int setSPD(int spd, unsigned long curTime) { /* This function will set the speed of the servos. It takes spd argument in deg/sec (-300, 300), and uses an aproximated calibration curve to set the pulse width. Sine the servos require some time to adjust the speed there is lag check that will immedately return if there wasn't enough time between calls to the function */ unsigned long dur = curTime - spdTime; if ( dur < SPD_WRITE_WAIT){ // return -1 if we haven't passed through the time limit, HOW do we prevent this from overflowing? return -1; } spdTime = curTime; // Setting speed, so update clock /* This is an aproximated calibration curve, was built by hand using the servocalibrate degree sketch */ if ( spd > 300){ pos = 1700; } else if ( 270 < spd && spd <= 300){ pos = mapRange(spd, 270 , 300, 1600, 1700) + 0.5; } else if ( 180 < spd && spd <= 270) { pos = mapRange(spd, 180, 270, 1550, 1600)+ 0.5; } else if ( 90 < spd && spd <= 180) { pos = mapRange(spd, 90, 180, 1526, 1550)+ 0.5; } else if ( 1 <= spd && spd <= 90) { pos = mapRange(spd, 1 , 90, 1501, 1526)+ 0.5; } else if ( 0 == spd) { pos = 1500; } else if ( -90 < spd && spd <= -1) { pos = mapRange(spd, -90 , -1, 1471, 1494)+ 0.5; } else if ( -180 < spd && spd <= -90) { pos = mapRange(spd, -180 , -90, 1448, 1471)+ 0.5; } else if ( -270 < spd && spd <= -180) { pos = mapRange(spd, -270 , -180, 1400, 1448)+ 0.5; } else if ( -300 <= spd && spd <= -270) { pos = mapRange(spd, -300 , -270, 1300, 1400)+ 0.5; } else if (spd < -300 ) { pos = 1300; } servo1.writeMicroseconds(pos); // Actully setting the speed. rpos = mapRange(pos, 1300, 1700, 1700, 1300); //Reverse the driection for the other wheel servo2.writeMicroseconds(rpos); return pos; // otherwise return the pulse width value that came from the calibration curve. }
void FluidDrawerBase::drawVectors(float x, float y, float renderWidth, float renderHeight) { if(enabled == false) return; int fw = _fluidSolver->getWidth(); int fh = _fluidSolver->getHeight(); if(useAdditiveBlending) { glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE); glEnable(GL_BLEND); } else { glDisable(GL_BLEND); } // int xStep = renderWidth / 10; // every 10 pixels // int yStep = renderHeight / 10; // every 10 pixels glPushMatrix(); glTranslatef(x, y, 0); glScalef(renderWidth/(fw-2), renderHeight/(fh-2), 1.0); float velMult = 50000; float maxVel = 5.0f/20000; Vec2f vel; float vt = velThreshold * _fluidSolver->getInvWidth() * _fluidSolver->getInvHeight(); vt *= vt; for (int j=0; j<fh-2; j++ ){ for (int i=0; i<fw-2; i++ ){ _fluidSolver->getInfoAtCell(i+1, j+1, &vel, NULL); float d2 = vel.x * vel.x + vel.y * vel.y; if(d2>vt) { if(d2 > maxVel * maxVel) { float mult = maxVel * maxVel/ d2; // float mult = (d2 - maxVel * maxVel) / d2; vel.x *= mult; vel.y *= mult; } vel *= velMult; #ifndef MSA_TARGET_OPENGLES float b = mapRange(d2, vt, maxVel, 0.0f, brightness); b = brightness; glColor3f(b, b, b); glBegin(GL_LINES); glVertex2f(i, j); glVertex2f(i + vel.x, j + vel.y); glEnd(); #endif } } } glPopMatrix(); }
STDMETHODIMP ThwOverlayControlVMR9::set(int cap, int val) { if (!vmr9) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } if (!isIn(cap, 1, 6) || !caps[cap]) { return E_INVALIDARG; } ctrl.*(caps[cap]) = mapRange(val, std::make_pair(hwocMinMax[cap][0], hwocMinMax[cap][1]), std::make_pair(ranges[cap].MinValue, ranges[cap].MaxValue)); vmr9->SetProcAmpControl(id, &ctrl); return S_OK; }
