Ejemplo n.º 1
 * @brief Sum effective area multiplied by livetime over zenith and
 *        (optionally) azimuth angles
 * @param[in] dir True sky direction.
 * @param[in] energy True photon energy.
 * @param[in] aeff Effective area.
 * Computes
 * \f[\sum_{\cos \theta, \phi} T_{\rm live}(\cos \theta, \phi) 
 *    A_{\rm eff}(\log E, \cos \theta, \phi)\f]
 * where
 * \f$T_{\rm live}(\cos \theta, \phi)\f$ is the livetime as a function of
 * the cosine of the zenith and the azimuth angle, and
 * \f$A_{\rm eff}(\log E, \cos \theta, \phi)\f$ is the effective area that
 * depends on
 * the log10 of the energy (in MeV),
 * the cosine of the zenith angle, and
 * the azimuth angle.
 * This method assumes that \f$T_{\rm live}(\cos \theta, \phi)\f$ is
 * stored as a set of maps in a 2D array with \f$\cos \theta\f$ being the
 * most rapidely varying parameter and with the first map starting at
 * index m_num_ctheta (the first m_num_ctheta maps are the livetime cube
 * maps without any \f$\phi\f$ dependence).
double GLATLtCubeMap::operator()(const GSkyDir& dir, const GEnergy& energy,
                                 const GLATAeff& aeff) const
    // Get map index
    int pixel = m_map.dir2pix(dir);

    // Initialise sum
    double sum = 0.0;

    // Circumvent const correctness
    GLATAeff* fct = ((GLATAeff*)&aeff);

    // If livetime cube and response have phi dependence then sum over
    // zenith and azimuth. Note that the map index starts with m_num_ctheta
    // as the first m_num_ctheta maps correspond to an evaluation without
    // any phi-dependence.
    if (has_phi() && aeff.has_phi()) {
        for (int iphi = 0, i = m_num_ctheta; iphi < m_num_phi; ++iphi) {
            double p = phi(iphi);
            for (int itheta = 0; itheta < m_num_ctheta; ++itheta, ++i) {
                sum += m_map(pixel, i) * (*fct)(energy.log10MeV(), costheta(i), p);

    // ... otherwise sum only over zenith angle
    else {
        for (int i = 0; i < m_num_ctheta; ++i) {
            sum += m_map(pixel, i) * (*fct)(energy.log10MeV(), costheta(i));

    // Return sum
    return sum;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int tetris_handler::cut_down(int diamonds_high, int height)
    int i = 0;
    int j = 0;
    int count = 0;
    int map_col = m_map.get_cols();

    for(; i < diamonds_high; ++i)
        for(j = 1; j < (map_col-1)
                && m_map(height, j); ++j)

        // cut this line.
        if( (map_col-1) == j)

    return count;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * @brief Return intensity of skymap
 * @param[in] srcDir True photon arrival direction.
 * Returns the intensity of the skymap at the specified sky direction
 * multiplied by the normalization factor. If the sky direction falls outside
 * the skymap, an intensity of 0 is returned.
double GModelSpatialMap::eval(const GSkyDir& srcDir) const
    // Get skymap intensity
    double intensity = m_map(srcDir);

    // Return intensity times normalization factor
    return (intensity * m_value.real_value());
Ejemplo n.º 4
SparseMap<2>::markNonZero(size_t i, size_t j)
	size_t& el = m_map(i, j);
	if (el == ZERO_ELEMENT) {
		el = m_numNonZeroElements;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * @brief Return intensity of skymap and gradient
 * @param[in] srcDir True photon arrival direction.
 * Returns the intensity of the skymap at the specified sky direction
 * multiplied by the normalization factor. The method also sets the gradient
 * with respect to the normalization factor. If the sky direction falls
 * outside the skymap, an intensity of 0 is returned.
double GModelSpatialMap::eval_gradients(const GSkyDir& srcDir) const
    // Get skymap intensity
    double intensity = m_map(srcDir);

    // Compute partial derivatives of the parameter values
    double g_value = (m_value.isfree()) ? intensity * m_value.scale() : 0.0;

    // Set gradient to 0 (circumvent const correctness)

