Ejemplo n.º 1
bool VoronoiDiagramGenerator::voronoi(int triangulate)
	struct Site *newsite, *bot, *top, *temp, *p;
	struct Site *v;
	struct Point newintstar;
	int pm;
	struct Halfedge *lbnd, *rbnd, *llbnd, *rrbnd, *bisector;
	struct Edge *e;
	bottomsite = nextone();
	bool retval = ELinitialize();

		return false;
	newsite = nextone();

			newintstar = PQ_min();
		//if the lowest site has a smaller y value than the lowest vector intersection, process the site
		//otherwise process the vector intersection		

		if (newsite != (struct Site *)NULL 	&& (PQempty() || newsite -> coord.y < newintstar.y
			|| (newsite->coord.y == newintstar.y && newsite->coord.x < newintstar.x)))
		{/* new site is smallest - this is a site event*/
			out_site(newsite);						//output the site
			lbnd = ELleftbnd(&(newsite->coord));				//get the first HalfEdge to the LEFT of the new site
			rbnd = ELright(lbnd);						//get the first HalfEdge to the RIGHT of the new site
			bot = rightreg(lbnd);						//if this halfedge has no edge, , bot = bottom site (whatever that is)
			e = bisect(bot, newsite);					//create a new edge that bisects 
			bisector = HEcreate(e, le);					//create a new HalfEdge, setting its ELpm field to 0			
			ELinsert(lbnd, bisector);					//insert this new bisector edge between the left and right vectors in a linked list	

			if ((p = intersect(lbnd, bisector)) != (struct Site *) NULL) 	//if the new bisector intersects with the left edge, remove the left edge's vertex, and put in the new one
				PQinsert(lbnd, p, dist(p,newsite));
			lbnd = bisector;						
			bisector = HEcreate(e, re);					//create a new HalfEdge, setting its ELpm field to 1
			ELinsert(lbnd, bisector);					//insert the new HE to the right of the original bisector earlier in the IF stmt

			if ((p = intersect(bisector, rbnd)) != (struct Site *) NULL)	//if this new bisector intersects with the
				PQinsert(bisector, p, dist(p,newsite));			//push the HE into the ordered linked list of vertices
			newsite = nextone();	
		else if (!PQempty()) /* intersection is smallest - this is a vector event */			
			lbnd = PQextractmin();						//pop the HalfEdge with the lowest vector off the ordered list of vectors				
			llbnd = ELleft(lbnd);						//get the HalfEdge to the left of the above HE
			rbnd = ELright(lbnd);						//get the HalfEdge to the right of the above HE
			rrbnd = ELright(rbnd);						//get the HalfEdge to the right of the HE to the right of the lowest HE 
			bot = leftreg(lbnd);						//get the Site to the left of the left HE which it bisects
			top = rightreg(rbnd);						//get the Site to the right of the right HE which it bisects

			out_triple(bot, top, rightreg(lbnd));		//output the triple of sites, stating that a circle goes through them

			v = lbnd->vertex;						//get the vertex that caused this event
			makevertex(v);							//set the vertex number - couldn't do this earlier since we didn't know when it would be processed
			endpoint(lbnd->ELedge,lbnd->ELpm,v);	//set the endpoint of the left HalfEdge to be this vector
			endpoint(rbnd->ELedge,rbnd->ELpm,v);	//set the endpoint of the right HalfEdge to be this vector
			ELdelete(lbnd);							//mark the lowest HE for deletion - can't delete yet because there might be pointers to it in Hash Map	
			PQdelete(rbnd);							//remove all vertex events to do with the  right HE
			ELdelete(rbnd);							//mark the right HE for deletion - can't delete yet because there might be pointers to it in Hash Map	
			pm = le;								//set the pm variable to zero
			if (bot->coord.y > top->coord.y)		//if the site to the left of the event is higher than the Site
			{										//to the right of it, then swap them and set the 'pm' variable to 1
				temp = bot; 
				bot = top; 
				top = temp; 
				pm = re;
			e = bisect(bot, top);					//create an Edge (or line) that is between the two Sites. This creates
													//the formula of the line, and assigns a line number to it
			bisector = HEcreate(e, pm);				//create a HE from the Edge 'e', and make it point to that edge with its ELedge field
			ELinsert(llbnd, bisector);				//insert the new bisector to the right of the left HE
			endpoint(e, re-pm, v);					//set one endpoint to the new edge to be the vector point 'v'.
													//If the site to the left of this bisector is higher than the right
													//Site, then this endpoint is put in position 0; otherwise in pos 1
			deref(v);								//delete the vector 'v'