void makeTexture(){ texture = Texture(256, 1, Graphics::LUMINANCE_ALPHA, Graphics::UBYTE, true); Array& sprite(texture.array()); struct{ uint8_t l, a; }lum; //texture fading out at the edges for (size_t row = 0; row < sprite.height(); ++row) { float y = float(row) / (sprite.height() - 1) * 2 - 1; for (size_t col = 0; col < sprite.width(); ++col) { float x = float(col) / (sprite.width() - 1) * 2 - 1; // draw lightning, white in the center, and fades out toward the edges // at two rates if (abs(x) < 0.2) lum.l = mapRange(abs(x), 0.f, .2f, 255.f, 60.f); else lum.l = mapRange(abs(x), 0.2f, 1.f, 60.f, 0.f); lum.a = lum.l; sprite.write(&lum.l, col, row); } } }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void DrawerBase::drawVectors(float x, float y, float renderWidth, float renderHeight) const { if(enabled == false) return; ofPushStyle(); if(useAdditiveBlending) ofEnableBlendMode(OF_BLENDMODE_ADD); else ofDisableAlphaBlending(); int fw = _fluidSolver->getWidth(); int fh = _fluidSolver->getHeight(); // int xStep = renderWidth / 10; // every 10 pixels // int yStep = renderHeight / 10; // every 10 pixels ofPushMatrix(); ofTranslate(x, y, 0); ofScale(renderWidth/(fw-2), renderHeight/(fh-2), 1.0); float maxVel = 5.0f/20000; Vec2f vel; float vt = velDrawThreshold * _fluidSolver->getInvWidth() * _fluidSolver->getInvHeight(); vt *= vt; for (int j=0; j<fh-2; j+=vectorSkipCount+1 ){ for (int i=0; i<fw-2; i+=vectorSkipCount+1 ){ vel = _fluidSolver->getVelocityAtCell(i+1, j+1); float d2 = vel.lengthSquared(); if(d2>vt) { if(d2 > maxVel * maxVel) { float mult = maxVel * maxVel/ d2; // float mult = (d2 - maxVel * maxVel) / d2; vel.x *= mult; vel.y *= mult; } vel *= velDrawMult * 50000; float b = mapRange(d2, vt, maxVel, 0.0f, brightness); b = brightness*255; // ofBeginShape(); // ofSetColor(0, 0, 0); // ofVertex(i, j); ofSetColor(b, b, b); ofDrawLine(i, j, i + vel.x, j + vel.y); // ofVertex(i + vel.x, j + vel.y); // ofEndShape(); } } } ofPopMatrix(); ofPopStyle(); }
MemoryContext::Result MemoryContext::mapRegion(MemoryMap::Region region, Size size, Memory::Access access) { Memory::Range range; Result r; if ((r = findFree(size, region, &range.virt)) != Success) return r; range.phys = ZERO; range.size = size; range.access = access; return mapRange(&range); }
STDMETHODIMP ThwOverlayControlVMR9::get(int cap, int *val) { if (!vmr9) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } if (!val) { return E_POINTER; } if (!isIn(cap, 1, 6) || !caps[cap]) { return E_INVALIDARG; } VMR9ProcAmpControl ctrl; ctrl.dwSize = sizeof(ctrl); if (vmr9->GetProcAmpControl(id, &ctrl) != S_OK) { return E_FAIL; } float v = ctrl.*(caps[cap]); *val = mapRange(v, std::make_pair(ranges[cap].MinValue, ranges[cap].MaxValue), std::make_pair(hwocMinMax[cap][0], hwocMinMax[cap][1])); return S_OK; }
int main(void){ //startLCD_Show_Credits(); //lcd_check_busy_flag(); //lcd_send_command( LCD_CLEAR ); //You can multiplex these pins by enabling and disabling the LCD display. //lcd_puts( "Lx = 15uH " ); //lcd_check_busy_flag(); //lcd_send_command( LCD_SET_CURSOR_POS | LCD_SECOND_LINE ); //lcd_puts( "Cx = 150uF" ); //lcd_check_busy_flag(); //_delay_ms(2000); //lcd_send_command( LCD_CLEAR ); //lcd_puts("Hello Jenn!"); uart_init(); stdout = &uart_tx; stdin = &uart_rx; init_ADC(); //Set Pin Directions //Lights Pin as output LIGHTS_SIGNAL_DIR |= (1 << LIGHTS_SIGNAL); //Start Button Pin as input START_BUTTON_DIR &= ~(1 << START_BUTTON); //Stop Button Pin as Input STOP_BUTTON_DIR &= ~(1 << STOP_BUTTON); //Buzzer Pin as Output BUZZER_DIR |= (1 << BUZZER); //Trip Switch Pin as Input TRIP_SWITCH_DIR &= ~(1 << TRIP_SWITCH_PIN); //LCD Led Pin as output LCD_LED_DIR |= (1 << LCD_LED_PIN); LCD_LED_PORT |= (1 << LCD_LED_PIN); //Turn it on static long reading; static bool btnStop = false; static bool tripSwitch = false; startLCD_Show_Credits(); displayBlink(3); while (1){ printf("Raw Reading: %d\t",read_ADC(0,&reading)); long mapped_reading = mapRange(0,1023,0,1800,reading); printf("Mapped