int main() { int wait; // Set up port for start switch lcdInit(); // Set up motors and encoders motorInit(); encodersInit(); servoInit(); // Set up IRs gp2d12Init(PIN_HEAD_IR); digitalSetDirection(PIN_IR,AVRRA_INPUT); digitalSetData(PIN_IR,AVRRA_LOW); // Set up OP599A - analog already initialized digitalSetDirection(PIN_PHOTO,AVRRA_INPUT); digitalSetData(PIN_PHOTO,AVRRA_LOW); // Set up fan & test digitalSetData(PIN_FAN, AVRRA_LOW); digitalSetDirection(PIN_FAN, AVRRA_OUTPUT); digitalSetData(PIN_FAN, AVRRA_HIGH); delayms(25); digitalSetData(PIN_FAN, AVRRA_LOW); lcdPrint("Wait... "); wait = digitalGetData(PIN_START); while(wait) { // standard delay .. delayms(10); wait = digitalGetData(PIN_START); } // Start our map mapInit(); lcdClear(); PrintHeading(lheading,nStart); sei(); // Run Behaviors while(1) { // update odometer while(rCount > COUNTS_CM(1) ) { // odometer is in CM odometer = odometer - 1; rCount = rCount - COUNTS_CM(1); } // now run behaviors if(arbitrate()>0) { // let motors wind down delayms(500); clearCounters; plan(); clearCounters; } } }
int init(void *handle) { MAIN *m = handle; m->var.state = STATE_DUMMY; m->var.newstate = STATE_INVENTORY; /* TODO: Måste fixas när menysystem och allt det där implementeras */ // m->var.newstate = STATE_OVERWORLD; if (cameraInit(m) != 0); else if (systemInit(m) != 0); else if (mapInit(m) != 0); else if (textboxInit(m) != 0); else if (npcInit(m) != 0); else return 0; return -1; }
void engineInit() { int err; err = SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO); assert(!err); err = TTF_Init(); assert(!err); engine.window = SDL_CreateWindow("bored", SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, 1024, 768, 0); assert(engine.window); mapInit(); mapSeed(rand()); gfxInit(); guiInit(); }
void MapViewInit() { Player* player = getGameState()->getPlayer(); lastLoses = player->getLoseCount(); lastWins = player->getWinCount(); playerTexture = Iw2DCreateImage("textures/map_player.png"); healthTexture = Iw2DCreateImage("textures/map_health.png"); healthLostTexture = Iw2DCreateImage("textures/map_health_lost.png"); xpBarTexture = Iw2DCreateImage("textures/map_xp_bar.png"); mapTexture = new CIwTexture; mapTexture->LoadFromFile ("textures/map_template.png"); mapTexture->Upload(); mapInit(mapTexture->GetWidth(), mapTexture->GetHeight()); ghostInit(); }
// Initialize peer manager object. static int peermgtInit(struct s_peermgt *mgt) { const char *defaultpw = "default"; int i; int s = mapGetMapSize(&mgt->map); struct s_peeraddr empty_addr; struct s_nodeid *local_nodeid = &mgt->nodekey->nodeid; mgt->msgsize = 0; mgt->loopback = 0; mgt->outmsg.len = 0; mgt->outmsgbroadcast = 0; mgt->outmsgbroadcastcount = 0; mgt->rrmsg.len = 0; mgt->rrmsgpeerid = 0; mgt->rrmsgusetargetaddr = 0; mgt->fragoutpeerid = 0; mgt->fragoutcount = 0; mgt->fragoutsize = 0; mgt->fragoutpos = 0; mgt->localflags = 0; for(i=0; i<s; i++) { mgt->data[i].state = peermgt_STATE_INVALID; } memset(empty_addr.addr, 0, peeraddr_SIZE); mapInit(&mgt->map); authmgtReset(&mgt->authmgt); nodedbInit(&mgt->nodedb); nodedbSetMaxAge(&mgt->nodedb, peermgt_NEWCONNECT_MAX_AGE); if(peermgtNew(mgt, local_nodeid, &empty_addr) == 0) { // ID 0 should always represent local NodeID if(peermgtGetID(mgt, local_nodeid) == 0) { if(peermgtSetNetID(mgt, defaultpw, 7) && peermgtSetPassword(mgt, defaultpw, 7)) { mgt->data[0].state = peermgt_STATE_COMPLETE; return 1; } } } return 0; }