			//if left HE and the new bisector don't intersect, then delete the left HE, and reinsert it 
			if((p = intersect(llbnd, bisector)) != (struct Site *) NULL)
				PQinsert(llbnd, p, dist(p,bot));

			//if right HE and the new bisector don't intersect, then reinsert it 
			if ((p = intersect(bisector, rrbnd)) != (struct Site *) NULL)
				PQinsert(bisector, p, dist(p,bot));
		else break;


	for(lbnd=ELright(ELleftend); lbnd != ELrightend; lbnd=ELright(lbnd))
		e = lbnd -> ELedge;



	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void voronoi(int triangulate, Site * (*nextsite) (void))
    Site *newsite, *bot, *top, *temp, *p;
    Site *v;
    Point newintstar = {0};
    char pm;
    Halfedge *lbnd, *rbnd, *llbnd, *rrbnd, *bisector;
    Edge *e;

    bottomsite = (*nextsite) ();

    newsite = (*nextsite) ();
    while (1) {
	if (!PQempty())
	    newintstar = PQ_min();

	if (newsite != (struct Site *) NULL && (PQempty()
						|| newsite->coord.y <
						|| (newsite->coord.y ==
						    && newsite->coord.x <
						    newintstar.x))) {
	    /* new site is smallest */
	    lbnd = ELleftbnd(&(newsite->coord));
	    rbnd = ELright(lbnd);
	    bot = rightreg(lbnd);
	    e = gvbisect(bot, newsite);
	    bisector = HEcreate(e, le);
	    ELinsert(lbnd, bisector);
	    if ((p = hintersect(lbnd, bisector)) != (struct Site *) NULL) {
		PQinsert(lbnd, p, dist(p, newsite));
	    lbnd = bisector;
	    bisector = HEcreate(e, re);
	    ELinsert(lbnd, bisector);
	    if ((p = hintersect(bisector, rbnd)) != (struct Site *) NULL)
		PQinsert(bisector, p, dist(p, newsite));
	    newsite = (*nextsite) ();
	} else if (!PQempty()) {
	    /* intersection is smallest */
	    lbnd = PQextractmin();
	    llbnd = ELleft(lbnd);
	    rbnd = ELright(lbnd);
	    rrbnd = ELright(rbnd);
	    bot = leftreg(lbnd);
	    top = rightreg(rbnd);
	    out_triple(bot, top, rightreg(lbnd));
	    v = lbnd->vertex;
	    endpoint(lbnd->ELedge, lbnd->ELpm, v);
	    endpoint(rbnd->ELedge, rbnd->ELpm, v);
	    pm = le;
	    if (bot->coord.y > top->coord.y) {
		temp = bot;
		bot = top;
		top = temp;
		pm = re;
	    e = gvbisect(bot, top);
	    bisector = HEcreate(e, pm);
	    ELinsert(llbnd, bisector);
	    endpoint(e, re - pm, v);
	    if ((p = hintersect(llbnd, bisector)) != (struct Site *) NULL) {
		PQinsert(llbnd, p, dist(p, bot));
	    if ((p = hintersect(bisector, rrbnd)) != (struct Site *) NULL) {
		PQinsert(bisector, p, dist(p, bot));
	} else

    for (lbnd = ELright(ELleftend); lbnd != ELrightend;
	 lbnd = ELright(lbnd)) {
	e = lbnd->ELedge;
Ejemplo n.º 3
voronoi(Site *(*nextsite)(void))
    Site * newsite, * bot, * top, * temp, * p, * v ;
    Point newintstar ;
    int pm , c;
    Halfedge * lbnd, * rbnd, * llbnd, * rrbnd, * bisector ;
    Edge * e ;

