Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: qform.c Proyecto: hcmh/bart
void fit_quadratic_form(float qf[3], unsigned int N, const float phi[N], const float v[N])
	complex float lhs[3] = { 0., 0., 0. };
	complex float mat[3][3] = { { 0. } };

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < N; i++) {

		float x = cosf(phi[i]);
		float y = sinf(phi[i]);

		lhs[0] += x * x * v[i];
		lhs[1] += y * y * v[i];
		lhs[2] += 2. * x * y * v[i];

		mat[0][0] +=      x * x *      x * x;
		mat[0][1] +=      x * x *      y * y;
		mat[0][2] +=      x * x * 2. * x * y;
		mat[1][0] +=      y * y *      x * x;
		mat[1][1] +=      y * y *      y * y;
		mat[1][2] +=      y * y * 2. * x * y;
		mat[2][0] += 2. * x * y *      x * x;
		mat[2][1] += 2. * x * y *      y * y;
		mat[2][2] += 2. * x * y * 2. * x * y;

	complex float inv[3][3];
	complex float out[3];

	mat_inverse(3, inv, mat);
	mat_vecmul(3, 3, out, inv, lhs);

	qf[0] = out[0];
	qf[1] = out[1];
	qf[2] = out[2];
Ejemplo n.º 2
 *    generic matrix inverse code
 *    @param     x,     input nxn matrix
 *    @param     y,     Output inverted nxn matrix
 *    @param     n,     dimension of square matrix
 *    @returns          false = matrix is Singular, true = matrix inversion successful
bool inverse(float x[], float y[], uint16_t dim)
        case 3: return inverse3x3(x,y);
        case 4: return inverse4x4(x,y);
        default: return mat_inverse(x,y,dim);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void icaTransformInverse(double** S, int rows, int cols, int comp, int comp_rm,
                         double** X, double** K, double** W, double** RowData, int startEb,
                         int stopEb) {
    double **A;
    double *Total;
    FILE * OutputFile;
    int i, j;

    A = mat_create(comp, comp);
    Total = malloc(cols * sizeof(double));

    for (j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
        Total[j] = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < rows; i++)
            Total[j] = Total[j] + RowData[i][j];
        Total[j] = Total[j] / rows;

    for (j = startEb; j < stopEb; j++)
        //for (j = 40; j < 90; j++)
        S[j][comp_rm] = 0;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////


    mat_mult(K, cols, comp, W, comp, comp, A); //A[cols, comp]
    mat_inverse(A, comp, W);
    mat_mult(S, rows, comp, W, comp, comp, X);
    //strcat(pPathFile, "_recontruction");

    OutputFile = fopen("/home/truongnh/eeg-lab411/SignalProcessing/RemoveEyeblink/Data/Output.txt",
    for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
            if(j == comp_rm)
                fprintf(OutputFile, "%f\n", X[i][j] + Total[j]);
        //fprintf(OutputFile, "\n");

    for (j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
        for (i = 0; i < rows; i++)
            X[i][j] = X[i][j] + Total[j];

Ejemplo n.º 4
// [RING] Calculate Pseudoinverse
static void calc_pinv(unsigned int Nint, complex float pinv[3][2 * Nint], const complex float A[2 * Nint][3])
	complex float AH[3][2 * Nint];
	mat_transpose(2 * Nint, 3, AH, A);

	// (AH * A)^-1
	complex float dot[3][3];
	mat_mul(3, 2 * Nint, 3, dot, AH, A);

	complex float inv[3][3];
	mat_inverse(3, inv, dot);

	// (AH * A)^-1 * AH
	mat_mul(3, 3, 2 * Nint, pinv, inv, AH);

Ejemplo n.º 5
 * Main FastICA function. Centers and whitens the input
 * matrix, calls the ICA computation function ICA_compute()
 * and computes the output matrixes.
void fastICA(mat X, int rows, int cols, int compc, mat K, mat W, mat A, mat S)
	mat XT, V, TU, D, X1, _A;
	vect scale, d;

	// matrix creation
	XT = mat_create(cols, rows);
	X1 = mat_create(compc, rows);
	V = mat_create(cols, cols);
	D = mat_create(cols, cols);
	TU = mat_create(cols, cols);
	scale = vect_create(cols);
	d = vect_create(cols);

	mat_center(X, rows, cols, scale);