int SCOTCH_graphMapInit ( const SCOTCH_Graph * const grafptr, /*+ Graph to map +*/ SCOTCH_Mapping * const mappptr, /*+ Mapping structure to initialize +*/ const SCOTCH_Arch * const archptr, /*+ Target architecture used to map +*/ SCOTCH_Num * const parttab) /*+ Mapping array +*/ { LibMapping * restrict srcmappptr; #ifdef SCOTCH_DEBUG_LIBRARY1 if (sizeof (SCOTCH_Mapping) < sizeof (LibMapping)) { errorPrint ("SCOTCH_graphMapInit: internal error"); return (1); } #endif /* SCOTCH_DEBUG_LIBRARY1 */ srcmappptr = (LibMapping *) mappptr; srcmappptr->parttax = (parttab != NULL) ? (parttab - ((Graph *) grafptr)->baseval) : parttab; return (mapInit (&srcmappptr->m, ((Graph *) grafptr)->baseval, ((Graph *) grafptr)->vertnbr, (Arch *) archptr)); }
bool stageThreeInitialise(void) { STRUCTURE *psStr; UDWORD i; DROID *psDroid; debug(LOG_WZ, "== stageThreeInitalise =="); bTrackingTransporter = false; loopMissionState = LMS_NORMAL; if(!InitRadar()) // After resLoad cause it needs the game palette initialised. { return false; } // reset the clock to normal speed gameTimeResetMod(); if (!init3DView()) // Initialise 3d view stuff. After resLoad cause it needs the game palette initialised. { return false; } effectResetUpdates(); initLighting(0, 0, mapWidth, mapHeight); if(bMultiPlayer) { // FIXME Is this really needed? debug( LOG_WZ, "multiGameInit()\n" ); multiGameInit(); cmdDroidMultiExpBoost(true); } preProcessVisibility(); // Load any stored templates; these need to be available ASAP initTemplates(); if (!fpathInitialise()) { return false; } mapInit(); clustInitialise(); gridReset(); //if mission screen is up, close it. if(MissionResUp) { intRemoveMissionResultNoAnim(); } // Re-inititialise some static variables. driveInitVars(false); resizeRadar(); setAllPauseStates(false); /* decide if we have to create teams, ONLY in multiplayer mode!*/ if (bMultiPlayer && game.alliance == ALLIANCES_TEAMS) { createTeamAlliances(); /* Update ally vision for pre-placed structures and droids */ for(i=0;i<MAX_PLAYERS;i++) { if(i != selectedPlayer) { /* Structures */ for(psStr=apsStructLists[i]; psStr; psStr=psStr->psNext) { if(aiCheckAlliances(psStr->player,selectedPlayer)) visTilesUpdate((BASE_OBJECT *)psStr); } /* Droids */ for(psDroid=apsDroidLists[i]; psDroid; psDroid=psDroid->psNext) { if(aiCheckAlliances(psDroid->player,selectedPlayer)) visTilesUpdate((BASE_OBJECT *)psDroid); } } } } // ffs JS (and its a global!) if (getLevelLoadType() != GTYPE_SAVE_MIDMISSION) { eventFireCallbackTrigger((TRIGGER_TYPE)CALL_GAMEINIT); triggerEvent(TRIGGER_GAME_INIT); } return true; }
// Initialize NodeDB. static void nodedbInit(struct s_nodedb *db) { mapInit(db->addrdb); mapEnableReplaceOld(db->addrdb); }
