bool Foam::fileFormats::STARCDsurfaceFormat<Face>::read ( const fileName& filename ) { const bool mustTriangulate = this->isTri(); this->clear(); fileName baseName = filename.lessExt(); // STAR-CD index of points List<label> pointId; // read points from .vrt file readPoints ( IFstream(baseName + ".vrt")(), this->storedPoints(), pointId ); // Build inverse mapping (STAR-CD pointId -> index) Map<label> mapPointId(2*pointId.size()); forAll(pointId, i) { mapPointId.insert(pointId[i], i); }
bool Foam::fileFormats::NASedgeFormat::read ( const fileName& filename ) { clear(); IFstream is(filename); if (!is.good()) { FatalErrorInFunction << "Cannot read file " << filename << exit(FatalError); } DynamicList<point> dynPoints; DynamicList<edge> dynEdges; DynamicList<label> pointId; // Nastran index of points while (is.good()) { string line; is.getLine(line); // Skip empty or comment if (line.empty() || line[0] == '$') { continue; } // Check if character 72 is continuation if (line.size() > 72 && line[72] == '+') { line = line.substr(0, 72); while (true) { string buf; is.getLine(buf); if (buf.size() > 72 && buf[72] == '+') { line += buf.substr(8, 64); } else { line += buf.substr(8, buf.size()-8); break; } } } // Read first word IStringStream lineStream(line); word cmd; lineStream >> cmd; if (cmd == "CBEAM" || cmd == "CROD") { edge e; // label groupId = readLabel(IStringStream(line.substr(16,8))()); e[0] = readLabel(IStringStream(line.substr(24,8))()); e[1] = readLabel(IStringStream(line.substr(32,8))()); // discard groupID dynEdges.append(e); } else if (cmd == "PLOTEL") { edge e; // label groupId = readLabel(IStringStream(line.substr(16,8))()); e[0] = readLabel(IStringStream(line.substr(16,8))()); e[1] = readLabel(IStringStream(line.substr(24,8))()); // discard groupID dynEdges.append(e); } else if (cmd == "GRID") { label index = readLabel(IStringStream(line.substr(8,8))()); scalar x = parseNASCoord(line.substr(24, 8)); scalar y = parseNASCoord(line.substr(32, 8)); scalar z = parseNASCoord(line.substr(40, 8)); pointId.append(index); dynPoints.append(point(x, y, z)); } else if (cmd == "GRID*") { // Long format is on two lines with '*' continuation symbol // on start of second line. // Typical line (spaces compacted) // GRID* 126 0 -5.55999875E+02 -5.68730474E+02 // * 2.14897901E+02 label index = readLabel(IStringStream(line.substr(8,16))()); scalar x = parseNASCoord(line.substr(40, 16)); scalar y = parseNASCoord(line.substr(56, 16)); is.getLine(line); if (line[0] != '*') { FatalErrorInFunction << "Expected continuation symbol '*' when reading GRID*" << " (double precision coordinate) format" << nl << "Read:" << line << nl << "File:" << << " line:" << is.lineNumber() << exit(FatalError); } scalar z = parseNASCoord(line.substr(8, 16)); pointId.append(index); dynPoints.append(point(x, y, z)); } } // transfer to normal lists storedPoints().transfer(dynPoints); pointId.shrink(); dynEdges.shrink(); // Build inverse mapping (NASTRAN pointId -> index) Map<label> mapPointId(2*pointId.size()); forAll(pointId, i) { mapPointId.insert(pointId[i], i); }