	// X <- t(X); V <- X %*% t(X)/rows 
	mat_transpose(X, rows, cols, XT);
	mat_apply_fx(X, rows, cols, fx_div_c, rows);
	mat_mult(XT, cols, rows, X, rows, cols, V);
	// La.svd(V)
	svdcmp(V, cols, cols, d, D);  // V = s$u, d = s$d, D = s$v

	// D <- diag(c(1/sqrt(d))
	vect_apply_fx(d, cols, fx_inv_sqrt, 0);	
	mat_diag(d, cols, D);

	// K <- D %*% t(U)
	mat_transpose(V, cols, cols, TU);
	mat_mult(D, cols, cols, TU, cols, cols, V); // K = V 

	// X1 <- K %*% X
	mat_mult(V, compc, cols, XT, cols, rows, X1);

	_A = ICA_compute(X1, compc, rows);


	// X <- t(x)
	mat_transpose(XT, cols, rows, X);
	mat_decenter(X, rows, cols, scale);

	// K
	mat_transpose(V, compc, cols, K);

	// w <- a %*% K; S <- w %*% X
	mat_mult(_A, compc, compc, V, compc, cols, D);	
	mat_mult(D, compc, cols, XT, cols, rows, X1);
	// S
	mat_transpose(X1, compc, rows, S);

	// A <- t(w) %*% solve(w * t(w))
	mat_transpose(D, compc, compc, TU);
	mat_mult(D, compc, compc, TU, compc, compc, V);
	mat_inverse(V, compc, D);
	mat_mult(TU, compc, compc, D, compc, compc, V);
	// A
	mat_transpose(V, compc, compc, A);

	// W
	mat_transpose(_A, compc, compc, W);

	// cleanup
	mat_delete(XT, cols, rows);
	mat_delete(X1, compc, rows);
	mat_delete(V, cols, cols);
	mat_delete(D, cols, cols);
	mat_delete(TU,cols, cols);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * Main FastICA function. Centers and whitens the input
 * matrix, calls the ICA computation function ICA_compute()
 * and computes the output matrixes.
void fastICA(mat X, int rows, int cols, int compc, mat K, mat W, mat A, mat S) {
    mat XT, V, TU, D, X1, _A;
    vect scale, d;
    clock_t clock1, clock2;
    float time;
    //char ascii_path[512];
    //strcpy(ascii_path, "/storage/sdcard0/NickGun/EEG/Log.txt");
    //FILE *Log;

    //chu thich voi truong hop 14 kenh, 2s (256mau) du lieu, 14 thanh phan doc lap>>> cols = 14, rows = 256, compc = 14
    // matrix creation
    XT = mat_create(cols, rows); //14x256
    X1 = mat_create(compc, rows); //14x256
    V = mat_create(cols, cols); //14x14
    D = mat_create(cols, cols); //14x14
    TU = mat_create(cols, cols); //14x14
    scale = vect_create(cols); //14
    d = vect_create(cols); //14

    clock1 = clock();
    mat_center(X, rows, cols, scale); //tru di gia tri trung binh cua moi cot

    clock2 = clock();
    time = (clock2 - clock1) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
    //Log = fopen(ascii_path, "wb");
    //fprintf(Log, "CENTERING %f \n", time);

    clock1 = clock();

    // X <- t(X); V <- X %*% t(X)/rows
    mat_transpose(X, rows, cols, XT); //XT la chuyen vi cua ma tran X[256][14] >>> XT[14][256]
    mat_apply_fx(X, rows, cols, fx_div_c, rows); //lay tung gia tri cua X[i][j] chia cho 14
    mat_mult(XT, cols, rows, X, rows, cols, V); //V=XT*X >>>V[14][14]

    // La.svd(V)
    svdcmp(V, cols, cols, d, D); // V = s$u, d = s$d, D = s$v

    // D <- diag(c(1/sqrt(d))
    vect_apply_fx(d, cols, fx_inv_sqrt, 0);
    mat_diag(d, cols, D);

    // K <- D %*% t(U)
    mat_transpose(V, cols, cols, TU);
    mat_mult(D, cols, cols, TU, cols, cols, V); // K = V

    // X1 <- K %*% X
    mat_mult(V, compc, cols, XT, cols, rows, X1);

    clock2 = clock();
    time = (clock2 - clock1) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
    //Log = fopen(ascii_path, "at");
    //fprintf(Log, "WHITENING %f \n", time);

    clock1 = clock();
     * FAST ICA
    _A = ICA_compute(X1, compc, rows);

    clock2 = clock();
    time = (clock2 - clock1) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
    //Log = fopen(ascii_path, "at");
    //fprintf(Log, "FASTICA %f \n", time);

    clock1 = clock();
     * OUTPUT

    // X <- t(x)
    mat_transpose(XT, cols, rows, X);
    mat_decenter(X, rows, cols, scale);

