Ejemplo n.º 1
void CEntityMiscModel::UpdateCachedData(){
	aabb_t aabb_temp;

	m4x4_identity( m_transform );
	m4x4_pivoted_transform_by_vec3( m_transform, m_translate, m_euler, eXYZ, m_scale, m_pivot );
	memcpy( m_inverse_transform, m_transform, sizeof( m4x4_t ) );
	m4x4_invert( m_inverse_transform );

	aabb_clear( &aabb_temp );

	if ( m_model && m_model->pRender ) {
		aabb_extend_by_aabb( &aabb_temp, m_model->pRender->GetAABB() );
		VectorSet( aabb_temp.extents, 8, 8, 8 );

	aabb_for_transformed_aabb( &m_BBox, &aabb_temp, m_transform );
Ejemplo n.º 2
void CEntityEclassModel::UpdateCachedData()
  aabb_t aabb_temp;


  m4x4_pivoted_transform_by_vec3(m_transform, m_translate, m_euler, eXYZ, m_scale, m_pivot);
  memcpy(m_inverse_transform, m_transform, sizeof(m4x4_t));
  if(m4x4_invert(m_inverse_transform) == 1) {
    Sys_Printf("ERROR: Singular Matrix, cannot invert");

    aabb_construct_for_vec3(&aabb_temp, m_eclass->mins, m_eclass->maxs);
    VectorSet(aabb_temp.extents, 8, 8, 8);

  aabb_for_transformed_aabb(&m_BBox, &aabb_temp, m_transform);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * Draws a gear in GLES 2 mode.
 * @param gear the gear to draw
 * @param transform the current transformation matrix
 * @param x the x position to draw the gear at
 * @param y the y position to draw the gear at
 * @param angle the rotation angle of the gear
 * @param color the color of the gear
static void draw_gearGLES2(gear_t *gear, GLfloat *transform,
      GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat angle)
   // The direction of the directional light for the scene */
   static const GLfloat LightSourcePosition[4] = { 5.0, 5.0, 10.0, 1.0};

   GLfloat model_view[16];
   GLfloat normal_matrix[16];
   GLfloat model_view_projection[16];

   /* Translate and rotate the gear */
   m4x4_copy(model_view, transform);
   m4x4_translate(model_view, x, y, 0);
   m4x4_rotate(model_view, angle, 0, 0, 1);

   /* Create and set the ModelViewProjectionMatrix */
   m4x4_copy(model_view_projection, state->ProjectionMatrix);
   m4x4_multiply(model_view_projection, model_view);

   glUniformMatrix4fv(state->ModelViewProjectionMatrix_location, 1, GL_FALSE,
   glUniformMatrix4fv(state->ModelViewMatrix_location, 1, GL_FALSE,
   /* Set the LightSourcePosition uniform in relation to the object */
   glUniform4fv(state->LightSourcePosition_location, 1, LightSourcePosition);

   glUniform1i(state->DiffuseMap_location, 0);

    * Create and set the NormalMatrix. It's the inverse transpose of the
    * ModelView matrix.
   m4x4_copy(normal_matrix, model_view);
   glUniformMatrix4fv(state->NormalMatrix_location, 1, GL_FALSE, normal_matrix);

   /* Set the gear color */
   glUniform4fv(state->MaterialColor_location, 1, gear->color);

   if (state->useVBO) {
     glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, gear->vboId);
  	 glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, gear->iboId);

   /* Set up the position of the attributes in the vertex buffer object */
   // setup where vertex data is
   glVertexAttribPointer(0, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE,
         sizeof(vertex_t), gear->vertex_p);
   // setup where normal data is
   glVertexAttribPointer(1, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE,
         sizeof(vertex_t), gear->normal_p);
   // setup where uv data is
   glVertexAttribPointer(2, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE,
         sizeof(vertex_t), gear->texCoords_p);

   /* Enable the attributes */

   // Bind texture surface to current vertices
   glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, state->texId);
   glDrawElements(state->drawMode, gear->tricount, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT,

   /* Disable the attributes */
Ejemplo n.º 4
static void ExtrapolateTexcoords( const float *axyz, const float *ast, const float *bxyz, const float *bst, const float *cxyz, const float *cst, const float *axyz_new, float *ast_out, const float *bxyz_new, float *bst_out, const float *cxyz_new, float *cst_out ){
	vec4_t scoeffs, tcoeffs;
	float md;
	m4x4_t solvematrix;

	vec3_t norm;
	vec3_t dab, dac;
	VectorSubtract( bxyz, axyz, dab );
	VectorSubtract( cxyz, axyz, dac );
	CrossProduct( dab, dac, norm );

	// assume:
	//   s = f(x, y, z)
	//   s(v + norm) = s(v) when n ortho xyz

	// s(v) = DotProduct(v, scoeffs) + scoeffs[3]

	// solve:
	//   scoeffs * (axyz, 1) == ast[0]
	//   scoeffs * (bxyz, 1) == bst[0]
	//   scoeffs * (cxyz, 1) == cst[0]
	//   scoeffs * (norm, 0) == 0
	// scoeffs * [axyz, 1 | bxyz, 1 | cxyz, 1 | norm, 0] = [ast[0], bst[0], cst[0], 0]
	solvematrix[0] = axyz[0];
	solvematrix[4] = axyz[1];
	solvematrix[8] = axyz[2];
	solvematrix[12] = 1;
	solvematrix[1] = bxyz[0];
	solvematrix[5] = bxyz[1];
	solvematrix[9] = bxyz[2];
	solvematrix[13] = 1;
	solvematrix[2] = cxyz[0];
	solvematrix[6] = cxyz[1];
	solvematrix[10] = cxyz[2];
	solvematrix[14] = 1;
	solvematrix[3] = norm[0];
	solvematrix[7] = norm[1];
	solvematrix[11] = norm[2];
	solvematrix[15] = 0;

	md = m4_det( solvematrix );
	if ( md * md < 1e-10 ) {
		Sys_Printf( "Cannot invert some matrix, some texcoords aren't extrapolated!" );

	m4x4_invert( solvematrix );

	scoeffs[0] = ast[0];
	scoeffs[1] = bst[0];
	scoeffs[2] = cst[0];
	scoeffs[3] = 0;
	m4x4_transform_vec4( solvematrix, scoeffs );
	tcoeffs[0] = ast[1];
	tcoeffs[1] = bst[1];
	tcoeffs[2] = cst[1];
	tcoeffs[3] = 0;
	m4x4_transform_vec4( solvematrix, tcoeffs );

	ast_out[0] = scoeffs[0] * axyz_new[0] + scoeffs[1] * axyz_new[1] + scoeffs[2] * axyz_new[2] + scoeffs[3];
	ast_out[1] = tcoeffs[0] * axyz_new[0] + tcoeffs[1] * axyz_new[1] + tcoeffs[2] * axyz_new[2] + tcoeffs[3];
	bst_out[0] = scoeffs[0] * bxyz_new[0] + scoeffs[1] * bxyz_new[1] + scoeffs[2] * bxyz_new[2] + scoeffs[3];
	bst_out[1] = tcoeffs[0] * bxyz_new[0] + tcoeffs[1] * bxyz_new[1] + tcoeffs[2] * bxyz_new[2] + tcoeffs[3];
	cst_out[0] = scoeffs[0] * cxyz_new[0] + scoeffs[1] * cxyz_new[1] + scoeffs[2] * cxyz_new[2] + scoeffs[3];
	cst_out[1] = tcoeffs[0] * cxyz_new[0] + tcoeffs[1] * cxyz_new[1] + tcoeffs[2] * cxyz_new[2] + tcoeffs[3];