    // Return intensity times normalization factor
    return (intensity * m_value.real_value());
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * @brief Create an array of non-zero pixel indices
void GSkyRegionMap::set_nonzero_indices(void)
    // Clear zero pixel array

    // Loop over map pixels and find non-zero pixels
    for (int i = 0; i < m_map.npix(); ++i) {
        if (m_map(i,0) != 0.0) {
    // Return
Ejemplo n.º 7
 * @brief Sum function multiplied by livetime over zenith angle
 * @param[in] dir Sky direction.
 * @param[in] fct Function to evaluate.
 * Computes
 * \f[\sum_{\cos \theta} T_{\rm live}(\cos \theta) f(\cos \theta)\f]
 * where
 * \f$T_{\rm live}(\cos \theta)\f$ is the livetime as a function of the
 * cosine of the zenith angle, and
 * \f$f(\cos \theta)\f$ is a function that depends on the cosine of the
 * zenith angle.
 * This method assumes that \f$T_{\rm live}(\cos \theta)\f$ is stored as a
 * set of maps.
double GLATLtCubeMap::operator()(const GSkyDir& dir, _ltcube_ctheta fct) const
    // Get map index
    int pixel = m_map.dir2pix(dir);

    // Initialise sum
    double sum = 0.0;

    // Loop over zenith angles
    for (int i = 0; i < m_num_ctheta; ++i) {
        sum += m_map(pixel, i) * (*fct)(costheta(i));

    // Return sum
    return sum;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 * @brief Check if a given direction is contained in this region
 * @param[in] dir Sky direction.
 * @return True if sky direction is in region, false otherwise.
 * Checks if sky direction is contained in the region map.
bool GSkyRegionMap::contains(const GSkyDir& dir) const
    // Initialize
    bool contain = false;

    // If direction is within map boundaries
    if (m_map.contains(dir)) {
        // Convert sky direction into pixel index
        int i = m_map.dir2inx(dir);

        // Set containment flag
        contain = (m_map(i,0) != 0.0);
    } // endif: map contains direction

    // Return value
    return contain;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 * @brief Sum function multiplied by livetime over zenith and azimuth angles
 * @param[in] dir Sky direction.
 * @param[in] fct Function to evaluate.
 * Computes
 * \f[\sum_{\cos \theta, \phi} T_{\rm live}(\cos \theta, \phi) 
 *    f(\cos \theta, \phi)\f]
 * where
 * \f$T_{\rm live}(\cos \theta, \phi)\f$ is the livetime as a function of
 * the cosine of the zenith and of the azimuth angle, and
 * \f$f(\cos \theta, \phi)\f$ is a function that depends on the cosine of
 * the zenith angle and of the azimuth angle.
 * This method assumes that \f$T_{\rm live}(\cos \theta, \phi)\f$ is
 * stored as a set of maps in a 2D array with \f$\cos \theta\f$ being the
 * most rapidely varying parameter and with the first map starting at
 * index m_num_ctheta (the first m_num_ctheta maps are the livetime cube
 * maps without any \f$\phi\f$ dependence).
double GLATLtCubeMap::operator()(const GSkyDir& dir, _ltcube_ctheta_phi fct) const
    // Get map index
    int pixel = m_map.dir2pix(dir);

    // Initialise sum
    double sum = 0.0;

    // Loop over azimuth and zenith angles. Note that the map index starts
    // with m_num_ctheta as the first m_num_ctheta maps correspond to an
    // evaluation without any phi-dependence.
    for (int iphi = 0, i = m_num_ctheta; iphi < m_num_phi; ++iphi) {
        double p = phi(iphi);
        for (int itheta = 0; itheta < m_num_ctheta; ++itheta, ++i) {
            sum += m_map(pixel, i) * (*fct)(costheta(itheta), p);

