Ejemplo n.º 1
/** Разбор URL-строки */
void UrlParser::parse()
    port = 80;


    // Ищем первый вопросительный знак
    std::string::size_type pos = url_.find_first_of('?');
    if (pos == std::string::npos)
        pos = -1;

    while (pos < url_.size() || pos == (std::string::size_type)-1)
        // Выделяем название параметра
        std::string::size_type end = url_.find_first_of('=', ++pos);
        if (end == std::string::npos) return;
        std::string param_name = url_.substr(pos, end - pos);
        pos = end;

        // Выделяем значение параметра
        end = url_.find_first_of('&', ++pos);
        if (end == std::string::npos)
            end = url_.size();
        std::string param_value = url_.substr(pos, end - pos);
        pos = end;
        params_[param_name] = percent_decode(param_value);
Ejemplo n.º 2
NPtr parseNode(I& be, I& en, Pos& pos) {
	eat(be, '<', pos);
	eatWhitespaceComment(be, en, pos);

	auto beCopy = be;
	for(; beCopy != en && std::isalnum(*beCopy); increment(beCopy, pos)) {}

	auto type = std::string(be, beCopy);

	be = beCopy;

	std::string classLit; // .
	std::string idLit;    // #
	std::string attributes; // ( **** )

	while(*be == '.' || *be == '#') {
		beCopy = be;
		increment(beCopy, pos); // eat the . or '#'
		assert(beCopy != en);
		bool tickEnclosed = false;
		if(*beCopy == '"') {
			tickEnclosed = true;
			increment(beCopy, pos); // eat the "
			while(beCopy != en && *beCopy != '"') {
				increment(beCopy, pos);
			assert(*beCopy == '"');
			increment(beCopy, pos); // eat the "
		} else {
			while(beCopy != en && (std::isalnum(*beCopy) || *beCopy == '-')) {
				increment(beCopy, pos);

		if(*be == '.') {
			classLit.insert(classLit.begin(), tickEnclosed ? be+2 : be+1, 
				tickEnclosed ? beCopy-1 : beCopy);
		} else if(*be == '#') {
			idLit.insert(idLit.begin(), tickEnclosed ? be+2 : be+1, 
				tickEnclosed ? beCopy-1 : beCopy);

		be = beCopy;

	if(*be == '(') {
		beCopy = be + 1;
		for(; *beCopy != ')'; increment(beCopy, pos)) {}

		attributes.insert(attributes.begin(), be+1, beCopy);

		be = beCopy;
		eat(be, ')', pos);

	eatWhitespaceComment(be, en, pos);

	if(test(be, en, "/>")) {
		eat(be, "/>", pos);
		return std::make_unique<Node>(std::move(type), 
			std::move(classLit), std::move(idLit), std::move(attributes),
	} else {
		auto children = mainParse(be, en, pos);
		return std::make_unique<Node>(std::move(type), 
			std::move(classLit), std::move(idLit), std::move(attributes),
			std::move(children), pos);
Ejemplo n.º 3
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
	const CmdOptions opt = parseOptions(argc, argv);

	if(!opt.allOk) {
		return 1;

	std::ifstream in(opt.input, std::ios_base::in);

	if(!in) {
		std::cerr << "Error: Could not open input file: \'"
			<< opt.input << "\'" << std::endl;
		return 1;

	std::ostream* output = &std::cout;

	std::ofstream oFile;

	if(!opt.output.empty()) {
		oFile.open(opt.output, std::ofstream::out);	

		output = &oFile;

	std::string storage; // We will read the contents here.
	in.unsetf(std::ios::skipws); // No white space skipping!

	Pos pos;
	auto b = storage.begin();
	auto e = storage.end();

	*output<<"//This file is autogenerated from file: "<<opt.input<<"\n";
	*output<<"#pragma once\n";
	*output<<"\n#include <ostream>\n";

	auto header = parseHeader(b, e, pos);
	header->gen(*output, 0);

	*output<<"template<typename O, typename P>\n";
	*output<<"void "<<opt.functionName<<"(O& out, P& params) {\n";

	if(!opt.noDocType && opt.docType.empty()) {
		*output<<"\tout<<\"<!DOCTYPE html>\\n\";"<<std::endl;
	} else if(!opt.noDocType) {
		*output<<"\tout<<\"<!DOCTYPE "<<opt.docType<<">\\n\";";

	auto rslt = mainParse(b, e, pos);

	for(auto& it : rslt) {
		it->gen(*output, 0);


	return 0;