int main() { map *p = NULL; size_t cap, tSize; int objType,keyType; int objTypeSize, keyTypeSize; void *data = malloc(sizeof(double)*10); void *data2 = malloc(sizeof(double)*10); double double_neg_inf = DOUBLE_NEG_INF; short short_neg_inf = SHORT_NEG_INF; mapit it = NULL, rit=NULL; while(1){ char cmd[10240] = {0}; int ret; if(p == NULL){ printf("The map needs to be initialized.\n"); printf("Init step 1. Key Type: d for double, others for short.\n"); scanf("%s", cmd); keyType = (cmd[0] == 'd')?__DS__DOUBLE__:__DS__SHORT__; printf("Init step 2. Value Type: d for double, others for short.\n"); scanf("%s", cmd); objType = (cmd[0] == 'd')?__DS__DOUBLE__:__DS__SHORT__; printf("Init step 3. Capacity: \n"); scanf("%zu", &cap); p = mapAlloc(); if(p == NULL) ret = __DS__MAP__OUT_OF_MEM__; else{ objTypeSize = (objType==__DS__DOUBLE__)? sizeof(double): sizeof(short); if(keyType == __DS__DOUBLE__) ret = mapInit(p, sizeof(double), objTypeSize, cap, doubleGT); else ret = mapInit(p, sizeof(short), objTypeSize, cap, shortGT); } if(ret != __DS__MAP__NORMAL__){ printf("Not enough memory.\n"); if(p != NULL) mapFree(p); p = NULL; } else{ printf("Initialization done.\n"); } }else{ int choice = 0; printf("size/capacity: %zu/%zu\n", mapSize(p), mapCap(p)); printf("Valid operation: 1)insert, 2)delete, 3)get iterator, 4)set\n"); printf(" 5)update by it, 6)get order, 7)next, 8)pre, 9)get by iterator\n"); printf(" 10)empty, 11)free, 12)quit\n"); while(choice <= 0 || choice > 12){ scanf("%s", cmd); sscanf(cmd, "%d", &choice); } if (choice == 1){//insert printf("input a %s-type key:", (keyType == __DS__DOUBLE__)?"double":"short"); getData(keyType, data); printf("input a %s-type value:", (objType == __DS__DOUBLE__)?"double":"short"); getData(objType, data2); ret = mapInsert(p, data, data2); if(ret==__DS__MAP__FULL__)printf("Map is full!\n"); else if(ret==__DS__MAP__OBJ_EXIST__)printf("Element already exists!\n"); else if(ret==__DS__MAP__OUT_OF_MEM__)printf("Run out of memory\n"); else if(ret==__DS__MAP__NORMAL__)printf("Insert OK\n"); } else if(choice == 2){//delete printf("input a %s value:", (keyType == __DS__DOUBLE__)?"double":"short"); getData(keyType, data); ret = mapDelete(p, data); if(ret==__DS__MAP__OBJ_NOT_EXIST__){ printf("Element is not in the set.\n"); } else printf("Delete OK\n"); } else if (choice == 3){//get it printf("input a %s value:", (keyType == __DS__DOUBLE__)?"double":"short"); getData(keyType, data); ret = mapGetIt(p, data, &it); if(ret == __DS__MAP__OBJ_EXIST__){ printf("Get iterator OK!"); printf(".\n"); } else{ printf("The key "); printData(keyType, data); printf(" is not in the map.\n"); } } else if(choice == 4){//set by it printf("input the value to set:"); getData( objType, data2); ret = mapSetByIt(it, data2); if(ret == __DS__MAP__NORMAL__){ printf("Set OK!\n"); } else printf("Invalid It\n"); } else if(choice == 5){//update by it printf("input the key to set:"); getData( objType, data); printf("input the value to set:"); getData( objType, data2); ret = mapUpdateByIt(it, data, data2); if(ret == __DS__MAP__NORMAL__) { printf("Update OK!\n"); }else { printf("Invalid It\n"); } } else if (choice == 6){//get order int order; printf("input the order:"); scanf("%zu", &order); ret = mapGetOrderIt(p, order, data, data2, &it); if(ret == __DS__MAP__NORMAL__){ printf("The result key is "); printData( keyType, data); printf(".