Ejemplo n.º 1
CVS::log_err CVS::write(bool print, const string fmt, ...) {
	va_list args;
	va_start(args, fmt);

	if (makeLog(print, fmt.c_str(), args) == LOG_ERR) {
		return LOG_ERR;
	return LOG_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 2
Logger::log_err Logger::warn(bool print, const string TAG, const string fmt, ...) {
	if (loggingSwitch) {
		va_list args;
		va_start(args, fmt);

		if (makeLog(print, TAG, WARN, fmt.c_str(), args) == LOG_ERR) {
			return LOG_ERR;
	return LOG_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void drawShapes (TGraph ** tg_sample_par, int Npar)
    TGraph * log_tg_sample_par0 = makeLog (tg_sample_par[0]) ;
    //PG loop on candidate masses
    for (double mass = 300 ; mass < 1100 ; mass += 25)
        TF1 * func = new TF1 ("func",crystalBallLowHigh, 200, 2000, 7) ;
        func->SetParameter (0, TMath::Exp (log_tg_sample_par0->Eval (mass))) ;
        for (int iPar = 1 ; iPar < Npar ; ++iPar)
          func->SetParameter (iPar, tg_sample_par[iPar]->Eval (mass)) ;
        func->SetLineWidth (1) ;
        func->SetLineColor (kBlue + 1) ;
        func->SetNpx (10000) ;
        func->Draw ("same") ;
      } //PG loop on candidate masses
    return ;
Ejemplo n.º 4
int main() {
	FILE *fp;
	FILE *fp2;
	char* file_name = "students.txt";
	char* file_name2 = "log.txt";
	int studentId;
	char name[30];
	char class[10];
	char department[10];
	int r;
	StudentNode temp;
	StudentNode* result;
	int i;
	int loop;
	int userChoice;

	//Initialize index array
	for (i = 0; i<20; i++) {
		indexArray[i].r = i;
		indexArray[i].node = NULL;
		cur[i] = NULL;

	printf("Begin of program\n\n");

	//Try to open file to read
	if ((fp = fopen(file_name, "r")) == NULL) {
		printf("No such file\n");

	//Add students to their corespoding indexes
	while (fscanf(fp, "%d:%[^:]:%[^:]:%[^:\n]", &studentId, name, class, department) == 4) {
		addStudent(studentId, name, class, department);

	//Link indexes together

	loop = 1;
	while (loop) {
		printf ("******************************\n* What do you wanna do?      *\n*     1- Add student         *\n*     2- Delete student      *\n*     3- Find student        *\n*     4- Edit student        *\n*     5- Student list        *\n*     6- Exit                *\n******************************");
		printf("\nYour choice: ");
		scanf("%d%*c", &userChoice);
		switch (userChoice) {
			case 1: 
				studentId = askForId();
				temp = findStudentById(studentId);
				if (temp == NULL) { 
					strcpy(name, askForName());
					strcpy(class, askForClass());
					strcpy(department, askForDepartment());
					addStudent (studentId, name, class, department);
					addStudentToFile(studentId, name, class, department, file_name);
					makeLog(studentId, "APPEND", file_name2);
					printf("Add success!\n");
				} else
					printf("ID already existed!\n");
			case 2:
				studentId = askForId();
				if (deleteStudent(studentId) == 1) {
					deleteStudentFromFile(studentId, file_name);
					makeLog(studentId, "DELETE", file_name2);
					printf("Delete success!\n");
				} else
					printf("Can't find any student with given ID!\n");
			case 3:
				printf("\nFind by which criteria?\n1- Student ID\n2- Name\n3- Class\n4- Department\n5- Back to menu\nYour choice: ");
				scanf("%d%*c", &userChoice);
				switch (userChoice) {
					case 1:
						studentId = askForId();
						temp = findStudentById(studentId);
						if (temp != NULL) {
							printf("%-10d | %-30s | %-10s | %-10s\n", temp->studentId, temp->name, temp->class, temp->department);
						} else 
Ejemplo n.º 5
/* Fonction qui interprete une requette passee en parametre dans input,
   fournit le chemin du fichier demandé dans path,
   fournit le header dans output,
   précise s'il faut conserver la connection dans keep_alive (0/1) */
static int interpreter(client_t *client, int *index, int *keep_alive, char *encoding, int *endRequete)
  request_t requete = {0, {0}, {0}, client->ip, {0}, {0}, {0}, {0}, {0}, {0}, {0}, {0}, {0}, {0}, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
  reponse_t reponse = {200, {0}, {NULL, 0, 0}, 0, 10};
  reponse.header = bufinit(&reponse.header, BUFFER_SIZE, " 200 OK", 9);
  reponse.header.use = 9;
  reponse.time = time(NULL);

