Ejemplo n.º 1
extern "C" DLL_EXPORT int extractMICanny(const char* imagenamefile, double* feature)
	CImg m_img(MODE_RGB);
	int re = 0;

	if (m_img.read_JPEG_file(imagenamefile))
		CFeatureBase* ft = new CShapeFeature(&m_img);
		if (ft->get_feature())
			for (int i=0; i<ft->m_dimension; ++i)
				feature[i] = ft->m_feature[i];
			re = 1;
		delete ft;

	// no need, deallocate is called in the destructor.

	return re;
Ejemplo n.º 2
Colour TextureMaterial::get_colour(Point2D tex_coords) const {

 // int x = tex_coords[0] * m_img.width();
 // int y = (1 - tex_coords[1]) * m_img.height();
 // return Colour(m_img(x, y, 0), m_img(x, y, 1), m_img(x, y, 2));

double u=tex_coords[0];
double v=tex_coords[1];
  double di = u * (double)(m_img.width()-1);
  double dj = v * (double)(m_img.height()-1);

  int i = di;
  int j = dj;

  // Wrap around if the coordinates are out of bounds
  int i1 = ((i+1) >= m_img.width()) ? 0 : i+1;
  int j1 = ((j+1) >= m_img.height()) ? 0 : j+1;

  // Get the barycentric coordinates between pixels
  double up = di - i;
  double vp = dj - j;

  // Bilinear interpolation between pixel values, basically a weighted average of the sourrounding pixels
  // using the barycentric coordinates up, vp
  return (1-up)*(1-vp)*Colour(m_img(i, j, 0), m_img(i, j, 1), m_img(i, j, 2)) +
    (1-up)*(vp)*Colour(m_img(i, j1, 0), m_img(i, j1, 1), m_img(i, j1, 2)) +
    (up)*(1-vp)*Colour(m_img(i1, j, 0), m_img(i1, j, 1), m_img(i1, j, 2)) +
    (up)*(vp)*Colour(m_img(i1, j1, 0), m_img(i1, j1, 1), m_img(i1, j1, 2));
