iVertex], sizeof(M3DVector3f));
            memcpy(pTexCoords[nNumVerts], &vTexCoords[iVertex], sizeof(M3DVector2f));
            pIndexes[nNumIndexes] = nNumVerts;
Ejemplo n.º 5
// Draw a cylinder. Much like gluCylinder
void gltMakeCylinder(GLTriangleBatch& cylinderBatch, GLfloat baseRadius, GLfloat topRadius, 
			GLfloat fLength, GLint numSlices, GLint numStacks)
    float fRadiusStep = (topRadius - baseRadius) / float(numStacks);

	GLfloat fStepSizeSlice = (3.1415926536f * 2.0f) / float(numSlices);

	M3DVector3f vVertex[4];
	M3DVector3f vNormal[4];
	M3DVector2f vTexture[4];

    cylinderBatch.BeginMesh(numSlices * numStacks * 6);

    GLfloat ds = 1.0f / float(numSlices);
	GLfloat dt = 1.0f / float(numStacks);
	GLfloat s;
	GLfloat t;

	for (int i = 0; i < numStacks; i++) 
		if(i == 0)			
			t = 0.0f;
			t = float(i) * dt;

		float tNext;
		if(i == (numStacks - 1))
			tNext = 1.0f;
			tNext = float(i+1) * dt;
		float fCurrentRadius = baseRadius + (fRadiusStep * float(i));
		float fNextRadius = baseRadius + (fRadiusStep * float(i+1));
		float theyta;
		float theytaNext;

		float fCurrentZ = float(i) * (fLength / float(numStacks)); 
		float fNextZ = float(i+1) * (fLength / float(numStacks));
		float zNormal = 0.0f;
		if(!m3dCloseEnough(baseRadius - topRadius, 0.0f, 0.00001f))
			// Rise over run...
			zNormal = (baseRadius - topRadius);
		for (int j = 0; j < numSlices; j++) 
			if(j == 0)
				s = 0.0f;
				s = float(j) * ds;

			float sNext;
			if(j == (numSlices -1))
				sNext = 1.0f;
				sNext = float(j+1) * ds;

			theyta = fStepSizeSlice * float(j);
			if(j == (numSlices - 1))
				theytaNext = 0.0f;
				theytaNext = fStepSizeSlice * (float(j+1));
			// Inner First
			vVertex[1][0] = cos(theyta) * fCurrentRadius;	// X	
			vVertex[1][1] = sin(theyta) * fCurrentRadius;	// Y
			vVertex[1][2] = fCurrentZ;						// Z
			vNormal[1][0] = vVertex[1][0];					// Surface Normal, same for everybody
			vNormal[1][1] = vVertex[1][1];
			vNormal[1][2] = zNormal;
			vTexture[1][0] = s;					// Texture Coordinates, I have no idea...
			vTexture[1][1] = t;
			// Outer First
			vVertex[0][0] = cos(theyta) * fNextRadius;	// X	
			vVertex[0][1] = sin(theyta) * fNextRadius;	// Y
			vVertex[0][2] = fNextZ;						// Z
			if(!m3dCloseEnough(fNextRadius, 0.0f, 0.00001f)) {
				vNormal[0][0] = vVertex[0][0];					// Surface Normal, same for everybody
				vNormal[0][1] = vVertex[0][1];					// For cones, tip is tricky
				vNormal[0][2] = zNormal;
				memcpy(vNormal[0], vNormal[1], sizeof(M3DVector3f));
			vTexture[0][0] = s;					// Texture Coordinates, I have no idea...
			vTexture[0][1] = tNext;
			// Inner second
			vVertex[3][0] = cos(theytaNext) * fCurrentRadius;	// X	
			vVertex[3][1] = sin(theytaNext) * fCurrentRadius;	// Y
			vVertex[3][2] = fCurrentZ;						// Z
			vNormal[3][0] = vVertex[3][0];					// Surface Normal, same for everybody
			vNormal[3][1] = vVertex[3][1];
			vNormal[3][2] = zNormal;

			vTexture[3][0] = sNext;					// Texture Coordinates, I have no idea...
			vTexture[3][1] = t;

			// Outer second
			vVertex[2][0] = cos(theytaNext) * fNextRadius;	// X	
			vVertex[2][1] = sin(theytaNext) * fNextRadius;	// Y
			vVertex[2][2] = fNextZ;						// Z
			if(!m3dCloseEnough(fNextRadius, 0.0f, 0.00001f)) {
				vNormal[2][0] = vVertex[2][0];					// Surface Normal, same for everybody
				vNormal[2][1] = vVertex[2][1];
				vNormal[2][2] = zNormal;
				memcpy(vNormal[2], vNormal[3], sizeof(M3DVector3f));

			vTexture[2][0] = sNext;					// Texture Coordinates, I have no idea...
			vTexture[2][1] = tNext;
			cylinderBatch.AddTriangle(vVertex, vNormal, vTexture);			
			// Rearrange for next triangle
			memcpy(vVertex[0], vVertex[1], sizeof(M3DVector3f));
			memcpy(vNormal[0], vNormal[1], sizeof(M3DVector3f));
			memcpy(vTexture[0], vTexture[1], sizeof(M3DVector2f));
			memcpy(vVertex[1], vVertex[3], sizeof(M3DVector3f));
			memcpy(vNormal[1], vNormal[3], sizeof(M3DVector3f));
			memcpy(vTexture[1], vTexture[3], sizeof(M3DVector2f));
			cylinderBatch.AddTriangle(vVertex, vNormal, vTexture);			