    // K
    mat_transpose(V, compc, cols, K);

    // w <- a %*% K; S <- w %*% X
    mat_mult(_A, compc, compc, V, compc, cols, D);
    mat_mult(D, compc, cols, XT, cols, rows, X1);

    // S
    mat_transpose(X1, compc, rows, S);

    // A <- t(w) %*% solve(w * t(w))
    mat_transpose(D, compc, compc, TU);
    mat_mult(D, compc, compc, TU, compc, compc, V);
    mat_inverse(V, compc, D); //ham nay tinh mat tran ngich dao
    mat_mult(TU, compc, compc, D, compc, compc, V);
    // A
    mat_transpose(V, compc, compc, A);

    // W
    mat_transpose(_A, compc, compc, W);

    // cleanup
    mat_delete(XT, cols, rows);
    mat_delete(X1, compc, rows);
    mat_delete(V, cols, cols);
    mat_delete(D, cols, cols);
    mat_delete(TU, cols, cols);

    clock2 = clock();
    time = (clock2 - clock1) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
    //Log = fopen(ascii_path, "at");
    //fprintf(Log, "OUTPUT %f \n", time);
Ejemplo n.º 7
int run_lm_ellipsoid_fit(const float x[], const float y[], const float z[], float &_fitness, float &_sphere_lambda,
			 unsigned int size, float *offset_x, float *offset_y, float *offset_z,
			 float *sphere_radius, float *diag_x, float *diag_y, float *diag_z, float *offdiag_x, float *offdiag_y, float *offdiag_z)
	//Run Sphere Fit using Levenberg Marquardt LSq Fit
	const float lma_damping = 10.0f;
	float _samples_collected = size;
	float fitness = _fitness;
	float fit1 = 0.0f, fit2 = 0.0f;

	float JTJ[81];
	float JTJ2[81];
	float JTFI[9];
	float residual = 0.0f;
	memset(JTJ, 0, sizeof(JTJ));
	memset(JTJ2, 0, sizeof(JTJ2));
	memset(JTFI, 0, sizeof(JTFI));
	float ellipsoid_jacob[9];

	// Gauss Newton Part common for all kind of extensions including LM
	for (uint16_t k = 0; k < _samples_collected; k++) {

		//Calculate Jacobian
		float A = (*diag_x    * (x[k] - *offset_x)) + (*offdiag_x * (y[k] - *offset_y)) + (*offdiag_y * (z[k] - *offset_z));
		float B = (*offdiag_x * (x[k] - *offset_x)) + (*diag_y    * (y[k] - *offset_y)) + (*offdiag_z * (z[k] - *offset_z));
		float C = (*offdiag_y * (x[k] - *offset_x)) + (*offdiag_z * (y[k] - *offset_y)) + (*diag_z    * (z[k] - *offset_z));
		float length = sqrtf(A * A + B * B + C * C);
		residual = *sphere_radius - length;
		fit1 += residual * residual;
		// 0-2: partial derivative (offset wrt fitness fn) fn operated on sample
		ellipsoid_jacob[0] = 1.0f * (((*diag_x    * A) + (*offdiag_x * B) + (*offdiag_y * C)) / length);
		ellipsoid_jacob[1] = 1.0f * (((*offdiag_x * A) + (*diag_y    * B) + (*offdiag_z * C)) / length);
		ellipsoid_jacob[2] = 1.0f * (((*offdiag_y * A) + (*offdiag_z * B) + (*diag_z    * C)) / length);
		// 3-5: partial derivative (diag offset wrt fitness fn) fn operated on sample
		ellipsoid_jacob[3] = -1.0f * ((x[k] + *offset_x) * A) / length;
		ellipsoid_jacob[4] = -1.0f * ((y[k] + *offset_y) * B) / length;
		ellipsoid_jacob[5] = -1.0f * ((z[k] + *offset_z) * C) / length;
		// 6-8: partial derivative (off-diag offset wrt fitness fn) fn operated on sample
		ellipsoid_jacob[6] = -1.0f * (((y[k] + *offset_y) * A) + ((x[k] + *offset_x) * B)) / length;
		ellipsoid_jacob[7] = -1.0f * (((z[k] + *offset_z) * A) + ((x[k] + *offset_x) * C)) / length;
		ellipsoid_jacob[8] = -1.0f * (((z[k] + *offset_z) * B) + ((y[k] + *offset_y) * C)) / length;