    newintstar.x = newintstar.y = c = 0;
    PQinitialize() ;
    rubyvorState.bottomsite = (*nextsite)() ;
    out_site(rubyvorState.bottomsite) ;
    ELinitialize() ;
    newsite = (*nextsite)() ;
    while (1)
            newintstar = PQ_min() ;
        if (newsite != (Site *)NULL && (PQempty()
            || newsite -> coord.y < newintstar.y
            || (newsite->coord.y == newintstar.y
            && newsite->coord.x < newintstar.x)))
            /* new site is smallest */
                out_site(newsite) ;
            lbnd = ELleftbnd(&(newsite->coord)) ;
            rbnd = ELright(lbnd) ;
            bot = rightreg(lbnd) ;
            e = bisect(bot, newsite) ;
            bisector = HEcreate(e, le) ;
            ELinsert(lbnd, bisector) ;
            p = intersect(lbnd, bisector) ;
            if (p != (Site *)NULL)
                PQdelete(lbnd) ;
                PQinsert(lbnd, p, dist(p,newsite)) ;
            lbnd = bisector ;
            bisector = HEcreate(e, re) ;
            ELinsert(lbnd, bisector) ;
            p = intersect(bisector, rbnd) ;
            if (p != (Site *)NULL)
                PQinsert(bisector, p, dist(p,newsite)) ;
            newsite = (*nextsite)() ;
        else if (!PQempty())   /* intersection is smallest */
            lbnd = PQextractmin() ;
            llbnd = ELleft(lbnd) ;
            rbnd = ELright(lbnd) ;
            rrbnd = ELright(rbnd) ;
            bot = leftreg(lbnd) ;
            top = rightreg(rbnd) ;
            out_triple(bot, top, rightreg(lbnd)) ;
            v = lbnd->vertex ;
            makevertex(v) ;
            endpoint(lbnd->ELedge, lbnd->ELpm, v);
            endpoint(rbnd->ELedge, rbnd->ELpm, v) ;
            ELdelete(lbnd) ;
            PQdelete(rbnd) ;
            ELdelete(rbnd) ;
            pm = le ;
            if (bot->coord.y > top->coord.y)
                temp = bot ;
                bot = top ;
                top = temp ;
                pm = re ;
            e = bisect(bot, top) ;
            bisector = HEcreate(e, pm) ;
            ELinsert(llbnd, bisector) ;
            endpoint(e, re-pm, v) ;
            deref(v) ;
            p = intersect(llbnd, bisector) ;
            if (p  != (Site *) NULL)
                PQdelete(llbnd) ;
                PQinsert(llbnd, p, dist(p,bot)) ;
            p = intersect(bisector, rrbnd) ;
            if (p != (Site *) NULL)
                PQinsert(bisector, p, dist(p,bot)) ;
            break ;
    for( lbnd = ELright(getELleftend()) ;
         lbnd != getELrightend() ;
         lbnd = ELright(lbnd))
        e = lbnd->ELedge ;
        out_ep(e) ;
Ejemplo n.º 4
int voronoi(struct Site *(*nextsite) (void))
    struct Site *newsite, *bot, *top, *temp, *p;
    struct Site *v;
    struct Point newintstar;
    int pm;
    struct Halfedge *lbnd, *rbnd, *llbnd, *rrbnd, *bisector;
    struct Edge *e;
    int counter = 0;

    bottomsite = (*nextsite) ();

    newsite = (*nextsite) ();
    while (1) {
        if (!PQempty())
            newintstar = PQ_min();

        if (newsite != (struct Site *)NULL &&
                (PQempty() || newsite->coord.y < newintstar.y ||
                 (newsite->coord.y == newintstar.y &&
                  newsite->coord.x < newintstar.x))) {	/* new site is smallest */

