Ejemplo n.º 1
QRect View::mapDev(const QRect& r) const
      return QRect(mapxDev(r.x()), mapyDev(r.y()),
         rmapxDev(r.width()), rmapyDev(r.height()));
Ejemplo n.º 2
QPoint View::mapDev(const QPoint& r) const
      return QPoint(mapxDev(r.x()), mapyDev(r.y()));
Ejemplo n.º 3
void MTScale::pdraw(QPainter& p, const QRect& r)
	QColor colTimeLine = QColor(172,181,176);
	int x = r.x();
	int w = r.width();

	//printf("MTScale::pdraw x:%d w:%d\n", x, w);

	x -= 20;
	w += 40; // wg. Text

	//    draw Marker

	int y = 12;
	p.setFont(QFont("fixed-width", 9, QFont::Bold));
	p.drawLine(r.x(), y + 1, r.x() + r.width(), y + 1);
	QRect tr(r);
	MarkerList* marker = song->marker();
	for (iMarker m = marker->begin(); m != marker->end(); ++m)

		int xp;
		if (waveMode)
			xp = mapx(m->second.frame());
			xp = mapx(m->second.tick());
		if (xp > x + w)
		int xe = r.x() + r.width();
		iMarker mm = m;
		if (mm != marker->end())

			if (waveMode)
				xe = mapx(tempomap.tick2frame(mm->first));
				xe = mapx(mm->first);

		QRect tr(xp, 0, xe - xp, 13);

		QRect wr = r.intersect(tr);
		if (!wr.isEmpty())
			if (m->second.current())
				p.fillRect(wr, QColor(89, 89, 102));

			int x2;
			if (mm != marker->end())
				if (waveMode)
					x2 = mapx(tempomap.tick2frame(mm->first));
					x2 = mapx(mm->first);
				x2 = xp + 200;

			//printf("MTScale::pdraw marker %s xp:%d y:%d h:%d r.x:%d r.w:%d\n", m->second.name().toLatin1(), xp, height(), y, r.x(), r.width());

			// Must be reasonable about very low negative x values! With long songs > 15min
			//  and with high horizontal magnification, 'ghost' drawings appeared,
			//  apparently the result of truncation later (xp = -65006 caused ghosting
			//  at bar 245 with magnification at max.), even with correct clipping region
			//  applied to painter in View::paint(). Tim.  Apr 5 2009
			// Quote: "Warning: Note that QPainter does not attempt to work around
			//  coordinate limitations in the underlying window system. Some platforms may
			//  behave incorrectly with coordinates as small as +/-4000."
			if (xp >= -32)
				p.drawPixmap(xp, 0, *flagIconS);

			if (xp >= -1023)
				QRect r = QRect(xp + 10, 0, x2 - xp, 12);
				p.drawText(r, Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter, m->second.name());

			if (xp >= 0)
				p.drawLine(xp, y, xp, height());
	unsigned ctick;
	int bar1, bar2, beat;
	unsigned tick;

	if (waveMode)
		ctick = tempomap.frame2tick(mapxDev(x));
		AL::sigmap.tickValues(ctick, &bar1, &beat, &tick);
		AL::sigmap.tickValues(tempomap.frame2tick(mapxDev(x + w)),
				&bar2, &beat, &tick);
		ctick = mapxDev(x);
		AL::sigmap.tickValues(ctick, &bar1, &beat, &tick);
		AL::sigmap.tickValues(mapxDev(x + w), &bar2, &beat, &tick);

	//printf("bar %d  %d-%d=%d\n", bar, ntick, stick, ntick-stick);
	int h = height() - 12;

	int stick = AL::sigmap.bar2tick(bar1, 0, 0);
	int ntick;
	for (int bar = bar1; bar <= bar2; bar++, stick = ntick)
		ntick = AL::sigmap.bar2tick(bar + 1, 0, 0);
		int tpix, a, b = 0;
		if (waveMode)
			a = tempomap.tick2frame(ntick);
			b = tempomap.tick2frame(stick);
			tpix = rmapx(a - b);
			tpix = rmapx(ntick - stick);
		if (tpix < 64)
			// don�t show beats if measure is this small
			int n = 1;
			if (tpix < 32)
				n = 2;
			if (tpix <= 16)
				n = 4;
			if (tpix < 8)
				n = 8;
			if (tpix <= 4)
				n = 16;
			if (tpix <= 2)
				n = 32;
			if (bar % n)
			int x = mapx(waveMode ? b : stick);
			QString s;
			s.setNum(bar + 1);
			p.drawLine(x, y + 1, x, y + 1 + h);
			QRect r = QRect(x + 2, y, 1000, h);
			p.setFont(QFont("fixed-width", 9, QFont::Bold));
			p.drawText(r, Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::TextDontClip, s);
			int z, n;
			AL::sigmap.timesig(stick, z, n);
			for (int beat = 0; beat < z; beat++)
				int xx = AL::sigmap.bar2tick(bar, beat, 0);
				if (waveMode)
					xx = tempomap.tick2frame(xx);
				int xp = mapx(xx);
				QString s;
				QRect r(xp + 2, y, 1000, h);
				int y1;
				int num;
				if (beat == 0)
					num = bar + 1;
					y1 = y + 1;
					p.setFont(QFont("fixed-width", 9, QFont::Bold));
					num = beat + 1;
					y1 = y + 7;
					p.setFont(QFont("fixed-width", 7, QFont::Normal));
					r.setY(y + 3);
				p.drawLine(xp, y1, xp, y + 1 + h);
				p.drawText(r, Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::TextDontClip, s);

	//    draw location marker

	//Christopher here is your color

	if (pos[3] != MAXINT)
		int xp = mapx(pos[3]);
		if (xp >= x && xp < x + w)
			p.drawLine(xp, 0, xp, height());

	if (barLocator)
		p.setPen(QColor(0, 186, 255));
		int xp = mapx(pos[0]);
		if (xp >= x && xp < x + w)
			p.drawLine(xp, 0, xp, height());
		p.setPen(QColor(139, 225, 69));
		xp = mapx(pos[1]);
		if (xp >= x && xp < x + w)
			p.drawLine(xp, 0, xp, height());
		xp = mapx(pos[2]);
		if (xp >= x && xp < x + w)
			p.drawLine(xp, 0, xp, height());
		for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
			int xp = mapx(pos[i]);
			if (xp >= x && xp < x + w)
				QPixmap* pm = markIcon[i];
				p.drawPixmap(xp - pm->width() / 2, y - 1, *pm);