    // Return sum
    return sum;
Ejemplo n.º 10
SparseMap<2>::nonZeroElementIdx(size_t i, size_t j) const
	return m_map(i, j);
Ejemplo n.º 11
// Fork() Creating a child process from a parent
uint64_t doFork()
	PCB *pro = NULL;
	PCB *parent_process;
  //parent_process = get_curr_PCB();
  parent_process = running;
	pro = create_pcb();
  strcpy(pro->name, parent_process->name);  
  m_map((uint64_t)pro, (uint64_t)(get_curr_PCB()), (uint64_t)(sizeof(struct pcb_t)), (uint64_t)(sizeof(struct pcb_t)) );
  // Getting new pid -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  if ((pro->pid = get_pid()) == 0)
		printf("\n Error No Free PID found");	
		return -1;
	pro->cr3 = map_pageTable(pro);		   // Storing Base Physical address of PML4e for new process
  pro->ppid = parent_process->pid;
	printf("\n PCR3:%x", pro->cr3);
  /// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  //copy the user stack of the parent process

  copyPageTables(pro, parent_process);
  printf("PageTable copying done\n");

  printf("Child PID=%p, pPID=%p\n", pro->pid, pro->ppid);
  printf("CP Cr3=%p Chid Cr3=%p\n", running->cr3, pro->cr3);
  // Add it to task linked list !!
  runnableTaskQ = addToTailTaskList(runnableTaskQ, pro); 
  // return 0 to the calling process
  //m_map( (uint64_t)pro->u_stack, (uint64_t)(parent_process->u_stack), (uint64_t)(4096), (uint64_t)(4096) );
	printf("\n Trying to Fork()\n");
  // update the cr3 to process->cr3
  /*if ((pro->u_stack = process_stack()) == NULL)
		printf("\n Cant allocate memory for process User stack");
  //check this function
  //m_map((uint64_t)pro->u_stack, (uint64_t)parent_process->u_stack, (uint64_t)(4096*8), (uint64_t)(4096*8) );
  // Setting up the rax for both parent and child
  GREG *pp1 = (GREG *) &(running->kernel_stack[234]);
  GREG *cc1 = (GREG *) &(pro->kernel_stack[234]);
  pp1->rax = pro->pid;
  cc1->rax = 0x0; 
  printf("\n Display :%x:%x", pp1->rax, cc1->rax);
  if (running->pid == pro->ppid)
    printf("This is the parent ! Returning with pid=%p, parent/running pid=%p\n", pro->pid, running->pid);
    //Set everything for our child for it to execute in its registers
	  //__asm volatile("sti");
    return pro->pid;
    printf("This is the CHILD !!\n");
	  //__asm volatile("sti");
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 * @brief Load skymap into the model class
 * Loads skymap into the model class. After loading, the map is normalized
 * so that the total flux in the map amounts to 1 ph/cm2/s. Negative skymap
 * pixels are set to zero intensity.
 * The method also initialises a cache for Monte Carlo sampling of the
 * skymap. This Monte Carlo cache consists of a linear array that maps a
 * value between 0 and 1 into the skymap pixel.
void GModelSpatialMap::load_map(const std::string& filename)
    // Initialise skymap and cache

    // Store filename of skymap (for XML writing). Note that we do not
    // expand any environment variable at this level, so that if we write
    // back the XML element we write the filepath with the environment
    // variable
    m_filename = filename;

    // Load skymap

    // Determine number of skymap pixels
    int npix = m_map.npix();

    // Continue only if there are skymap pixels
    if (npix > 0) {

        // Reserve space for all pixels in cache

        // Set first cache value to 0

        // Initialise cache with cumulative pixel fluxes and compute total
        // flux in skymap for normalization. Negative pixels are set to
        // zero intensity in the skymap.
        double sum = 0.0;
        for (int i = 0; i < npix; ++i) {
            double flux = m_map(i) * m_map.omega(i);
            if (flux < 0.0) {
                m_map(i) = 0.0;
                flux     = 0.0;
            sum += flux;

        // Normalize skymap and pixel fluxes in the cache so that the values
        // in the cache run from 0 to 1
        if (sum > 0.0) {
            for (int i = 0; i < npix; ++i) {
                m_map(i)      /= sum;
                m_mc_cache[i] /= sum;
        // Make sure that last pixel in the cache is >1
        m_mc_cache[npix] = 1.0001;

        // Dump cache values for debugging
        #if defined(G_DEBUG_CACHE)
        for (int i = 0; i < npix+1; ++i) {
            std::cout << "i=" << i;
            std::cout << " c=" << m_mc_cache[i] << std::endl;
    } // endif: there were skymap pixels

    // Return