Ejemplo n.º 1
QgsExpressionContext QgsGraduatedSymbolRendererWidget::createExpressionContext() const
  QgsExpressionContext expContext;
  expContext << QgsExpressionContextUtils::globalScope()
  << QgsExpressionContextUtils::projectScope()
  << QgsExpressionContextUtils::atlasScope( nullptr );

  if ( mapCanvas() )
    expContext << QgsExpressionContextUtils::mapSettingsScope( mapCanvas()->mapSettings() )
    << new QgsExpressionContextScope( mapCanvas()->expressionContextScope() );
    expContext << QgsExpressionContextUtils::mapSettingsScope( QgsMapSettings() );

  if ( vectorLayer() )
    expContext << QgsExpressionContextUtils::layerScope( vectorLayer() );

  return expContext;
void QgsArcGisServiceSourceSelect::addButtonClicked()
  if ( treeView->selectionModel()->selectedRows().isEmpty() )

  QgsOwsConnection connection( mServiceName, cmbConnections->currentText() );

  QString pCrsString( labelCoordRefSys->text() );
  QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem pCrs( pCrsString );
  //prepare canvas extent info for layers with "cache features" option not set
  QgsRectangle extent;
  QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem canvasCrs;
  if ( mapCanvas() )
    extent = mapCanvas()->extent();
    canvasCrs = mapCanvas()->mapSettings().destinationCrs();
  //does canvas have "on the fly" reprojection set?
  if ( pCrs.isValid() && canvasCrs.isValid() )
      extent = QgsCoordinateTransform( canvasCrs, pCrs ).transform( extent );
      QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "canvas transform: Canvas CRS=%1, Provider CRS=%2, BBOX=%3" )
                   .arg( canvasCrs.authid(), pCrs.authid(), extent.asWktCoordinates() ) );
    catch ( const QgsCsException & )
      // Extent is not in range for specified CRS, leave extent empty.

  //create layers that user selected from this feature source
  QModelIndexList list = treeView->selectionModel()->selectedRows();
  for ( int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++ )
    //add a wfs layer to the map
    QModelIndex idx = mModelProxy->mapToSource( list[i] );
    if ( !idx.isValid() )
    int row = idx.row();
    QString layerTitle = mModel->item( row, 0 )->text(); //layer title/id
    QString layerName = mModel->item( row, 1 )->text(); //layer name
    bool cacheFeatures = mServiceType == FeatureService ? mModel->item( row, 3 )->checkState() == Qt::Checked : false;
    QString filter = mServiceType == FeatureService ? mModel->item( row, 4 )->text() : QString(); //optional filter specified by user
    if ( cbxUseTitleLayerName->isChecked() && !layerTitle.isEmpty() )
      layerName = layerTitle;
    QgsRectangle layerExtent;
    if ( mServiceType == FeatureService && ( cbxFeatureCurrentViewExtent->isChecked() || !cacheFeatures ) )
      layerExtent = extent;
    QString uri = getLayerURI( connection, layerTitle, layerName, pCrsString, filter, layerExtent );

    QgsDebugMsg( "Layer " + layerName + ", uri: " + uri );
    addServiceLayer( uri, layerName );