bool AbstractSshPacket::isComplete() const { if (currentDataSize() < minPacketSize()) return false; Q_ASSERT(4 + length() + macLength() >= currentDataSize()); return 4 + length() + macLength() == currentDataSize(); }
void SshIncomingPacket::consumeData(QByteArray &newData) { #ifdef CREATOR_SSH_DEBUG qDebug("%s: current data size = %d, new data size = %d", Q_FUNC_INFO, m_data.size(), newData.size()); #endif if (isComplete() || newData.isEmpty()) return; /* * Until we have reached the minimum packet size, we cannot decrypt the * length field. */ const quint32 minSize = minPacketSize(); if (currentDataSize() < minSize) { const int bytesToTake = qMin<quint32>(minSize - currentDataSize(), newData.size()); moveFirstBytes(m_data, newData, bytesToTake); #ifdef CREATOR_SSH_DEBUG qDebug("Took %d bytes from new data", bytesToTake); #endif if (currentDataSize() < minSize) return; } if (4 + length() + macLength() < currentDataSize()) throw SSH_SERVER_EXCEPTION(SSH_DISCONNECT_PROTOCOL_ERROR, "Server sent invalid packet."); const int bytesToTake = qMin<quint32>(length() + 4 + macLength() - currentDataSize(), newData.size()); moveFirstBytes(m_data, newData, bytesToTake); #ifdef CREATOR_SSH_DEBUG qDebug("Took %d bytes from new data", bytesToTake); #endif if (isComplete()) { #ifdef CREATOR_SSH_DEBUG qDebug("Message complete. Overall size: %u, payload size: %u", m_data.size(), m_length - paddingLength() - 1); #endif decrypt(); ++m_serverSeqNr; } }
void SshIncomingPacket::decrypt() { Q_ASSERT(isComplete()); const quint32 netDataLength = length() + 4; m_decrypter.decrypt(m_data, cipherBlockSize(), netDataLength - cipherBlockSize()); const QByteArray &mac = m_data.mid(netDataLength, macLength()); if (mac != generateMac(m_decrypter, m_serverSeqNr)) { throw SSH_SERVER_EXCEPTION(SSH_DISCONNECT_MAC_ERROR, "Message authentication failed."); } }
quint32 AbstractSshPacket::minPacketSize() const { return qMax<quint32>(cipherBlockSize(), 16) + macLength(); }