\n"); printf("The result value is "); printData( objType, data2); printf(".\n"); } else printf("No element found\n"); } else if(choice == 7){//next rit = mapNextIt(it); if(rit!=NULL) printf("Get Next OK!\n"); else printf("Cannot get next\n"); mapFreeIt(it); it = rit; } else if(choice == 8){//pre rit = mapPrevIt(it); if(rit!=NULL) printf("Get Priv OK!\n"); else printf("Cannot get priv\n"); mapFreeIt(it); it = rit; } else if(choice == 9){//get element by it ret = mapGetByIt(it,data,data2); if(ret==__DS__MAP__NORMAL__) { printf("The key of curremt it :"); printData( keyType, data); printf("\nThe value of curremt it :"); printData( objType, data2); printf("\n"); }else { printf("Invalid Iterator\n"); } } else if(choice == 10){//empty if(mapEmpty(p)==__DS__MAP__EMPTY__) printf("The map is empty.\n"); else printf("The map is not empty.\n"); } else if(choice == 11){ mapFree(p); p = NULL; } else if(choice == 12) break; } } }
Versions::Versions() { mapInit(map) (HTTP1_0, "HTTP/1.0") (HTTP1_1, "HTTP/1.1") (UNSUPPORTED, "Not Allowed"); }
bool stageThreeInitialise() { STRUCTURE *psStr; UDWORD i; DROID *psDroid; bool fromSave = (getSaveGameType() == GTYPE_SAVE_START || getSaveGameType() == GTYPE_SAVE_MIDMISSION); debug(LOG_WZ, "== stageThreeInitialise =="); loopMissionState = LMS_NORMAL; if (!InitRadar()) // After resLoad cause it needs the game palette initialised. { return false; } // reset the clock to normal speed gameTimeResetMod(); if (!init3DView()) // Initialise 3d view stuff. After resLoad cause it needs the game palette initialised. { return false; } effectResetUpdates(); initLighting(0, 0, mapWidth, mapHeight); pie_InitLighting(); if (fromSave) { // these two lines are the biggest hack in the world. // the reticule seems to get detached from 'reticuleup' // this forces it back in sync... intRemoveReticule(); intAddReticule(); } if (bMultiPlayer) { if (!fromSave) { multiGameInit(); } initTemplates(); } preProcessVisibility(); prepareScripts(getLevelLoadType() == GTYPE_SAVE_MIDMISSION || getLevelLoadType() == GTYPE_SAVE_START); if (!fpathInitialise()) { return false; } mapInit(); gridReset(); //if mission screen is up, close it. if (MissionResUp) { intRemoveMissionResultNoAnim(); } // Re-inititialise some static variables. resizeRadar(); setAllPauseStates(false); /* decide if we have to create teams, ONLY in multiplayer mode!*/ if (bMultiPlayer && alliancesSharedVision(game.alliance)) { createTeamAlliances(); /* Update ally vision for pre-placed structures and droids */ for (i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { if (i != selectedPlayer) { /* Structures */ for (psStr = apsStructLists[i]; psStr; psStr = psStr->psNext) { if (aiCheckAlliances(psStr->player, selectedPlayer)) { visTilesUpdate((BASE_OBJECT *)psStr); } } /* Droids */ for (psDroid = apsDroidLists[i]; psDroid; psDroid = psDroid->psNext) { if (aiCheckAlliances(psDroid->player, selectedPlayer)) { visTilesUpdate((BASE_OBJECT *)psDroid); } } } } } countUpdate(); if (getLevelLoadType() != GTYPE_SAVE_MIDMISSION) { if (getDebugMappingStatus()) { triggerEventCheatMode(true); } eventFireCallbackTrigger((TRIGGER_TYPE)CALL_GAMEINIT); triggerEvent(TRIGGER_GAME_INIT); } return true; }