Ejemplo n.º 1
namespace details {
    // I don't use glm vectors here because they're not constexpr,
    // but we don't need to do anything with them anyway, other
    // than printing, so it's not a problem.
    // Note that these are returned in the same order as the
    // voxel::direction enum
    constexpr std::array<std::array<int, 3>, 6> make_normals() {
        return {
            -1,  0,  0, // Left
             1,  0,  0, // Right
             0, -1,  0, // Down
             0,  1,  0, // Up
             0,  0, -1, // Back
             0,  0,  1  // Front
    struct face {
        size_t normal;
        std::array<size_t, 6> vertices;
    constexpr std::array<face, 6> make_faces() {
        return {
            // Left face:   First triangle
            voxel::left,    voxel::right_bottom_front,
                            voxel::right_top_front   ,
                            voxel::left_top_front    ,

            //              Second triangle
                            voxel::left_top_front    ,
                            voxel::left_bottom_front ,
            // Right face:  First triangle
            voxel::right,   voxel::left_bottom_back  ,
                            voxel::left_top_back     ,
                            voxel::right_top_back    ,
            //              Second triangle
                            voxel::left_bottom_back  ,
                            voxel::right_top_back    ,
                            voxel::right_bottom_back ,
            // Bottom face: First triangle
            voxel::bottom,  voxel::right_bottom_back ,
                            voxel::left_bottom_front ,
            //              Second triangle
                            voxel::right_bottom_back ,
                            voxel::left_bottom_front ,
                            voxel::left_bottom_back  ,
            // Top face:    First triangle
            voxel::top,     voxel::right_top_front   ,
                            voxel::right_top_back    ,
                            voxel::left_top_back     ,

            //              Second triangle
                            voxel::right_top_front   ,
                            voxel::left_top_back     ,
                            voxel::left_top_front    ,
            // Back face:   First triangle
            voxel::back,    voxel::left_bottom_front ,
                            voxel::left_top_front    ,
                            voxel::left_top_back     ,
            //              Second triangle
                            voxel::left_bottom_front ,
                            voxel::left_top_back     ,
                            voxel::left_bottom_back  ,
            // Front face:  First triangle
            voxel::front,   voxel::right_bottom_back ,
                            voxel::right_top_back    ,
                            voxel::right_top_front   ,
            //              Second triangle
                            voxel::right_bottom_back ,
                            voxel::right_top_front   ,
    constexpr auto normals = make_normals();
    constexpr auto faces   = make_faces();
    class obj
        void cube(voxel v) {
            auto c = v.corners<glm::vec3>();
            _vertices.insert(_vertices.end(), begin(c), end(c));
        void write(std::ostream &os) const {
            for(auto v : _vertices) {
                os << "v " << v.x << " " << v.y << " " << v.z << "\n";
            os << "\n";
            for(auto n : normals) {
                os << "vn " << n[0] << " " << n[1] << " " << n[2] << "\n";
            for (size_t i : _indexes) {
                for(face f : faces) {
                    for(size_t v = 0; v < f.vertices.size(); ++v) {
                        if(v % 3 == 0)
                            os << "\nf ";
                        os << (f.vertices[v] + i + 1) << "//"
                           << (f.normal + 1) << " ";
        std::vector<glm::vec3> _vertices;
        std::vector<size_t> _indexes;
    void obj_mesh(octree const&oc, std::ostream &out)
        obj o;
        for(voxel v : oc) {
            assert(v.material() != voxel::unknown_material);
            if(v.material() != voxel::void_material)
    void octree::mesh(mesh_t mesh_type, std::ostream &out) const {
        switch (mesh_type) {
            case obj:
                obj_mesh(*this, out);
        assert(!"Unimplemented mesh type");
} // namespace details
Ejemplo n.º 2
void Alaska::display(void)

  //double kvector[2];
  double klength,wkt;
  //////////////////alernativ below///////////
	int yHalf = NY/2 + 1;
	for (int i = 0; i<yHalf; ++i)
		//int yLine = i*NY;
		// Mirror the y line index for calculation of -k
		// The line below evalutes yLineMirr = y == 0 ? 0 : (mYSize-y)*mXSize;
		// by wrapping the heightmap, since it is periodic.
		//int yLineMirr = ((NY-i)% NY)*NY;
		for (int j = 0; j<NX; ++j)
			//kvector[0]=2.0*PI*((float)i-.5*NX)/NX;//I was using these

	//		kvector[0]=2.0*PI*((float)i-.5*NX)/MAX_WORLD_X;//but I think I should use these
	//		kvector[1]=2.0*PI*((float)j-.5*NY)/MAX_WORLD_Y;


		//	klength=sqrt(kvector[0]*kvector[0]+kvector[1]*kvector[1]);

			wkt = sqrt(klength * GRAV_CONSTANT) * dtime;

			// yLineMirr+mXSize-x is the index of -k
			//int  kNegIndex = yLineMirr*NY + ((NY-j)% NY);

			// This is h~(K, t) from the Tessendorf paper.
		   	c[i][j].real= mH0[i][j].real*cos(wkt)
				+ mH0[i][j].imag*sin(wkt)
				+ mH0[NX - i-1][NY - j-1].real*cos(wkt)
				- mH0[NX - i-1][NY -j-1].imag*sin(wkt);

			c[i][j].imag= mH0[i][j].imag*cos(wkt)
				+ mH0[i][j].real*sin(wkt)
				-mH0[NX - i-1][NY - j-1].imag*cos(wkt)
	 			- mH0[NX - i-1][NY -j-1].real*sin(wkt);

			// Store it for later transformation

			// h~(-K) = conj(h~(K))
			if (i != yHalf-1)
				c[NX - i-1][NY - j-1].imag= mH0[i][j].real*cos(wkt)
				+ mH0[i][j].imag*sin(wkt)
				+ mH0[NX - i-1][NY - j-1].real*cos(wkt)
				- mH0[NX - i-1][NY -j-1].imag*sin(wkt);

				c[NY - i-1][NY - j-1].real= mH0[i][j].imag*cos(wkt)
				+ mH0[i][j].real*sin(wkt)
				-mH0[NX - i-1][NY - j-1].imag*cos(wkt)
	 			- mH0[NX - i-1][NY -j-1].real*sin(wkt);

		//////////////////end alternative////////////
	FFT2D(c, NX, NY, dir);// do the inverse FFT to get the surface
	///////////////negative power term creation
	for (int i=0;i<NX;i++)
		for (int j=0;j<NY;j++)
			c[i][j].real *= float(neg1Pow(i+j));
			// while we are looping, set up the final x,y values for display

	prep_loop();	//this loop loads the actual sea vertices