            G_percent(counter++, nsites, 2);

            lbnd = ELleftbnd(&(newsite->coord));
            rbnd = ELright(lbnd);
            bot = rightreg(lbnd);
            e = bisect(bot, newsite);
            bisector = HEcreate(e, le);
            ELinsert(lbnd, bisector);
            if ((p = intersect(lbnd, bisector)) != (struct Site *)NULL) {
                PQinsert(lbnd, p, dist(p, newsite));
            lbnd = bisector;
            bisector = HEcreate(e, re);
            ELinsert(lbnd, bisector);
            if ((p = intersect(bisector, rbnd)) != (struct Site *)NULL) {
                PQinsert(bisector, p, dist(p, newsite));
            /* get next site, but ensure that it doesn't have the same
               coordinates as the previous. If so, step over to the following
               site. Andrea Aime 4/7/2001 */
                temp = (*nextsite) ();
            while (temp != (struct Site *)NULL &&
                    temp->coord.x == newsite->coord.x &&
                    temp->coord.y == newsite->coord.y);
            newsite = temp;
        else if (!PQempty()) {
            /* intersection is smallest */
            lbnd = PQextractmin();
            llbnd = ELleft(lbnd);
            rbnd = ELright(lbnd);
            rrbnd = ELright(rbnd);
            bot = leftreg(lbnd);
            top = rightreg(rbnd);

            v = lbnd->vertex;
            endpoint(lbnd->ELedge, lbnd->ELpm, v);
            endpoint(rbnd->ELedge, rbnd->ELpm, v);
            pm = le;
            if (bot->coord.y > top->coord.y) {
                temp = bot;
                bot = top;
                top = temp;
                pm = re;
            e = bisect(bot, top);
            bisector = HEcreate(e, pm);
            ELinsert(llbnd, bisector);
            endpoint(e, re - pm, v);
            if ((p = intersect(llbnd, bisector)) != (struct Site *)NULL) {
                PQinsert(llbnd, p, dist(p, bot));
            if ((p = intersect(bisector, rrbnd)) != (struct Site *)NULL) {
                PQinsert(bisector, p, dist(p, bot));

    G_percent(1, 1, 1);

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * map() maps a M2 x M1 source image fsource[i][j] onto an N2 x N1 target
 * image ftarget[i][j] with the mapping
 *		ftarget(r) += fsource(r + d)
 * where the deflection d = (di, dj) is supplied by function deflection()
 * we use the slightly confusing notation (i,j) -> (y, x)
void map(float **ftarget, int N1, int N2, float **fsource, int M1, int M2,
         int (*deflection)(float ri, float rj, float *di, float *dj))
  int   i, j, index, goodtriangle;
  float di, dj;
  vert *point[3], *basevert;

  /* set source image globals */
  gfsource = fsource;
  gftarget = ftarget;
  gM1      = M1;
  gM2      = M2;

  for (i = 0; i < N2; i++) {
    gtargeti = i;
    for (j = 0; j < N1; j++) {
      gtargetj = j;
      gfsum    = gareasum = 0.0;
      /* do the upper triangle */
      point[0]     = makevertex(j, i + 1);
      point[1]     = makevertex(j + 1, i + 1);
      point[2]     = makevertex(j + 1, i);
      goodtriangle = 1;
      for (index = 0; index < 3; index++) {
        goodtriangle    *= deflection(point[index]->y, 
                                      point[index]->x, &di, &dj);
        point[index]->y += di;
        point[index]->x += dj;
      if (goodtriangle) {
        makering(&basevert, point, 3);
        if (globalmapmode == INVERSEMAPMODE) {
          garea = trianglearea(basevert);
      /* do the lower triangle */
      point[0]     = makevertex(j, i + 1);
      point[1]     = makevertex(j, i);
      point[2]     = makevertex(j + 1, i);
      goodtriangle = 1;
      for (index = 0; index < 3; index++) {
        goodtriangle    *= deflection(point[index]->y, 
                                      point[index]->x, &di, &dj);
        point[index]->y += di;
        point[index]->x += dj;
      if (goodtriangle) {
        makering(&basevert, point, 3);
        if (globalmapmode == INVERSEMAPMODE) {
          garea = trianglearea(basevert);
      /* now add the pixel value */
      if ((gareasum > 0.0) && (globalmapmode == FORWARDMAPMODE)) {
        ftarget[i][j] = gfsum / gareasum;
void VoronoiDiagramGenerator::clip_line(struct Edge *e)
	struct Site *s1, *s2;
	float x1=0,x2=0,y1=0,y2=0, temp = 0;
	Site *v1= 0, *v2 = 0;
	bool needNewVertex1 = false,needNewVertex2 = false;

	x1 = e->reg[0]->coord.x;
	x2 = e->reg[1]->coord.x;
	y1 = e->reg[0]->coord.y;
	y2 = e->reg[1]->coord.y;