		for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
			// compute JTJ
			for (uint8_t j = 0; j < 9; j++) {
				JTJ[i * 9 + j] += ellipsoid_jacob[i] * ellipsoid_jacob[j];
				JTJ2[i * 9 + j] += ellipsoid_jacob[i] * ellipsoid_jacob[j]; //a backup JTJ for LM

			JTFI[i] += ellipsoid_jacob[i] * residual;

	//refer: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levenberg%E2%80%93Marquardt_algorithm#Choice_of_damping_parameter
	float fit1_params[9] = {*offset_x, *offset_y, *offset_z, *diag_x, *diag_y, *diag_z, *offdiag_x, *offdiag_y, *offdiag_z};
	float fit2_params[9];
	memcpy(fit2_params, fit1_params, sizeof(fit1_params));

	for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
		JTJ[i * 9 + i] += _sphere_lambda;
		JTJ2[i * 9 + i] += _sphere_lambda / lma_damping;

	if (!mat_inverse(JTJ, JTJ, 9)) {
		return -1;

	if (!mat_inverse(JTJ2, JTJ2, 9)) {
		return -1;

	for (uint8_t row = 0; row < 9; row++) {
		for (uint8_t col = 0; col < 9; col++) {
			fit1_params[row] -= JTFI[col] * JTJ[row * 9 + col];
			fit2_params[row] -= JTFI[col] * JTJ2[row * 9 + col];

	//Calculate mean squared residuals
	for (uint16_t k = 0; k < _samples_collected; k++) {
		float A = (fit1_params[3]    * (x[k] - fit1_params[0])) + (fit1_params[6] * (y[k] - fit1_params[1])) + (fit1_params[7] *
				(z[k] - fit1_params[2]));
		float B = (fit1_params[6] * (x[k] - fit1_params[0])) + (fit1_params[4]   * (y[k] - fit1_params[1])) + (fit1_params[8] *
				(z[k] - fit1_params[2]));
		float C = (fit1_params[7] * (x[k] - fit1_params[0])) + (fit1_params[8] * (y[k] - fit1_params[1])) + (fit1_params[5]    *
				(z[k] - fit1_params[2]));
		float length = sqrtf(A * A + B * B + C * C);
		residual = *sphere_radius - length;
		fit1 += residual * residual;

		A = (fit2_params[3]    * (x[k] - fit2_params[0])) + (fit2_params[6] * (y[k] - fit2_params[1])) + (fit2_params[7] *
				(z[k] - fit2_params[2]));
		B = (fit2_params[6] * (x[k] - fit2_params[0])) + (fit2_params[4]   * (y[k] - fit2_params[1])) + (fit2_params[8] *
				(z[k] - fit2_params[2]));
		C = (fit2_params[7] * (x[k] - fit2_params[0])) + (fit2_params[8] * (y[k] - fit2_params[1])) + (fit2_params[5]    *
				(z[k] - fit2_params[2]));
		length = sqrtf(A * A + B * B + C * C);
		residual = *sphere_radius - length;
		fit2 += residual * residual;

	fit1 = sqrtf(fit1) / _samples_collected;
	fit2 = sqrtf(fit2) / _samples_collected;

	if (fit1 > _fitness && fit2 > _fitness) {
		_sphere_lambda *= lma_damping;

	} else if (fit2 < _fitness && fit2 < fit1) {
		_sphere_lambda /= lma_damping;
		memcpy(fit1_params, fit2_params, sizeof(fit1_params));
		fitness = fit2;

	} else if (fit1 < _fitness) {
		fitness = fit1;

	if (PX4_ISFINITE(fitness) && fitness < _fitness) {
		_fitness = fitness;
		*offset_x = fit1_params[0];
		*offset_y = fit1_params[1];
		*offset_z = fit1_params[2];
		*diag_x = fit1_params[3];
		*diag_y = fit1_params[4];
		*diag_z = fit1_params[5];
		*offdiag_x = fit1_params[6];
		*offdiag_y = fit1_params[7];
		*offdiag_z = fit1_params[8];
		return 0;

	} else {
		return -1;