Ejemplo n.º 1
	bool checkAllow(const QString &in) const
		foreach(const QString &exp, config->allowExps)
			if(matchExp(exp, in))
				return true;

		return false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
	bool checkDeny(const QString &in) const
		foreach(const QString &exp, config->denyExps)
			if(matchExp(exp, in))
				return true;

		return false;
Ejemplo n.º 3
// Function: enumerateNames()
int CSourceContentMatcher::enumerateNames(QString const &text, MatchExecFunc func, int &startIndex,
                                        bool& exactMatch)
    exactMatch = false;
    int count = 0;

    // Check if the last word could be a name.
    static QRegExp lastWordExp("[a-z|A-Z|_][a-z|A-Z|0-9|_]*$");
    startIndex = lastWordExp.indexIn(text, 0);

    if (startIndex >= 0)
        QString word = text.mid(startIndex, lastWordExp.matchedLength());
        QRegExp matchExp("^" + QRegExp::escape(word.toLower()) + ".*");

        foreach (QSharedPointer<ApiDefinition const> apiDef, sourceApiDefinitions_)
            // Search for functions that start with the retrieved word.
            for (int i = 0; i < apiDef->getFunctionCount(); ++i)
                QSharedPointer<ApiFunction const> apiFunc = apiDef->getFunction(i);

                if (tryMatchIdentifier(apiFunc->getName(), MCAPI_CONTENT_FUNC, matchExp, func, count))
                    // Check if this was an exact match.
                    if (!exactMatch && apiFunc->getName() == word)
                        exactMatch = true;

            // Search for types that start with the retrieved word.
            foreach (QString const& dataType, apiDef->getDataTypes())
                if (tryMatchIdentifier(dataType, MCAPI_CONTENT_TYPENAME, matchExp, func, count))
                    // Check if this was an exact match.
                    if (!exactMatch && dataType == word)
                        exactMatch = true;