#ifndef NDEBUG
  printf("<interpreter> requete entrante :\n'%s'\n", client->requete.ptr);

  int ret = decode(&client->requete, &requete);
  if(ret != 0){
    erreur(ret, &reponse);

  if(requete.method == 1){ // GET
    getVarGET(&requete, &client->vars);
  }else if(requete.method == 3){ // POST
    int size = min(requete.content_length, client->requete.use - *endRequete);
    bufstrcpy(&client->vars, client->requete.ptr+(*endRequete), size);

  printf("variables : %s\n", client->vars.ptr);

  /* Validation du path */
  if(valider_path(&requete, &reponse)){
    erreur(404, &reponse);

  struct stat file_stat;
  if(reponse.code == 200){
    if(stat(requete.path, &file_stat) == -1){
      erreur(500, &reponse);
  /*droit de lecture */
  if(reponse.code == 200){
      erreur(403, &reponse);

  /* Authentification */
  if(reponse.code == 200){
      char login[30] = {0};
      char password[15] = {0};
      if(!getAuthorization(requete.authorization, login, password) &&
	 !getLoginAndPassword(requete.query, login, password)){
	requete.keep_alive = 0;
	char pass_path[SMALL_BUFF];
	  requete.keep_alive = 0;
    /* Get content type*/
    getContentType(&requete, &reponse, &file_stat);
    if(requete.method == 2){
      *index = 4; // methode HEAD 
      *index = requete.index;
  bufstrcpy(&client->path, requete.path, strlen(requete.path));
  /* On creer le header dans output */
  encoder(&client->reponse, &reponse, &requete);

  if(strlen(requete.encoding) > 0){


  *keep_alive = requete.keep_alive;
  *endRequete += requete.content_length;


  return reponse.code;
Ejemplo n.º 6
void testInterpolation (TGraph ** tg_sample_par, TString sample, int Npar)
    //PG testing sets for the test
    TGraph ** tg_test_par = new TGraph * [7] ; // [parameter][mass]
    for (int k = 0 ; k < Npar ; ++k) tg_test_par[k] = new TGraph (4) ;
    TCanvas * c_merge = new TCanvas () ;
    bkg = (TH1F *) c_merge->DrawFrame (200, 0.0000001, 1500, 0.002) ;
//    c_merge->SetLogy () ;
    bkg->GetXaxis ()->SetTitle ("m_{WW}") ;
    bkg->GetYaxis ()->SetTitle ("signal") ;

    //PG loop on the point to be removed
    for (int iTest = 0 ; iTest < 5 ; ++iTest)
        cout << " ==== iTest " << iTest << endl ;
        int iActualMass = 0 ;
        //PG fill the temporary graphs
        for (int iMass = 0 ; iMass < 5 ; ++iMass)
            if (iMass == iTest) continue ;
            double x = 0 ; 
            double y = 0 ;
            for (int k = 0 ; k < 7 ; ++k) 
                tg_sample_par[k]->GetPoint (iMass, x, y) ;      
                tg_test_par[k]->SetPoint (iActualMass, x, y) ;
            ++iActualMass ;
          } //PG fill the temporary graphs
        // plot the interpolation
        bkg->Draw () ;
        drawShapes (tg_test_par, Npar) ;

        // overlap the missing point
        double dummy = 0 ;
        double mass = 0 ;
        tg_sample_par[0]->GetPoint (iTest, mass, dummy) ;
        TF1 * func = new TF1 ("func",crystalBallLowHigh, 200, 2000, 7) ;
        TGraph * log_tg_this_sample_par0 = makeLog (tg_sample_par[0]) ;
        func->SetParameter (0, TMath::Exp (log_tg_this_sample_par0->Eval (mass))) ;
        for (int iPar = 1 ; iPar < Npar ; ++iPar)
          func->SetParameter (iPar, tg_sample_par[iPar]->Eval (mass)) ;
        func->SetLineColor (kRed) ;
        func->Draw ("same") ;
        // output        
//        c_merge->SetLogy (1) ;
//        TString name = "test_interpol_log_" ;
//        name += sample ; name += "_" ; name += iTest ; name += ".pdf" ;
//        c_merge->Print (name, "pdf") ;
        TString name = "test_interpol_lin_" ;
        name += sample ; name += "_" ; name += iTest ; name += ".pdf" ;
        c_merge->SetLogy (0) ;
        c_merge->Print (name, "pdf") ;
      } //PG loop on the point to be removed

    return ;