	//if the distance between the two points this line was created from is less than 
	//the square root of 2, then ignore it
	if(sqrt(((x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1)) + ((y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1))) < minDistanceBetweenSites)
	pxmin = borderMinX;
	pxmax = borderMaxX;
	pymin = borderMinY;
	pymax = borderMaxY;

//	printf("\nEdge (%d), minX = %f, maxX = %f, minY = %f, maxY = %f",e->edgenbr,pxmin, pxmax, pymin,pymax);
	if(e -> a == 1.0 && e ->b >= 0.0)
		s1 = e -> ep[1];
		s2 = e -> ep[0];
		s1 = e -> ep[0];
		s2 = e -> ep[1];

	v1 = s1; 
	v2 = s2;
	if(e -> a == 1.0)
		y1 = pymin;
		if (s1!=(struct Site *)NULL && s1->coord.y > pymin)
			y1 = s1->coord.y;
			needNewVertex1 = true;

			y1 = pymax;
			needNewVertex1 = true;

		x1 = e -> c - e -> b * y1;
		y2 = pymax;
		if (s2!=(struct Site *)NULL && s2->coord.y < pymax) 
			y2 = s2->coord.y;
			needNewVertex2 = true;

			y2 = pymin;
			needNewVertex2 = true;

		x2 = (e->c) - (e->b) * y2;
		if (((x1> pxmax) & (x2>pxmax)) | ((x1<pxmin)&(x2<pxmin))) 
		if(x1> pxmax)
		{	x1 = pxmax; y1 = (e -> c - x1)/e -> b;needNewVertex1 = true;}
		{	x1 = pxmin; y1 = (e -> c - x1)/e -> b;needNewVertex1 = true;}
		{	x2 = pxmax; y2 = (e -> c - x2)/e -> b;needNewVertex2 = true;}
		{	x2 = pxmin; y2 = (e -> c - x2)/e -> b;needNewVertex2 = true;}
		x1 = pxmin;
		if (s1!=(struct Site *)NULL && s1->coord.x > pxmin) 
			x1 = s1->coord.x;
			needNewVertex1 = true;

			x1 = pxmax;
			needNewVertex1 = true;
		y1 = e -> c - e -> a * x1;
		x2 = pxmax;
		if (s2!=(struct Site *)NULL && s2->coord.x < pxmax) 
			x2 = s2->coord.x;
			needNewVertex2 = true;

			x2 = pxmin;
			needNewVertex2 = true;
		y2 = e -> c - e -> a * x2;
		if (((y1> pymax) & (y2>pymax)) | ((y1<pymin)&(y2<pymin))) 
		if(y1> pymax)
		{	y1 = pymax; x1 = (e -> c - y1)/e -> a;needNewVertex1 = true;}
		{	y1 = pymin; x1 = (e -> c - y1)/e -> a;needNewVertex1 = true;}
		{	y2 = pymax; x2 = (e -> c - y2)/e -> a;needNewVertex2 = true;}
		{	y2 = pymin; x2 = (e -> c - y2)/e -> a;needNewVertex2 = true;}

	//printf("\nPushing line (%f,%f,%f,%f)",x1,y1,x2,y2);
	if(!((x1 == x2 && x2== pxmin) || (x1 == x2 && x2 == pxmax) || 
		(y1 == y2 && y2 == pymin) || (y1 == y2 && y2 == pymax)))
			//printf("\nCreate new vertex 1 
			v1 = (struct Site *) getfree(&sfl);
			v1 -> refcnt = 0;
			v1 -> coord.x = x1;
			v1 -> coord.y = y1;


			v2 = (struct Site *) getfree(&sfl);
			v2 -> refcnt = 0;
			v2 -> coord.x = x2;
			v2 -> coord.y = y2;