Reading: %d\t",mapped_reading); display_Selection(mapped_reading); if(START_BUTTON_PIN & (1 << START_BUTTON) && mapped_reading > 0){ lcd_check_busy_flag(); lcd_send_command(LCD_CLEAR); lcd_puts(" STARTING "); displayBlink(2); long count = 0; _delay_ms(1000); //Turn on lights LIGHTS_SIGNAL_PORT |= (1 << LIGHTS_SIGNAL); bool lightsOn = true; for(count = mapped_reading;count >= 0;count--){ //Check for stop button if(STOP_BUTTON_PIN & (1 << STOP_BUTTON)){ lcd_check_busy_flag(); lcd_send_command(LCD_CLEAR); lcd_puts(" STOPPING "); btnStop = true; break; } //Pause if trip switch is high if(!(TRIP_SWITCH_PIN & (1 << TRIP_SWITCH))){ if(!lightsOn){ LIGHTS_SIGNAL_PORT |= (1 << LIGHTS_SIGNAL); } //If the the switch is still closed printf("UV Lights on for: %d more secs...\n",count); lcd_check_busy_flag(); lcd_send_command(LCD_CLEAR); lcd_puts(" Exposing "); lcd_check_busy_flag(); lcd_send_command(LCD_SET_CURSOR_POS | LCD_SECOND_LINE); char * zero = "0"; uint8_t mins = count / 60; uint8_t secs = count % 60; char minsStr[5]; char secsStr[5]; itoa(mins,minsStr,10); itoa(secs,secsStr,10); lcd_check_busy_flag(); lcd_puts(" "); if(mins <= 9){ lcd_check_busy_flag(); lcd_puts(zero); } lcd_check_busy_flag(); lcd_puts(minsStr); lcd_check_busy_flag(); lcd_puts(":"); if(secs <= 9){ lcd_check_busy_flag(); lcd_puts(zero); } lcd_check_busy_flag(); lcd_puts(secsStr); _delay_ms(1000); } else{ lightsOn = false; LIGHTS_SIGNAL_PORT &= ~(1 << LIGHTS_SIGNAL); //Tell user the lid is open printf("LID OPEN, CLOSE IT TO CONTINUE\n"); lcd_check_busy_flag(); lcd_send_command(LCD_CLEAR); lcd_puts(" LID OPEN "); lcd_check_busy_flag(); lcd_send_command(LCD_SET_CURSOR_POS | LCD_SECOND_LINE); lcd_puts(" PLEASE CLOSE IT "); //Increment Count to make up for this one count++; } } //Turn off lights LIGHTS_SIGNAL_PORT &= ~(1 << LIGHTS_SIGNAL); if(btnStop != true){ lcd_check_busy_flag(); lcd_send_command(LCD_CLEAR); lcd_puts(" FINISHED "); alarmSound(2); } else{ buzzerSound(13); btnStop = false; //reset the stop flag } displayBlink(2); } } return 0; }
void ntTruss::display_mode(D_mode m){ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////// UPDATE COLOR MODE this->m = m; int n = nodes.size(); int e = elements.size(); int rMax = 0; int gMax = 0; int bMax = 0; std::vector <float> qM; std::vector <float> fM; qMax = 0; fMax = 0; //UPDATE HOST COPY IF VALUES HAVE BEEN if (isCurrent == false) { host_copy(); isCurrent = true; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////// DEFINE MAPPING BEHAVIOR OF DISPLAY MODE for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){ float u = abs( * DOF + 0)); float v = abs( * DOF + 1)); float w = abs( * DOF + 2)); float x = abs( * DOF + 0)); float y = abs( * DOF + 1)); float z = abs( * DOF + 2)); ntVec3 dQ = ntVec3(u, v, w); ntVec3 dF = ntVec3(x, y, z); float q = dQ.mag(); float f = dF.mag(); qM.push_back(q); fM.push_back(f); if (qMax < q){ qMax = q; nMax = i + 1; ///REVISE TO INCLUDE NODES WITH EQUAL DISPLACEMENT } if (fMax < f){ fMax = f; } if (rMax < u){ rMax = u; } if (gMax < v){ gMax = v; } if (bMax < w){ bMax = w; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////// UPDATE COLOR if (m == vW) { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){ float r = .9; float g = .9; float b = .9;>col = Col4(r, g, b); } for (int i = 0; i < e; i++){>w = .5; } } if (m == vQ) { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){ float q =; //float r = mapRange(0.3, 1, 0, qMax, q); //float g = mapRange(.35, .45, 0, qMax, q, false); //float b = mapRange( 0,.55, 0, qMax, q, false); float r = mapRange(0.3, 1, 0, qMax, q); float g = mapRange(0, .6, 0, qMax, q, false); float b = mapRange(0.1, .85, 0, qMax, q, false);>col = Col4(r, g, b); } for (int i = 0; i < e; i++){>w = .5; } } if (m == vF) { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){ float q =; float r = mapRange( 0, 1, 0, qMax / 10000, q); float g = 0;//mapRange(0, .65, 0, qMax / 100000, q / 1000); float b = mapRange(0.75, .95, 0, qMax / 100000, q, false); if (r > .9){ g = 0;} if (b > .85){ g = 0; }>col = Col4(r, g, b); } for (int i = 0; i < e; i++){>w = .5; } } if (m == vS) { for (int i = 0; i<n; i++){>col = ntCol4(1, 0, 0); } for (int i = 0; i < e; i++){ float s = abs(S_h[i]); float r = mapRange(0.1, 1, 0, sMax, s); float g = mapRange(0.1, 1, 0, sMax, s); float b = mapRange(0.1, 1, 0, sMax, s); float a = mapRange(1, 1, 0, sMax, s); //float r = mapRange(0.3, 1, 0, sMax, s); //float g = mapRange(.35, .45, 0, sMax, s, false); //float b = mapRange(0, .55, 0, sMax, s, false); float w = mapRange(1, 1.5, 0, sMax, s);>colE = Col4(r, g, b, a);>colS = Col4(r, g, b, a);>w = w; } } }
void meshApp::init() { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// OBJECTS int dimX, dimY; int dimU, dimV; dimX = dimY = 10; dimU = dimV = 50; mesh00 = ntPlane(dimX, dimX, dimU, dimV); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////// OBJECTS COLOR BY VERTEX for (int i = 0; i < mesh00.verts.size(); i++){ int val = mesh00.faces.size(); float r = mapRange(.5, 1, 0, val, i, true); float g = mapRange(.25, .4, 0, val, i,false); float b = mapRange( 0, .3, 0, val, i, true); float a = mapRange(-.25, 1, 0, val, i, true); float s = mapRange(1, 5, 0, val, i, true);>setSize(s);>set_color(ntColor4f(r, g, b, 1)); } for (int i = 0; i < mesh00.faces.size(); i++){ int val = mesh00.faces.size(); float n = mapRange(.01,.25, 0, val, i, false); float w = mapRange(.01, 3, 0, val, i, false); float r = mapRange(.25, .5, 0, val, i, false); float g = mapRange(0, .25, 0, val, i, true); float b = mapRange(0, .8, 0, val, i, true); float a = mapRange(.5, 1, 0, val, i, false);; = ntColor4f(.55, .65, .50, a); } mesh00.addPhysics(true); mesh00.fixCorners(); std::vector<Particle*>* particlesPtr00 = mesh00.getParticles(); std::vector<Spring*>* springsPtr00 = mesh00.getSprings(); force00 = ntBasePhysics(ntVec3(0, 0, 0), .01); force00.setGravity(-.0001); //force00.setForce(Vec3(5, 0, 0), .1); std::cout << springsPtr00->size() << endl; force00.setParticles(particlesPtr00); force00.setSprings(springsPtr00); int ps = particlesPtr00->size(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){ int pFixed = 465+i;// (rand() % ps); //particlesPtr00->at(pFixed)->fixed = true; } }
// generate a bolt of lightning and add to our mesh // modified from Michael Hoffman's // ( void makeBolt(Vec3f source, Vec3f dest, int maxBranches = 0, float branchProb = 0.01, float wid = 0.05, int n = 80) { Vec3f tangent = (dest - source); // direction of lightning Vec3f normal = tangent.cross(Vec3f(0, 0, -1)).normalize(); // normal to lightning float length = tangent.mag(); // choose n random positions (0,1) along lightning vector and sort them vector<float> positions; positions.push_back(0); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) positions.push_back(rnd::uniform()); sort(positions.begin(), positions.end()); float sway = 1; // max random walk step of displacement along normal float jaggedness = 1 / sway; Vec3f prevPoint = source; float prevDisplacement = 0; //float width = 0.06; float width = (wid > 0) ? wid : length / 25.0 + 0.01; //color = Color(1, 0.7, 1, 1); int branches = 0; mesh.primitive(Graphics::TRIANGLES); Vec3f point; for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) { float pos = positions[i]; // used to prevent sharp angles by ensuring very close positions also have // small perpendicular variation. float scale = (length * jaggedness) * (pos - positions[i - 1]); // defines an envelope. Points near the middle of the bolt can be further // from the central line. float envelope = pos > 0.95f ? mapRange(pos, 0.95f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f) : 1; // displacement from prevDisplacement (random walk (brownian motion)) float displacement = rnd::uniformS(sway) * scale + prevDisplacement; displacement *= envelope; // calculate point, source plus percentage along tangent, and displacement // along normal; point = source + pos * tangent + displacement * normal; // generate triangles (vertices and texture coordinates) from point and // prevPoint //********** mesh.vertex(prevPoint + normal * width); mesh.vertex(prevPoint - normal * width); mesh.vertex(point + normal * width); mesh.vertex(point + normal * width); mesh.vertex(prevPoint - normal * width); mesh.vertex(point - normal * width); mesh.texCoord(0, (float)(i - 1) / n); mesh.texCoord(1, (float)(i - 1) / n); mesh.texCoord(0, (float)(i) / n); mesh.texCoord(0, (float)(i) / n); mesh.texCoord(1, (float)(i - 1) / n); mesh.texCoord(1, (float)(i) / n); mesh.color(color); mesh.color(color); mesh.color(color); mesh.color(color); mesh.color(color); mesh.color(color); //********** if (branches < maxBranches && rnd::prob(branchProb)) { branches++; Vec3f dir(tangent); rotate(dir, Vec3f(0, 0, 1), rnd::uniformS(30) * M_DEG2RAD); dir.normalize(); float len = (dest - point).mag(); makeBolt(point, point + dir * len * 0.4, maxBranches - 1, branchProb, width * 0.6, n * 0.5); } // remember previous point and displacement for next iteration prevPoint = point; prevDisplacement = displacement; } //generate last piece mesh.vertex(point + normal * width); mesh.vertex(point - normal * width); mesh.vertex(dest + normal * width); mesh.vertex(dest + normal * width); mesh.vertex(point - normal * width); mesh.vertex(dest - normal * width); mesh.texCoord(0, (float)(n - 1) / n); mesh.texCoord(1, (float)(n - 1) / n); mesh.texCoord(0, (float)(n) / n); //0 mesh.texCoord(0, (float)(n) / n); //0 mesh.texCoord(1, (float)(n - 1) / n); mesh.texCoord(1, (float)(n) / n); //1 mesh.color(color); mesh.color(color); mesh.color(color); mesh.color(color); mesh.color(color); mesh.color(color); }
int main (void){ //Start UART init_UART(); stdout = &uart_tx; stdin = &uart_rx; //Start ADC init_ADC(); //Set pins for display as output //Digit 1 DDRD |= (1 << PD5); //A DDRD |= (1 << PD6); //B DDRD |= (1 << PD7); //C DDRB |= (1 << PB0); //D //Digit 2 DDRC |= (1 << PC1); //A DDRC |= (1 << PC2); //B DDRC |= (1 << PC3); //C DDRC |= (1 << PC4); //D //Lights Pin Output DDRC |= (1 << PC5); //Start/Stop Button DDRB &= ~(1 << PB1); //Start button input DDRB &= ~(1 << PB2); //Stop button input //Buzzer Pin DDRD |= (1 << PD2); //Output int first_digit = 9; int second_digit = 10; static long reading; static bool btnStart; //Blink display to let me know everything is good! displayBlink(5); while(1) { printf("Raw Reading: %d\t",read_ADC(0,&reading)); long mapped_reading = mapRange(0,1023,0,99,reading); printf("Mapped Reading: %d\n",mapped_reading); display_Selection(mapped_reading); if(PINB & (1 << PB1) && mapped_reading > 0 ){ //If the Start button gets pressed then displayBlink(2); int count = 0; _delay_ms(1000); PORTC |= (1 << PC5); for(count = mapped_reading;count >= 0;count--){ //Count Backwards from that number //Check for stop button quit if set if(PINB & (1 << PB2)) break; uint8_t fdigitm = count / 10; uint8_t sdigitm = count % 10; firstDisplay(fdigitm); secondDisplay(sdigitm); printf("UV Lights on for: %d more secs...\n",count); _delay_ms(1000); } PORTC &= ~(1 << PC5); //displayBlink(5); alarmSound(2); displayBlink(2); } } }